Devil Rewrite

Chapter 6: Chapter 6- Mightier Than The Sword

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Mount Tsurugi.

In my world, Tsurugi was known to be a dangerous mountain to climb.

Unfortunately, that fact was true in this world as well.

Actually, even truer.

Krick! Crack!

I noticed that the rocks around me began to crack open under the weight of something.

Thomp! Thomp!

That very same thing was now coming toward me.

As the 15-feet tall statue began to stomp his way here, the ground continued to break under the force of the beast’s weight.

As of right now- I have to face this monster.

How did I get here?

As the statue that held a giant stone hammer lifted it to reveal its intention- I readied to take in whatever happens next.



24 hours earlier…

“Brother look, it's a giant rock!”, June eagerly pointed out.

As I held her hand I directed my gaze toward what was indeed a giant rock.

I knew what this was: it was a meteor.

Before, I mentioned that countries all over the world were struck by a barrage of meteors- and Japan was no exception.

The meteor in front of us was a regional attraction so there was a crowd of tourists nearly every day. 

Although it was made into a tourist attraction that people had to pay to look at, overall no one owned the meteor.

Those who at least have the money to fund an entire city alone for years could bid for the meteor all for themselves.

I held June’s hand tightly as if she were my most valuable item- well she was.

I looked at her in awe of her face- which in turn was in awe.

“The rock is glowing blue! Big blue!”, she reported to me in one breath.

The meteor was indeed glowing blue.

This was due to the fact it was a mana meteor. And the fact that it stayed glowing after so many years meant this one must have been powerful back then.

This also meant other things…

When the meteors came down- specifically those imbued with mana- it affected the environment around them- which made various species evolve and other things magical.

There were now creatures such as “Flame Wolves”, “Rock Giants”, “Lion Bears” and other horrifying monsters I wouldn’t dare to go against in my current state.

Once I’ve obtained what I’m looking for I’ll have the potential to go beyond them.

Past the large meteor was a large mountain capped with snow.

That was the mountain that holds the thing I’m looking for.

In the original story, the students of the Hero Division came here on a funded trip.

However, on the trip, Adrian and some of the main cast were ambushed in the forest by people hired by a tertiary antagonist.

Adrian stumbled into the dwelling that housed a tree that held the fabled Fruit of Eden which he ate and became able to fend off the warriors.

Once June and I finished hitting the attractions, I tucked her into bed at a local motel and packed for the trip. It should only take me less than a few hours, especially if I use the mountain’s tour guide hike program to get close to its location.

However, pinpointing its exact location would be difficult so I had to revise my plan to bring my sister with me and camp out in the forest on the side of the mountain.

Once I obtain the fruit I’ll be back in time for the division the next day.

I gazed at the mountain that housed the secret fruit once again and continued in awe of its beauty.

“Well- they say that it’s what’s inside that counts right?”


“Smores! Smores! Smores!”

As I set up a tent my sister was excitedly singing her desires.

Right now we were in the forest that spread out across the side of the mountain.

This mountain used to look different before the mana shower changed its environment and came to house the tree that grew the Fruit of Eden.

As such it made the destination to find much harder.

Still, I pressed on at the start of dawn to find the cave as fast as I could.

Later, as soon as I tired out June and put her to bed I headed off for the cave.

Leaving her like this is reckless but the cave should be easy enough to clear before she could wake up.

Finding the cave should be easy since Adrian found it by following a weirdly shaped tree.

As long as I found that tree I should end up with the same outcome.

I searched for about 30 minutes before I came across the tree. Its large roots rose above the dirt around the trunk which contained a contorted hole in the middle.

What was important was the branches- it said in the novel that Adrian followed the path through the unnatural formation the branches took- which was a hand that seemed to outstretch its index finger to its left.

I followed the tree’s guidance and headed to its left and eventually came off a small stream surrounding the side of a cliff.

In the very middle was a cave that gave off a “Don’t go in there, there’s an important plot point here” vibe.

I treaded the waters that heralded the cave and I walked inside with a flashlight. The cave should reach far up the mountain since the fruit was supposedly close to the halfway mark.

I trekked into the darkness and followed the openings.

Traversing the cave proved to be harsher than I thought. I could only focus my light forward, not to where I was walking so I occasionally found myself tripping into small crevices often.

It took an hour to finally see the outside world once again. The light of the moon infiltrated the cave through a narrow cavity that led to a small rocky path along the side of the mountain.

Following the path should take me to a cliff that stood before a wide-open cave that supposedly housed a lake that glistens in the night.

In the middle should be a large tree with the items that I’m looking for.

However- the biggest problem should be the guardians who protect the tree.

It was written in the book that the tree was grown by a sorcerer who set up protectors alongside it.

It also said that these protectors were “Questioning Keepers”.

Before Adrian could obtain the fruit, he faced these giants that asked him questions.

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Questions such as “Are you the king?”, and “Are you the one?”.

As I hiked further up the trail I found these facts becoming more and more legitimate.

I eventually found myself standing at the foot of that same cave.

The fact that there was a lake was true- and so was the fact that it shone in the Moon’s bright light.

I could see in the distance a large tree surrounded by three pillars.

With my mind resolute and my weapons at the ready, I proceeded towards the tree by walking across the stones that preceded the isle.

Just with a glance, you could tell that the tree was shining. Even more brightly than the blue moonlight reflecting on the water.

As I reached the shore of the small island I could feel the aura of the tree burn brightly. As if the tree was tempting me to burn myself, I inched closer toward the fruit that hung from its branches.

However, the moment was short-lived as the pillars surrounding the tree rose out of the ground and started shifting their bodies to form something human.

When they finished they were statues as tall as the tree and seemed like they could easily reach the top of the cave if they could jump.

“ARE YOU THE KING?”, the statue in the middle demanded.

Once Adrian was faced with the same question in the novel he was too confused to answer the question. In that situation, he was focused on the state of his companion Lena who had been in critical condition due to the damage inflicted by the people sent after them- and when he discovered the fruit he realized it could drastically change that.

Instead, he chose to fight against the golems and took the fruit by force.

Seeing as I had nothing and no one to worry about- I decided on a different approach.

“Yes. I am the king.”, I finally answered back.

The statue took a step forward.

Then another.

With each step, it took the ground around it crumbled and cracked like glass.

It then raised its hammer gripped it with both hands and-


“You are indeed the king…”, he declared to me as he surprisingly kneeled in front of me.

Right after the other two kneeled as well.

I stared at the giants who now bowed to me in respect.

This was shockingly too easy. 

Did the novel change?

Did my being here alter anything?

No. As far as I know, that should have nothing to do with these things.

Now that I'm recalling the novel- I remembered a tidbit of knowledge about these things.

Something about knowing the future...

But it couldn't be something like that... 


I decided not to dwell on the thought.

After I accepted the outcome, I leisurely strolled toward the tree and calmly picked an apple from the tree.

As I held it in my hand, the item’s window appeared in front of my face.


<A>Fruit of Eden

Grown from the magic of an old mage. 

Gorge this it the core and let your energy flow freely.


I currently hold in my hand one of five of one of the greatest A-rank items on the planet.

Just as enticing as its use, its appearance made it seem like the most delicious apple on Earth. As it beckoned to me I placed my teeth on the skin of the apple and took a mouthful.

As I chewed and nibbled, I could immediately feel my mana becoming smoother as I released it.

Now that I’ve obtained the Fruit of Eden- any abilities and skills I obtain later on should be easy for me to use.

Not only did the fruit make it easier for me to use my mana, but it also seems to have quickened my mana regeneration and made abilities require less mana as well.

With these massive improvements-

I may already be close to .

With that, I’ve completed my first objective- and now I need to obtain a Sword Style and gain skills.

Right now, the best way for me to do that is to either buy them or obtain them by defeating special enemies such as dungeon bosses or special-grade monsters.

I quickly traveled down the mountain back to the campsite to find June still slumbering in her sleeping bag.

One thing I’ve discovered is that she’s a massive glutton and loves to procrastinate when unmotivated.

I glanced at my phone which displayed the time [11:06].

Before I crawled into my tent to satiate my own need for sleep, I looked towards the moon that continued to shine through the forest before I turned my head back towards June.

At the rate I’m gaining power, I’d be powerful enough to protect her when the time comes by the end of the year.

But what about after?

Would I be able to protect her once the story takes a turn for the worse? A story needs hardship- and this novel has no end to them.

Would I be able to overcome those future dangers I’ve curled my toes at before? The ones that treat people like me as if I were cockroaches?

Before it comes to that- I need to get stronger. 

Much stronger.

As powerful as the protagonist.

Maybe even more.

In this world- the pen is truly mightier than the sword.

So if I’m going to change the ending of this story-

I need to become stronger than the writer.

“Watch out author- because I’ll be coming for you.”, I announced to the blue darkness above.

“And I’ll take that pen of yours and rewrite this damn story.”

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