Detective Everlong

Chapter 2: Hiyori

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Being autumn, and close at the end of October, it was another rainy day in the city. The sky was dark gray and the rain was knocking on Hiyori’s windows since early morning. When she woke up, she realized that it was the wrong idea to take double the amount of her usual sleeping pills. By the time she was up, she received a message on her phone that she did not need to come in for work. Ever again.  


“...” in the end, she just deleted the message, after looking at it for a few seconds, falling back on her bed, looking at the wet, smudged window of hers. It was hard to tell how many hours or maybe just minutes went by before she blinked, sitting up, dragging her thin body into the bathroom to wash up a little. “Should I even bother with it?” murmured, thinking about looking for a new part-time job. 


In the end she sat down in her kitchen, opening up a small, strawberry yogurt drink, taking quick sips before it turned completely bland on her taste buds. With her other hand she was tapping on the table, waiting for her little, convertible Megasoft Doors tablet to boot. When her face was finally lit up by the screen’s light, starting to tap on the little keyboard for it, acting as a cover for the little machine when not in use. She first hit up NetTube, searching for a cold sounding, dark ambient playlist to listen to, while browsing the net for some odd job she could do for a month or so. Of course it did not last long and the job hunting turned into simply browsing the net, reading up on strange news, what was going at ‘home’ and out, in the wild world. Yet it also turned into simply clicking on every little ad that popped up and looked interesting. 


“Glory to the Imperial Unification, the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War in 1920! Celebrate 100 years of peace with everyone else around the globe this December! Let the last day be the most special day!” chuckled with a bit of sarcasm, reading the popup advert from the Imperium’s feed, creeping up on her tablets right bottom corner. “I may really make it special, huh?” grinned but then her expression went bland. “Eh… who cares…” rolled her eyes, ignoring it, instead clicking on a different pop-up, advertising a Swedish penis pump instead, gaining a few chuckles out of it.


“Not everything has a logical answer behind it.” heard a voice suddenly, coming from her computer’s speakers, probably an ad between different tracks in the playlist. It was a soothing and calm, male voice, immediately catching her ears. “Sometimes others may tell you, you are imagining things. Doctors may find nothing wrong with you yet you would swear something ain't right. Maybe you are tired of explaining it to others, as they would just say there is nothing wrong and you only need to relax a little bit and reign in your imagination. If there is no other option left for you, search for Detective Everlong. He may have a solution for your problem, no matter what it is.” Throughout the advert he never raised his voice, it was always like he stated nothing but the matter of facts.


“Huh?” blinked, jolting out from a short trance-like phase she found herself in, as by the end she couldn’t help herself but only listen to the weird advert. No matter how quickly she switched pages, the NetTube video was already playing its next song in line. Even as she refreshed, over and over again, went back multiple videos, the previous ad never came up again. “Everlong…” leaned back on the chair, swinging her legs, murmuring to herself. 


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It was worth a shot, even if it was nothing more than some kind of creepypasta advert or just a silly hoax. Typing it into the Gurgle search bar it quickly poured out the discoveries. There were a lot of related links for so-called “life expectancy” tests, pills that promised a healthier outlook or just simply stating they would extend one’s lifespan. The usual bullshit. She almost gave up, looking through the second page of findings, already seeing some porn sites amongst the results.


“Oh… I’ll bookmark this.” smiled with a hollow look at the title ‘Mr. Everlong and his sentient Schlong’. “Hm?” looked at the bottom find, reading a simple link with the caption; “Detective Everlong”.


Hiyori soon found herself pausing with the mouse scroll right above it. Somehow she fell into questioning herself. Should she even push it and see where it takes her? Or just ignore it, as it must be nonsense. By the time she took a deep breath, her index finger pressed down by itself and a very, very simple page jumped up, straight from 30 years ago. It had nothing but an old landline number, an email address and a city and street address.


“Wait…” looked at it from closer, “This is only a 20 minute train ride from here!” exclaimed, surprised as how close the other city was to hers. Writing down the address, she soon found herself already dressing up as her hands only stopped when she was almost out of the door, ready to go. “What…?” trembled, looking at her own fingers, holding the door handle. “What am I doing?” gulped, not knowing why she suddenly felt so excited. Looking back from the front door, watching her small little hole she called home. The old, dry and cracked walls, the unkempt, messy bed, the wet and dirty window of hers and the little cup of yogurt on the kitchen table, still having more than half of its content inside of it. “Damn it!” slammed her forehead forward, right into the hard, metal door, staying there for a long minute. “Go… go girl… just… do it!” bit down on her own lips, finally pushing down the handle, leaving her home, soon walking through the heavy rain with only her hoodie preventing her hair from being soaked. 


Arriving at the train station, buying a single ticket to Otaru, she soon was sitting in a half-empty train car, watching the changing scenery as she was traveling towards a fate that not even she expected.

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