Deranged Two Dimension Women Are Trying to Kill me!!!

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Final Porn Video and System

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A thin, lean boy, barely of age, sat on a comfortable chair in a dark room. A helmet covered his head, and a mouse and keyboard were on the tray attached to the chair. His hair reached his neck, and his light purple hair was visible from the helmet. Otherwise, his face was covered.

"Finally, the video production is over," The boy happily looked at the Virtual Editor, the scene where a young woman with long black hair and ruby eyes was lying on her back, holding the headboard over her head. Her legs were spread out by her childhood friend, who had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a strapped body.

The boy tapped on the button on the side of the helmet, and his body lost most of its senses. He appeared in a dark room, looking over the bed at the two guys and people having sex in front of him. Even though it had been years since he had been creating these videos, he couldn't feel the blood rush to his head.

The virtual world was a fantastic place, and everything here seemed so natural. The young woman in front of him, the sweat on her body, her parts luscious lips, her tongue visible from here, and even her teeth. Her skin was so natural that he wanted to touch it.

But there were rules in Virtual World. To not promote prostitution, he couldn't interact with this video. Only watch it. As long as he was using the servers by that company, it wasn't possible.

'That's not important. I should see if this works well,' He opened the virtual menu, clicked on the play button, and her voice nearly scared him.

"Cloud!!" She gave an ecstatic scream, begging him, "Yes~!! Go faster~!!!"

Cloud, her childhood friend, leaned closer, spreading her thigh out, and he started swinging his hips harder than before, sinking his cock in her tight pussy. Each time he pulled back his long cock, Tifa's back dragged against the mattress. Her round boobs swayed up and down to the sides, changing their directions with every thrust.

Cloud kept his hand on the headboard and the other under her boob, and she gripped his wrist with one and twisted the other, resting on his palm.

'Tifa's hands,' A dialogue box appeared above Cloud, showing his thoughts to the viewers as he enjoyed the grip of Tifa's palm, her bouncing boobs, and the sensual view in front of him. He leaned in, kissing his childhood friend, who sexually kissed him back with an ardent gaze in his eyes.

She sucked on his tongue. Hungrily so, "I love it when you make me yours."

Cloud peered into her eyes, not breaking his gaze, and he gave a massive thrust that shook her to the core when he buried his cock in her snatch. She held her breath, jerking her head back when her childhood friend started ravaging her pussy. She could barely breathe, shoving her nails inside his arm, 'Cloud's cock~! It feels so good~!! I love it~!! I love it~!! Yess~! Yes~!! Cloud~!! My Cloud~!!! Fuck me~!! Fuck me like a whore~!!'

She twisted her body, trembling, jerking as sweat ran down her body. She got closer and closer to the breaking point when he stopped, having buried his cock all the way in her. He dragged it out slowly, dragging her wet, sloppy inner walls that stuck to his cock.

She held her voice, reaching closer and closer and when his cock popped out of her tight pussy her dam broke. She squealed, feeling every muscle in her body convulse, and she spasmed, squirting all over her childhood friend.

She closed her eyes, letting out a satisfied smile when Cloud lay down on her, hugging her and turning to the side. He stroked her back, "Tifa."

"Cloud," Tifa felt the hard cock against her body. She might have had her climax, but his soldier physique was different. She knew it needed much more to satisfy him, 'I should invite Aerith and Jessie tomorrow to thank him for tonight.'

She kissed his neck, stroking his cheek, inviting his cock inside her sensitive pussy. She slowly moved, taking only what she could right now, "give me a moment…and I will make sure…to satisfy you."

Cloud glanced in the direction of the video's creator, who nearly jumped out of his skin. He hurriedly moved to the side, and the bluish-green-eyed soldier smiled, "I doubt you'd have a moment to yourself."

Tifa felt a shudder through her whole body, and she lowered hers, taking in more than she could handle from sheer suppressed excitement. She pressed her body against his when a massive palm gripped her hair, pulling her up to sit up. Cloud's cock dug inside her, making her close her eyes, and take a deep breath, and with it, she took in the smell of another cock, which slapped against her face.

It wasn't as long as Cloud's, but it was thicker. She slowly opened her ruby eyes, feeling her pussy convulse at the sight of the thick black cock, which she licked, feeling the excitement of licking another man's cock while her boyfriend's cock was inside of her. She looked up at her muscular black friend, who held her head, "It's been a while."

"You don't have to be so rough," Tifa moaned, grinding, gyrating her ass around her boyfriend's cock, stroking the black cock with her finger, licking the shaft, sucking on it. She marked it with her lipstick before she licked it from the bottom of the shaft to the top of the cock.

Barrett smacked her tit, gripping it, mauling with his hand around her shoulder. He pulled her head close, having her lick his cock, "you don't have to be such a whore."

Tifa didn't mind the comment. She glanced towards her boyfriend, who was pleasuring her pussy and being pleasured in turn. Since today was her treat, he was taking the back seat, and she parted her lips, taking the thick black beast into her mouth while he watched her do it. She raised her eyes to look at Barret, "I can't help it…this is for the planet."

"You slut," Barrett held her head, slowly pushing his cock in her mouth, shoving it deep inside in one go. Her mouth stretched, taking more than half of it. Her mouth was cracking, her pussy was leaking, and her nipples couldn't be harder. She held her boobs, shaking her ass harder, tugging on her nipples, forced to suck on the black cock. She choked on the cock, screaming in her head, 'this is the best~!!! I love it so much~!!'

Barrett started fucking her mouth, and Cloud sunk his fingers in her ass cheeks, holding her in place, swinging his hips.

She pressed the fingers of her hand against Barrett's abs and the right hand on Cloud's, held in place by them. Her heart was pulsing, having reached her throat. She couldn't move; she could barely keep herself in place, having these two ram their cocks through her holes, using her, even matching their rhythms.

Every inch of her body was going crazy, twisting, turning, and she gushed out, impaled on her boyfriend's cock, slurping the black cock. Her eyes got heavier, and her body became sluggish.

Tifa felt their cocks throb and expand in her mouth and pussy before they ejected their load inside her. She pulled away, falling back on the bed, cum filling her pussy and mouth, which she nearly gagged. The two of them kept spraying, covering her face, boobs, abdomen and thighs with their cum, "thank you so much."

The video stopped, and the creator let out a breath, fanning himself, "wow, it is so hot in here. I bet this one is going to get many likes."

He put the video on his site, uploading it with so many others he made over the years to support his project. He shut down his virtual avatar, and his senses returned to his body, where he took off the helmet.

He wiped the sweat from his chin and sat back on the chair, looking at the roof of his room. There were character designs, city designs, mountain designs, labyrinths, plants and grass, and so much more. He raised his palm, smiling, 'my world…now I only need to write the final battle, and I will have my ending. Once I have that…I could use the other foreshadowing for the DLC. I can't wait for them.'

He drifted into a deep sleep, lying on the comfy chair that turned into a single bed. It was custom-made, so even his tall body fit in it. Though he could swear, he heard the voice inside his head.

[Video Unlocked. Character Profiles Unlocked.]

[You gained 600 Experience Points.]

[You gained Ice and Lightning Materia]

[You gained Mini-Gun]

[Warning! Tifa Lockhart is targeting you]

[Do you wish to level up?]





"Oh, shut up already," Kal I. Ashwood sat up. He swiped his palm towards the virtual reality gear. Only his hand touched against something soft and tight. He held his pulsing head, looking towards his hand, opening his purple eyes, which matched his hair. His hair was a darker shade of purple near the roots and much lighter near the ends.

Currently, his purple eyes gazed at the woman with long silky black hair, and ruby eyes, wearing a white tank top, and gloves on her palms. His hand was on her stomach, her trained, taunt stomach. Yet, his heart wasn't beating. Instead, it had stopped, seeing the chilly anger in her eyes, 'this is a dream, right?'

"Die," She raised her leg, striking her heel down like an axe, and he moved to save his life. The danger that he felt was real. Even if this was a virtual world, he was caught in by some rogue program. Then too, he didn't want to die. For no other purpose but, 'I know that table. That lamp, that door, that wall.  I designed and created it!'

His toes and fingers pressed against the smooth wood, and he started running, ignoring the sound of the bed breaking. He closed the door, 'that's impossible! That painting of the tsunami. It was my first painting when I was creating the Port Town Xphargos. If so, this is the beginner's house and the moment I come out of it!'

He was stuck by the wild winds that ruffled his purple hair and nearly pushed back his thin body. He had broad shoulders but barely had any muscles. Ever since he started creating this virtual game, he had put all his money into it. When he ran out of money, he started creating VR porn movies. It didn't get him much, so he picked up characters from the early 21st century, popular ones, and remade their Virtual Reality models. They looked like real people. One couldn't even tell the difference on the outside.

Since servers were limited, they couldn't react with the models. He had to make story bits to play out. Those were a success. He got his money and put that money into this game, this world, and he was so close to the end, 'what is going on? Is it a virus? How did this happen.'

'Don't panic, don't panic. Now is not the time! I have only felt it in the virtual world, but that bloodthirst was a thousand times more suffocating than any I had felt. It was so real! I need to get away from her. She's going to kill me!'

This was in the middle of an ongoing storm, winds were grating, and raindrops were slowly falling on the road he made. He darted his eyes around, looking back when he noticed a gaze. He looked up, seeing her stand on the roof ledge, looking down at him with anger, her hair swayed with the wind, 'God! She looks like death's apprentice! I need to get away from her.'

He had only looked back to see where she was when he noticed a wooden frame for use for construction, 'that place.'

He counted the alleys and was three alleys away, 'it's near there.'

He looked up to see Tifa again, but she wasn't there. He turned and kept running, ignoring the fact that she could be anywhere. The good thing was that she didn't want to kill him. No, she wanted to hunt him down like a dog for sure. He came upon the fourth alley, and he put his hand on the edge, sliding forward, taking a sharp turn.

He could see the wall in front of him, yet, he kept running, barely stopping in front of it. His body jerked, coming to a stop, and he turned back, seeing the young woman from the game appear in front of him.

"Hey…hi," He put his back against the wall. He took a deep breath, pressing the four tiles in the right order. One with his elbow, the other from his palm, and the two others with his heels, "so…tell me if I am not wrong. You are Tifa Lockhart. Right? Is there a reason why you want to kill me?"

Tifa pulled down her gloves, slowly walking towards him coldly, sharply looking at him with her ruby eyes, "don't worry. I won't kill you so soon. First, I get my vengeance for killing you. Others have as much claim as I."

"Huh…others. I am so fucked," Kal said that word. Only to notice the anger flash in her eyes, and she blitzes forward, about to attack him, when a portal appeared behind him, and he got pulled in, "I look forward to it."

His body got sucked into the portal, and he appeared on the other side, finally letting out a breath. He looked up, seeing her furious face through the crystalised bricks. On the other side, they look like natural bricks, no different than any other. But this place was created by the Pirates who used to rule it before it became Port.

When he created the story, he gave this city a history. It was said that the Pirate King stole the treasure of the God of Sea. And so, the God of Sea created Tsunami to drown this city and the Pirate King. But the Pirate King used this treasure to create an underground dungeon that even God of Sea's natural disasters couldn't break.

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'At the start of the Age of Humanity, after the disappearance of the Divine Beings, people stopped believing that the secret Dungeon of the Pirate King even existed. When the new players reach level 20, the chain mission becomes available. If someone finds the chain mission, they can complete it, and this Dungeon becomes available by Level 25,' He sat down against the wall. He took deep breaths, resting his head against the wall.

He pinched his cheek, 'how did I survive…I heard a voice, didn't I? One that woke me up?'

"Uh…is someone there?"


He gulped, licking his lips, wetting them, "um…I am sorry I angered you. Can I go back? I will stop these videos. It was the last one."

[Yes. You can go back.]

A smile appeared on his lips, and his soft-looking face, which still wasn't fully mature, "thank you."

[In return. The videos will be erased.]

"Ok. Ok. I don't mind."

[The world you created will be erased. Digitally and from your memories. All signs of it will disappear.]

Kal parted his lips, resting his arm on his knees, holding his head, "everyone does that…there are so many stories, pictures, comics and whatnot. Why am I getting this special attention?"

[You don't have enough clearance to know that answer.]

"Damn. Fine. You said something while I was asleep. What was it?"

[Video Unlocked.]

[You gained 600 Experience Points.]

[You gained Ice and Lightning Materia]

[You gained Mini-Gun]

[Warning! Tifa Lockhart is targeting you]

[Do you wish to level up?]

'What the?' Kal rubbed his forehead, "Do I have a character profile?"

[Host Name – Kal I. Ashwood.]

[Race – Human]

[Affiliation – Villian]

Level – 7 (600/90)

Strength – 4

Endurance – 4

Body – 5

Agility – 3

  Intelligence – 10

Mind – 10

Energy – 5

[Innate Skill – None] 

[Passive Abilities – None.]

[Active Skills – None.]

[Trained Skills – Computer Expert. Engineering Expert. Drawing Expert. Visualisation. Prediction.]

[Titles – Villain.]

[Free Attribute Points – 35]

[Talent Points – 7]

'I am useless in a fight,' He closed his eyes for a moment, opening them again, 'that reminds me. I got Materia.'

"What can I do with Materia?"

[Materia can be converted into Active Skills. Do you wish to convert them?]

He was about to tap yes when he remembered what he had read in the story. Since he had to make scenes, he had to understand the characters, and for that, he had to go through the story, "Don't Materia Level up if used enough?"


"Will these?"


"If I convert them to make them my active skills, then will they level up on their own?"


He let out a breath, "Fine. Please do it. Convert them to active skills."

[You learned Fire and 3 Talent Points]

[You learned Ice and 3 Talent Points]

"What about the Mini-Gun?"

[It is in your inventory.]

"Can I even use it? Barrett didn't have a right hand below his elbow."

[It will be converted into a Weapon Summoning Skill. Please note – You must meet strength requirements to wield this weapon.]

"Fine. Covert it first."

[You have gained Summoning Skill – Mini-Gun and 8 Talent Points]

[Would you like to Level Up?]

"Yes. Level up all the way."

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