Demon Wang’s Golden Favorite Fei

Chapter 165: Chapter 165

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Chapter 165 (Part 1) Conspiracy

Before she introduced herself, Feng Qi Qi said those words very seriously. Because he was accustomed to hearing her call him ‘Cang’, after hearing her now say his full name, Feng Cang was a bit surprised. However, from this, he could see Feng Qi Qi’s seriousness.

“I will believe everything you say.”

Feng Cang’s words sounded like a promise, which made Feng Qi Qi smile. The mole between her eyebrows became instantly red like blood.

How fortunate she was to be born again and meet Feng Cang…?

“I’m not someone of your time and I’m also not the real Feng Qi Qi. My name used to be Yi Lian. I came from the twenty-first century.”

Feng Qi Qi’s voice was very gentle. Her soft hand was placed on Feng Cang’s palm. In the spring, the white flowers bloomed in wangfu.1 The sun was already halfway down the hill. The orange glow spread evenly on Feng Cang and Feng Qi Qi. From afar, they looked like a pair of immortals.

Feng Qi Qi began to tell everything, from when she was five years old and taken back to adoptive father’s house. She spoke for a full two hours. After she finished her story, Feng Q Qi discovered that the sky had already become dark. Her body was covered with Feng Cang’s coat.

“You are saying that there is an era with rapid technological development? In another space and time? There, people can go into the sky and can go down the sea? The power of the car is not a horse but gasoline?”

Feng Cang couldn’t imagine how the world Feng Qi Qi talked about was. Those words assembled into a picture in his mind, but no matter how he looked at it, he found it weird.

“That place is too mystical!”

“Haha…,” Feng Qi Qi nestled in Feng Cang’s arms. “If I could, I want to take you to the place where I grew up! I’ve lived there for more than twenty years. I really like it there!”

Feng Qi Qi said that she liked the previous world. This made Feng Cang’s hand tighten. He firmly held Feng Qi Qi. He was afraid that during a moment of carelessness, she would return to the previous world.

Seeing Feng Cang act so carefully, Feng Qi Qi sighed. Could it be that she looked so insecure?!

“Don’t worry, I will always be here and will always stay with you! Besides, at that side, I’m already a dead person. After so long, my body would’ve been sent to the crematorium and is now cremated. How can I go back?!”

Hearing Feng Qi Qi say that, Feng Cang frowned. On his devilish beautiful face appeared a strange emotion, “So, I should thank Lian Sheng. If it wasn’t because of him, you wouldn’t have come here and even more, it would be impossible for you to meet me?”

“You can say that.” Feng Qi Qi nodded. Her mouth revealed a mocking mood. Indeed, if it wasn’t because she’d died from Lian Sheng’s gun, then how would she have had the opportunity to time-travel and continue to live with the identity of Feng Qi Qi? How would she had fallen in love with Feng Cang, let alone be married to him?

“If Misha really is Lian Sheng, then he really is like the soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed.

The soul of a deceased has not yet to be dispersed: too pestering

Feng Qi Qi’s words revealed a deep hatred and disgust for Lian Sheng.

Although, when she’d been describing Lian Sheng, Feng Qi Qi had only used a few words, but from Feng Qi Qi’s voice, Feng Cang could hear the deep hatred she had for Lian Sheng. Especially, when at the end, she’d mentioned how adoptive father had died at Lian Sheng’s hands. Feng Qi Qi’s body even shivered a bit.

Feng Cang could understand Feng Qi Qi’s mood. Just like that year when he’d thought that Feng Xie and Wanyan Ming Yue had died at Yandang mountain. At that time, his mood was also like this. He couldn’t wait to find the enemy and pay him back with a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood.

“Qing Qing, what kind of characteristics does Lian Sheng have?”

Feng Cang gently stroked Feng Qi Qi’s back. A warm current released from his hand and spread along Feng Qi Qi’s back. A moment later, Feng Qi Qi’s back became warm.

“He’s very extreme. When he was warm, he was a gentleman. When he was crazy and irritable, he was a demon. His good and evil were only a hair’s breadth apart. He was someone very extreme. As for his characteristics…,” Feng Qi Qi thought for a long while. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, “He likes to tap the table. Especially when he was in deep thought.”

Feng Qi Qi flattened Feng Cang’s palm. Her fingertips made ‘da, da’ sounds on his palm.

“Like this! Every time, when he made a decision, he liked to do this!”

Feng Cang secretly remembered these characteristics of Lian Sheng that Feng Qi Qi mentioned.

It seemed that he needed to let people monitor Misha. If Misha really had this habit, maybe he really was Lian Sheng. Since Lian Sheng owed Feng Qi Qi two lives, he would let Misha pay a debt of blood with blood.

After she revealed her true identity, Feng Qi Qi had a relaxed feeling. She had come to this world for so long, yet she hadn’t told anyone about her past. She hadn’t revealed even a word to her personal maids, Su Mei and Su Yue.

Today, Feng Qi Qi was very happy after telling Feng Cang everything. Because the feeling of sharing with others was so good. Particularly, after Feng Cang heard those words, he didn’t think that she was saying nonsense and chose to believe her. This made Feng Qi Qi feel that she had an ‘intimate friend’. After all, that identity was the biggest secret to Feng Qi Qi. It felt very good, sharing her secrets with Feng Cang!

“Qing Qing, if Misha is really Lian Sheng, then Lian Sheng has certainly come for you. Like you said, the contents of the seven-floor pagoda were the training you’ve once done. Then, the one who made the tests of the seven-floor pagoda definitely must be linked in countless ways with Lian Sheng. I think, whether Misha is Lian Sheng or not, we should…,” Feng Cang made a gesture of a cutting knife.

Feng Cang didn’t elaborate, but Feng Cang’s intuition told him that this person’s desire for ‘Yi Lian’ could only be described as crazy. If Misha was really Lian Sheng, then wouldn’t he be looking everywhere for Feng Qi Qi? In the past life, he’d killed her because he couldn’t get her. Could it be that Lian Sheng still wanted to get her in this life?

No! I will never allow such a thing to happen! No matter if she’s Yi Lian or Feng Qi Qi, she is his wife. He would not let go and wouldn’t let anyone have the opportunity to exploit!

Knowing Feng Cang for so long, Feng Qi Qi was used to seeing him be as tender and soft as water, as light as the wind and as calm as the clouds. She had never seen him like this. That pair of flirtatious eyes was filled with a thick layer of haze. His voice was also lower than usual.

“Cang means that it’s preferable to kill thousands wrongly than to let one go?” Feng Qi Qi raised her hand and raised Feng Cang’s chin. “Tsk, tsk, I was used to seeing your gentle side. I forgot that you have the nickname demon wang…”2

“Could it be that Qing Qing wants to experience it?” Feng Cang smiled enchantingly. He instantly put away the violence of his body. His eyes were full of love. He reached out, held Feng Qi Qi’s hand and kissed her fingertips.

“Haha…,” the feeling coming from her fingers made Feng Qi Qi laugh. “Cang, don’t play anymore. So itchy!”

“Qing Qing…,” Feng Cang lowered his head and bit Feng Qi Qi’s earlobe. “I will protect you like how a knight will always protect his princess and wouldn’t let anyone get close!”

Warm air lingered on Feng Qi Qi’s ear. Hearing the thick jealousy from Feng Cang’s words, Feng Cang laughed and held his strong waist, “Good, ah! My mighty knight!”

In just a night, more than a group of people appeared at the house where Misha lived. Some were Feng Cang’s and some were Feng Qi Qi’s. Fo Sheng Men’s and Moyu’s top masters were here and hid in the marketplace. There was only one goal for everyone and that was Misha.

After arriving at Yan capital, Misha had been staying in the house and didn’t go out. Because his legs were disabled, he didn’t like to go on the streets. He didn’t like the strange looks on other people’s faces whenever they look at his legs. Although he had a deceptive face, but it was a fact that he was crippled.

“Xia Xue, you still haven’t found out about Su Mei?” Misha was somewhat impatient. The weather was getting warmer, but his matter had been progressing so slowly. So many days had passed; why hadn’t Xia Xue get the data about Su Mei yet?

“Young master, no.”

‘Pa…’ The whip in Misha’s hand hit Xia Xue’s legs fiercely, “Kneel!”

The coldness on the beautiful face in front of her made Xia Xue startled. She quickly knelt in front of Misha, “Young master, it’s Xia Xue’s fault. Young master, don’t get angry! Su Mei is princess Zhen Guo’s personal maid. Feng Qi Qi is either in the palace or at the wangfu. I didn’t have the chance to get close to Su Mei…”

‘Pa…’ Xia Xue didn’t finish speaking. Her face felt pain. The right side of her face immediately became swollen.

“Young master, Xia Xue didn’t lie. This subordinate really couldn’t find information about Su Mei. This subordinate has already tried her best…”


Didn’t wait for Xia Xue to say more, Misha’s whip let her face get one more whip mark. In the end, Xia Xue could only shut up. Although her expression was still cold, but her eyes obviously had a thick layer of grievance. She didn’t know why Misha would treat her like this.

Xia Xue’s expression made Misha get in an even more bad mood. After hooking the whip, he brought Xia Xue in front of him.

“Xia Xue, are you very dissatisfied? You’re thinking that this young master beat you wrongly?”

Misha’s voice was cool like mint, but the way he looked at Xia Xue didn’t have the calmness of usual. This kind of alienation, indifference and the cold on her back made Xia Xue feel scared.

Xia Xue didn’t want Misha to lose the trust in her and didn’t want him to alienate himself from her. She didn’t want that! “Young master, Xia Xue doesn’t feel wronged! Young master beat Xia Xue rightly!”

“Then say, what did you hide from me?”

“I…,” Xia Xue was surprised for a moment. Her chest tightened. She no longer spoke.

Seeing her like this, Misha snorted. “Xia Xue, I’ve said that I hate people lying to me the most. Why didn’t you tell me that Su Mei is about to marry Bei Zhou’s Xiaoyao wang? What more are you hiding from me?”

“Young master?!”

Xia Xue never thought that Misha actually found out about Su Mei’s wedding. Who told him? Could it be sir Jia Lan? No, ah. How did sir Jia Lan know Su Mei? It couldn’t be Jia Lan who’d told him…

“Don’t think anymore…,” Misha suddenly disliked the woman in front of him a bit. She obviously knew his personality and still acted like this. Could it be that she did it on purpose?

Seeing that Misha suspected her loyalty, Xia Xue immediately kowtowed and shouted injustice, “Young master, Xia Xue didn’t betray you! Please, you have to believe in my loyalty!”

“Loyalty? Would someone loyal do such a thing? If it wasn’t because I took a walk in the yard today and heard people from the outside talk about Xiaoyao wang’s marriage, I wouldn’t know even if Su Mei had already married!”

The last words were roared by Misha.

After thinking that Su Mei might be Yi Lian and what Xia Xue had done could have made him lose Yi Lian forever, Misha’s whip mercilessly fell on Xia Xue’s body.

‘Pa…pa, pa….’

Xia Xue was also made from flesh and blood. Misha was originally someone who practiced martial arts. The strength in his hand was great. Now, this whip hit her hard. It was so painful that Xia Xue frowned, but she didn’t dare to make a sound.

Because Su Mei’s wedding was originally her (XX) fault. If she finds a reason to justify herself, she would definitely lose Misha’s trust. Perhaps, Misha would send her away. No! She didn’t want to leave young master! The most important person in her life was Misha. If she left Misha, what should she do? Xia Xue didn’t dare to think about it.

Only when Misha was tired from hitting did he throw the whip on the ground.

“Xia Xue, leave! I don’t want you anymore!” Misha turned the wheelchair. His back faced Xia Xue. He didn’t look at Xia Xue who was full of black and blue wounds. His voice also didn’t have a trace of warmness. Betraying once would lead to betraying every time. He didn’t need such a disloyal slave at his side!

Such words coming from Misha made the tears immediately fall out from Xia Xue. Just now, no matter how Misha punished her, Xia Xue didn’t make a sound. She gritted her teeth as if the pain wasn’t coming from her body, as if the one who had been beaten wasn’t her. Now, a ‘I don’t want you’ from Misha made all the emotion come up in Xia Xue’s heart.

“Young master, don’t send Xia Xue away!” Xia Xue knelt in front of Misha. Salty tears mixed with the whip marks on her face, making her twitch from pain. However, Xia Xue didn’t had the mind to care about these now. She cared the most about Misha. If Misha didn’t want her anymore, then where could she go?!

“Young master, I was wrong! I shouldn’t have kept Su Mei’s matter a secret. It was my fault! Young master, don’t send me away! I will never do this again!”

Xie Xue’s appearance was extremely pitiful. She kept kowtowing and wanted to warm Misha’s cold heart. She would rather Misha whip her than to lose Misha.

“Young master, give me one more chance! Young master, Xia Xue served you for so many years. Even if you don’t do it for the monk, do it for Buddha. Spare me this time! Everything is my fault. Young master, don’t be angry! Please, give me one more chance. I beg you!”

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Don’t do it for the monk, do it for Buddha: out of consideration

The tears and the blood on her face merged together. At this time, Xia Xue’s original features couldn’t be seen on her originally pretty face. ‘Bang, bang’, sounds of the kowtow spread to Misha’s ears, but he wasn’t the slightest bit affected. Xia Xue was his closest person. She took care of his daily matters like food and clothing. If even Xia Xue hid things from him, lie to him, then, where would there be any sense of security?

“Young master, you can hit and scold me, but don’t make me leave! If I leave, who will take care of young master?! Young master, it was my fault. Everything was my fault! I made you angry. I know I am wrong. I truly know I am wrong!”

At this moment, Xia Xue was very regretful. She had long known Yi Lian’s existence was unmatched to anyone in Misha’s heart, but she still had the wishful thinking that she could surpass the existence of Yi Lian and live in Misha’s heart. So, that was why she kept Su Mei’s wedding a secret because she didn’t want Misha to find Yi Lian.

Now, after seeing Misha’s expression, Xia Xue finally understood, no one could replace Yi Lian’s existence in Misha’s heart. No matter how many things she did, Misha wouldn’t turn around and give her a glance. He wouldn’t give her the slightest pity. However, however, she still loved such a him, ah!

Misha’s dark eyes coldly looked at the teary and bloodstained face of Xia Xue. His expression wasn’t the slightest bit moved. How could he not know those thoughts of her? In the past life, there were also many women who threw themselves at him, but he only felt disdain and contempt towards them.

If he wanted women, he only needed to flick his finger. At any time, there would be someone who would give her life to him. However, he didn’t like those people. If there was no love, how could he do it…He only loved Yi Lian. He liked that noble and unsullied fairylike lotus that sometimes would be charming like a Japanese rose woman. Compared to Yi Lian, these women were rubbish. When they see a man, they would throw themselves on him. Really extremely cheap!

伊莲(yī lián): Lian means lotus

1. Wangfu: residence of the prince of first rank

2. Wang/wangye: prince of first rank

Chapter 165 (Part 2) Conspiracy

No wonder that ever since he came to Bei Zhou, the progress had been so slow. It turned out that Xia Xue had played tricks. What, there was not enough people? What, Moyu and Fo Sheng Men didn’t want to give them information? These were only Xia Xue’s one-sided statements!

If Su Mei was Yi Lian, then Xia Xue keeping the wedding a secret was a death penalty. Even if Su Mei wasn’t Yi Lian, such a disloyal person couldn’t be allowed to have a laissez-faire attitude, lest she be secretly proud of herself and think that he was someone who could easily be lied to.

Although Misha was very angry and really wanted to kill Xia Xue, but he couldn’t. After all, it had been Xia Xue who took care of him for so many years. Moreover, the rivers of the mountain were remote. Here was far from Penglai Island. He couldn’t find any easy-to-use person in a short while. So, she still had a little bit of value.

“Give me the whip!” Misha reached his hand out. The moment Xia Xue saw that, joy appeared in her eyes. Young master talked to her. Did this mean that he had forgiven her? Thinking till here, Xia Xue quickly picked up the whip from the ground. She held it with both hands and carefully handed Misha it as though she was a lowly slave waiting for the master’s decision.

Misha didn’t speak. He held the whip by the thong and raised Xia Xue’s scarred face with the handle.

“What a pity to this face…”

Misha’s gaze was impossible to unravel as if he was looking at a prey, alarming Xia Xue’s heart and making her tremble in fear. She was afraid. Although Xia Xue was scared, she didn’t dare to have any complaints. She knew that she must grab the chance Misha had given her, otherwise she would be driven away. She didn’t want to leave Misha. She could only let Misha look at her face.

After looking for a long while, Misha leaned on the wheelchair. He threw the whip on the ground. His finger gently tapped the handle of the wheelchair. “Xia Xue, since you say that you’re loyal to me, then do one thing for me now to prove your loyalty!”

Xia Xue didn’t know why, but after hearing this, she involuntarily shuddered. Why did she have the feeling that she had been calculated by Misha?

“What, you don’t want to?” Xia Xue’s silence made Misha chuckle. His smile was like sunshine and clean and beautiful like the winter snow covered with golden sunlight, making Xia Xue fall into a trance.

“Since you don’t want to, then leave! As Penglai Island’s traitor, you already don’t have the qualification to return to Penglai Island.”

Xia Xue finally understood why she had lost to this man. He’d sealed all her retreats, making it so that she could never return to the hometown where she had grown up. He also gave her the title of ‘traitor’, forcing her to do what he wanted.

This man had always acted so ruthlessly. Even though she’d painstakingly served him for six years, carefully cared for him and had always been loyal to him, but when he turned his face against her, he showed no mercy.

And she…she fell for his mercilessness. What could she do?! Why couldn’t he share a little bit of his love for Yi Lian with her? Even a tiny bit, she would be satisfied. Why did he had to be so cruel with her?! She obviously loves him so much, ah!

In front of him, she had always been with no integrity like this. Loving him, she had been petty and low like dust.

“I’m willing to do anything for young master.” Xia Xue wiped away the tears from her face and looked at Misha. Even if she had no integrity, she felt sweet as syrup. She could only stay with him if she had value. If one day he no longer used her, Xia Xue would feel sorrowful because he wouldn’t let rubbish stay around him. By then, she would lose Misha forever.

Sweet as syrup: endure hardship gladly

“Come here!” Misha gestured with his finger. Xia Xue still knelt, crawled two steps forward and came to Misha. Misha’s sentences were very short. They were only a few words. He specially added one sentence, “Remember, this is your last chance, yo!”

After hearing Misha, Xia Xue opened her mouth in surprise. Her eyes were full of disbelief and panic. However, once she faced that pure smile on Misha’s innocent face, Xia Xue only hesitated for a moment. She gritted her teeth and nodded, “Xia Xue would definitely do as young master ordered!”

“Good!” The corner of Misha’s mouth raised. His smile was pure and holy like an anger, making Xia Xue dazzled. Her whole heart also fell deeper because of this smile…

“Go wash yourselves and apply medicine. The most important thing for a girl is her appearance. Don’t let me destroy it. Then, I will be extremely sinful.”

Misha’s words were like magic, making Xia Xue willingly do anything for him.

After coming out of the room, she hadn’t walk two steps when Xia Xue saw Jin Yu.

“Xia Xue, what’s the matter?” Jin Yu was shocked after he saw Xia Xue’s appearance. Just now, he’d passed by and heard the sound of Xia Xue crying. That was why Jin Yu stopped. Now, after seeing Xia Xue’s face covered with the marks of a whip, he quickly approached to show his concern.

“I’m fine….,” Xia Xue blocked her face and dodged Jin Yu’s eyes, but her hand was grabbed by Jin Yu. “Did he beat you?! Why did he beat you? I will go reason with him!”

Jin Yu grew up with Xia Xue. The two had a good relationship. Plus, the fact that the relation between Jia Lan and Misha was not bad, so, their two subordinates were also very close. Jin Yu regarded Xia Xue as his little sister. Now, seeing that Xia Xue was beaten like this by Misha, Jin Yu was very angry. He wished he could kick Misha’s door and ask him why he did it.

“Jin Yu, no!” Seeing Jin Yu like this, Xia Xue struggled to get herself free. “Jin Yu, I did something wrong. That was why young master punished me. I’m fine. Don’t worry for me!”

“Even if you did something wrong, he shouldn’t have hit you. You’re a girl, ah!” Aside from being angry, Jin Yu had no way to deal with Xia Xue’s plea. It seemed that he should tell sir Jia Lan and let him persuade sir Misha!

It was getting closer and closer to Su Mei’s wedding. Feng Qi Qi had long prepared the wedding dress and jewelleries for her. Xiaoyao wangfu1 was also almost done preparing. The happy matter was approaching, but the worry didn’t reduce from the groom, Wanyan Kang’s face. Because, ever since the time he’d wanted to leave the capital, Feng Qi Qi didn’t let him see Su Mei again.

Feng Qi Qi was angry over his words. Wanyan Kang could understand that. The only thing he didn’t understand was, could it be that Su Mei didn’t miss him even a little bit? Why was it that every time, he made trouble at Tingsong building, Su Mei didn’t come out to see him? Could it be that he wasn’t that important in Su Mei’s heart or was it that Su Mei put the words of that day in her heart and was still angry at him?

Su Mei’s attitude made Wanyan Kang feel like that there was a little monkey jumping in his heart, making his heart very chaotic.

After being messed with by Feng Qi Qi, he understood the questions that had been tangling him these past few days. What about Wanyan Lie? What about the grudges of his father? Those were fleeting. The most crucial thing was marrying his wife and holding her in his arms. That kind of feeling of unable to reach a fruit that hung on a branch was really uncomfortable.

The new emperor ascended the throne and since Wanyan Jie was still a child, Feng Cang put his mind more on the court. Feng Qi Qi said that Feng Cang’s body wasn’t well and to let Wanyan Kang, this Xiaoyao wang2 help him more, forcing Wanyan Kang to go to the morning court everyday and let him begin to care about the affairs of the state.

When he was a prince, Wanyan Kang had always stayed out of things and had an attitude of not caring about the state. However, when he really took over, he was serious as he had never been before. From Wanyan Kang’s point of view, he should let his father’s merits flourish and he should correct the shortcomings of his father.

Although in the past, he didn’t put his heart on the court and this time, he was also forced by Feng Qi Qi to begin to care about the government, but one had to say, in the blood of Wanyan family, there was a natural acumen of authority. Even Feng Cang couldn’t praise Wanyan Kang’s performance enough.

Wanyan Kang’s performance let Feng Qi Qi be slightly more assured. Before, she was worried that a setback (Wanyan Lie’s matter) would lead Wanyan Kang to collapse totally. She didn’t expect that Wanyan Kang’s self-healing ability was so strong.

In the end, this Bei Zhou would be given to Wanyan family. She and Feng Cang didn’t have any ambition to be emperor. Feng Cang had never thought about restoring former Qin and unify the mountains and rivers. Now, he slowly handed the affairs of the court over to Wanyan Kang. It could also be regarded as preparing for their departure in advance.

Unify the mountains and rivers: unify all the countries

Wanyan Kang was at a loss about Su Mei’s matter. Inside Tingsong building, Su Mei and Su Yue looked with a very serious face at the two masters who were opposite them.

“Based on the observation of Xia Xue these few days, Xia Xue and Misha are secretly planning something that’s presumably related to Su Mei’s wedding,” Nalan Xin reported the results of the investigation to Feng Cang and Feng Qi Qi.

After hearing this, Feng Qi Qi and Feng Cang exchanged a glance. Both understood the meaning of each other. It seemed that Misha had a very big chance of being the pestering Lian Sheng.

Feng Qi Qi didn’t tell Su Mei and Su Yue about her experience of the previous life in detail. She only said that Misha was searching for the female contestants who’d participated in the tournament of the four countries. Murong Qing Lian had been killed. Bai Yi Yue was attacked. The next ones would be Su Mei and her. Although she didn’t know what the motive of this person was, but Misha must die.

Su Mei and Su Yue didn’t doubt their miss’s words. They had always believed Feng Qi Qi’s words without any reason. This was a trust that came from the bottom of their hearts. Even if she didn’t say the reason, but miss’s words were the imperial edicts. This was a deep-rooted thought of Su Mei, Su Yue and the people of Moyu.

“Miss, since Misha has ideas about the wedding, why don’t we beat him at his own game?! Although Penglai Island’s people are powerful, but after all, here is Bei Zhou. We have more people, a wide intelligence group and a huge network. Could it be that we should be afraid of a very small Misha?!”

When met with an enemy, Su Mei had always been courageous and daring. Not to mention that the other party wanted to disrupt her wedding. How could she not be angry? She didn’t know Misha or Shami? If someone really wanted to disrupt her wedding, if one came, she would kill one. If two came, she would kill a pair.

Su Mei’s words let the atmosphere relax a bit.

Although Feng Cang and Feng Qi Qi didn’t explain Misha’s reasons in detail, but from the monitoring of these past few days, whether it was Fo Sheng Men’s or Moyu’s people, they all could feel the importance their two masters had put on this Misha and also their dislike towards him. The hatred especially coming from Feng Cang was more intense.

To them, killing was nothing more than a piece of cake. Wouldn’t it be best to find an opportunity and get rid of Misha?!

However, this proposal was rejected by Feng Qi Qi. If it wasn’t determined that Misha was Lian Sheng, she wouldn’t wilfully slaughter the innocent. If Misha really was Lian Sheng, then it wouldn’t be so easy to kill him.

After all, Feng Qi Qi knew the ability of Lian Sheng very well. Even if his legs were disabled, he couldn’t be underestimated. Moreover, there was still Jia Lan at Misha’s side. That time, at the finals of the tournament, Feng Qi Qi tested Jia Lan. That person was an expert of the experts. He wasn’t easy to deal with. Penglai Island wasn’t undeserved of its reputation!

Feng Qi Qi’s only requirement was to not kill the innocent and neither let their people be lost (die). It would be the best if they could lead Misha to a place and kill him with one shot.

Although Su Mei had high martial arts, but Lian Sheng was full of craft and cunning. With her straightforward personality, she wouldn’t be able to subdue Misha. If something happens to Su Mei, then wouldn’t they have wronged Wanyan Kang? So, Su Mei absolutely couldn’t participate in this matter.

“Su Mei, you would suffer a bit of injustice this time! I fear that your wedding wouldn’t go smoothly! You may not be able to sit on this sedan chair!” Feng Qi Qi’s words already decided that Su Mei would be excluded from this ‘lure into a trap’ action.

Presumably, because she’d heard from Feng Qi Qi’s words that she had been excluded, Su Mei immediately got anxious, “Miss, let me go! Don’t worry, I will take care of myself. Nothing will happen!”

“No!” Feng Cang’s opinion was the same as Feng Qi Qi’s on this matter.

Although, Su Mei was Feng Qi Qi’s subordinate, but she was Wanyan Kang’s fiancée. They didn’t know what this Misha would do. They couldn’t let Su Mei take any risks. Even if it was one percent, they couldn’t. After all, Wanyan Kang was his good friend and brother. He couldn’t let Su Mei take any risks with herself.

“But, I’m the most suitable candidate, ah!”

“No, you’re not…,” Feng Cang smiled and got up. He took Su Mei’s wedding dress and draped it around himself. The red wedding dress made the snow white of Feng Cang stand out. It made red cloud reflect on his white as porcelain face. “Only I can go do this thing…”

Feng Cang had long wanted to see Misha and his hand had also been itching greatly. He wanted to personally cut off Misha’s head. From the beginning of the preparation, Feng Cang had already made the decision. He must personally finish Misha! He would absolutely not forgive that person who hurt Feng Qi Qi!

“Cang…,” How could Feng Qi Qi not know Feng Cang’s mood? These past few nights, Feng Cang would hold her tightly as if he was afraid that she would be gone with the wind. Misha had already become a thorn in Feng Cang’s heart. It would be unpleasant if he didn’t get rid of it. From his look, he must have thought about it for a long time.

“Qing Qing, what is the result of me playing the beautiful bride?”

Feng Cang had always loved white. People knew that this man could make wearing white appear like a man and a demon at the same time. They didn’t expect that when he wore red, he became an authentic devil.

1. Wangfu: residence of the prince of first rank

2. Wang/wangye: prince of first rank

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