Demon Wang’s Golden Favorite Fei

Chapter 166: Chapter 166

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Chapter 166 (part 1) Burning flames

“Beautiful, very beautiful…,” Feng Qi Qi looked smilingly at the man in front of her. A devil dressed in red seemed like snow who was tainted in red. The red wrapped around him. Really…a devil who was so beautiful that he would damage a country and cause the suffering to people!

“Then, it’s decided!”

Feng Cang beat time with clappers, so, Feng Qi Qi basically had no time to object.

After the people left, Feng Cang folded the red dress and put it to a side. He came over to hold Feng Qi Qi but discovered that she had a look of concern. Feng Cang smilingly kissed her forehead, “Is Qing Qing worried about me?”

“Cang, Lian Sheng is not easy to deal with…I’m afraid…”

“Is Qing Qing so not confident in me?” Feng Cang held Feng Qi Qi and let her sit on his lap. He pushed the hair on her forehead and revealed Feng Qi Qi’s red mole.

“I just don’t want anything bad to happen. I only have you…”

Feng Qi Qi pasted herself very close to Feng Cang and listened to his heartbeat. Feng Cang’s eyes were firm. She couldn’t stop this matter. If it wasn’t because she was pregnant now, she would personally go and end the grudge between her and Lian Sheng.

“Believe me!”

Feng Cang’s fingers were slender and smooth as jade. At this time, his fingers went gently through Feng Qi Qi’s black hair. The warmth from his hand gradually made Feng Qi Qi set her mind at ease.

“I believe in you! However, that day, I have to be hiding at a close place.” Although Feng Qi Qi said she believed in Feng Cang, but she couldn’t go bet with the person she loved. “I understand Lian Sheng more. If Lian Sheng has any abnormalities, I can warn you in advance. After all, in this world, I’m the person who knows him the best.”

Knowing that Feng Qi Qi was as stubborn as him, the thing she decided won’t change, Feng Cang could only nod and agree, “You should also be careful.”

Feng Qi Qi was a bit surprised that Feng Cang didn’t object. She looked at him and saw that the gentleness was up to the bottom of his eyes. Feng Qi Qi was even more moved. This man truly pampered her to the heavens! That she was going, presumably he would make more preparations!

After being whipped, Xia Xue suddenly became very busy. So busy, that she didn’t even had the time to greet Jin Yu when she passed him. Seeing Xia Xue like this, Jin Yu felt stuffy. Taking advantage that Jia Lan was in a good mood, Jin Yu took the initiative to talk with him about Misha and Xia Xue.

After the last conflict with Misha, there were very few times where Jia Lan and Misha met. It was more that Misha didn’t want to see him. Even if the two lived under the same roof, Misha didn’t want to meet Jia Lan. Usually, he would stay in his room. Misha would take a stroll in the yard only when Jia Lan went out.

That the two originally good friends became like this was something that Jin Yu didn’t want to see. However, he was only a slave and this problem couldn’t be solved with a few words. So, he could only be anxious from watching, but he was powerless.

Now, Xia Xue’s matter was an opportunity. So, Jin Yu told Jia Lan about the day that Xia Xue suffered a whipping and that she was in a hurry and very strange recently. After hearing Jin Yu, Jia Lan was very surprised, “Xia Xue was doing something in secret?”

“Master, do you think I should follow Xia Xue? I’m worried that something will happen to her…”

“Don’t.” Since Jia Lan and Misha had a dispute, he felt vert regrettable and wanted to reconcile with Misha. However, Misha didn’t give him the opportunity. He (MS) had been avoiding him (JL), making it very difficult for Jia Lan. If Jin Yu followed Xia Xue and was discovered, Misha certainly would misunderstand him again. The knot between them may never be solved then.

“If Xia Xue didn’t ask for your help, then, don’t follow her. Xia Xue’s martial arts are equal to yours. If you follow her, you will certainly be discovered. By then, it wouldn’t be good if Misha misunderstood.”

“Yes! This subordinate understands!”

At the other side, Xia Xue returned to Misha’s side. Misha had his back to her. He looked at the bird on the branch outside the window. After a while did he turn and asked Xia Xue, “Everything is ready?”

“Young master, everything is prepared. We only need to wait for the bridal sedan chair to depart from the regent’s residence.”

“Good! Hehe…,” Misha held a blooming peach blossom. He put the flower under his nose, sniffed and revealed a strange expression.

“Young master, if Su Mei isn’t miss Yi Lian, then…”

Xia Xue’s words smashed Misha’s beautiful fantasy into pieces. His right thumb and index finger kneaded the petals and rubbed the petals into pieces. The pieces fell on the ground.

“If she isn’t, then find me the real one. Otherwise, offer your apology with death!”

After hearing Misha, Xia Xue wished she could give herself a slap. How come she had forgotten that young master hated the most when others destroy his beautiful dream. At such an important moment, she actually said things that spoiled everything. Wasn’t this looking for her own death?!

“Get out!” Sensing Xia Xue’s guilt, Misha roared. Xia Xue could only bow and retreat.

After Xia Xue left, Misha was like a deflated ball and went limp in the wheelchair. How could he not know that Xia Xue spoke the truth?! It was just, he didn’t like the feeling of a beautiful dream being broken. Although, he had gone through many defeats and his heart had long become strong, but the feeling of falling from a high mountain into darkness was still so uncomfortable that it made it difficult for people to breathe.

Yi Lian, where are you? Don’t play hide and seek anymore, alright? I beg you…

One, because of his beloved wife wanted to kill Misha. The other, because of love tried very hard to find Yi Lian. It was just, what Misha and Feng Cang didn’t know was that even if everything was prepared, but there was a rule in this world that say, “Planning is with man, accomplishing is with heaven.”

Planning is with man, accomplishing is with heaven: Man proposes but God disposes.

Wanyan Jie ascended the throne. Even if he was just a six-year-old child, but with Feng Cang and Wanyan Kang’s support, no turmoil occurred in Bei Zhou. Those officials didn’t dare to bully Wanyan Jie because he was young. After all, in the palace, there was the empress dowager. At court, there was regent Feng Cang and Xiaoyao wang1 Wanyan Kang. All of them together was something they couldn’t shake.

After getting to know Feng Cang’s other identity…Long Ao Tian, Dongfang Lan was shocked for a long time. Long was the former Qin’s national surname. Feng Cang’s appearance made her unable not to match his face with an old friend’s and guess the relation between them.

However, Dongfang Lan didn’t think for a long time when Feng Cang generously revealed his identity. After she got to know that Feng Cang is a descendant of former Qin, Dongfang Lan lost her speech for a long time.

Knowing that such a day would come, Feng Qi Qi gave the empress dowager a letter written by Feng Xie and Wanyan Ming Yue before they left. After reading her daughter and her son-in-law’s letter, did Dongfang Lan got to know that this couple lied even to her, their mother.

If it wasn’t because she raised Feng Cang and had deep feelings toward him plus the relationship between Feng Cang and Feng Qi Qi, Dongfang Lan would’ve certainly let people take Feng Cang prisoner.

After all, he’s a descendant of former Qin. What if he wanted to restore Great Qin, reconstruct the three separated countries to their previous state and because of this launch endless wars and let the citizens be caught among the fire of the war? Then, what should she do? Although, she had long become indifferent to the power struggles, but Dongfang Lan didn’t want the country to be unstable again. By then, it would be hard on the citizens. The ones who would suffer would also be the citizens.

Dongfang Lan had no requirements on who would take the country. Whether it was Feng Cang or Wanyan Kang becoming the emperor, as long as he showed grace to the people, then he’s a good emperor. This empress dowager who spent the first half of her life on a horseback, in the second half of her life, she had been pondering about the past.

In the past, she instigated Wanyan Zhi to become the emperor himself which resulted in Feng Cang’s home being ruined and he was orphaned. Because of this, Dongfang Lan felt a profound guilt towards Feng Cang.

It was just, the matter was already done. That the world was cut into four was already set. If Feng Cang wanted to use the identity of former Qin imperial family’s descendant to disrupt this order, cause the mainland to be trapped between water and fire and let the citizens be in disaster, Dongfang Lan would definitely not let this happen. She would not let people repeat the mistake she made.

Fortunately, Feng Cang didn’t had the thought of restoring former Qin and also had no desire for power. After the two grandchildren and the grandmother talked, was Dongfang Lan assured of giving Feng Qi Qi to Feng Cang. The harem was also in good order under the management of Dongfang Lan.

It was outside Dongfang Lan’s expectation that Feng Cang and Wanyan Kang didn’t have interest in the throne. According to the ability, she originally hoped that Feng Cang could inherit the throne. Moreover, this dynasty was originally Long family’s. Feng Cang’s capabilities and strategies were suitable to be an emperor and a monarch. He was the most suitable candidate.

However, Feng Cang rejected Dongfang Lan’s request. He expressed that he had no interest in the throne. He only wanted to live happily with Feng Qi Qi. Seeing the loving look of the couple, Dongfang Lan probably could understand Feng Cang’s thoughts.

After all, being in a high position, one wouldn’t have the freedom to act according to one’s own volition. If Feng Cang became the emperor and the harem only had one empress and didn’t have other women, it would certainly cause criticism. As an emperor, one need to weight the interests. Love would certainly be sacrificed. Thinking about Feng Qi Qi’s happiness, Dongfang Lan didn’t insist anymore.

Wanyan Kang always had the mischievous appearance and refused to be the emperor. This also made Dongfang Lan helpless. In the end, they had to push Wanyan Jie to the front and let him become the new emperor.

Since Wanyan Jie became the little emperor, Dongfang Lan saw raising Wanyan Jie as her responsibility. Not only did she let Wanyan Jie live in Jinxuan palace, she also personally taught Wanyan Lie the various etiquettes of the court, all kinds of rules and also invited a famous teacher to be Wanyan Jie’s teacher.

A child needed to be taught from an early age. Dongfang Lan had a profound understanding of this. A good moral character and good habits needed the be taught when the child was still small. She didn’t want Wanyan Jie to become the new Wanyan Lie or Wanyan Hong!

“If you have something to report, then enlighten. If you have nothing to report, then retreat the morning court!” The high-pitched voice of the new head of the eunuch Shan Xi resounded throughout the hall. He was personally selected by Dongfang Lan for Wanyan Jie. He had also been trained by Dongfang Lan. Now, he followed Wanyan Jie and served this new master.

The officials heard Shan Xi’s word. It was just, the thing they needed to report, they already reported. They didn’t have anything else to report. So, everyone remained silent.

Just as Shan Xi was about to say “retreat” to the officials, an “announce” came from far away at the gate. One after another shout came.

When the person arrived at the main hall, the people saw that it was a soldier covered in dusts. A fire dragon flag was stuck behind him.

“There’s war!” Seeing this, the officials were shocked. The soldier carried a fire dragon flag. The fire dragon flag had always only been used when there was a serious war. Seeing the soldier’s worn-out appearance, he must’ve been rushing day and night. His lips were cracked and his face was pale. He just entered the hall, when he knelt.

“Announce! Dong Lu’s hundred fifty thousand soldiers raided Yan gate. My twenty thousand soldiers defended and resisted. Ultimately, we were no match for the enemy. Yan gate was breached!”

“What?!” After hearing this, the officials were like they were being fried on a pot. When did Dong Lu got such a gut? They actually raided their Yan gate?

Shan Xi quickly took the report of the battlefield from the soldier. He didn’t hand Wanyan Jie it first. Instead, he anxiously came to Feng Cang and gave it with both hands to Feng Cang.

After opening the report of the battlefield, Feng Cang read it carefully. The battle report arrived at the regent’s hands. The officials were quiet. Everyone stared at Feng Cang’s face. They wanted to see some clues from this wangye’s face.

What let everyone down was that Feng Cang was calm as usual from the beginning to the end. There wasn’t even the slightest change. This made the people’s nervous heart gradually calm down. Everything was fine. With Feng Cang, the god of war here, how could something happen?!

Not waiting for everyone to take a breath, another “Announce…” spread over.

Another worn-out soldier with the fire dragon flag rushed over, “Announce! Xi Qi’s hundred fifty thousand soldiers raided Shi gate!”

‘Rumble…’ A thunder hovered over everyone’s head. What was going on? Dong Lu and Xi Qi sent troops at the same time to attack Bei Zhou? Was it a coincidence or did the two countries join hands? What secret was behind this? Numerous questions hit everyone’s heart. Both sides were attacked. This was not a good omen, ah!

“Bring it over!” Didn’t wait for Shan Xi to bring the report of the battlefield over, Feng Cang already grabbed it.

The noisiness disappeared from the hall. Occasionally, someone would swallow saliva, but was stopped immediately. Everyone watched Feng Cang intently. They wanted to know how the situation was.

Like before, Feng Cang’s expression didn’t change. Now, everyone’s heart began to make a whim. The performance of this wangye was too calm! In the end, was the matter urgent?! The two countries sent troops at the same time could be a small or big matter. This was the first time that Bei Zhou was attacked from two sides, ah!

After Feng Cang finished reading the report of the battlefield, he handed it to Wanyan Kang. Since, he began to attend the morning court, Wanyan Kang had also become steady and calm. Those who didn’t get any information front Feng Cang’s face, now all started at Wanyan Kang’s face. From everyone’s point of view, Wanyan Kang wasn’t as ‘stable’ as Feng Cang and he wouldn’t be able to hide it.

Sure enough, after Wanyan Kang read the report of the battlefield, he humped once.

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“Cousin brother, it seemed that you didn’t stretch your tibia for a long time. These people had forgotten that there is a god of war in Bei Zhou!”

Wayan Kang’s words reassured the officials with no doubt. It seemed that the matter wasn’t serious! It was still in the range of being able to deal with. Moreover, there was Feng Cang. What was there to be afraid of?!

It was just, their heart had just eased, when another “Announce…” spread over.

1. Wangye/wang: the prince of first rank

Chapter 166 (part 2) Burning flames

A sharp-eyes minister saw the fire dragon flag on the back of the soldier. He shouted, “Fire dragon flag!” The main hall was in uproar again. “What?! There is a war again! What is going on?!”

“That’s right, ah! This is too fishy! What had happened?!”

Not waiting for the discussion to end, a soldier appeared in front of everyone. Because being contaminated with dust, the fire dragon flag had become somewhat dirty. Only the golden dragon embroidered on the fire dragon flag could vaguely be seen.

“Announce! Jurchin ethic tribe’s hundred thousand men went from north to south and attacked Yushui gate. General Li Yi died on the battlefield!”

With the arrival of three fire dragon flags in one day, the peaceful Bei Zhou fell into a state of tension. Feng Cang and Wanyan Kang didn’t hide anything about the war. They announced it while they stabilized the citizens.

Fortunately, Bei Zhou had always been united and the entire nation was brought to arms. The citizens didn’t go much in panic.

Inside the study, Wanyan Jie was so tired that he fell asleep in the dragon chair. Feng Cang, Wanyan Kang and a few generals were still studying the military situation. Dong Lu, Xi Qi, Jurchen, why did the three parties launch an attack without any warning? Could it be that someone threaded a needle between? Who on earth was it?

To thread a needle: to act as a go-between

“Princess Zhen Guo has arrived!”

A shout ‘princess Zhen Guo’ let Feng Cang look up. Only now did he discover that the sky was already dark. The night fell. In the sky was a lot more stars. They had spent the whole day in the imperial study.

Su Mei, Su Yue and a few palace maids carrying a food box followed behind Feng Qi Qi.

“I know that you guys would be too busy to eat. So, I let people prepare something to eat.”

After Feng Qi Qi spoke, Wanyan Kang’s stomach coordinated well and made sounds. He touched his head embarrassingly, “Cousin in law, you’ve arrived in time. I’m really so hungry!”

Wanyan Kang didn’t finish speaking when he saw Su Mei behind Feng Qi Qi. He immediately put the things in his hands down and came to Su Mei, “Little Mei er, I finally saw you! I missed you so much!”

Wanyan Kang’s explicit confession made Su Mei blush, “You want to die?! There are others here!”

Hearing someone laugh from behind, did Wanyan Kang understood that they were at the imperial study. He immediately put on a serious expression.

Su Mei and Su Yu put the food on the table. Feng Qi Qi called everyone over to eat, “One can’t function properly on an empty stomach. Everyone, eat before going to work again!”

Although, those generals had also seen Feng Qi Qi in the past, but being in such a close contact with princess Zheng Guo who had the title of the number one beauty of the word and not to mention that she was so approachable, they felt shy. Originally, they intended to be polite. After all, here was the emperor’s imperial study, but Wanyan Kang directly pulled the people to sit down, “Cousin in law is right! First eat. After eating, let’s go beat those f***** dogs!”

The personality of the generals was bold and unconstrained. They saw that Xiaoyao wang1 was being like this, they no longer acted shy. They saw that Feng Cang, the head didn’t object. Everyone sat around the table. They had been hungry for a day. These strong man’s stomachs rumbled with hunger. They no longer cared that here was the imperial study and took big mouthfuls of meat and soup.

Feng Cang didn’t eat immediately. He came to Feng Qi Qi and helped her sit down. “Why did you come in person? It would be fine if you sent Su Mei and Su Yue to bring it over! You’re someone pregnant. You need to take care of yourself!”

“I know, my husband the lord!” Seeing that Feng Cang was so wordy, Feng Qi Qi couldn’t help but stuck her tongue out, “Don’t forget I’m a doctor. I’m fine. You go eat first!”

Seeing Feng Cang’s bloodshot eyes, Feng Qi Qi felt heartache. Enemy on the three sides was really too surprising. This time, Feng Cang would be busy.

The people eating here woke Wanyan Jie up. Wanyan Jie rubbed his eyes, sat up and saw Feng Qi Qi.

“Aunty!” Wanyan Jie happily ran to Feng Qi Qi. He liked this little aunty. So, every time, when Feng Qi Qi came to the palace, Wanyan Jie would be around her for a long time.

“Jie er2, are you hungry? Come, eat!”

She knew that these big men were careless. They certainly forgot that there was still a child here. Feng Qi Qi specially prepared a nutritional meal for children for Wanyan Jie. Sure enough, Wanyan Jie was very hungry. He sat beside Feng Qi Qi. One of his hand had to hold Feng Qi Qi’s before he was willing to eat obediently.

Although he had many things to say to Feng Qi Qi, but Dongfang Lan taught him not to speak during a meal. So, when he ate, Wanyan Jie was very well-mannered. Plus, the fact that Su Mei’s skills were very good. Wanyan Jie ate very much.

“So delicious!” Wanyan Jie sat next to Feng Qi Qi. He laughed and exposed a missing front tooth. “Little aunty, the food you brought is more delicious than those of the imperial kitchen!”

“Jie er is so well-behaved!” Feng Qi Qi lovingly touched Wanyan Jie’s head. “Did you like the toy aunty gave you before?”

“I like it very much! I like little aunty the most!”

Usually, he was demanded to have the demeanor and appearance of an emperor. So, no matter if Wanyan Jie was attending the court or not attending the court, he always was like a little adult. Only in front of Feng Qi Qi would he reveal the innocence of a child. This beautiful aunt was a good person. This already formed a conclusion in Wanyan Jie’s heart.

Feng Qi Qi had always liked children. Plus, the fact that Wanyan Jie’s life was so pitiful, so, she cared more about him. Wanyan Kang and the others were still eating. Feng Qi Qi held Wanyan Jie’s small hand and led him to the map on the table.

Because Wanyan Jie wasn’t tall enough, Feng Qi Qi held him and let him stand on the chair.

“Jie er, look. This is Bei Zhou’s dynasty.”

Feng Qi Qi carefully introduces Bei Zhou’s situation to Wanyan Jie. Moreover, she referred Yan gate, Shi gate, Yushui gate plus Dong Lu, Xi Qi and Jurchin tribe to him. “This is Bei Zhou’s territory. Now, it had been invaded. Bei Zhou’s citizen are oppressed by the foreign enemies. Jie er, what do you think needs to be done?”

“Fight!” Under Feng Qi Qi’s guidance, Wanyan Jie clenched his fists. “Drive them away!”

Wanyan Jie’s lofty ideals made Feng Qi Qi appreciate it very much, “Jie er, you have to remember. As a monarch, you need to be the guardian angel of the citizens. You must guard your country! The purpose of an emperor is to change the country into a clenched fist and let the whole country be in unison. Like that, the country would be strong, the people would be blessed and Bei Zhou would become the king of mainland. Others wouldn’t dare to bully us.”

“Aunty, I know! I will be a good emperor and won’t let anyone bully my people!” Wanyan Jie’s small face had a firm expression. His small hand had also became a fist.

In a few words Feng Qi Qi let Wanyan Jie understand the general principle, making the others surprised.

After they finished eating, Feng Qi Qi gave a lot of talk to Wanyan Jie. Her voice was gentle. Her language was easy to understand. Through storytelling she taught knowledge and let Wanyan Jie understand it by hearing it for the first time. “Aunty, you teach better than the teacher! The moment, you said it, I fully understood!”

Wanyan Jie childish words amused Su Mei and Su Yue, making them laugh.

“Is that right? Then, aunty will come often to the palace and tell you stories, alright?” Feng Qi Qi pulled Wanyan Jie’s small nose.

The moment he heard that Feng Qi Qi would come see him often, of course Wanyan Jie clapped and cheered, “Good, ah! I like aunty the most! Aunty has to come often!”

“Sure!” After Feng Qi Qi and Wanyan Jie hooked their pinky in promise, she let Shan Xi bring Wanyan Jie back to Jinxuan palace to rest. When he was leaving, Wanyan Jie was very reluctant to part with her. He turned many times. “Aunty must come visit me more often!”

“Good!” Feng Qi Qi gestured with her hand and promised once again. Wanyan Jie left the imperial study reluctantly.

The bowls and chopsticks had already been cleaned from the table. It seemed that Feng Cang and Wanyan Kang would stay in the palace tonight, “Go back and rest earlier. You don’t need to wait for me!” Feng Cang sent Feng Qi Qi to the door, “Take care of yourself!”

“Mm!” Feng Qi Qi knew that the situation was critical. It was not the time for love and affection. She tiptoed and kissed Feng Cang’s lips. Accompanied by Su Mei and Su Yue, she left the palace.

When they returned to the regent’s residence, Feng Qi Qi let Su Mei and Su Yue stay and also called over Nalan Xin and Jin Mo. When they came over, Feng Qi Qi’s expression turned serious.

“Nalan Xin, how is the situation in Dong Lu?”

“Wangfei, 3it was too sudden. Many intelligences hadn’t arrived yet. However, from the information we already have, Dong Lu’s Xia Jin is persecuting in the name of revenge for Xia Yun Xi and let great general Hu Xue Shen lead a total of hundred fifty men to attack Yan gate. Now, Yan gate had been seized. Hu Xue Shen already invaded three provinces at the east of Bei Zhou. However, he encountered great resistance and had been detained at the three places, Pingyi, Gaoyang and Jinyuan.

“Why haven’t our army notice anything when hundred thousand men attacked? Is there a spy or…?”

“Wangfei, you have something you don’t know about. Bei Zhou and Dong Lu always had a good relation. There had never been war between the two countries. Near Yan gate is Dong Lu’s second largest city, Yu gate. Since ancient times, Yu gate had been populous and affluent. Since the former Qin, Dong Lu had been worried that Yu gate would become other countries’ prey. It had always been heavily guarded. This habit had become their surprise. Our army didn’t have any reason to take precautions.”

Nalan Xin’s explanation made Feng Qi Qi understand the reason. Fo Sheng Men’s forces were mostly in Bei Zhou and Dong Lu. So, the information they found were highly authentic.

“Su Yue, what’s the matter with Xi Qi?”

“Miss, ten days ago, Longze Yu decreed Longze Jing Tian the crown prince. The war was proposed by Longze Jing Tian. Longze Jing Tian’s proposal received great family Shangguan and great family Duanmu’s support. Great family Shangguan had long wanted to take revenge for what had happened at Yandang mountain. This time, that Longze Jing Tian was able to become the crown prince was also because of great family Shangguan’s support. It could be said that Longze Jing Tian was able to become the crown prince because he got the military’s support!”

Hearing Longze Jing Tian’s name, Feng Qi Qi frowned. This person was ambitious. She had long known this. It was just, she didn’t think that Longze Jing Tian would use attacking Bei Zhou as a springboard.

“Who is the one that is leading the army?”

“Miss, the one who is leading Xi Qi’s army is general Shangguan Wu Ji…”

Shangguan Wu Ji? For a while, Feng Qi Qi was silent. She and Shangguan Wu Ji were friends. She didn’t expect that in the end, the two would become enemies because of the interests of both countries. It seemed, in this world there was no feast that wouldn’t end. Many things were not to one’s own volition.

However, between Bei Zhou and Xi Qi, between Feng Cang and Shangguan Wu Ji, Feng Qi Qi would certainly choose the first one.

“Then what about Jurchin tribe? Ten years ago, wasn’t Jurchin beaten by Feng Cang into the desert? Why did Jurchin tribe gather this time in the north?”

1. Wang/wangye: the prince of first rank

2. Er: term of endearment

3. Wangfei: the main wife of the prince of first rank

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