Diablo in Highschool DxD

Chapter 7: Birthday Party (2)

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Chapter 7: Birthday Party (2)

The middle-aged man strode into the banquet hall, followed closely by a couple and a young child who seemed to be trying to hide behind them.

The elderly man's black hair was impeccably styled and his purple eyes shone with peaceful intelligence. He wore noble attire, and exuded a strong dignity

This was Zekram Bael, the very first head of the Bael clan and the most politically powerful Devil in the Underworld. He was also the leader of the Anti-Satan faction during the Devil Civil War.

The couple behind him were equally well-dressed, with the man exuding an air of arrogant entitlement while the woman, who seemed to have a warm presence, wore a kind smile. A total contrast.

This man was also the current head of the Bael Clan.

The child, who could not have been more than two-three years more than Diablo's, looked shy but curious, with black hair and eyes that shone with potential. His name was Sairaorg Bael. With his tall stature and handsome features, it was clear that he would grow up to be a striking young man.

All sported purple eyes, the signature of the Bael Clan

Not long after that, another couple walked into the hall, carrying themselves with confidence. Their eyes were dark and piercing.

Following behind them, a young bespectacled girl, appearing to be around Diablo's age, walked into the hall with lesser enthusiasm. A frustrated expression was present on her face as an even older girl, who looked about in her late teens followed closely after.

The younger girl who seemed annoyed by the older one's presence, kept on trying to walk faster in an attempt to increase the distance between them.

Though this succeeded to be unsuccessful as the pestering by the older girl only continued. Speaking of the older girl, a rather odd detail about her was that she was dressed in a quite peculiar outfit resembling that of a... magical girl?

....The sigils suggested them to be from the Sitri Clan

The couple had dark black hair and had a rather composed look on their faces, they took in their surroundings with a calm and collected gaze

Sona Sitri, the young girl with black eyes and raven hair styled into a bob cut, entered the banquet behind her parents. A pair of glasses adorned her cute face, which was framed by her glossy black hair.

Despite her youth, Sona had an intellectual vibe that seemed to radiate from her. She looked annoyed as she followed her parents, her brow furrowed in frustration.

The cause of this annoyance was the other girl behind her, who had her arms wrapped tightly around Sona's neck in a hug with a cheeky smile on her face.

This girl had long raven hair styled into twin tails, and bright blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief. She appeared to be in her late teens, although having a rather petite physique (albeit with large breasts). Though the illusion of her being short had been significantly increased by the proportions of, uhm.... some other certain things.....

.....The girl exuded cheer and energy, dressed as she was in a frilly magical girl outfit complete with a wand and a little pink hat. The outfit was a vibrant shade of pink, with white accents and a pink ribbon tied into a bowtie decorated at the top of the bodice. Stockings, striped with pink and black, coated her legs up to her mid-thighs.

The outfit was rather eye-catching, especially so in this particular noble gathering.

This girl was none other than Serafall Leviathan, one of the Satans of the Underworld and the older sister of Sona

Serafall was well-known throughout the Underworld for her unique yet magnetic personality and talents. She was highly skilled and was a talented diplomat in handling negotiations with other mythologies, she was the Satan in charge of Foreign affairs.

She was also a talented and charismatic idol and actress, performing in her own Magical Girl TV show called Miracle☆Levia-tan.

She was know throughout the Underworld for her.....uniqueness

After the second group passed by, another group of people approached. At the head of the procession were two men engaged in some kind of deep conversation, each followed by a child.

One of them was an attractive young man in his early twenties, with piercing light blue eyes and vibrant green hair that was expertly slicked back. There was something mysterious about him, an aura that seemed to suggest hidden depths and power

His name was Ajuka Beelzebulb, another one of the Satans of the Underworld.

Though despite being a Satan, Ajuka was still no ordinary Devil. He was different.....a rare genius, gifted with exceptional talents in magic, tactics, and invention. From a young age, he had dedicated himself to mastering these skills, and his efforts had paid off handsomely. He was a master of all of them

He was now the Chief Advisor of the Technology Department in the Underworld, responsible for creating and overseeing the development of all sorts of technological innovations that benefited the realm.

But Ajuka's greatest achievement was the creation of the Evil Pieces....

That alone would have given him great reputation and status, and earned him a significant place in history....but there was more. Ajuka was one of the three Super-Devils of the Underworld. A select number of individuals considered to be the strongest of all devils, a level of power the surpassed all....

Another major influence in the Underworld...

The other man was a towering figure, standing at least six feet tall. His head was completely bald, and a neatly trimmed goatee on his chin, giving him a distinguished appearance. His eyes were black, and seemed to bore into the soul.

Though despite that, there was an aura of laziness emanating from him, as if he was bored with everything around him and found little pleasure in anything. His posture was relaxed and nonchalant...but appearances can be deceiving.

This man was actually Falbium Asmodeus, another one of the Satans of the Underworld. Falbium was in charge of military affairs, and his reputation as a master strategist and tactician had earned him the nickname of the Underworld's greatest at them.

Although, he had once stated that the only person who could match his tactical genius was Ajuka, himself

An interesting detail to note was the sigil of a clan marked on Falbium. It was of the Glasya-Labolas Clan, his former clan....

This was rather weird, because a Devil who had become a Satan was considered a separate entity from their clan, in order to not be partial and maintain impartiality in their duties.

That's why it rather unusual...

Nevertheless, the group also included a young girl around Diablo's age. She had almond brown eyes that seemed to take in everything around her with a mix of curiosity and nervousness.

Her long blonde hair was styled in a way that seemed sophisticated, but the blue tints at the tips added a touch of uniqueness, as if she were a person who was not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Her name was Latia Astaroth, and she was the niece of Ajuka Beelzebub, a Satan. Like her uncle, Latia also came from the branch family of the Astaroth Clan.

Finally, the last member of the group was a boy.

He, like Latia, possessed the sigil of the Astaroth Clan as well

He had blue hair and piercing silver eyes and was somewhat older than Diablo. He had a gentle-looking face that was marked by a perpetual smile, but there was a hint of subtle arrogance hidden beneath its surface.

His smile was almost....snake-like...

...It didn't feel genuine...

The boy's name was Diodora Astaroth, the heir of the Astaroth clan. Unlike Ajuka and Latia, who were only related through the branch family, Diodora was a member of the clan's main family line.

It was a rather diverse group, this one....

The next ones to arrive at the gathering consisted of a blonde couple and their two children.

The family was easily identifiable as members of the Phenex clan by the sigils they wore, and they all exuded confidence, even the children stood tall in the face of the large crowd.

The woman, who appeared to be in her early twenties, had ornate hair decorations adorning her blonde locks, which were styled in an elegant updo with a pony at the end.

The woman was heavily pregnant and looked to be nearing the end of her term, she carried an air of maturity around her.

The man, who was the head of the Phenex clan, seemed aloof towards his wife for some reason.

The two boys were both blonde, with one appearing arrogant and smug. He was good-looking, with a haughty expression on his face. His name was Riser Phenex.

The other child, Ruval Phenex, was the oldest among the siblings and the heir to the Phenex clan. He wore a polite expression and seemed more reserved than his brother.

Both boys were older than Diablos and had the same blonde hair and sharp blue eyes as their parents.

After them, a middle-aged man stepped in the hall accompanied by a young girl who trailed closely beside him. Both wore sigils on their clothing indicating that they were members of the Agares Clan.

The man, who was the head of the clan and a skilled diplomat, exuded an air of discipline and self-control as he calmly entered. Beside him a young girl.

She had long, pale greenish blonde hair that cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall and long, slit pink eyes that seemed to gaze into the distance. A pair of glasses perched were on her nose  giving her a cold, rather than cool, appearance.

She was Seekvaria Agares, the heiress of the Agares Clan.

Despite her youth, she had already showed signs of becoming a great beauty in the future, and it was clear that she would turn heads wherever she went, just like Latia and Sona.

Such as that, more groups arrived at the banquet. Grayfia politely and gracefully greeted each and everyone of them

The newcomers greeted her back respectfully, knowing full well who she was.

Although they were not just by Grayfia but some of the other nobles joined in greeting as well

After exchanging pleasantries, the guests dispersed to join the other attendees, all of them obviously aligning themselves with the New-Satan Faction. It was clear which faction was the minority...

The Old-Satan Faction looked on disdainfully as the newcomers joined the ranks...

As the various groups converged in the banquet, the rich smells of spiced meats, sweet pastries, and aged wines filled the air, along with the sounds of laughter and music.

The hall was adorned with sparkling chandeliers and elaborate tapestries, and the floor was made of polished marble that reflected the light from the glowing candles.

The tables were adorned with fine linens and adorned with a bounty of food and drink, including roasted meats, steaming vegetables, crusty bread, and sparkling goblets of wine.

The guests mingled and chatted, their noble attire and sigils indicating their status and allegiances. It was clear that this was no ordinary gathering, but rather a gathering of the most powerful and influential figures in the Underworld.

However, as the boy descended the grand, marble staircase leading to the banquet hall, all the commotion from the surrounding chatter and laughter slowly died down.

Even the newcomers, who had previously been chatting and laughing amongst themselves, quieted down as they turned to watch the young, charming boy with tanned skin and jet-black hair make his way down the stairs.

His every move was graceful and poised, as if he were a prince making his grand entrance at a royal ball. He was dressed in a finely tailored suit of black velvet, with gold embroidery. A cloak of shimmering black satin flowed behind him as he descended the stairs.

As he made his way down the stairs, huge banners unfurled to either side of the stairs, each one pitch black and emblazoned with the sigil of the Barbatos Clan. The sigil was deeply embroidered in gold, making it stand out against the dark background of the banners.

The banners added to the grandeur of his entrance, making it clear that he was someone of importance and standing.

All the young girls in the hall flushed as they laid eyes on him, even the usually intellectual Sona, the curious Latia and the cold-looking Seekvaria found themselves caught off-guard by his presence.

The older females in the room felt a strong, maternal urge to protect and cuddle the boy.

But what truly caught their attention were his eyes .....They were mesmerizing, like the most beautiful pearls hidden away in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Those eyes were otherworldly, and as the guests gazed at them, they found themselves dazed and entranced, drawing in those who looked upon them with a hypnotic gaze.

They felt themselves falling under his spell, completely entranced and unable to look away His eyes seemed to glimmer and sparkle with an inner light, and as he made his way down the stairs, his gaze seemed to take in everything and everyone in the room.

Looking at the newcomer and realizing who it was, Grayfia, the diligent maid she was, approached him and respectfully bowed before standing behind him.

Seeing Grayfia's actions, the other guests realized that the boy must be the heir of the Barbatos clan. They had heard of the clan's heir before and that Grayfia was now serving him but had never laid eyes on him.

He was quite tall for his age....and slender, with a head of jet-black hair that looked unruly yet somehow, sophisticated.

His tanned skin was smooth and unmarred, and his features were sharp and angular, giving him a regal, almost otherworldly appearance, matching his eyes. Most of these features were still hidden among the baby fat, but one could not help but to notice the faint hint of these details

As they approached him to wish him, most of them couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for the young man before them. He was the embodiment of nobility and grace, and as he took his place in the centre, the banquet resumed with a renewed sense of excitement and anticipation.


Diablo POV:

Standing among the sea of noble families and dignitaries at the banquet, I couldn't help but feel a bit anxious. It was not every day that I was presented to so many important people all at once, and I knew that my actions and words would be scrutinized closely.

As the guests reached me, I stood tall and greeted each one, thanking them for coming as well. My noble etiquette training with Fia had been put to good use, as I moved with poise and confidence.

However, despite my best efforts to appear dignified, I couldn't shake the feeling of irritation as I walked around in this restrictive and uncomfortable outfit.

Ugh....Well yea, if you hadn't guessed it yet....Yes, she made me wear this

Fia had insisted that I wear it, claiming that it was essential to present myself with 'majesty' and 'dignity' or something like that...


Many guests came to wish me, including some devils with fish-like features....

I was rather struck for a few seconds as I saw their unique features, it was the first time I had seen any inhuman features in this life or my previous one. Well, not counting the Devil wings that Fia once showed me on my insistence

They were from the Forneus clan by the way.

Nevertheless...That was a rather interesting encounter. I made a mental note for myself to brush up on all the clans after today.

Having said that, I also noticed the absence of some other certain clans, one of them particularly being the Extra Demons, bar Fia of course. I wasn't surprised by their absence, as they had chosen to seclude themselves from the Devil Society and refused to involve themselves in government affairs.

And obviously the Original Satan clans didn't come..... My Grandfather killed their previous heads....Despite their absence, the Original Satan clans were still a force to be reckoned with.

You are reading story Diablo in Highschool DxD at novel35.com

They had a fierce sense of pride and a deep-seated desire for revenge, and it was only a matter of time before they made their presence known again.

I couldn't help but wonder how their path would cross with mine again....It was not a matter of 'if', it was only a matter of 'when'

Another notable absence was the Belial clan, who had sent a letter beforehand apologizing for their inability to attend the gathering. Upon reading the letter, I learned that they were in mourning....Yea, Cleria had died...

....at least that went according to canon

It was earlier that I expected, so it did make me frown when I first heard of it, I had originally thought that Cleria and Masaomi wouldn't be assassinated until I was five years old.

I was deciding if I wanted to interfere or not and if so what would would be the plan, but I never got the chance. By the time I received the news, it was already too late.


Diehauser, was it?

I'm not really sure of the names, never saw him in the anime. All my knowledge was just scattered coming from numerous fanfics

But yeah, I think that was the name. Diehauser Belial would be currently very suspicious of Cleria's death and was likely conducting his own investigation into the matter.

I don't remember if he actually finds out about the conspiracy behind the King Pieces before he joins the Qlippoth or after.

Well speaking of the assassination, as if on cue, one of the culprits appeared before me. The Bael clan greeted me, with Zekram Bael at the forefront.

Zekram Bael was very courteous towards me, apparently holding my grandfather in high regard. He was also one of my grandfather's old friends and ensured that the Barbatos clan wasn't eradicated by any external forces.

He had dealt with any direct confrontations against us, but couldn't prevent more discreet attacks such as the 'mysterious' disappearances of several of the clan members.

However despite this, he was also one of the individuals behind the covert assassination of Cleria Belial and Masaomi Yaegaki.

Zekram was a prideful man, and he had every right to be. As the first head of the Bael clan and the leader of the Great King Faction, he had dedicated his life to gaining and maintaining political power for his clan. After the Devil Civil War, he had founded the Great King Faction in order to increase the Bael clan's influence in Devil society, and it had become a prestigious group as a result

So it was no surprise that he was ruthless in eliminating anyone who threatened their power and prestige, as evidenced by his role in plotting Cleria's death when she discovered the existence of the King Pieces

As I looked at Sairaorg, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow

When I spoke with him, he seemed like a nice and decent kid, someone I could see myself being friends with when he grew up, knowing his personality

Looks like he's still living a good and happy life, he and his mother would probably start getting ostracised soon when he would finally awaken his magic.....I had considering offering my help to him and his mother when that time came, but I didn't give it much thought....Well, I'll see in the future

The current head of the Bael clan seemed polite but I couldn't help but notice the hidden disrespect in his eyes. It was clear that he saw me as inferior, a fact that slightly grated on my nerves. Though unlike Zekram, he was all for show and no substance. Lacking real skill

Meanwhile Misla Bael on the other hand, was very polite and acted kind towards me.

In the future she would be ostracised along with her son due to her inability to produce a strong heir. Even to the lengths of being abandoned and banished by her own clan.

However, despite that, she never seemed to blame her son or hate him, she always treated him with love and kindness.... It was hard to believe that such a kind woman was married to a man like the current head of the Bael clan.

I couldn't understand how someone so compassionate and caring could be married to someone so hateful as him. It was a strange and unsettling dynamic.

It's hard to believe such a kind women is married to a man such as the current head.

After them it was the Sitri clan that wished me.

Lord Sitri and Lady Sitri approached me with warm smiles and greeted me politely, introducing themselves and their daughters

As I caught a glimpse of Sona, I was slightly taken aback by her cuteness....I think I am beginning to understand Serafall's obsession with her a bit

However, much to my confusion, for some reason she seemed nervous, stuttering and fidgeting as she spoke, and her cheeks were flushed a deep shade of red.....

Then it dawned on me....

I was already going to be very handsome in the future, I made sure of that back with ROB

But with my enhanced charm, due the the ritual, must have been a critical blow for a young girl like her, causing her to feel self-conscious and flustered....

....Neverthless, when it was Serafall's turn to greet me she did something completely unbelievable.

She charged at me with a bright smile on her face and lifted me up, hugging me tightly.

It was so sudden and unexpected that even Grayfia, who was standing nearby, couldn't react in time to stop her.

The entire banquet fell silent as all the nobles tensed up, sucking in cold breaths

Serafall's... uniqueness? was well-known by all – she was known for her impulsive and carefree nature, and for often acting on her emotions rather than following societal norms.....but even so, rushing towards a heir of one of the pillars, especially the Barbatos clan, and hugging him tightly like that out of nowhere, was a serious breach of etiquette that could cause a lot of problems.

Though indeed did relax upon noting there was no malicious intent behind Serafall's hug, and that I didn't seem to mind much either.

I just awkwardly patted her back and lightly chuckled

Lord and Lady Sitri, on the other hand, were sweating bullets at the sight of their daughter's behaviour.

Grayfia, who was standing nearby, was just smiling politely while releasing a scary aura and some killing intent, which was noted by the stronger guests. I could sense the tension in the air as the guests braced themselves for a potential confrontation.

So, I raised my arm and signaled for her to calm down. Her killing intent disappeared, and the tension in the air dissipated. However, I could still see that she was pissed off behind her emotionless facade

"Mouuuuuu!! You're so adorable Di-chan! It's so unfair! Look! My little So-tan is totally enamoured by you!! I was jealous at first but looking at you closely now, you're so cuuuuuute!!!"

Oh, would you look at that, she made a nickname for me so fast.....Yep, this is definitely the Serafall I know.

"I just wanna take you and So-tan back home and lock you up," Serafall said cheerfully, pressing me against her chest, which I definitely was not enjoying...It isn't every day that such a beautiful woman hugs you tightly like that.

"Come with your Magical Girl Sera-nee, Di-chan~. I'll teach you how to become a Magical Boy!"

After that, even with my thick skin, I was feeling embarrassed.

Saving me from my predicament, Lord and Lady Sitri quickly stepped in to smooth over the situation as they pulled the pouting Serafall away, while Sona was hiding in some corner out of shame.

They repeatedly started bowing down as they apologised for their daughter's behaviour. I gave them a weak smile and told them that everything was alright, and I had taken no offence.

After that rather interesting encounters, the Agares clan came.

Lord Agares was a strict and serious-looking person with a stern expression on his face.

Despite my nerves, I tried to remain composed and carry on the conversation as smoothly as possible. I listened attentively to what Lord Agares had to say, and I responded with respectful and thoughtful responses.

I could tell that he appreciated my manners, and he seemed to be impressed by my intelligence and poise. I was relieved when the conversation ended on a positive note, and I left the encounter feeling confident and satisfied with how I had handled myself.

Though his gaze did sharpen, when I talked to his daughter....Ah, I forgot he was a daughter-con...

His daughter Seekvaria tried to act cold and respectful, but I could still see the faint blush on her cheeks as she talked to me. She was also very pretty, and I could tell that she would definitely be on par with Sona in the future (though, unfortunately for Sona, not in certain areas such as the ches--).

Despite her cold demeanour, I could sense that Seekvaria was also interested in me like Sona....which didn't affect me that much, but remembering their future grown up appearances made me feel a bit self-conscious....

....After that the Phenex clan came

The meeting with the Phenex clan was brief and professional, with Lord and Lady Phenex maintaining a formal demeanour. Lord and Lady Phenex were cordial, but I couldn't help but notice the subtle hints that Lord Phenex dropped about a potential marriage between the houses, which I chose to ignore.

Despite their politeness, I also sensed a subtle tension between the couple, which I found intriguing.

My gaze briefly landed on Lady Phenex's stomach, Ravel still hadn't been born yet. From the size and shape of her stomach, and the age of her older brothers, I estimated that Ravel would be born within the next few months

Ruval, the eldest son, was polite and respectful, despite being older than me. He had a friendly demeanour and seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me, just like Sairarog, who I had instantly clicked with.

Finally, Riser, currently the youngest sibling, left a much different impression on me. He was arrogant and foolish, even though he did seem respectful to me. However what pissed me off was his lecherous gaze on Grayfia that made my blood boil with anger...











Fia belonged to ME!! She was MINE!!











I was caught off guard by my own reaction, and for a moment I wasn't sure what to do. I tried my best to push the feeling aside and focus on greeting the others.

The next ones who greeted me were the rest of the Satans in the party, Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Asmodeous.

Firstly, Falbium apologized on behalf of the Glasya-Labolas Clan for not being able to make it to the party. He explained that he was representing them in their absence, therefore explaining why he was wearing their sigil despite a Satan.

As we chatted, they asked me a range of questions that seemed to cover a variety of topics. At first, I was a little confused by their line of questioning...before it came to me

They were testing me, likely to gauge my intelligence and knowledge.

I inwardly smirked, well I wanted to seem like a genius anyway, So I did my best to answer their questions as thoroughly and intelligently as possible. I could tell that they were genuinely impressed by my responses, particularly on the more challenging questions. Ajuka even remarked that he was looking forward to the day when I would come to collect my Evil Pieces. It was clear that they saw potential in me.

Next, I had the pleasure of meeting Latia. She was very humble and polite and this was the first time I was seeing her, both in my previous and this life. The only mentions of her I got were her names here and there in fics, and let me tell you she was definitely on par with Sona and Seekvaria. I found it quite cute how she seemed to avoid making direct eye contact with me as her cheeks turned a pretty shade of red

Then the final member of the group, the young boy with them, Diodara. I didn't interact with him much because I was aware of his unsavoury, disgusting character behind that insincere and fake smile of his. Even though he's still young and probably hasn't done anything particularly noteworthy yet, his smile still made me feel uneasy.

As I finished greeting this group and turned to move on to the next one, a loud thud suddenly disrupted the conversation. The banquet hall fell silent for a moment, before followed by shocked gasps from multiple people as they turned to see what had caused the noise.

The surprise on their faces was palpable

{{NOTES from Author-san:

-Look as I said multiple times before, I don't know DXD perfectly and this is AU. The characters may seem different, I tried to portray them as best as their canon selves as much as possible. So please don't complain about it

-(FOR THE PHENEX CLAN): There were actually 4 children in total but the unnamed one never came up in the story that much, so I removed him

-(FOR DIABLO): Remember he never bothered to get close to anyone after his parents died, so years of isolation and any type of affection. Now that he finally got attached to someone, you can expect what will happen. So basically he will be very possessive

-Just a reminder, as the events of the Devil Civil War went different, so there are changes according to that (and as I mentioned before in the synopsis, this fic is kinda AU).This explains the presence of the Old-Satan faction. These clans refused to participate in the final battle and thus were pardoned. But don't be mistaken, they clearly have not changed their ideologies, and are a political faction kinda thingy now. Peeps from the new faction know about them but can't do anything unless they blatantly do terrorist attacks and evidence is linked back to them }}

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