Devil Rewrite

Chapter 4: Chapter 4- A New Enemy Has Appeared

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A faint ringing entered my ears.



Then the voice of a little girl.

As my eyes reacted to the dulcet sounds of the ringing alarm next to my bed and my sister’s response to my usual procrastination-

I picked up my phone to see a reminder that jolted me out of bed:

[Hero Division First Day]

I quickly scrambled to the bathroom to get ready.

“You’ve gotten lazier these days, haven’t you brother?”.

I ignored the provocation as I checked the time on my phone.


Class starts in less than an hour-

And yet here I was stuffing a sandwich into my mouth.

I quickly took June in my arms and sped off to the daycare.

As soon as we said our goodbyes I ran off to the train station.

I managed to arrive mere moments before the train doors had closed on me.

“Huuu…”, I sighed in relief and fatigue.

After the train started moving I took a look at the world outside.

I honestly would have forgotten that I wasn’t of this world if it weren’t for this foreign view.

I noticed my reflection and checked myself out.

One month ago, I looked like a nerd.

But I managed to salvage some of my attractive bits and turn them into a different look.

Although I looked a little average, I certainly looked much better than before.

My unkempt dark hair was styled into a messy wavy perm. 

The glasses I once wore were put away when I realized I didn’t need them.

I have been working out as well for the past month to get in better shape.

‘I’m glad big brother is finally doing something about his looks!’

‘I always knew my brother wasn’t too ugly!’

Although the criticism from my younger sister hasn’t made an effort at all.

Still, I’m pretty proud of the progress I’ve made so far.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.”, the voice of a girl behind me interrupted.

I kept looking at the reflection in the window so I could see her without turning around.

“You look quite average. But don’t let it stop you, I guess…”, she continued.

She started to annoy me.

“Tsk- looks like I’m not the only one that should look in a mirror.” I snarkily retorted back.

“HAH?!”, she angrily exclaimed.

I could hear her stomp towards me when-

[Arriving at ]

Finally, the moment I’ve been waiting for.

“Listen here motherfucker. What’s your name?”, the girl behind me grumpily questioned.

I was prepared to unleash a remark back at her but decided to get out of the doors instead as they opened.

“Hey! Come back you son of a-”

I snickered as the girl’s voice trailed off and began to follow the directions to my homeroom.

I could sense the alien nature of my surroundings shining as if they were brand new.

The campus’ exterior looked anything but a high school, and more like a series of high-tech science halls.

I’m going to have to get used to these kinds of surroundings if I’m going to be here for the next decade.

Less than a few minutes later I found myself in the first-year hall and noticed the lettering that said [1-B].

Each year had three classes ranked by letter- 

A being the best. B for the middle class. And C for the least ranked.

I managed to get to Class A merely because of my exam score.

For that, I was recommended a Stem school rather than Hero Division, but I persisted.

As soon as I got to the classroom I could already hear the bustling environment that was taking place inside.

As soon as I stepped inside everyone took a glance at me.

It seems they were looking for interesting people.

Unfortunately for them, I was not the interesting people.

I walked to a seat in the back while the looks died down- which took much less time than my ego could take.

In my previous life, I was much more popular at school.

I played basketball and volleyball- and I was a high-ranking student.

And on top of that, I was considered attractive.

But in this world, none of those could amount to anything in this sci-fi fantasy world.

“Open Personal Stats”, I whispered to myself.

Then, on command, a window describing my character statistics which people can only see their own unless they give permission popped

up in my face.



Name: Jaeden Kanemoto

World Rank: 956, 807

School Rank: 875

Power Rank: 

Strength: D+

Intelligence: B-

Endurance: C-

Luck: F



Innate: Inner Darkness

Grab ahold of the negative energy inside you- use it as your weapon- raw power sitting idly erratic, waiting to envelop your enemy with dread and blood- and your darkness.


I’ve been trying to raise my stats ever since I arrived here a month ago.

My efforts have proved to be fruitful as my endurance and strength have gone up.

But still- this isn’t going to be enough.

If I want to reach the end of the story I’ll have to become seriously powerful.

rank at the least- that’s my target.


Everything would be much quicker if I utilized the fastest way I know.

But if I did many plot developments for the main character wouldn’t happen-

So I had to hold off on using my knowledge of him to gain power in my way.

“Woah!”, a guy to my far left sang out.

A pretty woman just entered the room.

I took a second to glance but I immediately regretted it-

Because the woman glared back.

“Fuck…”, I whispered to myself.

The woman that I had met on the train that now looked at me with killing intent sat down in a seat in the row in front of me- then she glanced back at me with feral eyes.

As if she were sending out a warning that she has conquered territory- and she would be coming for me next.

Just then, another woman arrived that rivaled the even beauty of the murderous beast in front of me-

No. She was superior.

Her dark purple hair was reminiscent of a magical raven. 

Her brighter similar colored eyes seemed like they were glowing.

The woman now walked up to the lion in front of me and shot a greeting at her.

“It’s been quite a while. How are you doing these days?”, the long-haired beauty asked.

The blonde she talked to suddenly put away her “I’m Going To Destroy You” face, and equipped her “Get Away From Me Right Now” face.

“Tsk. Same as always- now go away.”, the blonde grumpily responded.

“Come on now. We used to be good friends, didn't we?”.

“Just because our fathers are rivals? It’s not like we have to as well?”, she continued.

“It doesn’t matter whether or not your guild can surpass mine, alright?”, the beauty joked.

“Bygones… eh?”.


Although I’ve already read the book- seeing it in person only makes it more vicious.

“What did you say-”.

“Good morning!”, a voice interrupted the lion cub.

All the people in the room only needed one glance at the person to excite themselves once more.

Black hair.

Silver blue eyes.

A handsome aura.

I knew exactly who this was the moment I saw him.

“Woah! It’s a hot guy!”, one student said to their friend.

Although the boys seemed to have an envious look on their faces, they also had the look of agreement with the previous statement.

Once the boy sat down, the other girls stole glances at the student.

“Tsk. It’s just some guy- nothing special.”, the lion-haired woman spoke out.

You are reading story Devil Rewrite at

That statement was false.

In the novel she was shocked by his looks, she just didn’t show it.

Although even if you never read the novel you could tell just by looking at her face that she didn’t agree with her own words.

Just then, a commanding voice shut the class up.

“Settle down!”, the voice announced.

The class immediately silenced themselves at the voice of a woman who walked in and glued their eyes to her.

“Holy-”, a boy quietly exclaimed before covering his mouth.

A few other students gasped at the person as well.

I could understand them.

There were two reasons why.

This woman was extremely pretty.

Her platinum white hair that reached her elbows looked like delicate silk.

Her purple eyes shone like the purple-haired girl’s.

This was our professor.

You may be wondering why I’m able to accurately describe each of these people’s appearances.

It’s simple.

It’s because I’ve already read about this hundreds of times.

The lion-haired beauty. 

The gorgeous raven.

The prince-like boy.

And the mature and wise-looking teacher.

These are the “Main Cast”.

That’s right these are the main characters of Hero Division.


Once the class truly became quiet the professor started to speak:

“Hello to you all.”, she started.

“As evidenced by your stares, you may already know who I am, but in case you do not- let me introduce myself-” she continued.

“My name is Shinoha Lei, your professor for the remainder of your time here at Hero Division.”, she introduced herself.

Shinoha Lei.

World rank 981.

This woman was certainly one of the most powerful women in the world- and in the first thousand no less.

It was believed that those under the rank of 5000 could easily destroy a leader of the world.

Professor Lei was one of them.

Years ago she was given the title of [Crimson Huntress].

She is a world-renowned hunter, and one of the greatest duelists in the world, as well as the 31st strongest in Japan.

And get this- she’s only 24 years old.

It’s a known fact that most rankers rose to their status after their thirties.

So it was quite rare for anyone younger to already be this strong.

“I will now be taking attendance while also announcing your ranks to confirm.”, she declared.

She opened up a paper packet and started to list out names.

“Ahem. Rank 12, Adrian Day.”, she began.

“Here.”, the boy from earlier neatly responded.

Everyone turned their attention to the boy once more.

“Rank 12?...”, a few of them whispered.

“Like in the entire school?...”, they continued to ask their neighbours as they stole glances at him.

“Rank 22, Lena Jinei.”

“Here.” The purple-haired beauty elegantly replied.

The looks from the other students kept bouncing around.

“Rank 34, Damian Enosuke.”


Ah, I forgot about him.


The classroom door bolted open as a young man with light blonde hair and a menacing look walked in.


Goddamn, this chunibyo axe-wielding maniac.

I forgot this guy was here as well.

Well, more like I didn’t want to acknowledge him.

He sat down dramatically as the other students looked at him with intimidated eyes.

Funnily, Professor Lei was indifferent and instead kept going with an unbothered face.

“Rank 36, Minase Chiae.”

“Here.”, the lioness responded.

“Rank 41, Emma Fieldes.”

Oh shit.

Her too.

Just then, everyone could hear someone’s footsteps skitter loudly towards the door.

When the door opened, everyone saw what seemed to them a drop-dead gorgeous princess.

It may seem like an overstatement- but it was quite accurate.

“Miss Fieldes, for someone who is royalty- you’re considerably late.”, Miss Lei told the girl.

“I apologize to Professor Lei. I will try my best not to be late once again.”, the girl replied earnestly as she bowed her head.

Although she was in Japan, the girl was foreign.

Did I say she was one of the main cast too?

The girl walked to my row and sat in a seat close to mine.

“Geez, Emma- you mustn’t take too much time whether to commute by limo or helicopter ever again…”, she muttered to herself.

Tsk. Loaded princess problems.

I took an annoyed glance at her.

Her beauty rivaled that of Lena’s.

“Rank 92, Rina Gouka.”, the professor kept going.

“Rank 111…”


“Rank 875, Jaeden Kanemoto.”

I looked up at my name finally being called.

“Here.”, I responded.

“Good you’re all here.”

“Now, with that out of the way, I will be giving you all a tour of the campus.”, she announced.

We all left our seats and followed her out the door.

As her tour went on I became increasingly unfamiliar with these surroundings.

All though I read about these places, I could not get a definite read or visual in my mind of their appearance.

The training center, the cafeteria hall, and the dorms for those who chose to live on campus.

Their details were only familiar to me from a factual standpoint.

As soon as the tour was over we went back to class and listened as she discussed policies and grades and work and whatnot.

I understood most of it.

Whatever I missed I would just remember through the novel.

Soon, she dismissed us from class early and I decided to be the first to walk out.

Unfortunately, a problem arose.

“Hey you!”, a voice called out to me from behind.

I looked back to see the beast girl angrily staring at me once again.

“Uh hi?”, I pretended to play dumb.

“Remember me right? From the train? Well listen here motherfucker if ya think you can just get rid of me like that- then you got ano-”

“Annoying~”, I interrupted.

She looked at me in awe as I rudely intercepted her threat.

Right after she began to shake in wrath and clenched her fists tightly.

I quickly scrambled away so I could get home to not incur her wrath.

“Grrr…”, she spat out.

“Oh Minase~?”, Lena sang as she called to Chiae from the classroom door.

I sprinted past her and she turned with a confused look.

“Hey Mina were you talking to that guy just-”, she tried to question her.

“KANEMOTO!?!”, Chiae bellowed as her shout filled the hallway.

Congrats to me~ I've gained an enemy.

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