Deranged Two Dimension Women Are Trying to Kill me!!!

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Tifa X Cloud

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‘I am drowning,’ Ashwood opened his eyes, calm for someone drowning. He wasn’t panicked about his death because something else scared him to the core.

‘It was her. That black dress, black umbrella. I know it was her,’ He opened the system screen with a strange calm. He was using the level-up feature with his mind since he couldn’t move or speak. His injuries healed, and all he needed to hold himself together. The stormy waves pushed him towards the land.

‘The mastermind behind everything that happens in Port Xphargos. The Uncrowned King of this place. I hate it…I had to reveal my world to buy time from Tifa and make her curious. She seeks all knowledge and anything that would help her to achieve her goal,’ He came out of the water, coughing, climbing on of the side ports for smaller boats, ‘As long as I have her attention. I have one get-out-of-the-jail-free card. But Tifa has the same thing to offer, and she might take her side more than I do. She’ll kill me if she realises I created this story…and will kill me after she has the information. And I can never defeat her even if I reach Level 150. She has that absurd ability.’

“The only way to survive is to convince Tifa to ask her to let me off…that means…telling her why I truly want to survive. But…I can’t let that one finds out. I need to arrange a few things,” He supported himself, standing up, taking a step forward when his body sank.

[Congratulation on Surviving Second Confrontation with Tifa Lockhart.]

[You have gained the key to unlock the new video.]

[Ding Ding Ding]

[You have gained 3 Minor Keys to Unlock Minor Videos.]

[You have earned a 5 Common Lottery Box and 1 Rare Lottery Box from Final Fantasy 7 Universe]

He slowly looked down towards his knees, parting his trembling lips, “What happened to me? Shouldn’t the level-up heal everything? Should I do it again?”

[You are mentally fatigued.]

“I am? Level doesn’t help it?”

[It does. You have zero combat experience. You survived Tifa’s hunt once and nearly died in the Dungeon. Filled with Adrenaline from level up, and then nearly beater. Burned to the point you almost died, and then level up again. All in the last two hours.]

[You have crossed all limits]

[If you don’t rest now, you will fall into a coma]

“That is no different from dying,” Ashwood climbed on his feet again, shivering, ‘I…survived…but where should I go now. There is no entry point in this area. Instead, it is near the slums. I would die if I entered the slums right now.’

He tried to move but couldn’t since there was a walking pathway above him to help him hide from the rain. He sat down, leaning against the wall when the wave hit the edge, and said, “No other place I can go.”

“Use all experience to level me up.”

He felt warm, nearly drifting off to sleep, ‘I bought myself a few minutes and nothing more.’

“Difference between videos and minor videos?” In the condition he was. He didn’t even want to waste energy on a single word.

[Minor videos don’t reveal your location.]

[You only get one reward per video.]  

“Lottery box. What can I get? I won’t get a slipper, right?”

[No. Only useful items]

He opened the inventory, taking the lottery box that looked like a gift box. He opened the ribbon with shivering hands when the box burst open, leaving an item on his thigh.

[You gained an antidote.]

[Would you like to open all other Common Boxes at once?]


[You gained potion.]

[You gained potion.]

[You gained tent]

[You gained tent]

“Tent? Can it be deployed here?”


“Will it protect me from the waves?”


He opened the inventory box, tapping on it, and the tent appeared in front of him out of mid-air. He crawled in, lying down, having one last thought, ‘just don’t be the last day of the seven-day storm.’

The storm continued, even after a few hours. If anything, it had gotten worse. He could have slept for a month, that is how he felt, but after having nightmares for the past few hours, he woke up. He didn’t even have the will to move, so he kept lying there, staring at the tent and hearing the sound of the waves, rain, thunder and storm.

He took the pillow and hugged it, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again, ‘I am not safe yet.’

[Host Name – Kal I. Ashwood.]

[Race – Human]

[Affiliation – Villian]

Level 28 – (35/660)

Mana - 400

Strength – 15

Endurance – 15

Body – 40

Agility – 15

Intelligence – 15

Mind – 15

Energy – 40

[Innate Skill – None] 

[Passive Abilities – None.]

[Active Skills – Grand Fireball. Ice Shard. Summoning Spell – Minigun, Rifle, Grenade.]

[Trained Skills – Computer Expert. Engineering Expert. Drawing Expert. Visualisation. Prediction.]

[Items – Sunglasses. Decorative Black Wing. Fire Materia. Ice Materia. Thunder Materia. Earth Materia. Antidote (1). Potion (2). Tent (1). Rare Lottery Box (1). Minor Key (3). Major Key (1)]

[Equipment - Tonfa]

[Titles – Villain.]

[Free Attribute Points – 19]

[Talent Points – 24]

“I’ll think about it later,” Ashwood closed his eyes, ‘I don’t even have a phone to play a game on. I doubt that the system comes with a mini-game. Hell, it might cause a shark to come out of the water and try to kill me for a mini-game.’

He opened his eyes, turning from his side to his back, looking at the tent’s roof.

“At least I have some entertainment. There were those sets of videos. I could use something heart-warming,” He smiled, using the minor key to unlock three videos, and putting them on the playlist as one.

[Playing Now…]

Ashwood found himself in a dark room. He walked over to the only thing visible to him, the chair on which he sat. Light shone from above, highlighting the stage for this video. It was in the bar, Seventh Heaven, and he was sitting in front of the main door, looking at Tifa Lockhart cleaning a glass.

He thought for a moment before standing up, walking to the table, and sitting on the bar stool in the left corner. She looked up, not at him but at the man that entered the Bar with a brooding look, “Cloud.”

Cloud nodded to her, walking to the bar table. He put his sword down, sitting on the stool.

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“What would you like?”

“Anything would do,” Cloud nonchalantly said. He hesitated, taking the yellow flower, which he put in front of Tifa, who watched it in surprise and smiled.

“How sweet,” Tifa gently watched the flower, which she put down, walking around the bar table, “I know what you’d like the best.”

Cloud pulled away from the table, turning to her, looking at her in confusion when she closed in, resting her palm on his chest. She put her arm around him, looking into his eyes, whispering, “Cloud…where did you get the flower?”

Cloud looked up, saying with reluctance, “from a crazy flower girl.”

Tifa chuckled, “As long as she is crazy.”

Cloud let a sliver of a smile appear on his lips and in his voice as the tension left his shoulder. He looked back at her when she tilted her head, gently kissing his lips. He froze, not knowing what to do or where to keep his hand. A part of him wondered if he should push her away altogether.

 But when he raised his hands, they went to her back and waist. He hugged her, slowly kissing her back, clumsily, much as Tifa did. Cloud pulled away a little, “Tifa….”

“Shhh,” Tifa placed her lips on his, happily stroking his cheek, kissing him more.

Ashwood smilingly watched them. This was where the first video was supposed to cut off, but it continued. The two kept kissing each other, and Cloud stood up on his feet.

Ashwood blinked, ‘this is new.’

He put her against the bar table, parting his lips, pushing his tongue inside her mouth, sucking on her upper lip, and Tifa hung to his clothes. His hands finally moved from her back to her ass, touching it, moving to her boobs, squeezing them, tasting her neck for the first time.

“Aummm~!!” Tifa let out an involuntary moan, holding his head, moaning. Her body was pressed against his, and he pulled her closer. She bit her lip, moving her hand over his back, gripping her hair, which he seemed to like.

She pulled his head to the front, away from her neck and started kissing him again. This time with a lot more tongues than before, exchanging their saliva. Even when she pulled away, there were saliva strings connecting their mouths.

She placed her palm on the hard tool pressed against her body and was about to burst out, “you must be so uncomfortable. I know I am.”

Cloud rested his forehead on hers, “Yeah.”

Ashwood watched the two strip each other naked, though Cloud was still wearing his gloves and metal bands on his wrists while Tifa kept on her stockings. The two watched each other, each other’s bodies, and Tifa pulled his palm, bringing him to the table, on which she sat down.

She seductively bit her lip, expecting it, “Cloud…take me?”

“Yeah,” Cloud didn’t hesitate. He moved over to the table, and she spread her legs, moaning, breathing in.

She placed her palm on his cock, throbbing, rubbing against her clit, near her naughty slit. She didn’t wait for him. She guided him to where he should be going and pulled him closer, “mmmmphhhhhhh~!!”

She pressed her head against the table, arching her back, feeling the cock slide inside her. She cried in pleasure, slowly opening her eyes and looking at Cloud, who put his palm on her shoulders. She swayed her body up and down, and he slowly swung his hips.

She placed her palm on her nipples, rubbing them, letting out a hot breath, and watching Cloud. He lowered his body, kissing her lips. When they pulled away, she muttered, “don’t hold back.”

Cloud cupped her cheek, slowly nodding, “ok.”

Tifa moaned in her throat, hearing the sound of their bodies clapping together when Cloud started thrusting faster. She looked away, moaning louder, letting Ashwood get a good view of her eyes.

He sat near the table, looking right into her eyes when he raised his palm, cupping her cheek, ‘her eyes are so beautiful.’

Tifa turned her head in surprise, moaning. However, she couldn’t keep thinking about it. She gripped his powerful arms, moaning louder, “yes! Yes! Yes! Cloud~!! Yesss~!!”

He started thrusting faster, pounding her with his powerful physique. She looked backwards when she realised the door to her bar was open. Even though there were few people over this late, she couldn’t help but feel the shock run through her body.

“Cloud~!” She wanted to tell him when he covered her lips with his own burning lips, wantonly kissing her. His thrusts got faster and faster. She moaned in his mouth, her ass and thighs smacked against his body. She rolled her eyes to the back of her head when he buried his cock inside her. She spasmed, climaxing.

She heaved, stroking Cloud’s chest as he supported his body on his forearms, breathing heavily by her head. She remembered something and pushed Cloud away, “wait, Cloud.”

She hurriedly ran to the door, closing and locking them before she let out a breath of relief. She turned around, sliding down, and noticed a shadow in front of her. She looked up, seeing Cloud standing there, scratching his head, “Sorry.”

Tifa brought her knees to her chest, crossing her ankles, looking at the still-hard cock in front of her. She patted the floor beside her, “Sit with me?”

Cloud hesitantly sat down, parting his lips, and when he gathered the courage to speak, she spoke too.



The two of them looked away, and Cloud steeled himself, letting out a breath. He took Tifa’s palm and, to her surprise, pulled her into his arms.

“Cloud?” Tifa looked up with a blush on her cheeks, resting her head on his shoulder. She stroked his stomach.

“Tifa…I…I…” He wanted to say it, but he couldn’t. He gently hugged her, “I want to stay like this.”

“Me too…um…Cloud?”


“How about we go to my room?” Cloud hugged her tighter with a smile on his lips, “yeah.”

[Playing Stopped.]

Ashwood realised he was back in the tent. He closed his purple eyes, “Isn’t that sweet? But…did she react to my touch?”

[Your location has been revealed to Tifa Lockhart.]




Ashwood slowly sat up, “I want to say that you said my location wouldn’t be revealed. But you will probably say something like 3 Minor Keys makes a Major Ones. But since they aren’t Major Keys, the time I am revealed is much less?”

[So Intelligent.]

[Would you like the reward now or run?]



Ashwood stood up, walking out of the tent, “I said I want my reward now.]

[You got Cloud Strife’s gauntlets. You got Leather Gloves. You got Seventh Heaven.]

He stopped, “I got Seventh Heaven?”

[Safe Area in the shape of a Tent. It can be deployed anytime and anywhere. Going inside will help you regenerate faster and restore your mana.]

“Huh, I might not need it now,” Ashwood walked over to the stairs about tens of meters away, sitting down on them. He looked at the waves coming all the way to his knees even though he was sitting at the top.

He could see the clock counting down, and then the clock ran out. He sat there, waiting for a few more minutes.



“I know,” Ashwood didn’t move, waiting, hearing the splashing sound behind him, “Can we talk? Even death row criminals get one last meal.”

“I almost didn’t come,” Tifa sat down beside him. She leaned back, looking at the stormy skies, “You have given up?”

“You are calmer.”

“So are you,” Tifa lightly said.

“How about an exchange of information? You ask one question, and I ask one.”

“Hm, then I get to go first. Why don’t you masturbate?”

“Huh,” Ashwood looked up and laughed, “Hahaha. Ok. I was not expecting that. Umm…how should I put this…the Legal Virtual Servers had Moral Code. It didn’t allow explicit touch. Even kissing wasn’t allowed. There were other servers, and they were easy to hack…but…um. I was eleven then.”

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