Deoxys in a Magical world!

Chapter 68: The Battle Between two Friends

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"So father won too..." Alice muttered in a daze.

She glanced at Clara who was beside her. Her friend smiled wryly and nodded: "It's going to be our battle soon."

"Yeah," Alice replied and glanced at Clara: "Let's show them a spectacular battle,"

"Of course!" Their fists bumped and laughed.

Finally, it was time for their match to begin and together, Clara and Alice stepped onto the field. The crowd cheered, this was the last battle before the semi-finals and the audience was going wild. They have already seen three breathtaking fights and couldn't wait for the result of this one.

"Are both contestants ready?" The referee questioned.

Alice smiled and raised her Pokeball: "As Deoxys's first customer, I won't go down so easily!"

"Naturally, I won't disappoint Miss Deoxys as well!" Clara countered.

Clara: "Go Lapras!!"

Alice: "Go Charmeleon!!"

Both pokemon appeared on the field and they growled at each other. Alice smiled: "So you really kept Lapras huh?"

"It was an honor to befriend Lapras and today I will show you the power of our bond!" Clara declared.

Alice felt nervous, unlike everyone else her Chameleon hasn't evolved despite so long. However, her trust in her pokemon was deep: "Bring it on!"

Clara chuckled before becoming serious: "Rain Dance!"

The clouds above them darkened and rain began to fall, drenching the field with water: "Just like from before..." Alice muttered.

She glanced at Lapras, sure enough, the pokemon seemed to be more relaxed. Lapras slide around while hissing at Charmeleon. Alice's Charmeleon snarled and swiped at the irritating rain. Alice frowned, with Rain Dance, Charmeleon's fire-type attacks won't be effective, not that it's effective anyway...

However, there's one trick that Alice has up her sleeve: "Charmeleon, attack with Thunder Punch!!"

Lightning coated Chameleon's hand and he charged toward Lapras. The Pokemon punched and knocked Lapras backward. Alice smiled, a couple of months prior to the tournament, she purchased several Move Scrolls that could help Charmeleon in a battle, such as one that when she encounters a situation such as this!


Electricity coated Lapras's body and the pokemon gritted her teeth. Lapras angrily slapped the floor with her flippers and she twitched under paralysis.

"To think you have a lightning move prepared... You really thought of everything huh?" Clara smirked: "But you have to do better than that!"

The rainwater struck Lapras's skin and the paralysis vanished completely. Lapras roared angrily, the pokemon was maddened by the sensation of stinging electricity in her body.

[A/N: If anyone was wondering, Lapras has the ability Hydration, which removes all status under the rain!]

Clara: "Heal yourself with Life Dew!"

Suddenly, the water around Lapras moved mysteriously. The moisture was absorbed into the pokemon and her body shined a soothing green light.

"Pras!" Lapras yelled at the refreshing feeling.

Clara smiled: "Good, now Hydro Pump!"

Lapras's cheeks enlarges and the pokemon opened her mouth. A massive volume of water was fired with great pressure and the beam traveled toward Charmeleon at a blinding speed.

Alice frowned: "Dodge it!"

Charmeleon rolled to the side and manages to escape the deadly stream of Hydro Pump. The pokemon shuddered at the thought of being hit by the attack and groaned agitatedly.

"Don't give them any time to think, Ice Beam!!" Clara yelled.

"Dodge and attack with Dragon Tail," Alice shouted.

Lapras fired the Ice Beam but the attack was swept away by Charmeleon's Dragon Tail. The fire pokemon rushed with haste while the missing Ice Beams exploded from all directions.

"Body Slam now!!" Clara ordered and when Charmeleon was closed enough, Lapras suddenly raised her upper body in the air.


Before Charmeleon could attack with Dragon Tail, Lapras slammed down and crushed him under her immense weight. Lapras growled and pressed all her mass onto Charmeleon and the pokemon struggled to escape.

"Flame Thrower!!" Alice said with frustration.

Charmeleon stopped moving and Lapras suddenly felt heat on her underbelly. Lapras winced as the flames increased in intensity and the pokemon was pushed away by the beam of fire. At the royal booth, Deoxys hummed with curiosity while it watched Lapras being suppressed by the powerful fire.

Erika who was beside Deoxys frowned: "Shouldn't Lapras supposed to be resistance to fire-type attacks?" She whispered.

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"Lapras is both Water Type and Ice-Type, which means that it could still suffer considerable damage from Fire-Types. However...." Deoxys quietly analyzed Charmeleon: "It may seem that pokemon is special in a way..."

"But then why hasn't the Charmeleon evolved yet?"  Erika curiously asks.

"Evolution wasn't always about strength, sometimes it's forcibly activated through strong emotions or other means. However, sometimes the pokemon simply wasn't ready," Deoxys explained.

"Thank you for filling this lowly servant with your esteemed knowledge!" Erika bowed and everyone stared at her strangely.

Deoxys sighed, no matter how much it pestered, people's habits were hard to change and the pokemon ignored her and continued spectating the battle.

Back on the match, Lapras extinguished the flames that lingered on her body. She shook her head with rage and winced from the burn on her stomach. Thankfully, the harsh rain gave Lapras peacefulness and she regained her reason.

"That's uncalled for Alice!" Clara complained: "Let's show them Lapras! Use Surf!!"

Lapras roared and water began to gather towards the pokemon while being elevated off the ground. Alice and Charmeleon watched in shock when they were face to face with a giant tidal wave.

"Show them your might and wash them away!" Clara shouted and pointed at Charmeleon.

The wave began to move and crashed toward Charmeleon. The pokemon was caught in the massive wave and was swept away. Charmeleon gasped for breath as the water smashed into his face.

Deoxys immediately made a square barrier around the field to prevent the water from striking the crowd. However, in doing so, the entire field turned into a deadly aquarium The alien levitated Clara and Alice above the water's surface and they watched the small rough ocean with anxiety.

Lapras swam smoothly toward the struggling Charmeleon and bit him in the arm. The water beast thrashed her head and her jagged teeth tear at the pokemon's flesh. In retaliation, Charmelon howled and slashed at Lapras with his sharp claws.

Lapras furrowed her brows and dived deeper into the water. She smashed the dragon onto the tough stone floor and Charmeleon felt air knocked out of his body. Charmeleon roared but only bubbles escaped his lips. He watched as Lapras swam away while preparing to finish Charmeleon off with an Ice Beam.

In one last desperation of struggle, Charmeleon unleashed Flame Thrower. However, the fire was immediately extinguished and the pokemon only managed to spit out a burst of hot steam. However, he doesn't give up, he couldn't afford to and Charmeleon used all his strength on this attack.

The flames were becoming hotter and hotter as the water evaporated around Lapras. Charmeleon coughed and the pokemon felt exhausted. However, the Flame Thrower still burned bright and hot.

Lapras frowned and used Ice Beam, the two attacks collided with each other, producing a large shockwave. To Lapras's shock, her Ice Beam was losing against Chameleon's Flame Thrower and without her knowing, the pokemon was gradually losing ground.

Above the water, Alice and Clara watched nervously. The Redwall felt uneasy and she clenched her fist, hoping for her pokemon to submerge without harm.


The water surface exploded as Lapras and Charmeleon were together launched into the air. Alice's face contorted into relief while Clara scowled in shock.

"THUNDER PUNCH!!" Alice screamed under the harsh rain.

Snapping out of his daze, electricity gathered in Charmeleon's fist, and using the last ounce of his energy, he smashed his claw into Lapras's face.


The field exploded and both pokemon fell out of the sky. Lapras landed hard into the water, creating a massive splash while Charmeleon landed with a plop. Deoxys activated, the implemented sewage system, and the water was drained away.

Both monsters lay motionlessly on the ground and both girls held their breath. Their hearts pounded, begging for their partner to wake up.


Suddenly, Charmeleon's body flinched and the pokemon let out a low groan. He slowly stood on all four and coughed out a large amount of water from his lungs. The pokemon panted and glanced at the unconscious Lapras.

"Lapras fainted, Charmeleon win!!" The referee shouted.

Alice couldn't believe it, she really won!! She ran towards Charmeleon and tackled the pokemon to the floor: "Charmeleon! We did it! I'm so proud of you!"

Charmeleon smiled wryly and Alice returned him back to his Pokeball. Clara sighed and approached Alice. She grinned sadly: "Good job Alice, seems like I have to work a bit harder huh?"

Alice smiled back: "Don't belittle yourself, Clara, you did wonderfully!"

The two laughed and together they left the field. Deoxys watches Alice and Clara step off the stage. The pokemon was particularly impressed with the performance and luck of that Charmeleon.

Deoxys decided to keep it to itself that during the underwater battle, unbeknownst to the spectators, Charmeleon's Flame Thrower miraculously transformed into one of the strongest Fire-Type moves, Overheat and thus gaining an edge in the engagement.

"Seems like you will have an interesting opponent..." Deoxys muttered to Erika.

Erika frowned and gazed at Deoxys with determination: "No matter, I won't disappoint you Deoxys-sama!"

Deoxys smiled and patted Erika's head before leaving. Suddenly, Erika fell onto her knees and touched the top of her head. She blushed: "Ah the Goddess just patted me!!! I won't wash my hair ever again!!"


That day the pokemon also refrained from making physical contact with Erika ever again...

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