Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 49: I Discovered a New Pokémon, isn’t that Cool?

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Alice felt that she was laying on something soft. She rolled around with a pleasant smile on her face until she felt the irritating sun shining upon her. Alice begrudgingly opened her eyes and was surprised to find herself back in her own bedroom. She slowly sat up and yawned tiredly, Alice missed this comfortable bed and wanted to return to sleep, however, she knew it wasn't the time for that.

Alice saw that she was wearing her pajamas, the maids must have changed her while she was unconscious. She checked her body and was relieved to see all her injuries heal. The memory of that strange creature was still vivid in her mind, she knew that it must have been a pokemon but surprisingly the Pokedex doesn't have any information about it.

In the end, she was just glad that the being was merciful.



Alice released her pokemon and both cried out with relief. She giggled and patted her two companions, Starly deeply enjoyed the cuddle but Charmeleon seemed a little bit embarrassed. However, Charmeleon's behavior made Alice laugh even more. She realized that her Charmeleon doesn't act like the cuddling child it used to be but now he has grown which just made Alice want to hug him even more.

As Alice was playing with her Pokemon, the door to her room swung open. Leon and Lucius barged in but relaxed when they saw Alice returning to normal.

Alice turned to the two men: "How long was I asleep?"

"You have been sleeping for three days," Lucius responded before frowning, "Do you know how worried I was??" He grumbled and pulled on Alice's cheeks.

"Sorry" Alice muttered apologetically and rubbed her numbed face, "But wow that long?"

Lucius nodded and Leon smiled sadly before bowing with shame. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist as he grimaced: "Please forgive me, my lady, if I was also there on the expedition, Miss Alice wouldn't have gone missing."

Lucius: "Ah, Leon, please don't apologize, it was my mistake for having you help with the paperwork."

Alice: "Father's right, it was out of everyone's control!"

Both Redwalls hurriedly stopped Leon from begging for forgiveness. The knight reluctantly stood up with an uncomfortable expression.

"By the way, what happened with the mission?" Alice asked.

Lucius shook his head: "We have to give up, the danger of the basilisk couldn't be ignored and we planned to have a subjugation quest soon. "

"Ah is that so..." Alice murmured and left her bed.

Before her feet could touch the ground, Lucius stopped her: "You still need to rest," He hissed.

"Eh, but I'm really fine. I felt refreshed actually." Alice said and lightly stretched as proof.

Lucius pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Knowing his daughter's stubbornness, Alice will find a way to leave her room one way or another, "Fine, however, if you're really going to leave the mansion, you can only go to the Pokestore and nowhere else."

"Deal!" Alice grinned. The Pokestore has been her favorite hang-out spot and she planned to go there anyway.

An hour later...

"Ah good morning Deoxys!" Alice cheerfully greeted, "Oh what's that?" She asked when she saw Deoxys mixing some strange green liquid and beside the shopkeeper was a fang of a large monster.

"Basilisk Venom,"


"I found it at a store today, do you know the venom of a Basilisk can be used to create a powerful medicine," Deoxys explained.

"Is that so...." Alice replied, 'That's a strange confidence... What kind of shop sell something like that??'

Alice shrugged, it was a common fact that Deoxys wasn't your run-of-the-mill shopkeeper and the woman seemed to always be surprising everyone. However, in her opinion, that's what makes hanging out with Deoxys so enjoyable.

Deoxys eventually put away the glass of liquids and turned to Alice: "I heard you got injured on the expedition. Are you alright?"

Alice smiled: "Yes, I have perfectly healed, but something weird happened... I was hoping you know anything about it,"

She took out a piece of paper and showed it to Deoxys. It was a drawing of a strange figure with arms that were widely out of proportion and a weirdly elongated head. The drawing was done so poorly that people may think a toddler drew it.

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"When I was hurt, I met this creature! The best way to describe this thing is simply unworldly! What's even weirder was that Charmeleon seemed to deeply respect this animal and when I scanned it with the Pokedex, it seemed to be a pokemon but there was no information on it!"

"That sure is interesting....." Deoxys responded with a stiff smile.

For the first time ever, Deoxys's pride felt damaged when itrealises that the drawing was actually the pokemon itself. Without Alice's explanation, Deoxys could never have guessed it, that's how garbage the picture was.

"Then I suspect the one you met must encounter a Deity Pokemon," Deoxys explained.

[A/N: I don't think it's right calling them legendaries because that was what we refer to them in the game, however since, in the lore, the Legendaries usually protect a certain prospect of the world or have a certain power that's unnatural so I will just call them Deities instead.]

"Deity Pokemon?" Alice repeated out of shock.

Deoxys nodded: "There are some pokemon that contain an unfathomable power and they used it to protect this world. Their strength couldn't be compared and they were once worshipped as Gods,"

"That sounds awesome..." Alice muttered.

"Indeed," Deoxys smiled: "I believe the pokemon you find was one of those Deities and one that I don't know about,".

"Huh, then it means that I discovered a brand new pokemon then!" Alice boasted, "EVEN A GOD AT THAT!!"

She glimpsed at Deoxys with sparkles in her eyes: Aren't I great?

"C...Congratulations...." The pokemon responded with a slight exasperated tone,

"That pokemon seemed to be super strong as well! Then it would be my goal to capture it!!" Alice declared.

Somewhere in her mind said that it was impossible but her ambition overcame that wall block. Alice's heart pounded with excitement just thinking about battling that Pokemon: "Just watch me Deoxys! One day I will have that pokemon in my team!!"

"I like to see you try...." Deoxys muttered in an ominous tone and the temperature in the room dropped. 

"Huh, what did you say?"

The coldness instantly reverted back to normal and Deoxys malicious intent disappeared in a blink of an eye: "I said that I looked forward to the day when it will happen,"

"O...Okay..." Alice thought that Deoxys said something else but she seemed to be wrong.

The atmosphere became weird and Alice awkwardly coughed into her hand. Deoxys sighed: "Well, I'm glad that my high-value customer is healthy,"

"Hey, that's a weird way to say, friend...." Alice grumbled: "Thanks anyway....."

Deoxys smiled as the door to the store opened. A lean man with blond hair trudges in, he spotted the pokemon and approached the counter. He saw Alice observing him and he nodded at her before smiling. Alice frowned at the man's demeanor, his hands were fidgeting as if prepared to reach for a hidden weapon.

His focus was on Deoxys but the corner of his eyes was intently watching Alice, watching her every movement. The man looked like he was careless but her experience told her that the man have no openings. If she acted strange, Alice knew that the man will instantly strike her down.

"Unfortunately, seems like we will have to cut our conversation short," Deoxys said to Alice.

Alice felt nervous and looked at Deoxys worriedly: "I will be okay,".

She eventually agreed to leave, but when Alice was far away enough, Deoxys's smile vanished. The pokemon gazed at the man and they silently looked at each other.

When the man made sure that Alice actually left, he hurriedly got onto one knee and lowered his head: "Master...."

"Dion," Deoxys's icy tone resounded through the room and the man flinched, "Your presence meant that there was progress in your assignment?"

"Yes master," Dion answered courteously.

The pokemon stared at Dion: "Then speak now,"

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