Devil Rewrite

Chapter 8: Chapter 8- The Reader

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I stared at the pair of glasses I held in my hand.

The window that prescribed the object took me by surprise. Next to the words “Reader’s View Glasses”, was the rank of <???>.

Never in the book was there an item with an anonymous rank.

What shocked me just as much was the purpose of the glasses.

From my guess- they apparently allow me to see the world from the perspective of a reader.

I decided to put the glasses on.

However, when I wore them all I saw was just the same view that lay in front of me.

When I was just about to put them away-

“Brother, where's dinner?!”

A child-shaped parrot stumbled into my room, demanding I make dinner.

But instead of a scolding, what I gave her was a shocked stare.

Not specifically because of her- but of what happened with the glasses after she came in.

Instead of a pint-sized brat in my face- was a window that pointed toward her.

On that window was a plethora of information.


June Kanemoto

Age: 5

Origin: Japanese

Ethnicity: Asian

Eye Color: Ocean Blue

Hair Color: Black

Skin: White

Power Rank: N/A


-Fried Chicken

-Big Brother

-Daren The Dragon(Her plushie)

-Gummy Candy





-Big Brother

-Hard Candy


-Being told what to do

-Given guidance



Bratty, Demanding, Dependent, Childish, Rough, Playful, Amusing

Skills: N/A


Oi! Why am I on both of those lists?!

Wait. No. Now’s not the time for that.

Just what is this?

Do these glasses let me see the statistics of a person?

That means I could find out any information about anyone just with these glasses.

What a steal!

It seems like the glasses allow the wearer to observe the world from how a reader would- someone who already knows the information in the book.

The glasses fit me perfectly as well- both on my face and as a reader.

If it’s like that- then its ranking is understandable.

An item such as this allows anyone to obtain omniscient knowledge of this world.

Plus, this is essentially an item gifted from the god of this novel- its creator.

If this were to fall in the wrong hands- anyone would be able to obtain the knowledge of the plot and change it to their will such as I can.


The author is truly out of his mind.

“Sometimes- I honestly can’t help but wonder…”, I explained to the sky outside my window.

“What in the hell is wrong with you.”

“Brother! Are you even listening? 

“Why are you always talking to the sky more than you do to me? Make me FOOOOD!”


Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap.

Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap.

Tap Tap Tap Tap-

“BE QUIET!”, Enosuke yelled.

His demands were understandable.

The girl sitting across from him seemed to fidget and annoy him neglectfully with no end.

“Waah! Alright alright!”, the girl reacted.

“Tsk. What’s got you so riled up anyways?”, Enosuke asked her.

“Is it that time of the-”

“Shut the fuck up right now.”, she intercepted.

“Haaah. It’s this one guy…”, the girl reveals.

“Ah. Girl probl-”

“Did I say that’s what it was?”, the girl coldly cut him off once more.

“I don’t like him at all. In fact- I absolutely hate him.”, she continued.

“<E> my ass! That guy is suspicious as fuck! Right?”

“Who the hell are you even talking about?”, Enosuke claimed.

“Ya know? Kanemoto? The gun and sword guy?”

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“Oh yeah. Him. What about him?”

“He one-upped my ranged attack!”, she exclaimed as she put her hand on his laptop and closed it on him.

Enosuke could honestly not care any less.

What happened to her- was HER problem.

Not HIS.

He reopened his laptop and began to type once more.

“Oi. If you’re gonna ignore me, at least acknowledge that I’m here.”

“Of course. There’s no point in being ignorant if there’s nothing to be ignorant toward.”

“You’re starting to get on my nerves, axe-maniac!”, she proclaimed as she stood up and walked away.

As if all the troubles of the world had gone away- Enosuke finally gained peace.

Although he was a definite battle-loving warmonger- surprisingly enough he liked to have peace sometimes.

Enosuke thought back to something she mentioned earlier before:

‘An E-ranker couldn’t just deal out a D-rank attack.’

Although most of what he heard was babbling nonsense in denial- it did have some merit.

A ranker who could perform above their level?

This is almost unprecedented.

If her words were right- this Kanemoto guy may turn out to be a hidden gem.

“And someone like that…”

“I’ll have to pull them to my side…”



I’ve sneezed four times now.

Was some idiot talking about me?

“Bless you.”, a voice came behind me.

I turned around to see a familiar new face greeting me.

“You’re Kanemoto right?”, he went on.

Dammit, why’s HE here?

I was supposed to be studying here in the library right now, but it seems a silver-eyed nuisance has finally come to ruin my day.

“I’ve noticed you’re by yourself most of the time- either you have work outside of the Division or you’re too focused on studies.”

“Or I don’t like to fraternize too often-”

“You don’t have friends- anyone could tell that much.”

Shit. Why him of all people?

“How about you join me and my friends- it’s clear you’re smarter than you seem."

“Sorry. I’m a lone wolf here. You should leave before I bare my fangs and grow hair all over my body.”

“I meant what I said- sleep on it.”

“Argh! A full moon! Run before I tear that pretty face off you!”, I cried out.

“I’ve never fought a werewolf before, so don’t tempt me.”

“Have you ever fought a lion? I have. Too much bark, no bite. Plus she loses her shit quite often.”

“Hahaha! The one who’s in over her head? I’ve fought her too!”, he caught on to what I was talking about.

“Anyways, I’m serious about that offer- you aren’t normal. Trust me, I can see it.”, he dropped into a tone to be wary of.

“And whatever you’re hiding- trust me, I can find out whatever it is too.”

Then he rose back into a cheerful voice as he stood up.

“But if you truly are someone I can trust- then we won’t have any problems now will we?”

Just then I stood up as well to leave the conversation.

“Not gonna ask for my name?”

“Don’t need to.”

“I’ve kept it in my mind to remember it.”

“Have you now?”

“Yeah,”, I truthfully responded.

“Let’s hope we find each other on the same side of the coin...”, I warned.

“Adrian Day…”, I muttered the boy’s name as I walked away.


Meanwhile, in another building on campus, in a certain someone’s office…

“So? Whaddya think?”, a burly man asked.

Currently, a man sat in a woman’s office seeking consultation after reporting an interesting event.

“You’re not wrong. It’s quite unprecedented-”, the woman responded.

“But it’s not too extraordinary.”, she concluded.

“Maybe. But it’s still an outlier amongst the other instances we’ve seen.”

“You’re not wrong about that either.”

Right now they were observing footage of a young male student who managed to dispense an attack above his level.

“It’s surely something to take note of- but not necessarily something to keep an eye on.”, she affirmed.

“Alright. Thanks. I’ll be sure to take a few looks at it.”

“No problem.”, the woman kindly assured him.

“After all, it’s a teacher’s job to hone their students…”

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