Demon of Lust : Asmodeus

Chapter 7: CH 7

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The evening sun has set and the night sky was aglow with bright city lights. It is a broad, long, busy street. There are about twenty homes on either side. Here, you can get fruits, vegetables, sweets, tea, coffee, samosas, cold drinks, textiles shoes, leather purses and bags, tents, crockery, ice-creams, and fruit juices.


There was a great noise on this street. The vendors were crying till late at night for their wares. The people were eating at eateries and small restaurants.




The loud noise of the explosion attracted everyone's attention.


Everyone on the street got scared and started running here and there. There was chaos on the streets.


All those who were away from the blast started asking each other, "That's miss Aaryaa’s mansion, isn't it?"


"I hope she is not hurt; I don't want her beautiful face to be spoiled." Said a man.


She was very famous in her city for being a beauty who was strong and wise. Some girls liked Aaryaa and some were jealous of her.


All the men were in love with Aaryaa, the simple reason for that was her beauty and her hot, sexy, curvy body. Some wanted to marry her while the remaining wanted to get in her pants.


"You disgusting pig, all you care about is her face and body. Have you ever thought if she gets hurt, how much pain she has to endure" A little girl shouted at that man.


"Shut up you crazy bitch." The man shouted while rushing towards that little girl. He grabbed her by the hair and started beating her.


"If you ever argue with me again, I will cut off your tongue."


He dragged that little girl to his house and threw her inside, "Your work is to clean my house and prepare food for me."


He slammed the door shut and left.


Tears welled up in her eyes, she lowered her head and started crying, "mom......I miss you"




As soon as the explosion happened, Aaryaa’s Mansion was completely shaken. All the servants present in the mansion fell to the ground. The ears of all the servants went numb because of the blast.


A small group of knights stationed outside the mansion rushed inside for Aaryaa’s protection.


"Secure the perimeter. keep captives contained within the area the boundary surrounds. Make sure criminals don't get out of this mansion." Shouted their captain.


All the knights followed the instructions given by their captain and started looking for Aaryaa.


The night sky was ablaze with red colour. The acrid smell of charred wood fills the air, choking the lungs of any would-be firefighters. A blanket of smoke covers everything on the top floor of the mansion.


"I found her." Shouted a knight.


Aaryaa was lying unconscious. Her right hand was completely burnt. Had she not made full use of her mana at the last moment and created her ultimate defence, she might have turned into ashes today.


"Call the healer!!" The captain shouted in panic


"Sir I see someone over there; I think he is our main culprit."


“Wait a minute, isn’t he the same boy Aaryaa found near the gutter in an unconscious state. Was it the boy who did this blast? No, it is not possible because this boy was in coma for last one year. For now, saving this boy's life is more important.”


"Take him also to the healer. And yes, keep a close watch on him, make sure he won't try to escape."


The knights carried Aaryaa and Jun to separate room and called healer for their treatment urgently.


The healers started their treatment right away. They all used restoration spell to heal the first degree burn on their body but Aaryaa’s recovery speed was very slow compared to Jun’s. They thought that Jun’s burn wounds were healing because of their spell, but what they didn’t know was that Jun was not human anymore and his body heals itself without need of his permission and with the healers help the process speed increased.


“Sir, we tried our best but miss Aaryaa’s burn wounds are healing at very slow speed and her right hand…” they stopped in mid-sentence.

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“Her right hand what?” the captain asked while shouting


“I am afraid that we don’t have ability to heal it. We tried everything but we couldn’t heal it. what’s surprising is that the boy’s wounds are healing at very fast rate but miss Aaryaa's is taking too long. I would recommend you to call a tier 5 or 6 mage or a holy mage of tier 4.”  


The captain did what the healers recommended. He called holy mage from the church.


The holy mage arrived at the mansion and greeted the captain, “Flint, don’t worry about miss Aaryaa, I’ll heal her completely.”


Flint who is also the captain of that knight squad showed the way to Aaryaa's room to that holy mage.


As soon as flint opened the door to Aaryaa's room, his eyes were wide open due to amazement. He saw Aaryaa was sitting on her bed while looking outside of her window.


“Aaryaa” flint rushed to her and hugged her.


"Do you even know how worried I was?"


"Sorry for worrying you brother" she hugged him back. Flint looked at his sister thoroughly before asking


"Are you okay? Are you in pain? The doctors told me that your body's healing rate was too slow and that your right hand could only be healed by a tier 5-6 mage or by tier 4 or higher holy mage.”


Aaryaa grabbed her brother tightly and looked into his eyes and smiled, "I am fine brother. Look at me, do I look like an injured person?"


“But those healer…...” Before Flint could finish his talk, Aaryaa interrupted him, "that is enough brother, I am fine and look we have guest here you should welcome them properly." She pointed at the holy mage.


“Sorry I called you to heal Aaryaa but looking at her it seems that she really is fine.” He apologized to the holy mage and guided him to the hall so they could talk about other things as well.




Aaryaa was lying on her bed in a wounded condition, her burn wounds were healing very slowly, she was in great pain. Just then, a woman came in from his window and, looking at Aaryaa in pain she said, "Never thought I would ever see you in this condition."


“This is no time to ridicule me. Can't you see I'm in pain." Aaryaa glared at her. She tried to sit but because of her wound she could not even move her body freely.


“Don't move your body, idiot. The fire that burned you was not an ordinary fire but hellfire. It can be only be healed by holy water or strong mage."


The woman approached and sat down near her, "I can heal your wounds, but the pain of hellfire will last for a long time, so whenever you are in a lot of pain, keep pouring holy water on your arm. Apart from this, we don’t have any other cure."


The woman immediately started Aaryaa's treatment. Aaryaa kept writhing in pain for a long time. After some time, she lost her consciousness due to pain.


When she regained consciousness, the woman had already left but she had left a letter next to Aaryaa.


Aaryaa picked up that letter and opened it and read the message written in it.


“I have decided that we will use June for our own purposes. Keep him closer to you as much as you can. Finally, we got a good scapegoat. If he stands up to our expectation, give him the reward he wants, but if he becomes a liability for us, then we will kill him.”


After reading the letter, Aaryaa crumpled it into a ball and threw it in the firebox.




Aaryaa exited her room and asked a female knight stationed outside her room, “By any chance did you all find anyone beside me being injured on the blast site?”


The female knight nodded her head, “Yes, we did. He is in the guest room.”


Aaryaa thanked the knight and proceeded towards the guest room.




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