Detective Everlong

Chapter 19: Sheby (2)

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Walking into the small living room, Hiyori was surprised that it was not really any different from her own home’s layout. The walls were similarly old, faded and in great need of repainting. Same with the hardwood floor but at least it could be covered with different, mismatching set of rugs… at least that is what Sheby did. Not much else was there that would clutter the small, little room, only a few cupboards and a wide couch, covered with a multitude of blankets. What really surprised Hiyori was the fact it did not even smell bad! The air was relatively clean and free of the smell of decay or death that she was expecting from a demon’s lair! Sheby clearly was watching TV, cozied up on the couch previously, as the big, blocky, old machine was the sole lightsource inside. Looking at it, Hiyori immediately recognized the rerun of an old show that she used to watch as a kid. Seeing the towering mechas fighting against each other in space instantly washed her away with deep nostalgia, almost sitting down on the round carpet before the TV stand, reverting back to a kid once again. 


“Wait a little…” grumbled Sheby, walking forward with her hooves, clip-clopping loudly on the floor where no carpet covered it. She headed straight to the TV stand, and put a VHS into her player, starting a recording. “You are going to make me miss multiple episodes, for sure!” 


Watching the demon in the light of the TV, Hiyori finally came back to her senses and had a chance to have a good look at her. Her legs were completely that of a goat’s, right up to her waist, covered in a light-brown, rough, short coat of fur. It was reaching upwards, ending just below her navel. After that, her body turned into that of a human’s, with a similarly brown colored, smooth skin. She had normal, human arms and torso, wearing only a black sports bra, holding up her pretty big, teardrop shaped breasts.


“Tsk…” clicked her tongue Hiyori, with a clear tinge of jealousy laced in it, drawing a proud smile onto Sheby’s face as she turned around, facing her, letting the TV’s light outline her curves even better. 


She had a young-looking, beautiful and exotic face, her round eyes, with her goat-like pupils now were much more charming, instead of frightening, not to mention her black, slightly curly hair running down to her shoulders. Two, small, tiny little horns were growing out from her forehead, like some fancy headdress, holding up some strands of her hair, that just added to her otherworldly attractiveness. 


“What’s up, shorty? First time seeing a purebread demon?” asked proudly, placing her hands on her waist, trying to look down on Hiyori, yet they were at the exact same height. 


“It is purebred. Not bread.” corrected her Hiyori with a flat tone, not backing down, maintaining eye contact throughout the exchange of words.


“...” Sheby’s expression changed immediately, turning more serious from the provocative gaze, stomping on the carpet with one leg, just like a goat, ready to headbutt her, which quickly made Hiyori to step back by reflex. For a moment she forgot what kind of being was before her, reacting to her provocation with her own.


“She is under my protection Sheby.” stepped up Everlong, holding Hiyori’s shoulders with two hands as the goat-woman looked up at his face. 


“You are in my home now!” said back but Everlong just looked into her eyes, forming a small smile and Hiyori could see the demon shudder before finally backing down, completely changing the topic. “Tea?”


“Not now.” shook his head Everlong “But thanks!” reached into his pocket, pulling out the zip bag of theirs, containing the corpse finger with some hair next to it.


“You came prepared, huh?” tilted her head Sheby but held back from reaching out for it. “I need to hear the full story before I make a decision though!” 


“Sure!” sat down on the couch Everlong, pulling Hiyori next to him. “Tell her!” patted her hand.


“Khm…” scratched her throat Hiyori, regaining her calmness, especially after seeing that it looked like Everlong held authority over Sheby. She felt completely safe now. At least as long as he was there with her! It took around half an hour to tell Sheby everything, alongside her previous experiences and the things she came to know after meeting with Everlong.


“Hmmm…” leaned back Sheby, after listening to her story silently “Let me guess! You brought her to me, so I can confirm the poser’s background?” asked Everlong.


“Poser?” blinked Hiyori, not expecting a name calling like that.


“Most purebreds are proud beings.” replied Everlong, his eyes still looking into Sheby’s. “Plus those who live in our world tend to pick up some unwanted mannerisms.”


“Look who's talking!” scoffed Sheby “So… I can help you, but let’s talk about my payment first!” leaned closer towards Hiyori, driving her demonic gaze into hers “She is deeply tied to it by now…”


“I know. Don’t worry about that.” raised his hand Everlong “She was chosen.” 


“Oh!” blinked Sheby, pulling back immediately as if she just heard Hiyori had lepers!


“...?” turned her head Hiyori, back up at Everlong then to Shelby. She now had multiple questions but decided to sit on them for now. 


“So I won’t get a bite out of her then?” asked Sheby, after staying silent for a few seconds.


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“Nope!” shook his head Everlong “That is out of the question! She remains intact! As I said, you help us, you get to eat the poser! But she remains whole!” put his hand on Hiyori’s head, his voice turning commanding at the end.


“Tsk… okay, okay… I can manage that! No collateral, I got it!” replied Sheby, throwing her hands upwards along with a sigh. “Give me the address of the school and meet me there on the day of the Beaver Moon!”


“On the 30th?” raised his eyebrows Everlong “That is still weeks away!”


“So?” smirked Sheby “You want a perfect ritual or not?”


“Hmm… first tell us if we even got the right one!” argued Everlong.


“You want my help? Pay me for it! I want-” reached out with one hand Sheby, feeling herself to be in control, getting more and more confident now, seeing he needed her help and not the other way around. 


“Here is your payment!” replied Everlong, grabbing onto her wrist.


What Hiyori saw next made her eyes widen to double their sizes. Everlong’s fingers held onto Sheby’s skin like clamps as he started to strengthen his grip, drawing out an animalistic cry from her throat. She was squirming, quickly dropping the bag to the floor, scratching at and holding onto his fingers with her free hand, looking afraid and panicked. Hiyori could hear bones slowly cracking and watch as the skin of hers started to discolor where Everlong was gripping it, pushing the blood to the opposite sides, like Moses parting the Red Sea. 


“Joke, joke! It was a joke! This hurts! Please!” pleaded Sheby, unable to pry off his fingers from her wrist. 


“Don’t. Fuck. With. Me.” leaned closer Everlong, pulling Sheby’s face right to his, as their noses touched, rubbing against each other. Her goat-like eyes now reflected Everlong’s steely gaze as she could see herself in it. “Or I’ll send you back to hell first! Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness for you to exploit! Got it?”


“Yes! Yes! Got it! 100%! 1000%! It was a joke, okay?! Just a joke!”


“Good!” smiled, letting her free.


Sheby immediately pulled back her hand, crawling to the other end of the couch, blowing on it with tears in her eyes, trembling, watching the deep marks of his fingerprints on her skin that would be left there for months. 


“Damn you… I can see why he still wants you after all that…” murmured, sniffing like a hurt kid while Hiyori just gulped, trying to not look too excited. 


Sheby now did not even look at Everlong, just picked back up the zip bag, took out the hair, and placed it on her tongue, gulping it down with closed eyes. Hiyori wanted to ask something but her detective just placed his finger on her lips, signaling to stay silent. They waited for multiple, long minutes before the goat-woman reopened her eyes. 


“You got the right person. She has picked the camp of Leviathan.”


“Envy, huh?” scratched his chin Everlong “Thought so.”


“I’ll get everything ready, just don’t be late.” sighed Sheby, looking way more tired now.


“Sure!” stood up Everlong, fixing his clothes, nodding towards Hiyori that it was time to go. Heading towards the door, Sheby did not follow them, just crawled to the other end of her couch, looking after Everlong from there.


“Hey!” shouted at Everlong as he reached towards the doorknob. “Don’t want to stay the night?” 


“I’m more into the shaved ones!” replied, without looking back and leaving with Hiyori and her chuckles following him in tow.

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