Delusion: A Human Condition

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Lil’ Touch

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Lil' Touch

The hailfire of bullets came from the other direction. Four Mexican hombres drove by, and they fired nonstop until the cop's body hit the floor they did just like what Dean said long ago... Tony couldn't even blink, he was too surprised, the gang bangers had come out of nowhere, and their entrance for him was a sign of good fortune. The Mexcian mafisos didn't step out of the car, Mr. Blair was ready to go but his moving leg was grabbed by the corpse, that Blaine cop was still alive, Tony checked his pulse it was still running, the cop's heart was still beating, the fever of sympathy infected his brain, and he carried the cop on his shoulder, and carefully laid him down on the backseat of that classic Chevy. And like a pussycat she purred, and soon Tony was gunning it, and heading straight towards the hospital.

"Jim? What happened to Jim? Don't tell me? I know it was those Mexican boys, hanging round the neighborhood like pests. He busted them a year ago for lynching a gay couple? Jim's an officer of the law it's his duty to protect lovebirds. Son, don't be afraid just tell us everything we'll send them straight to Guantanamo Bay." A wizened old man rubbed his beard, and patted the shoulder of Mr. Blair.

"Indeed it was a group of four Mexicans who shot him until he bled blood, the color of Ketchup. You can check the roof of the patrol car, there's a pinhole camera there, everything's recorded in that camera, the video proof's always better for a district attorney. I've been in and out of detention center all me life, jury won't give a damn about my testimony." Tony said.

The DA hastily bade Tony goodbye, and he ran, faster than a cheetah, just like Flash he was soon near the car, and he really did find a pinhole camera, he found four of them, everything was recorded from the four sides, even God couldn't save those Mexicans in court from being hauled straight to the slammer. DA Thomas went back to the lobby of the hospital but Tony was gone... like a ghost he had just disappeared from the lobby.

"1 hour and twenty minutes left, chop-chop, hurry it up, the next mission isn't going to be this easy, there will be interferences and the target would probably have protection, and although I do want to turn you into a Kung-Fu superstar but sadly the Internet's really bad in your world. A data transfer of human genome takes a whole week, I'm just transferring a Muay Thai Mastery of thirty years and this machine says I have to wait for a week, this earth's really tacky my puppet." the Explorer system said these words aloud and its subtitles were written in the clouds.

"First of all, how did I identify that girl? How did I instinctively knew that she was the one?" Tony asked.

"You've played video games right... its just like that you can't see it but there's a pointer above your every target's head, its yellow in color, and design is like a cross. I have given you the ability every explorer needs a HUD, a mini map to find a Jewel in the Dark. I can turn it on for you Tony, if you want me to do that? Do a chicken dance in front of a cancer girl."

Mr. Blair wondered just who the fuck was on the other side, was it a man sniffing COKE, or was it an alien from other galaxy using Tony like a pawn to achieve his goals, if it was the former, a human can be tracked and killed, but if it was an Alien Tony would go ask help from Mulder, Vyenne Mulder.

"My life's not the fault of Stars I can't find a cancer girl with a snap of my fingers, by the way we humans have already cured cancer they are just withholding the cure for more profits, that's what my uncle says, but he's known to be pretty crazy for a tree-hugger."

"Don't make excuses, if you don't wanna do it then don't do it. You know, the reward's really good, it will really make your next mission's easy, with a mini-map every misson would be like taking a candy from a baby. And you can do anything, first you're a American and second you're not a dad."

"I'll do it... just teleport me to the first cancer girl you can find in a thousand kilometre radius. God why am I doing this? I can't even dance, I don't direct movies, and I haven't even smoked pot accidentally with my friend? How am I going to do the Chicken dance?" Tony bemoaned his fate.

"The show has begun, you're in the hospital."

"Then where's the girl I can't see her, Is she invisible? The fourth daughter of Invisible man?" Tony asked.

"She's sleeping on that bed, wake her up with a melodious whistle."

"I can't whistle... I'll just use Spotify (Premium - Terms and conditions applied.) and turn up the music, its party time."

"Who are you? Why are you in my room? The doctor says I can't meet anyone?" Sibyl said in a barely audible voice.

"I'm an Alien the one they talk about in X-Files."

"Are you gonna take me away from this horrid place?"

"No. But I'll do a better thing. I'll cure your cancer."

"How its impossible to cure cancer?" Sibyl was flabbergasted. "Cancer's has become a thing of the past. Believe me... its really easy for an alien to cure." Tony assured the little girl.

"Just watch me, I'll cure your cancer with a chicken dance." "System help that poor girl, stab her with a cure." "Why are you helping her you're not at all empathetic to other's feelings, I've checked your file?"

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"I'm helping her for a reason, she's one of my uncle's unclaimed bastard, there's a carbuncle on the bottom of her cheek, that proves that she's Uncle Ben's daughter."

"This treatement's gonna cost you lad, you'll have to scream in front of hundred thousand fans that you're the king of the world, while doing the iconic Titanic pose with a referee."

"I'm ready to pay any price. It was because of uncle that I could live such a nice life. I've to pay him back for the generosity he had showing me during my darkest hour!!"

"You mean the day you were rejected by not one but fifteen girls."

"Eh? How did you know about that? Did you scan my memories?"

"I can't answer that question. Pass..."

"This is not an interview... we're having a heart to heart chat."

"Don't be a little bitch, here I'll give you the cure and the reward at the same time. You don't need to do the chicken dance."

Tony didn't feel a thing, he was A-Okay unlike the first time there was no pain, but his world view was still the same. There was a wrapped packet of Jelly, which had appeared mysteriously in Tony's right hand.

"Here eat this... it might taste a little bad but endure it... gulp it down with water it will erase the bitterness from this magic pill."

"Mmm... tastes like jelly... Is this really a medicine? Feels like I have eaten a sour candy, can I have some more." Sibyl was able to mimic a dog's sad face.

"Sorry, girl it was the last one. But don't be too disappointed... from tomorrow you'll be able to buy lots of candies." Tony said in a hopeful tone.

"Your lies are more comforting than the truth, strange guy?"

"I'm a good liar but not better than Saul?"

A nurse enters Sibyl's solo observation room she screamed in terror as Sibyl's body was glowing, there was a strange dark light oozing out of her body. While at the same time Tony noticed a yellow cross above the head of the nurse.

"Do it Tony while she's paralyzed from shock." System pleaded.

Tony picked up a stethoscope on Sibyl's bed. He stepped behind the nurse, and he used the rubber cord of the stethoscope to choke the life out of the paralyzed nurse.

Jennie Garth fought for her dear life, but Mr. Blair hands were too strong, Jennie soon accepted her fate, and her hands had finally gone limp. For insurance after choking her, Tony stabbed her stomach nearly a fifteen times with a scalpel.

Sibyl watched her first real-life murder preview with wide open eyes. Tony moved his right hand's middle finger near his mouth and he did the gesture of 'Shush.'

"Don't rat me out to the FBI, I'm your saviour don't forget to pay your debt." Tony said with a cheshire grin.

Seconds later Mr. Blair vansihed from the room with Ms. Garth's body. After his vanishing act Sibyl actually came to believe that Tony was an alien.

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