Delusion: A Human Condition

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Lonely

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All the automobiles had stopped on the bridge... according to the driver it would take at least ten minutes for the site to be cleared if it was minor thing like an accident. "Don't worry." Julius assured his sole passenger. "Those guys and gals from Mexico will clear this up just like that... put on your headphones and listen to three songs... and like magic traffic would move."

Tony could only nod his head. He lowered the left and right windows of the cab. On the ride side of the cab a Chinese couple were arguing about something... Tony had made an assumption because of their red clothes and their quite hilarious imitation of a genuine Chinese accent.

"You need to stop reading that stuff... there's no such thing like cultivation." Wang Yao said while massaging her forehead.

"Feel my belly Wang Yao, I too have a dantian... I'm only at the stage of foundation establishment... when I become a nascent stage cultivator you'll know the difference. I'll be a Superman without underwear." Jin Fugui boasted.

Wang Yao face had twisted, there was a terrible expression on her face, she indeed gave Jin Fugui an ultimatum. "Stop with your cultivation crap... I've had enough of it. I'm moving back to Florida." Wang Yao jumps out of the taxi, and she runs away like a heroine of romantic movie but Jin Fugui doesn't chase after her. He pouts, takes a selfie, and after editing it he posts it on Instagram.

Tony leans his head out of the cab, and he just stared at Jin Fugui and wondered just what kind of man he was, " Your wife just ran away... why you're not going after her?" Julius also wanted to ask the same question. "She does this everytime, and I'm tired of being a soft guy like George, I can't chase after her all my adult life. If she wants to be a part of my life, she'll come back like a chronic disease."

"Man, you're horrible." Julius said while wondering just what was wrong with this guy.

"I'm not that horrible, she'll find another man like Berlin who'll charm her pants off, and when their's an interracial bun in her over he too would leave like Rhett, Gone with the Wind." explained Jin Fugui and he cleared the doubts of Julius.

Tony stared at his watch it had already been over ten minutes but everyone was still struck in traffic, cursing Wendy who was a darling to a thousand midgets: who were not fortunate enough to get a growth hormone injections, "Your wife, she was saying something-something about cultivation? Just what in the hell is cultivation?"

"You don't know about cultivation?" Jin Fugui was truly shocked. "Just what age are you living in there are over a hundred billion books about cultivation, here I'll recommend you one its called 'I Shall Seal the Heavens.' after reading you will know everything about cultivation you foolish mongrel, uneducated fool."

"Don't snap at me... I don't even read books. Genius, how would I even know about cultivation?" Tony said it all in a single breath. "I won't ever read a book. I don't want to know anything about cultivation. I'm happy with my mundane life. Thank you very much."

"You need to know about cultivation if you want to survive Apocalypse, Judgement day. Good child let me guide you to the world of Shaolin Fist and the blade that pierces the sky, and if you are talented enough you can even seal the heavens." 

"No thank you." Tony said "I'm happy as a mortal, I only need to worry about the little things. You can leave saving the world to superheroes they are really good at their jobs. It was nice meeting you, but its really the time for me to leave." Tony motioned the driver to start driving, as he had noticed the cars slowly leaving the bridge.

"What were you even talking about with that lunatic?" Julius asked.

"There are certain things in life we must hide deep inside our minds. And that conversation was one of those conversations that I'll take to my grave. Don't worry I'm only trying to crack a joke? Lighten up a little." Tony flashed a smile. "He was talking this and that about cultivation. I was quite lucky if the traffic had not moved I would have to listen about his bias for hours."

"You should have never rolled down that window."

Yeah he could've done that. But the Chinese couple were interesting in their own way and that's what made all the difference for Tony.

Tony needed to buy a new phone. But life without instant messengers, and social media was peaceful, he even noticed a bird doing a 360° split in the sky, an eagle was chasing after a vutlure who was eyeing a swan being pursued by a crow.

"How long you were in this town? How was your stay? Personally I think there's nothing worth seeing in this city but that's my opinon but I'm sure a lot of visitors like machines more than nature." Julius barely avoided a man screaming Satanic verses. The car swerved towards an open diner but soon Julius was able to control his own cab.

"That was it. You know man... the only thing I was thinking during that moment was why didn't I go for a mail order bride? Why did I choose a girl who let me fuck her for a Happy Meal? Am I cheap? Have I made a bad decision?" Julius asked.

Tony concentrated on the road. His face was stern but he too had wondered about a lot of things, the death of his mother and father when he was 10, crop circles in Missouri, a serial killer in the Golden State and his life goal of encountering a wicked supernatural creature. Which during the moment of his sudden demise was of no concern, he had thought about his wife but with sudden clarity he remembered that she had died a year ago choking on her own vomit in a motel room in Staten Island. Tony had no place go back to, he had already sold his property to the realtors for a cheap price. Tony was a wanderer who couldn't even walk alone, he needed a home, he sought companionship, and the only thing he really needed in his life was a break from reality.

"If you want you can get a divorce right now? But do you really want to leave your wife in search of a dream... going by that wide grin on your face I think you would even sell your mother for 50 cents. You've my blessings, go to a divorcee attorney and concot a story about your wife cheating on you with a pizza man, that's the most random and believable story." Tony cleared his throat, and he didn't say a single word after that... the drive was quiet and oozing through the stereo were the lyrics and music of a band that had once sung a one-hit wonder.

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"Have a nice life, Julius." said Tony "If I'm ever in this part of this town I'll call you."

Julius had given his visting card to Tony while the latter was getting out of the cab, and gazing at nothing in particular at the Klaus & Barbie International Airport.

The people waiting for their flights were either reading magazines, or eyeing a willing stranger for a round of flirting but all men even teenager and kids had distanced them from a group of ginger girls who were cosplaying as a chaste woman of 19th century. This kind of outlandish attire, and interesting characters people could rarely find at the Klaus and Barbie International airports. "Am I back in the reign of Queen Victoria?" Tony wondered.

While Tony was gazing at the group of gingers, a man stepped on his shadow...

"No they're just cosplaying... they're just masquerading as heroines created by the romantic icon of 19th century, Jane Austen." Jin Fugui said. "Stop staring at me like that... I'm not a sex criminal neither I am a stalker, I spotted you in the crowd, and I made my way towards you to make your acquaintace and shine in your brillant presence."

"I do not shine blue, like black boys in the moonlight. I don't even glisten in the sun. Stop following me around, go and haunt those ginger girls. Maybe if you insist they'll allow you to touch their corset."

Jin Fugui crossed his arms, just like a professional professor he gazed at the group of ginger girls, and he said aloud... "No wonder... guys are avoiding them... I mean just look at their throats... they all have an Adam's apple. Each one of them is a crossdresser."

"Crossdressers in this country are mile a dozen, what's with their exaggerated reactions they are avoiding them like they are group of bloody terrorists." Tony gestured towards the people who were even avoiding gazing at the crossdressers, and some of the radical ones even had covered the eyes of their children.

"That's a tough crowd, people of this little city are not mentally prepared enough to accommodate the social needs of a five man team of crossdressers." Jin Fugui pulls up a chair, and he motions for Tony to also sit down. But Tony doesn't want to sit here, and just wait for his flight. He treads toward a cafeteria that serve, way too overpriced cup of coffee.

"A $100 for cappuccino, what a new and innovative way to rob good people." Tony still pulls out his wallet and he pays for the coffee.

"$150 dollars for a Tuna sandwich... just take my wallet. Keep it all. This's a hell of service you are running inside this prestigious airport. If I wasn't hungry I wouldn't buy a bottle of water from your cafeteria. Your cafeteria's the perfect example why monopoly always ruins business experience for customers."

Tony ate his sandwich and he commented, "Doesn't even taste good."

"Even rats can make a sandwich better than this shit... what's even in it? Just where's the beef?"

Tony chucked the rest of his sandwich into a dumpster, he drank his cappuccino without great expectations but with the first sip he realized it was authentic cappuccino without sugar, the coffee beans had been grinded with such perfection that he felt he was enjoying his coffee near a cocoa field in Africa... 

"Anyone can make a cup of good coffee... Harumph... it doesn't change a thing... Russell's at the Klaus and Barbie International airport are modern day looters of the civilized world."

It was a good thing that Jin Fugui didn't disturb Tony as the latter was not in a good mood. He had the look of a cold man who didn't think about the consequences. Soon it was time for Tony's flight, after the whole tedious checking your luggage and body procedure he finally saw the plane, it was gigantic mechanical bird and luckily for Tony he had chosen the business class which would separate the best from the poor, and not so special rest.

Through an open glass the world might appear wondrous to love smitten fools but for Mr. Blair seeing the clouds through the tinted glass, the beautiful but trite scenery was not thought provoking... just like the clouds every little and large thing was morose. And rather than its beauty the defining characteristic of the plane was an ugliness that could not be hidden behind a mishmash of paints coated by a genuine interior designer who had a degree in the course of turning a villa into a summer resort. Tony was ignoring the stewardess who was a little chatty for a person that's supposed to be too cordial to the guests of their global flight service. He couldn't even berate that stewardess as anything untoward done towards an employee of the aviation industry would really land him a spot in the No-Flight List. Mr. Jin was in the economic class chumming it out with chumps who are too concerned about paying their taxes rather than giving the needed time to their children, poor bastards---- childrens masquerading as adults, the cloned copies of their dead father and mother forever to toil, and stumble between the bourgeois and proletarian class.

On the other side of the plane Mr. Jin was having a chat on books with a kindred soul, her name was Faith O'Connor. She was a nutritionist but her passion were books. First they had talked about the infulence of Catcher in the rye on readers of the 20th century where earning a piece of bread was more important than reading a book in the civilized world. Intense arguments between the two plane travellers surprised a vigilant stewardess she was keeping an eye on the two. If they started 'causing trouble', they would be on their ass before they can say 'Jesus.'

But their discussions never crossed the boundaries of a pleasant verbal exchange, when the flight reached its intended destination, Faith even gave Mr. Jin her number, her real number.

Mr. Blair was woken up by the chatty steward who even offered him a box of Kleenex to wipe his drool. But Tony rejected her good consideration, he was in no need of help, he himself was a made man in not the business sense but he had fooled his uncle with words and actions, and in his eyes he was a good businessman always going after the profits, but in the eyes of customers Mr. Blair was a responsible and charitable enough to receive reward from the city council. After three hours Mr. Blair found humself in an airport again but this airport was not biased toward crossdressers as Tony could not tell apart a man or a woman. It was like a comic convention, where prejudices were dependent upon the global popularity of the current status quo.

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