Deranged Two Dimension Women Are Trying to Kill me!!!

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Dungeon.

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Tifa held her head, looking at the flustered boy, unable to explain, “Finish it in one sentence, and you can ask the question.”

Ashwood scratched his cheek, “it’s hard to explain. I never felt that much lust. Though I saw how popular it was on Illegal Servers, it made money. I thought…no one would get hurt. I guess I was wrong about that.”

He glanced towards her as the rain fell over their body, “can you tell me what happened?”

“Why do you think I would?”

“The same reason why you didn’t kill me yet. You are scared…scared of the fact that this might be some Evil God playing some kind of trick, and even if you kill me…you’ll truly end up being alone.”

“Am I so obvious?” Tifa took a deep breath, stretching her hands in front of her, “Oh well…might as well.”

“It happened suddenly…one day all of a sudden we had these memories…of…well, your videos,” Tifa held her head, controlling her anger, “we didn’t know how it happened. It was so vivid that we remembered the physical touch we felt. No one understood what happened…but it broke our team apart. Without that…Shinra started getting the upper hand….and then Sephiroth… came to tell us how disgusted he was and that he would find the criminal behind this. As a result…he ended up destroying our universe. Even that wasn’t enough for him…from what I saw…he destroyed everyone in our parallel universe. Until there was nothing left.”

“Next thing I knew…I was here.”

“Oh,” Ashwood thoughtfully looked in the distance. There was a glow in his purple eyes, “and what the system somehow connected my actions to your world, causing whatever I did to affect you and others, and now we are being pitted against each other. The survivor will be able to save their world…and the loser dies alongside their universe.”

“This is a game.”

“Without certainty, there will be a reward in the end.”

“There will be,” Ashwood got on his feet, smiling at her, “I know more about this world than you…the people, the future…and I can think of a few beings who might make this possible.”

‘If it is what I think this place is,’ He scratched his head, “So you don’t need to worry about them restoring your world. As long as it is fun for them…they will reward you for entertaining them for sure.”

‘That also means they will destroy my world without any hesitation,’ Ashwood scratched his forehead, ‘I can’t die…I can’t have Tifa die …her multiverse is at stake. I need to….’               

He abruptly backed away, having her heel nearly kick his chin. He took a few steps back, looking towards Tifa, “no hesitation?”

“If my world will be restored, then I don’t need to hesitate,” Tifa put her leg down, “I am sure…I will forever be tormented by the fact that I killed someone innocent…you might not even be a bad person. But a trillion lives are at stake here…If your and my life are what is needed for them to live. So be it.”

“Yeah, I figured,” Ashwood rubbed his chin, nodding, “Fine. Then let’s die together?”

“What?” Tifa was caught off guard. She backed away, seeing him blitz to her with a magic circle on the palm of his hand, “you are!”

She jumped away when a heated fireball, the size of an apple, came burning through the air and hit her forearm. Her body flew backwards. It hit the wall and broke through it, dragging against the furniture, breaking everything before she came out on the other side. She rolled, coming to a stop, but every inch of her body was burning.

Her forearm, half of her face, her thigh, and a portion of her waist. All her skin had burned and disappeared, leaving her muscles visible to the naked eye. She was in shock from the pain; her eyes dazedly looked in front of her when dialogue boxes popped in front of her.

[A minor video of you was watched just now.]

[You gained experience.]

[You levelled up.]

[0 Injuries Inflicted.]

[You failed to kill your archenemy.]

[Better luck next time.]

Tifa trembled, still feeling the pain, even though her body healed like magic, ‘I got outplayed…I thought he used to be a normal person who never even carried a weapon.’

[Would you like to see your opponent’s actual past?]

Tifa rubbed her face, wiping the raindrops from it, shaking her head, “No. I don’t need to know that.”

She felt pain all over her body, even though she had been fully healed with the level up, ‘I have been reluctant till now. But…if he believes that This Existence will keep their promise, then so be it.’

She walked through the town, crossing the square when she noticed the partially broken arch and the massive wall on the other side. She looked away, walking a little longer until most of the pain drowned in the rain. She stopped, opening the door of the restaurant, and hearing the sound of the piano.

The music stopped as soon as she entered the room, “how was the meet?”


“That was your last chance to kill him for sure. Next time, even I can’t predict what will happen.”

Tifa went to the bar, pouring herself a drink, “thank you for helping me for so long.”

“Yeah…you helped me plenty as well.”


“If I hadn’t been expecting that, then Tifa would have killed me for sure,” Ashwood crouched in front of a treasure chest, opening it, and it disappeared with a shine, leaving behind an ordinary whip. He groaned, “I just need a sword or dagger. Why is that so hard?”

He scratched his head, sitting down against the wall, “let’s see…I had to use my dear major key to unlock a minor video to help Tifa level up. That was a big loss. I don’t know how to unlock another video. I might have to face Tifa without getting a boost.”

[Items – Sunglasses. Decorative Black Wing. Fire Materia. Ice Materia. Thunder Materia. Earth Materia. Antidote (1). Potion (2). Tent (1). Rare Lottery Box (1).

[Equipment – Tonfa. Leather Gloves Level 1. Common Whip.]

“Hm. Use Rare Lottery Box.”

Ashwood caught the box, larger than the first and kept it on his thighs. He opened the box, causing a shine and green materia in front of him. He tapped on it, causing another window to pop, “Time-Materia?”

“I got a cheat code,” Ashwood let out a shocked laugh, “Heh…Time Materia. Awesome. Use all the Materia’s in my item storage and convert to spells.”

“Convert all Materia into Active Skills.”

[You gained Fire Sword and Three TP]

[You gained Ice Spear and Three TP]

[You gained Lightning Bolt and Three TP]

[You gained Quake and Eight TP]

[You gained Haste and Eight TP]

“Uwaaaa!! Fire Sword!! That’s the most OP Skill!! And I got Haste and Quake too!!” Ashwood’s face became slack from the happiness, “and Ice Spear! Two Star Version is so much better than one! And Lightning Bolt too! If I level the two up!”

He stood straight, making a solemn face with a calm smile on his lips, “I am Invincible.”

He happily opened his eyes, brimming with joy, “Let’s see what all do I need.”

[Host Name – Kal I. Ashwood.]

[Race – Human]

[Affiliation – Villian]

Level 28 – (350/660)

Mana - 400

Strength – 15

Endurance – 15

Body – 40

Agility – 15

Intelligence – 15

Mind – 15

Energy – 40

[Innate Skill – None] 

[Passive Abilities – None.]

[Active Skills – None]

[Fire Spell – Fire Sword (1). Fireball (1). Grand Fireball (2).]

[Ice Spell – Ice Shard (1). Ice Spear (1).]

[Thunder Spell – Thunder Bolt (1)]

[Earth Spell – Quake (2)]

[Time Spell – Haste (2)]

[Summoning Spell – Rifle (1). Grenade (1). Minigun (2)]

[Trained Skills – Computer Expert. Engineering Expert. Drawing Expert. Visualisation. Prediction.]

[Items – Sunglasses. Decorative Black Wing. Antidote. 2 Potion. Tent. Seventh Heaven]

[Equipment – Tonfa. Leather Gloves Level 1. Common Whip.]

[Titles – Villain.]

[Free Attribute Points – 19]

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[Talent Points – 49]

“Many talent points. Let’s see. Every time you become aware of a Skill, Spell or Talent. Or anything like that. You gain 1 Talent Point. Once you master them to the Level of 1 Star. You get two. 2 Stars, and you get 5 Talent Points. 3 Stars and get 10 TP,” He narrowed his eyes, “For players, they could use these Talent Points to learn or evolve other Skills. Using the same amount of Talent Points. I could Level up 4 Two Star Spells to Three Stars.”

He scratched his head, “I don’t have enough MP to use so many Three Star Spells. I will be a one-bullet gun. I need two more Levels, and I will have the minimum points needed to have another Stat reach 40 Points. I will be able to have a Low-Level Promotion. But then, I can never beat Tifa Lockhart. Which is as good as dying!!!”

He took a deep breath, pressing his lips to the limit, “I want to shout…but I will invite monsters.”

He took out the Leather Gloves from Inventory, wearing them, “I have the Whip and Tonfa, but against the Monsters…I will die so fast if I don’t know how to wield them. If I go back to the Sludge area…they will give me 1 EXP because of the level difference, and there are too many to train the Whip against them and use Talent Points to Level Up Skills. That leaves me…Fire Sword. That’s the best skill one can ask for.”

“With Fire Sword. I am going to be awesome and Level up really fast,” He happily walked away from the treasure chest. Only about a hundred meters away, he came to the corridor that went towards the entrance, ‘Sludges don’t drop anything. They are infinite and don’t give any experience to anyone five levels higher. Why did I make such an annoying enemy.’

He thought back to the image of sludges sticking to the player’s bodies, burning all fabric off, corroding their armour, and leaving them naked, “Yeah. I remember now. I wanted to torture the players who wanted to use the Safe Zone. And when they came to First Layer…going straight, they would find them against.”


He stopped walking, looking at the skeleton getting on his feet, holding a large machete covered in rust with a blunt blade. A blue fire appeared in its eyes, glowing. Its jaws started clattering as it raised its arm, taking a step forward.

Ashwood gulped, taking a step back, “this fucker is scarier than Tifa! I meant…I did design it to be scary! But aren’t you going overboard!”

First Layer wasn’t bright. It only had the glow from the stones, and the presence of this thing was making his stomach do summersaults. He was only thinking about his stomach when an image of him jumping on a trampoline, doing a backflip.

‘Is this visualisation? But if my stomach is doing the flips, then shouldn’t it be,’ He thought when his intestines appeared in place of his body, and he swung his arm in anger, “As if I want to see that!!! At least censor that shit!”

He groaned, raising his eyebrow, ‘I need to increase my Mind more than my Intelligence to use Visualisation more effectively.’

He was thinking about all this when the Skeleton stopped waiting. It jumped, turning into a ball, rolling towards him with the Large Machete, “Fuck! Quake!!”

Ashwood panicked, raising his hand, using Quake. The walls and floor didn’t shake, being Divine Material, but the air did, shaking the Skeleton and breaking it apart. The bones turned into dust, falling. He sucked in a deep breath, “Skeletons…scared me.”

[You gained 200 Exp.]

He scratched his cheek, slowly walking forward, picking up the Machete and keeping it in the Inventory. He wanted to pick up the Skeleton’s bone dust, but the Dungeon absorbed them. He kept walking forward, coming to a turn. There was no path on the right, but a Skeleton came to him from the left, making a loud noise of its bones and Machete scratching the walls and floors.

He raised his palm, and a golden-brown circle appeared on his palm, “Quake!”

[You gained 200 Exp.]

He blinked when his surrounding turned like a bright, sunny painting. A chibi version of him ran to the skeleton, picking up the sword, which he took and kept in inventory as the surroundings darkened again, “I am such a cute genius.”

[Title Earned – Narcissist.]

“Now you are just jealous,” Ashwood chuckled, placing his palm on the wall, thinking, “Let’s map this place. There is an Entrance, and there are three paths. Right, front and left. Two walls in the front, separating the right and left sections.”

“Right and left are upside down – L. Right said has another two walls and a treasure chest and no monsters between them. The same is on the left section. But it is filled with skeletons. One on the centre, one on the left that I killed. Three more on in each lane.”

He smiled, “With Quake. I should be able to kill all five and level once to restore MP and then find the path to the next area, “Wait…can I do that.”

He closed his eyes, focusing. It took him a minute to calm down and finally get the straight picture when a light spread out from him, like a rolled-up painting, going forward like an unfurling red carpet, and three chibi versions of him appeared.




The three chibi avatars killed the Skeletons, and they ran forward, picking up the Machete and bringing it back to him.

He opened his eyes, and they disappeared, along with the light, and the swords dropped on his feet, “Mind. I must increase my Mind.”

[Tripple Kill. You gained 780 Exp.]

“Level up twice.”

[Host Name – Kal I. Ashwood.]

[Race – Human]

[Affiliation – Villian]

Level 30 – (150/800)

Mana - 400

Strength – 15

Endurance – 15

Body – 40

Agility – 15

Intelligence – 15

Mind – 15

Energy – 40

[Titles – Villain. Narcissist]

[Narcissist – No bonus]

[Free Attribute Points – 29]

[Talent Points – 51]

“Put 25 Points to Mind.”

Mind – 15 -> 40

He felt a shock in his mind, followed by waves that seemed to be hitting his limit, “Fuck! You could have warned me!”

[You expect me to warn you? Get help.]

[Stockholm Syndrome detected]

Ashwood rolled his eyes, holding his head, moaning and groaning in pain. He turned over, lying on the bed, ‘fucking hurts!!!’ 

He rolled a few times, losing his sense of time. He slowly opened his eyes, took deep breaths, and raised his white t-shirt, wiping his face, cheek and neck. He crawled up, slowly walking forward, when he heard the voice of the skeleton, “Quake!!” “Quake!” “Quake!” “Quake!” “Quake!”

He panicked, knowing that the Skeletons were coming from two directions, firing the Quake in all directions.

[You gained 400 EXP]

He placed his palm on his heart which seemed to be going crazy. Everything was shaking. In the place of bone dust, there were tens of them in all directions. He placed his palm on the wall to use support and kept walking, despite seeing four or five of them.

Every time he stepped forward, the lane seemed to get bigger, ‘The name of the treasure of the Sea God was Atlantis. It was a place in the Legend where Half of God and Half of Humans lived, sunken under the sea. Its back story aside…it has Divine Properties, which is the Resurrection. But that should only happen once a day…I was out for more than a day?’

‘Luckily, I was on edge…and these Skeletons didn’t come out until there was movement,’ He reached the entrance tunnel, taking a left. Once he was ten meters away, he opened the item menu, trying to select Seventh Heaven, ‘there are too many.’

“Deploy Seventh Heaven.”

He wiped the sweat off his neck, feeling this immense heat around him and the burning feeling in his brain and mind. He placed his palm on the tent, clawing inside through the flap. He found himself on wood, under the bar’s light and dropped down.

He gasped for breath, unable to sleep and stay awake, left in a half-tortured state for who knows how long. He was relieved when he finally lost consciousness, having the last thought for a while.

Though soon after he lost consciousness, a girl wearing a black dress, holding an umbrella, entered Seventh Heaven, “He sure held on for quite a while. In so much pain, one wouldn’t expect a normal person to hold on for so long.”

She crouched down beside him, poking his cheek, “Hm. Hm. Hm. Is there more to you than meets the eye? There must be. Seeing as to who your enemies are.”

“Oh well. There are more important things I have to do,” That day, she disappeared into the depths of the Dungeon, and that evening, a pillar of light hit the sky, clearing the storm that had covered Port Xphargos for weeks. As sunlight shined on the Port, even those far beyond noticed the light.

Sound East from Port Xphargos,

There was a kingdom, peaceful, beautiful, and warm, like something out of a fairy tale. In this kingdom, every citizen could see the Royal Palace on top of the High Mountain, and right now, they were all looking at the bluish wave of lights in the afternoon sky.

They weren’t the only ones. The most beautiful woman of the Kingdom, the First Princess, Heir to the Throne, was leaning against the balcony railing. She had dusky skin, brown eyes, black hair, bow-shaped lips, and red lips. She had a happy look in her eyes, “A Dungeon. How long has it been since something interesting happened?”

“That’s where he is.”

“Hm,” The Princess curiously blinked, looking behind her at the woman who walked to her, bowing, “Really? Esdeath’s enemy is there? How curious. Then again…that direction is where the Witch lives. That would explain a few things. Why she would want to muddy the waters so early.”

Esdeath bowed forward. Her long blue hair fell over her shoulder, and she focused her blue eyes on the Princess’s feet, and a malicious grin appeared on her lips, “allow me to go there and torture him.”

“I want to…especially when you are so excited,” The Princess apologetically smiled, reminding her, “Did you forget that you can’t leave this Kingdom. You are anchored here until the conditions of your release are met?”

Esdeath stood straight with utmost confidence, “I will find a way to break the limits on myself.”

The Princess parted her lips, softly smiling. Her dimples came out as she looked in the distant sky, “that confidence of yours. I love it. But if only you knew the extent of their powers.”

She pulled away from the railing, “How about this? I will go first and make sure he releases the bindings on you. That way. We can go to all the other fun places we talked about.”

Esdeath looked up, seeing the gleeful smile on the face of the person she chose to serve in this world. Her smile seemed to make the whole world light up, and that wasn’t just what she felt. It was as if the world around them was happy that she was smiling. A blush appeared on her cheeks as she mumbled, agreeing, “Then I’ll wait here. Lady Qayanat.”

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