Demons? I have a bayonet!

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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His name is Lerey, while surname is Relay. Age is sixteen. Height is average, sky blue hair and eyes, wearing t-shirt and pants.

Don't get swayed by evil, just believe in money—that's his motto in life. 

You see, demons exists in the world—litterally. They roam around, either as a resource of income to those who hunts them, a pain to normal people, or a calamity to all.

Lerey got his name from his parents, who's in a better place now. Lerey was inspired from Leroy, which means The king—and leery, which means cautious. The Cautious King.

Going through a normal street, he headed in front of a rather small house then knocked at the door. Later on, as a woman finally opens it, Lerey greeted her with a calm smile while raising his hands to emphasize the tool kit he's holding. "Lerey technician mode, here!"

"Heh, good morning to you, Lerey." The young woman greeted him back. "You're here to fix our bathroom's lightbulb, right?"

"Of course, why would I be here? Haha. Anyways, good morning too. Isn't it a wonderful day? Miss beautiful."

She giggled. As she led him inside, a little boy rushed towards relay, shouting excitedly. "Brother Lerey!" 

"Now, you really like me, don't you?"

"Yes! You're my most favourite brother!"

"What about your sis here? She's right behind me, you know?"

"She's not a brother, though."

"Make sense." Lerey puts his hand on his cheeks. After that, he gestured and made the little boy come closer to him. Then, he knelt down with one knee, and whispered something in his ears. 'I'm going to tell you a secret, so keep quiet about this, kay?'

"...ok?" The boy nodded confusingly. The woman, on the other one, wondered what was he up to. Then, he finally said it. 'Your big sister is my favourite, hehe.'

"Your favourite is my sister!?" He loudly announced shokingly. Lerey tried to cover his mouth, but it was too late. "Hey, I told you to keep quiet about it!"

"I can you guys very well, so don't worry." She sneered with her arms on her waist. "Eh, you can?" Lerey, in disappointment, pouted. 

"Oy Je, can you lead your big brother Lerey to the bath?" The woman requested her little sibling. "Ok!" Je replied.

"Ow~ I want us to go to the bath together~" Lerey cutely complained, looking at the woman. However, she glares at him while gritting her teeth, making him step back and drag Je with him.

You are reading story Demons? I have a bayonet! at

Lerey's life has been always like this, very random. Since he's all alone at a young age, he learned to become independent, applying any jobs he can find in order to have a fill for his mouth everyday. 

Now, while Infront of a door, Je grabbed him by his shirt and said in a mysterious tone. "Big bro, have you heard about the rumors?"

"Hmmm, rumors?"

"Yeah, the rumors!" Je puts his hand on his cheek, imitating Lerey's thinking mode. "My friends heard that there's a snake these days popping out suddenly from a few of our neighborhoods toilets!" 

"Really?" He thought about it. Though, seeing his pose, he let out a chuckle and lightly knocked his head. "Nice one, you think you can scare me with that? Haha!"

"Guh, that hurts." Je rubs his forehead. "What was that for?"

"Nothing~ A snake is nothing to a blessed like me. Well, just stay there." Lerey replied as he goes inside the bathroom. 'At any rate, that rumor sounds like another demon appeared.' He thought, gripping his hands with a hint of seriousness in his eyes. 


"...what was that?" Lerey suddenly heard a weird sound echoing. Deciding to open his flashlight, he looked around...until he faces to the toilet—there was a long, green, moving creature with red eyes coming it. 'IS THAT A SNAKE!?'

He screamed internally and hopped to the wall from fright. He stared, it was really a snake dancing in the toilet. It rises, and rised, then he heared a woman's voice. "Hiss~ are you Lerey?" 

"Who's there!?" Lerey looked around, startled.

"Hiss, can't you tell it's me, mortal?" The same voice spoke. He was wondering if that kid, or maybe his sister, is pranking. However, he realized—

'THE SNAKE TALKED!' He holds the door's knob this time and step back. But then—from his bright atmosphere, his expression turned into seriousness when he thought. '...wait, it talked, hmmm.'

He gulped, took his usual fighting stance and immediately composed himself to be alerted.

 "May the father guide me." Weirdly, Lerey chanted a religious like phrase. However, after saying so, the room become hot, a magic circle draws below him, as something appeared on his hands.

A rusted long metal, with a knife attached on its peak—Bayonet, a weapon. He pointed it at the snake, concentrating, ready to pull the trigger anytime.

Although it's hard to tell, the snake sneered seeing this magnificent display. Recalling the rumors, the appearance of this talking snake can only mean one thing, it's a Demon that needs to be hunted down.

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