Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 69: Why are all My Pokemons’ Personalities so Strange???

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I think you would all be happy to take a break from all the battles right?


Next Day...

In the Pokestore.

Ralph stared at a pen on the desk and he reached out his hand. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Ralph took a deep breath and imagine himself holding the pen. Suddenly, a bluish light covered the pen and he raised his hand.

The pen followed his motion and floated in the air. He opened his eyes and Ralph smiled excitedly: "It worked!!!"

He waved his hand and the pen followed his movement, flying around the room.


The door to the Pokestore was swung open with great force. Ralph loses his concentration and the pen dropped to the floor. He groaned and glanced at the visitors.

"Good morning!" Layla and Clara greeted Ralph: "Is Deoxys here?"

Ralph grunted and left to find his master. Deoxys emerges from the back door and thanked Ralph for his effort. The boy nodded and went to the backyard so there will be no further disturbance.

"Is Alice not with you?" Deoxys asked when the pokemon only counted two visitors.

They shook their head and said that Alice was busy training for the semi-finals tomorrow. Deoxys nodded in understanding as the remaining contestants were all currently training hard to survive through the semi-finals.

It was planned that after the quarter-finals, there will be a one-day break before the start of the semi-finals to let the trainers prepare. Another reason was missing a day of work was much more detrimental compared to the modern era.

"Anyway, how may I help you two?" Deoxys said in its usual calm tone.

"We're thinking of getting another member for our team," Layla explained, "I hope it's not a bother?"

Deoxys nodded: "Of course, please wait I will be back shortly."

The pokemon so returned with a large white creature following close behind. The pokemon has white fur and blue skin. There's a large horn by the pokemon's head that reminded Layla of a scythe.

She took out her Pokedex and scanned the creature:

[Name: Absol

Gender: Male

Description: It sharply senses even subtle changes in the sky and the land to predict natural disasters. It is a long-lived Pokémon that has a life span of 100 years.]

"Ehhhhhh another dark type???" Layla muttered, "But he does look pretty cool…"

Absol slowly approach Layla and quietly observed her. Silence filled the room before Absol flicked his head and the pokemon's bangs moved away from his eyes "Sol..." The pokemon let out a low growl.

"He deemed that you're worthy of being his loyal subject" Deoxys repeated with a frown.

Absol smirked at Layla and the pokemon raised one of his front paws. He smiled arrogantly and pointed his head to the ceiling as if telling boasting to the world how cool he looked.

Watching Absol's edgy behavior, Layla's smile stiffened: 'Ah, another eccentric one...'

Suddenly, one of Layla's Pokeball burst open and Zoroak emerged. Detecting Absol's presence, the fox stared at the pokemon and froze. It wasn't long until a small blush appeared on Zoroak's face and the pokemon shyly greeted Absol.

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Absol turned his gaze away from Zoroak and huffed, which causes the fox to blush even more. Layla sighed tiredly and she couldn't even fathom what trouble she will have to face in the future...

Sensing her friend's depressing thoughts, Clara patted Layla's back with a wry smile: "Anyway, Miss Deoxys, can I get a pokemon as well?"

Deoxys nodded and swiftly left the room. The alien came back while carrying a small pokemon in its arms. The pokemon has a black ovoid body with spherical hands covered with a triangular yellow cloak. The creature's blue-dotted eyes wandered around in curiosity before setting on Clara.

The small pokemon leaped out of Deoxys's arms and Clara caught it in surprise. The tiny creature happily snuggled against her chest while making baby cooing noises. Clara awkwardly grabbed her Pokdex with one hand and examined the pokemon:

[Name: Snorunt

Gender: Male

Description:  An Ice type of pokemon. Snorunt arrives alongside the first snow. It's thought that homes Snorunt visits will prosper for many generations. By tradition, one might offer a lump of ice made from pure water at one's front door.]

"Seems like the child already liked you very much," Deoxys said with a smile.

"Probably because I dealt with ice magic a lot, the little guy might be attracted to ice element mana within me?" Clara guessed.

"Snor...." Snorunt made a high-pitched noise and appears to be agreeing with Clara.

"Kyaaa just how can a pokemon be this cute!!" She embraced Snorunt even tighter and spun around in circles.

Layla watches with a deadpanned expression: "I want that... Can we trade?"

"No thanks!!" Clara pouted and turned her head: "I will stick with my ice types and Layla has her dark types!"

"But my dark types are all weirdos..." Layla muttered dejectedly.

She first had a small dragon that likes to chew her clothes, a fox that likes to play insensitive pranks, and another with main character syndrome...

Clara, who was still hugging Snorunt, asked: "By the way, I always wondered what's the difference between capturing pokemon in the wild and buying on here?"

Layla also stopped lamenting and focused on the conversation. Deoxys nodded in understanding and explained: "The pokemon purchased here are more compatible with the assigned trainers, also the pokemon I sell are typically stronger than the ones caught in the wild,"

"Eh, how so?" Layla asked.

"Each pokemon I sold have learned a move that shouldn't be learned normally but was inherited by their parents. For example, with Alice's Charmeleon, the pokemon's inherited move is Dragon Tail, which I'm sure you're very familiar with."

"You don't have to say that again..." Layla grumbled and she was reminded of how many times her Deino was taken out by that annoying move.

"So it's really an advantage buying pokemon here then?" Clara wondered out loud.

However, Deoxys shook its head: "That's not especially the case, pokemon in wild tend to have more experience in battling and they will be easier to train."

Deoxys: "Anyway, I believed that concludes both of your visits?"

Layla and Clara nodded, "I can't wait to watch the semi-finals tomorrow! It's definitely going to be amazing!" Clara exclaimed

"Of course, I just hope maybe next time we could maybe last as long as well..." Layla murmured.

"I believe that will be possible," Deoxys encouraged, "Just continued to work hard and your efforts will definitely be repaid with results.

Clara and Layla smiled and they soon left after exchanging some small talk. One was happy with the new member of her team while the other felt less enthusiastic but still grateful nonetheless...

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