Detective Everlong

Chapter 20: Chosen

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Back on the streets, amidst the pouring rain, Everlong and Hiyori were standing at the entrance to the parking garage, smoking a cigarette in almost complete synchronization, leaning against the gray walls. Neither of them said anything since they left the apartment complex but it changed after Hiyori’s mind finally went through everything she heard back there, for a second time. 


“I have some questions.” said, looking up at him, while Everlong just smiled, nodding with understanding. 


“Fire away.” 


“Are you a human?”


“Yes and no. I was once, I still consider myself one but in the sense you talk about humans, I am no longer one of them.”


“Then a demon?”


“Mhmm… also no but in a way, yes. Look… it is… best if you consider me a human. With special powers.”


“Like?” tilted her head, not really freaked out by it, quite the opposite, she found it fascinating! 


“Long life. I was born in 1818, in the Albionian city of Manchester. I am 202 years old. For reference.” exhaled, blowing out smoke from his nose.


“Damn!” clicked her tongue, scanning him from head to toe “You keep yourself in a really good shape!”


“Heh~ Thanks… But that does not mean I’m immortal. I can still be killed. Get sick. The usual.”


“So you just don’t age?” raised her eyebrows “But you… almost crushed the wrist of a demon! With your bare hands!”


“I have authority over certain… kinds of beings. Comes from my legacy after I became a being like… this. Anyway, I am more of a freak in the demons’ eyes than in the humans’!”


“I get the feeling you don't really want to talk about it…” said, squashing her cigarette, flicking it into the drainage, letting the quickly flowing rainwater carry it down.


“Yeah, not really!” nodded, making her fall silent before continuing the questioning once again, after she crossed out all of her questions related to that topic. For now. 


“What is the thing about me being chosen? What did she mean by that?”


“The advert you said you heard was not put up by me. I do not advertise myself. Cases come to me by reference! People I know and I am in contact with send others my way with legit problems! I have others do the screenings for me!” laughed a little “If I were to advertise my agency I would be swarmed by lunatics! Not everything is connected to the paranormal and I have zero patience left in me to comb through a bunch of bullshit before finding a real haunting!” moaned with a tired voice, remembering those days when he really did advertise himself. “I tried it and it was a catastrophic idea, accumulating in me, making that shitty website you found! I thought it was gone by now!” 


“What you once put up on the internet, stays up there for eternity!” chuckled Hiyori but it just made Everlong’s face even more grim looking.


“That is my biggest fear.” said with a deep, concerned voice “There were already hauntings, curses and demonic plagues spreading through it. They were deadlier than any… well… traditional versions.”


“Hauntings via e-mails?” smiled, finding the thought a bit funny but Everlong just looked down at her with one eye that clearly did not find it laughable at all.


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“Have you heard of the ‘Blue Whale’ incident?” asked, lighting up a second cigarette. Watching the orange flame lighting up his dark expression made Hiyori gulp loudly, wiping off the smile from her face.


“That…?” furrowed her brows before nodding “Yeah. A little bit. It was in the news when the arrests went public.” mused, gently biting her lip as she was digging it out from her memories “But not much, it was a world wide suicide game or something if I recall it correctly. I was avoiding the topic back then because I didn't really feel myself… stable.” 


“The news only scratched the surface. It was a similar case to yours! A demonic entity that pushed vulnerable people to their deaths! The real numbers of victims reached triple digits before it was finally found, followed back to the source and contained!” said with a cold voice “It was coming from a fully evolved demon not like your still transforming one! It was a terrifying event which proved for me that the new technology is… something I greatly fear.”


“That is why you don’t have a mobile phone? Or any PC in your office?” asked, with a sudden realization. 


“Yes.” said after a short pause “I won’t risk their containment so I avoid carrying anything like that around and with me.”


“You are really a grandpa…” said with true awe in her voice, lightening their collective mood in an instant.


“Hah!” chuckled Everlong, unable to refute her words “Maybe I am!” 


“Hehe… but…!” scratched her throat.


“But?” asked back, now in a better mood.


“You still haven’t given me an answer! What is that thing about me being chosen?”


“Oh, yeah, yeah! The advert you heard was the work of my… well, previous agency so to say. You were sent to me by…”


“By?” asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.


“My ex-boss. He sometimes does that. I don’t know if it is because he likes mocking me or likes weird pranks…” sighed “While I was working under him I always had a pair with me on my cases. Since I became a private detective, he periodically sends me…” fell silent for a little while, looking into Hiyori’s eyes, seeing the part curious, part excited light dancing in them “Candidates.”


“To be your partner? In investigating the paranormal? Huh! So I am a candidate to become your secretary?” laughed, looking down on herself, starting to understand why she was dressed up like this and why the Detective had a particular sense in fashion.


“No. Not a secretary! A partner.” corrected her “But in short, yes. You are a candidate. But it is still in the air!”


“Oh? Then what does it take to make it official? If you are interested in my opinion; Honestly? After all of this I don’t think I could go back, flipping burgers or what not! Not after knowing all of this! I would also be so stressed out, thinking if the bastard comes back to haunt me I would not be able to sleep! Again!”


“We’ll see… We’ll see!” reached out, rubbing her pretty lively head as she was fired up with energy, coming from nowhere that even Everlong couldn’t understand. “But first you need to survive.”


“Oh…” stopped moving, going still under his big palm “If you put it that way, I’ll start worrying again… is the job interview really that hard that it would cost me my life?” twitched her mouth.


“Let’s first get rid of you from all the negative shit! Then, you can think about it with a clear head! But always ask yourself this!” let her go, going into the parking garage as she heard him say something that made her stumble as she followed him inside “Where are my previous partners at?”

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