Deranged Two Dimension Women Are Trying to Kill me!!!

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Newbie Party!! (First Meeting with Indigenous.)

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“So let me get this straight. I was unconscious for seven days. And in that time, most of the entrances to the dungeon revealed themselves, and people started pouring in from all directions. As a result, First Layer has been searched, and the Frontier Party has reached the Fourth Layer?”

[I locked the Tent so no one else could come in and kill you.]

“Huh…thank you,” Ashwood poured himself some beer, having heard a lot about it. Since he wasn’t of age, he couldn’t order it through the drones. Those things had a scanner which was much more reliable than the Id cards they used to have when he was a child.

‘I could have always hacked it, but my Project was more important than anything else,’ He blinked, realising something, “Oye, you said anyone else? Does that mean someone entered this place?”

[I can’t say.]

Ashwood screwed his eyebrows, “Eh…as much as I know…and timing of everything. It was the Witch, wasn’t it?”

“When I set up the First Arc of the Game. There was the shadow of Four Important Figures of the Second Arc. The Witch—who was behind the scenes of almost everything that happened in the First Arc. The Princess for Whom the World Smiled. The Prince of Paladenia and the Evil Queen Carmilla.”

“The character theme for the Second Arc was based on Fairy Tales. The Fairy Godmother is magical and all-knowing, but the Princess with a sad backstory. The seemingly Perfect Prince and the Evil Queen. Since I didn’t want them to be easily recognisable…I left a twist…oh shit.’

[I want to see someone’s expression when they hear you talk about these things.]

“Oh, here,” An image of a mountain appeared in front of Ashwood, along with four faces etched on it. Although, their faces were either shocked and stunned, or their eyes and noses were falling off, with a white bubble that said, “NO WAY!!!”


Ashwood Ashwood picked up the beer mug, looking towards the exit to this place which looked like a door, “Theme…maybe I should change the theme of my story.”

He took a sip, blinking before he sprayed it all out, “Yuckk!! What the hell is this?! How is that beer!”

He stuck his tongue out, cleaning it. Since his clothes cleaned and repaired themselves with every level up. He didn’t have much to worry about. He looked towards the numerous bottles, “isn’t there anything good? Like sweet or sour. Maybe some cola.”

“Uh…let’s see…conditions to change the theme of my story,” Ashwood looked at his reflection in the bottle, “I am super pretty for a neet. I want to say handsome…but yeah…I have to agree. I am too pretty not to use that word.”

[Your Title - Narcissist Levelled Up.]

“Yeah. I am so smart. I don’t have to do anything to keep levelling up,” Ashwood sighed, trying to get on the system’s nerves, but he didn’t get any reaction. He smilingly looked at the empty space in front of him, creating a character image of himself. He was tall and lean, and his malnourished body of his had disappeared. His skin was glowing.

“The only problem is this childish cute face. No one would take me seriously…but then I can play the famous Chinese pig who eats tiger something. Or I can go for the mysterious bartender who knows all the secrets in the world.”

‘Still, I don’t have a protective spirit. If someone sees Seventh Heaven,’ He looked up, seeing the various picture drama of numerous possibilities.

A and B entered the Seventh Heaven.

A said to B, “Oh!! There is a bar inside the tent!”

B replied to A, “Look, there is a child here!”

The two looked at the cute boy wearing a white t-shirt over a black full-sleeved inner, looking at them with big purple eyes. They exchange a look and say in unison, “Let’s kill him and take the treasure for ourselves!!”

Ashwood Ashwood slumped his shoulders, “Yeah. Probably something like that will happen.”

He shook his head, picturing again.

A and B entered the Bar, “there is a bar in the middle of the Dungeon!”

“Bro, look, there is a person there.”

A and B looked at the handsome man standing behind the bar, wearing a black coat over a black t-shirt. There was a coldness in his purple eyes even as he cleaned the glass, and the moment the two had the evil thoughts, hundreds of summoned weapons appeared behind him, pointing at them, with more than tens of lasers all over their body.

A cleared his throat, “Let’s drink and then we can serve him till we die.”

“I was thinking the same thing, bro.”

[You lack the physique]

An arrow appeared out of nowhere, piercing Ashwood’s heart.

[You lack the aura.]

[You lack the power to summon that many weapons.]

[You lack the personality to pull that off.]


“My poor heart,” Kal Ashwood leaned forward, slamming his fists on the table, “Ugh…one day…I will take my revenge and toy with your feelings.”

[Now, that was a good joke.]

Ashwood narrowed his eyes, and the playfulness disappeared from them, “I can do that. Can’t I?”

He took the sword out of the inventory, holding it before he walked around the bar and to the door. He placed his hand on it, opening it when he stopped in his tracks. He tilted his head, seeing the skeleton in front of him, holding a Machete, and the Skeleton tilted its head, matching him.

‘Uwaaaaa!!!’ He shouted in his head, and the Skeleton started clattering his teeth, but he calmly raised his palm with a magical glow in his eyes. A magic circle appeared around his palm, ignoring the machete about to cut him, “Quake.”

The Machete stopped, and its body tore apart, turning into dust. Alongside the sound of the Machete falling, there were multiple gasps, ‘I planned on acting cool after I found people, but to think they were using the tents as a shield.’

He turned his head, looking at the four people hiding behind his tent, ‘it’s them!!! Newbie Party!!’

“A mage who should be a swordsman,” As the creator of their character Ashwood knew them the best, ‘I can act.’

He watched the redhead mage with an athletic physique holding a staff when he should be holding a sword. Beside him was the brown-haired young man nearly 7 feet with a thick body, perfect for being a tank, but he held a short sword, “A Heavy Shield and Greatsword would be perfect for you, but you use a short sword.”

“A mage who uses the bow, and finally, the bow woman who uses the whip,” He sighed, “what the hell are you doing here? You shouldn’t even have entered this place.”

The four newbies watched the young boy who appeared out of nowhere and came to the same conclusion, ‘Two Star Magician!!!’

Despite knowing that the other party was strong, the redhead nearly jumped up, “Whom are you calling a swordsman!! Your whole family is swordsman!! I am the Supreme Mage!!!”

“Ok, ok, that’s not what he meant,” The big guy held his friend in place, apologetically smiling at Ashwood.

“Sir, thank you for saving us,” The voluptuous girl with silver hair held a bow as big as her body, smiling.

‘Beautifulllll….and the little one looks so much cuter!!!’

He smiled at them with a straight face, “Please. Come inside.”

He disappeared inside the tent and left the four stunned. The redhead stopped struggling, asking, “Did he ask us to come inside?”

“Yeahhh,” The bigger boy said in a low voice, confused and troubled since he was much bigger than the tent.

The little one, the petite girl with short silver hair and big blue eyes, tilted her head, sweetly asking, “Big sis…can I go in?”

The voluptuous woman rubbed her chin, “well…he did save our life. I will peek in and check; then you can go in.”

“Mm, ok,” The little nodded, parting her lips in surprise, “Look! A Skeleton!”

“What! Where?!” The other three nearly jumped up when they noticed the shadow of the little girl scurrying like mice.

“No! Irene!!” The older sister shouted, hurrying after her. She watched the little one disappear inside the tent and hurriedly followed inside. She wasn’t expecting enough space to stand, but she screamed in surprise.

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She entered, “How is this so big on the inside!!”

Her eyes darted for a moment, but once they landed on the beer, wine, scotch and other bottles, stars appeared in her eyes, “I will never leave this place!”

She ran and zoomed past her little sister and Ashwood, picking up an expensive bottle of scotch, opening the cap, smelling it, “ahhh~!! Please marry me?”

“Hey! Don’t go around proposing to other men in front of me!”

“I don’t think she was proposing to me,” Ashwood chuckled, looking at the redhead, and waving to the little girl who curiously watched him.

“Even I can fit here!!”

“Please come in. And if you don’t mind telling me. What are your names, and what is going on outside?”

“I am Irene Sharp,” The 10-year-old girl raised her hand, introducing herself, “I like whipping others. My dream is to find a person who likes being whipped.”

‘I know! I know!’ Ashwood chuckled, patting Irene’s head, “that’s so cute. I hope your dream comes true.”

“Big brother…do you like being whipped?”

“No,” Ashwood rejected with a straight face, not letting the smile falter for a moment. Though the other three felt their body become tenser and tenser, having a similar thought.

‘What kind of conversation is that?’

“I am Ricardo Béliveau,” The redhead nodded towards him with an annoyed look, “this big guy is Ymbolet Benett. Lastly, that woman there is my fiancée, Sienna Sharp.”

“Ashwood,” Kal Ashwood smiled, “You can call me Ashwood. Now can you answer my next question? What is going outside?”

“What is going on outside,” Ricardo scratched his head, “I have been meaning to ask…how long have you been here?”

“Uh…it’s not a matter of how long I have been here but more of every time I tend to go out…there is a crazy woman who wants to kill me,” Ashwood sighed, looking at the little girl who made his heart all light and fluffy. He stroked her head, sharing the smile with her when the redhead asked his big friend.

“Should we be worried?”

Sienna warmly smiled at her little sister. Despite all appearances, her little sister didn’t take well to the stranger. Or even their relatives since she could see through a human heart. Seeing her so excited and happy to meet someone, ‘it almost makes me tear up.’

“Sir,” Sienna curiously looked at him, “Why is a Mage down here all alone?”

Ashwood blinked, “Oh, like I said. Crazy women are after me. If anyone associates with me, they are likely to become targets and die. If you tell others, and they know, then they will put you on a spike and use you as bait.”

The three of the four took a step back every time he completed a sentence while the little one took the juice he poured for her, curiously looking at her big brothers and sister, their plain desire to run away.

Ashwood chuckled, “In fact. Never tell anyone then you met me. Also, you shouldn’t be here. Even the weakest Skeleton on this floor, Mid One Star Warrior. Your mismatch team won’t be able to defeat them.”

The Newbie team. They were the team who guided Level 11 Players during their first 10 Levels. He wanted a team that could act like newbies and teach everything not to do but also be relevant during the middle of the First Arc.

“I know you saved us and all, but ours is not a mismatched team. We are perfect for each other,” Ricardo puffed his chest out.

Ashwood sighed, “now, now, don’t be so touchy. Let me give you a history lesson if you forget. During the Era of Thousand Races, gods and demons were at the top of all races. Every Race had its own God. There was God’s like Goddess of Hunting. God of War, God of Sea, and you get that stuff, right?”

“Even a child knows that,” Ricardo crossed his arms, but he perked up his ears. Everything about The Era before the Era of Humanity was taboo. Even the Heir Apparent hadn’t much of it.

“Well, that’s the thing. In that era, humans had chaotic awakenings as well. Once you became a One-Star Warrior, the stats distributed were random. A child could train to be a mage for years and get warrior-like stats when they awakened.”

Ricardo felt a gigantic arrow go through his body, making the other three let out a wry smile.

“But, there were Gods then. If you devoted yourself to a God, like Magic, Fire, Water, etc, etc. You had to know the Gods and their fighting styles before you chose. If you were selected, then the Gods would redistribute your attributes. That way, you could be whatever you were passionate about. If you wanted to be a mage and your points were in stats, you could change it. If you wanted all in energy and become a glass cannon, then you could do it too. Humans got what they wanted, and God’s got what they did.”

Ashwood narrowed his eyes, leaning over the table, “the problem is…that Age is over. For now, humans don’t have a way to control what you become…so go with what was chosen for you. Or you will die in the times to come.”

‘It would have been so much easier if I could pour them a drink and change their stats. I could act cool too.”

“Yeah, yeah. We have heard the last part a thousand times,” Ricardo sulked, pointing at him, “I still want to be a Mage! Because Mage is the coolest!!”

Benett scratched his head, “I must carry all the cooking utensils. I can’t carry a Great Shield alongside that.”

Sienna shrugged, “I do not know the spells. I was always too hungover to learn.”

Irene raised her hands, “I like whipping!”

“Yeah,” He rubbed his chin with his palm, ‘Yeah. I figured. That is why they ran away. Ricardo wants to be a Mage more than anything else. But he was born with an amazing talent for the sword. One that allowed him to reach the levels that people only reached after decades of hard work in the middle of the game.’

‘The same goes for the big guy…he liked his own cooking after trying various foods, so he carried the cooking utensils. For a weapon, he only used a short sword.’

‘Sienna loves drinking. As a result, when she had the resources to learn magic, she couldn’t because she was always hungover. Ironically when they ran away from their home, she couldn’t drink as much because she lacked money. But she also didn’t have the resources to learn the magic spells.’

‘The only one of them who got the stats she needed and practices is Irene. It wasn’t until tragedy struck their group that they straightened out. Is there really no way I can help them?’

He got lost in thought, thinking about something he could do, but whatever he thought turned out to be a dead-end.

The four of them were waiting for him to say something when they noticed he was completely ignoring them.

Sienna shrugged, “He seems to be thinking? Let’s leave him be. You two want to try one of these sweet drinks?”

“I’ll take one.”

“I’ll see if there is a kitchen.”

“Big sis, make a cocktail for me,” Irene hurriedly drank her juice, asking for a different one.

“Yes, yes,” Sienna poured apple juice for her sister, shouting, “Benett! Did you find anything!”


“What happened?” Ricardo hurriedly ran inside, walking through the side door behind the bar. He looked in, seeing his big friend shouting as he opened the drawers and racks, “there are so many spices!! I haven’t seen these many ever!!”

“Be careful, don’t break anything,” Ricardo laughingly said since Benett looked like a tiny giant. He was worried he would break something. He took a few steps back, looking at the pretty boy with a curious glow in his eyes, “Hey, Mr Two Star. Do you mind if he breaks something?”

“Huh…? No. Say,” Ashwood narrowed his eyes, looking at him with a confident smile, “do you want to become a Mage?”


“I think I can change the theme of this story,” Ashwood rubbed his chin, “So? I’ll ask again. Do you want to be a mage?”

“Can I?” Ricardo widened his eyes to the limits.

“Eh, I don’t know,” Ashwood shrugged, causing Ricardo to trip where he stood. He fell on his hands and knees, “You bastard!!”

Ashwood looked at his system window, “I’ll know soon enough.”

His eyes darted down to the end of the page, looking at one stat.

[Talent Points – 51]

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