Devourer and Grimoire

Chapter 24: Chapter 22: The Warmage Pupil Arc

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My mind screamed for survival, but knowing that I would end up dead if the stairs and the handrail weren't wet enough my right arm moved in front of me. It was swift, but not deadly, the dagger penetrated the palm of my hand in the center. I agonized in pain as silently as possible to not obstruct the fight of my brothers, persisting till the very end till my mana exhausted.

Before the woman across the room could say anything, the reinforcements composed of four men began descending the stairs. Like loose marionettes without strings, they slipped while letting go of their weapons in the process. 

The scenario was gruesome when a sword pommel hit the bottom of the stairs, having its tip faced toward one of them. It pierced through one, then two bodies and thanks to the extra weight of the third and fourth, the first two met a deadly end. My brothers after some struggle managed to handle the two whom they fought, cutting the throat of the unconscious ones.

Death spas-med through the room, convulsing through some of them.

"Fast! Before they get up!" I shouted, and hunter threw the daggers in his disposable range at the two who slipped while trying to get up, followed by Nubi, who, despite bleeding from his mouth and hands jumped at them, piercing his sword at one, crushing the other with his beastly weight.

A crack sound echoed, and a cold chill ran across my spine, and at the woman too, who was closer to him than me, having the opportunity to hear and see this spectacle from the front seat.

"What do you want from me!?" Despite being full of fear in her eyes she shouted at us, trembling from top to bottom, holding onto a chair.

Ignoring her, Nubi gave the one whose leg bones broke, who was howling like an injured dog, its end. He was certainly not a man of many words, yet, it was clear to me how his body spoke.

"A certain noble requested your kidnap missy," Hunter told her, in a cold tone.

Her charm eluded the most resistant of men, and this one too had been ensnared.

The beautiful lady laughed crazily, letting go of the chair in despair. If six men didn't stop my brothers, it wouldn't be a piece of wood that would.

"You beasts!" She shouted, gripping her fists, and showing them at us. 

"A woman can't be born beautiful that you dogs, all want to jump on her pussy," spit left her lips, flying towards Hunter's face who grabbed her crudely.

He then forced her to walk towards the exit, passing through me.

At that moment, she looked deep into my eyes, "I hope you get raped too!"

"Possible," I muttered indifferently to the pain in my hand.

This world was not a clean, just, and pure place. The things I did were many, and they could very well be done to me. This was one of my master's teachings, just as he was now going through a trial, so were we. I and my brothers were not the men in the robes of the church. We were dirty and sinful creatures, a band of mercenaries and murderers. And I was their leader.

"Here," Nubi removed the dagger from my dying hand, putting a cloth around it afterward. The pain caused my brain to jolt, but luckily it lessened now that the metal wasn't there. Yet, it reminded me of the burning, of those hellish days.

"Ugh," I scorned at my cruel fate, moving to the wagon that awaited us.

The woman antagonized us all the way there, till hunter grabbed some robes and cloth to tie her up, leaving the mouth tapped too.

It wouldn't take long until someone called the guards; there was even a chance we'd be arrested for it, but luckily we were in a far-off village. As much as the villagers could be united, this woman moved here recently and watching how my brothers' clothes were stained with blood, it would be necessary to have quite the courage to move against us. The best part was that mercenaries had some immunity to punishment if they a backer, in other words, an influential donor, a noble.

As the wagon resumed, the hunter remained quiet, but his eyes, remained on mines. Seated face to face, I could tell that he wanted to say something, but he was unsure if to punish me or to let it be. Under the bench he pulled a box with both feet, kicking it on Nubi way, who got quick hold of it.

From within, many bags remained. His fingers, picked the one to the leftest, removing what looked like a green moist mixture from within, "your hand."

I nodded, proceeding to extend it his way. 

'So this is my punishment,' I grieved within, at each twirl the cloth took to leave my injured member.

"Pour water in the wound," he advised me with his gentle eyes.

At that I recited my one spell, mustering the remnants of my spirit, fading my conscience along with it.

A while later, my body shook and what sounded like a whisper came towards me, "wake up. Wake up," it said.

My eyes opened slowly, pushing my white eyebrows higher. I mumbled something.

"Come Aura. It's time." I looked around, noticing hunter and the woman missing.

Then he passed through me, and I did my best to follow through, ending up in green plains.

"Hum?" At first glance, it looked like that, but now I could tell it was a beautiful and vast garden with a fountain in the middle. One made of an unknown white stone whose figure was a naked woman holding a jar, a marvelous statue, where water flowed in and out.

"Is that your leader?" His neutral and unknown tone alerted me, causing my gaze to prey on him, shattering his peacefulness. A side effect of having such icy gems and a ghastly appearance. If the woman we captured made men fall for her, then mine made them keep their junk safe inside their pants.

'A typical reaction,' I sighed, disappointed.

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"Aura's our leader," Timothy took no time to present me to him, a butler dressed in black.

"I understand. My master asked me to meet your leader, and of course to deliver her," he pointed at the shaken woman.

"Fine," I responded coldly, half from grumpiness from being awakened, and the other half from the pain in my hand.

The thin and tall man bowed deeply and slowly. Only god knows what my words and looks would cause a person that was accustomed to deal with mercenaries, to go to such lengths.

It didn't take long to enter his master mansion, or the meeting room with a vast open space at that that followed. But it did bother me, as fatigued as I felt, possibly sick from blood and mana loss.

It was too much for a mere kidnapping, the man was clearly making a stand, showing us how wealthy he was. The question was why. The hunter whispered my way these pieces of information, causing me to grow wary, a very bit as my mind was working as I'd like it too. 

"Please do take a seat there, the master will arrive shortly," the butler instructed us, keeping his hands on the woman's shoulders to avoid her from getting away.

Then upon his gesture, it all happened too fast for me to react. Diverse beautiful women began going in and out of this room, filling the table amidst our sofas with expensive food and drinks. Their attire was white and black, neat, and stylish with an opening for their cleavages, a man with refined tastes, and with the power and money to back them up.

I had scorned my fate multiple times, but this was not one of them. For a change, everything felt right, despite feeling out of place.

My small mouth had a moist sensation aggravating inside of it by the second, to which my hands felt tempted to grab the mini-looking desserts in front of me. They were so cute and tiny, seducing too, and by the time I realized it, a plate had been placed on top of my lap, along with a small fork and a piece of red clothing to wipe our lips if needed. 

My hand took both out of the way, and once emptied, I aimed my fork towards the devilish temptations, it was then that two of its legs, penetrated the soft texture, and carefully I lifted it all the way to my mouth. At the time, I didn't think twice as I enjoyed myself with many desserts. After all, It was a luxury only meant for the richest, as sugar was one of the most expensive ingredients currently on the market.

All that was in the kingdom's mind was the soon-to-happen war that could very well suffice the destruction of the losing side, an all-out feast with the very best on the line. The first piece that moved on the board were the spies, the ones my master handled before the trial. Of course that now he was out of the picture, more would surely come around. There were people who worked for us, loyal underlings spread among many places, that would rat our enemies out. Be we poor or rich, a lot of us were fanatics towards the god of light. That was also the reason we were able to find practically anyone in this vast territory.

"Seems like you're enjoying the new trend among noble ladies." I turned my head around, meeting up with the source. 

A man around his fifties, dressed in an expensive-looking outfit with a white shirt inside a black vest, and similarly darkened pants and shoes.

With my mouth full of delicacies, I placed a hand in front of my lips, causing a strange voice to leave my lips, "yes, they're delicious."

"My master is Mord Ena, one of the dukes that serve his highness." The butler introduced him to us while bowing in utmost respect.

Through the entrance the man took, other men, followed him, equally well dressed. After the fifth, a butler with a board entered placing it on top of a different table across the long dining room where the gentlemen took a seat, except for the host who came for me, after the butler whispered to him some words, possibly who the leader was.

"I'm please with the outstanding work, flawlessly immaculate skin, not a single injury on the maiden I sought for a while now," his lustful eyes, preyed upon the gagged woman's body, causing it to shriek.

"The mission mentioned a job for two men, yet we met resistance three times that," I got up facing him as my cold tone and icy eyes hovered over the right side of his face, catching a glimpse of a fancy mustache that curled upward and inwardly.

It didn't take long for his ears to receive what many would've thought to be a menacing tone, but upon matching me, he smiled.

"You have dangerous eyes child," he whispered, causing his lips to increase in length and everyone around the room to become restless. A murmur in a closed room was no different than speaking normally, for it flew with no less strength throughout the entire space.

At that I responded, taking into consideration my master's teachings, "I suspect the reward price will be tripled."

"Marvelous," he grinned.

With this response, I understood that he was pleased and more than that, despite any future problems that became an extra, due to bad information, that he would pay more. For us who required money to keep the children from starving, it was the ideal catch.

"With that said, I do have another mission for you, Aura."

"Of course." He extended to me a folded paper which I took hold of, and before my hand could be retracted he got hold of it.

"I expect great things from you, for all the nobles have you in their eyes, and their greed..." He made a long pause before continuing "... is insatiable."

I smiled awkwardly, understanding his warning, "I'll keep those words at heart."

He let go of my hand, and then pointed at the table, "care to join us for a game?" His brown eyes glanced at my brothers, "your men could use a rest."

I stole a glimpse of them, who didn't look in the best shape, nodding their way, receiving a similar gesture from them, causing them to get up and leave the room along with two maids.

Then I turned my stare back at him, "if my lord would be so kind to teach me." 

We exchanged smiles, it was important to create bonds among men of power, the more they liked us, the better our future could become.

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