Demons? I have a bayonet!

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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Lerey was a bit startled by the whisper, but he pretended to be unbothered. He just stared the snake silently, wishing for it to stay still until someone stronger than him arrives. He then decided to summon his weapon again. 

That was, until, a sudden force, broke to the walls, and as if he was punched really hard on the stomach, he got pushed few meters away, destroying the house's second floor. Lerey's eyes was unable to follow, nor did he atleast predicted that one.

"HuU!" He squealed in pain, throwing up some blood. Recovering for a few moments, he slowly gets up and saw himself in a different room of another house. Thankfully, there's no one. It was a good injury, but a Blessed can handle something like this as much. He then thought, worrying about her. '...are they alright!?'

"Hiss~ I advise you to shoot already." The snake said as it landed in front of him. In fright, Lerey stepped back and pointed his weapon at the snake. And then, he finally letted out a shot. Though, as expected, it didn't do anything.

He has no time to hesitate, he needs to act. He also needs to check those two. Seeing their house with how big it got damaged, he has no choice but to do anything he can in a situation like this. His instincts as a Blessed came in. He's a Blessed—meaning if you're one, you'll have a hero complex. 

"I need to stop you, demon!" He took a deep breath, while the snake just waited. He then used his bayonet's knife and tried to stab the snake like a spear. The snake just dodged. 

"Hiss...honestly." The snake uttered as it then used its tail and slapped Lerey's face continuesly. "You are weak but not someone that can be considered one of the lowest, or the lowest. This is just perfect!"

Lerey wiped his face and clicked his tongue. He then looks above and climed to the roof in just a second. At the very least, parkouring like a cat is Lerey's natural talent, and it doesn't seem like he had lost his ability to do so. He then shot the snake again and again, also being careful not to accidentally shoot it somewhere else that can hit somebody. 

The snake eluded all of it. It then hopped in the sky and made a spin to slap Lerey again, very unlikely for a snake to move in such a way. Amusingly, to the snake, Lerey blocked it with his weapon. 

"Hiss, seems like you're starting to learn a bit." The snake snicked and continued attacking but faster. Lerey, to his shock, used the best of his senses to at least block most of it.

To his conclusion, it seemed like the snake is just playing around. Since it's the case, he'll just buy time as much as he can until they arrive—

Association of Blessed Hunters Beurue—ABHB in short—is something the government made to ensure the safety inside every city. They are like the police, but focused to look out for demons. 


ABHB—NE Branch.

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In a large messy room, where there are training tools around, there was a group of people wearing white coats, doing procrastination. They're just taking a break, like laying down or talking and other things. 

Unfortunately for them, someone goes inside. It is a tall middle aged guy, with brown hair and eyes, wearing the same clothes. He is the one in command. However, there was something more important, he's wearing that serious expression.

"Hey newbies, we got an emergency." He said while pointing his hands outside the door. "Saint Benigno area, and the demon's grade is yet to be identified. Though, we better hurry it up since I've heard that the situation there is getting pretty tough for a fellow Blessed that happened to be there. Also, it's pretty far from here."

"Eh...but captain Rojan..." One of the newbies was about to say something. 

"I see. Can't be helped if you all are in low spirits. I'll go there alone." Rojan said and walked out of the room while waving his hands. Although he sounded like he's giving pity to them just now, he actually wanted to go by himself. Every since he became an ABHB branch captain, it had became a pain for him. He really preferred to work alone.

Then, he headed to his car that is outside of their office, started it, and drove away with a very fast speed with a cigar in his mouth. Though, since he's a Blessed who has work, driving over the speed limit is allowed as long as it's needed. 

Few minutes later, close to the designated scene, he started hearing some sounds of battle. Gunshots and crumbling of cement. He then stopped and parked his car to the side and got out. 

"May the father guide me...sigh..." Rojan summoned his weapon, somehow getting tired of saying this line for years already. His weapon was something rather simple, a Taser.

Rushing to where the noices are. The place is indeed a disaster, but nothing that severe that will cost the mayor a fortune to repair. Finally, he spotted someone with blue hair, fighting a small snake. Though, the blue hair one seemed to be in a helpless state, while the snake is just playing around. 

"So that's it, huh." Rojan said as he blowes smoke from his mouth. Then, his Taser got stronger as electric currents appeared around him, making his hair fly in the process. After that, he suddenly disappeared and teleported in front of Lerey, as he stabs the snake and made it flew away for a few meters and said. "Step back, kid."

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