Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 50: A Step into the Underworld

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"Is that so?" Deoxys muttered.

Dion nodded and he stood up: "A few days ago, we managed to capture some cultists,"

"And you didn't inform me?" Deoxys suddenly interrupted and Dion felt a chill in his spine.

He nervously cleared his throat: "They were merely grunts and lowlifes and I thought that they don't deserve your attention.

Deoxys stared at Dion in silence. His palm felt sweaty under Deoxys's gaze and he subconsciously shivered. Did he really do something wrong? He thought that Deoxys would kill him if he strolled in and bother his master with something so trivial.

However, seeing that Deoxys wasn't showing any reaction, he decided to continue: "As you know, they didn't know much but we found this," He placed some small slip paper on the counter.

"Tickets?" Deoxys questioned with bewilderment.

Dion nodded excitedly like a child, "They're not just normal tickets! Their tickets for Caelum Impius (Wicked's Heaven)!!"

Realizing Deoxys doesn't understand, he said exasperatedly: "It's an auction held once a year in the underworld. It's a very significant thing even some nobles attend! They have every possible thing you could imagine!!" When Dion realized that he have became too passionate in his explanation, he apologized with a red face.

Deoxys sighed: "Why the cultists will participate in this auction?"

He shrugged: "It won't be surprising as hundreds of people participate," Dion grasped his chin: "However, apparently there's a rumor that something interesting will appear this year."

"Something interesting?" Deoxys repeated and looked up from the tickets.

Dion shrugged: "However, even I thought that the rumor was too absurd, people said that someone was selling a Key to the Forest of Fairies."

'Woooo that sounds fun!!' Mew suddenly chirped.

Deoxys: 'What is it?'

Mew explained that it was a magical forest that was somewhere hidden in this world. Within the trees lived a mystical race, the fairies. They were known to be tiny and one could fit in the palm of your hand. They have the appearance of humans but with wings protruding from their backs. Fairies don't reproduce naturally and they were born from the pure mana from the woods.

Thus, their bodies were made from a large amount of uncontaminated energy. Because of this, the race was usually hunted for materials, which disgusted Deoxys eeverely.

Seeing the pokemon's frown, Dion felt nervous. Thankfully, the swiftly returned back to its indifferent expression: "Rumors must sprout from somewhere..."

Deoxys was deep in thought before speaking: "Violetta,"

"Yes master," Suddenly, Violetta appeared out of the shadows, scaring the crap out of Dion and the man jumped in fright.

He stared at the quiet woman with an expression as if saying: 'When the hell did you get here???'

"Gather some members from Twilight Shield , we will be going," Deoxys commanded,

"Of course, I will create a team of my most talented men," Violetta replied with a bow.

"You will go as well," Deoxys said to Dion who saluted in response.

The pokemon nodded with satisfaction and the two swiftly left to prepare for the journey. The auction will be located in the coast city of Mirik, which was only second largest to Ardes.

[A/N: If anyone forgets, Ardes is the city where Deoxys is staying,]

Mirik was built on a mountain and surrounded by waters, the city mainly sells resources that could be found in the sea such as seafood, salt, or pearls. However, from what pokemon learned, it also contains one of the largest black markets in this country.


Mirik was also the second city that has been informed of the presence of pokemon so the people here adapted relatively well. Still, as of right now, some areas of Lugella still haven't received the information on pokemon so there may be chaos. Thankfully, Deoxys ordered the pokemon living in those areas to act discreetly as possible and avoid human contact if necessary.

Three days later...

It was evening time and Deoxys was waiting in the backyard: "Master, we have arrived," Violetta announced her presence with a group of subordinates behind her.

Dion also arrived and he seemed to be dressed cleanly in a black suit and red tie: "So uh how do we get there in time?" He asked.

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Deoxys faced the group nonchalantly: "We will teleport to our destination,"

Everyone stared at the pokemon with disbelief as Deoxys's eyes began to glow: "Brace yourselves, first time teleporting may be.... disturbing...."

The members of Twilight Shield gulped and Deoxys smiled ominously. Before they realized it, their surroundings warped and bend. They all found themselves in a dark alleyway, miles away from where they were previously standing.

Their brains couldn't comprehend what happened and they felt a major headache as if someone perpetually stabbed a knife into their skull. Everything happened way too fast and everyone except Deoxys fell onto their knees. Dion covered his mouth before running to a corner and let out a ghastly sound as his lunch remerged from his mouth. Violetta trembled and her legs felt weak. She panted heavily before shakily standing up.

Deoxys hummed: "Good job, you have survived your first teleportation,"

"Please don't tell me we're leaving the same way?" Dion groaned.

Deoxys ignored his complaints and emerged from the dark alley. The pokemon watched the bustling streets, the sound of the ocean made a calming tune as sailors and workers hurried with their work so they could finish before dinner. There seemed to be pokemon everywhere as well and Deoxys also saw that there wasn't as many pokemon trainers here compared to Ardes.

The alien shook its head, enough with the sightseeing, they have a job to do, "Lead the way," Deoxys ordered the disheveled Dion, he nodded and began to walk.

Dion led Deoxys and Violetta through sets of alleyways and staircases. They eventually arrived at a dead end and Deoxys stared at the man for answers. He approached and placed his hand on the brick wall.

Dion pressed the bricks in a pattern as the wall churned and rumbled. The ground before the group split open, revealing a mysterious set of stairs. They walked down as the scent of mold and algae assaulted their nostrils.

At the end of the stairs, the best way to describe what Deoxys was witnessing was an underground city. An absurd amount of lights on the ceiling, making an artificial sun. Stalls were constructed in a line, creating a complicated maze. It reminded Deoxys of a night market with the vibrant

"One word of advice, don't trust anyone here," Dion warned.

They steadily walked through the crowd of people in a circle formation where Deoxys was at the centre. There were much more people than Deoxys anticipated as the road was flooded with suspicious people purchasing items like drugs, weapons, or other miscellaneous items that you wouldn't normally buy.

"Caw Caw!!"


"Worf worf!"

Various animals were seen in tiny cages as they thrashed and struggled to escape. Many customers were crowding the store, shouting at the owner for the animals.

Dion noticed Deoxys staring at the store: "They're poachers, young animals and monsters were captured for exotic pets, materials or used in the fighting ring for gambling,"

Deoxys nodded and reluctantly pulled its gaze away. It clicked it's teeth in disdain and DEoxys felt strangely disturbed. Deoxys imagined the cages were filled with pokemon instead of monsters and It felt anger sprouting from within. The pokemon subconsciously unleashed a suffocating pressure as Dion, Violetta, and her assassins flinched. However, the violent aura seemed to also divert the other customers away, creating a clear path for them.

Deoxys glanced back one last time and lightly moved one of its fingers. Suddenly, the cage holding a juvenile Armoured Rhino flicked open. Seeing freedom, the rhino burst out of the cell. Chaos ensued as the beast destroyed everything with its tough body. The poached tried to restrain the animal rammed into their legs and a loud snapping sound could be heard. The Armoured Rhino changed directing and struck a stack of cages, setting the rest of the monsters free.

Screams and shouts filled the cavern as Deoxys felt its mood was elevated to a degree. The pokemon ordered Twilight Shiled to keep walking and they finally arrived at an open clearing where there are no stores. Before they were an enormous circular building that looked like a stadium.

Guards surrounded the building and the security seemed to be very tight. Dozens of people were waiting in line as they showed their tickets and were ushered in. Unlike the shady appearance of the customers from the black market, people here were dressed fashionably and not afraid to present their wealth as if they were attending a ballroom dance.

Dion explained that there were rules in this Auction House, specifically, they were strictly hell-bent on no violence in the facility. Their fair services and safety were what got this Auction House to this scale.

Deoxys handed the guards the tickets and they were allowed to enter. However, the tickets weren't enough for everyone so Violetta's assassins were ordered on standby. A guard gestured for the trio to follow and led them upstairs.

Up there, they saw a large stage with estimated hundreds of seats. Most seats were already filled, Deoxys and Violetta thought they will be guided to one of these seats, however, the security guard continued to lead them to another set of stairs.

They walked through an empty corridor and eventually entered a room. The room seemed luxurious with a comfortable chair facing a large window overlooking the entire auction. Dion flicked a coin to the guard and he bid them farewell before gently closing the door.

"Where are we?" Deoxys questioned.

"This is one of the VIP booths," Dion explained: "Back when this auction was a small business, I decided to invest in here because I saw the potential in this place and I was right!" He said with a smirk, "So I'm kind of like a big shot here!"

Dion laughed proudly before hurriedly adding: "Well master is greater than me of course,"


Deoxys nodded and relaxingly sat on the chair. Violetta and Dion stood behind Deoxys as they waited for the auction to begin.

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