Diablo in Highschool DxD

Chapter 8: Birthday Party (3)

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Chapter 8: Birthday Party (3)

The grand doors of the banquet hall swung open, and a man of imposing stature strode through the entrance.

He was in his mid-40s, with dark silver hair and hazel eyes that seemed to pierce through the crowd as he walked.

His long hair and beard were neatly groomed, adding to his refined appearance. His footsteps echoed off the marble floor as he made his way towards the gathering of people.

There was a strong, suffocating aura emanating from the man, eliciting a sense of unease in those around him.

As he approached, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. I narrowed my eyes, trying to place him, but it wasn't until he came closer that the memory of his appearance hit me.

My eyes widened in recognition and shock as I realised who he was: Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the son of the Original Lucifer and a direct descendant of one of the progenitors of all Devilkin.

He was also one of the few direct descendants of the Satans who survived the Devil Civil War. While many of his kin were killed in the brutal conflict, Rizevim chose not to participate in the fighting at all, instead opting to sit out the war and bide his time. Thus making him also, the only descendant of the Original Satans to come out of the war alive.

In addition to his survival during the Devil Civil War, Rizevim was also one of the three Super-Devils in the Underworld, along with Ajuka

However, one really unusual fact and detail was that he was also part of the two people, the other one being Zekram Bael, that protected the clan from any external threats

I wasn't sure exactly why Rizevim had chosen to protect the clan, but in one of the old letters I found, he had stated that he was doing it as a way to honour my grandfather and prevent the legacy of our clan from dying out. Rizevim apparently seemed to hold my grandfather in high regard, considering him a "True Devil" worthy of his respect and admiration.

So when Rizevim showed up at the party, it was a surprise to everyone. He didn't often attend social events anymore, let alone a birthday party.

We had invited him as a formality, since he was the clan's benefactor, who provided support for it, but we never expected him to actually come. His presence at the party was a shock, and I found myself wondering what had finally brought him out of his seclusion and into the public eye

Behind him, was another man was present. He was clad in a traditional butler's uniform that seemed to be tailored to fit his lean, athletic frame. He was a young, handsome man, appearing to be in his early twenties, with striking silver hair that was braided into a neat hairstyle

He had a striking resemblance similar to the maid beside me.

It was Euclid Lucifuge....Grayfia's brother

From the corner of my eye, I could see Grayfia tense up seeing his figure

Rizevim looked unbothered by the gazes directed at him as his eyes wandered around the hall before finally locking onto me. Despite the gazes of curiosity, suspicion, and fear that were directed at him, he remained unfazed, his confidence evident in the calm set of his features.

He made his way towards me, his footsteps steady and measured as the crowd around him instinctively moved out of his way.

Grayfia stepped in front of me, positioning herself between me and Rizevim as a protective barrier, even Serafall from a distance looked serious and stiffened up, ready to intervene if something happened

He stopped a few feet away from Grayfia, his gaze locked onto her. She flinched under his intense stare, but she didn't back down, standing tall and resolute despite the knowledge that she was no match for Rizevim's power....ready to lay down her life

Even Rizevim raised an eyebrow at her determination.

My heart swelled with warmth as I watched her, but I gently urged her to step back. She hesitated, wanting to argue back, clearly unwilling to leave my side but eventually, with visible reluctance, she retreated.

Though her body remained stiff and alert, ready to defend me at a moment's notice.

A voice came from behind Rizevim as a figure stepped forward.

"Hello sister," A mocking sneer came from Euclid as he looked down in disdain at Grayfia, emphasising the 'sister' in ridicule

A fierce glare met his own, Grayfia not backing down

Despite her show of defiance, Euclid seemed undeterred. He took another step closer to her, his sneer deepening as he prepared to speak. But before he could even utter a word, Rizevim turned his gaze onto him.

Euclid's disdainful expression crumpled down under the weight of Rizevim's gaze, and he looked as if he wanted to argue but the words never came out as Rizevim's gaze simply turned sharper.

With a resigned and reluctant look, he ultimately accepted the unspoken command. With one last scathing glare at Grayfia and a look at me, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the banquet hall.

Rizevim then circled his head to look at me. His piercing eyes seemed to bore into my soul as he simply looked at me for a moment, his expression inscrutable. The silence stretched on as he seemed to be considering something, before finally opening his mouth to speak.

"Greetings, Lord Barbatos," He wished, "Happy birthday.....Long may you live"

Though the last line came off normally, there was hint of mockery hidden in it.

As we spoke, I noticed that the other devils in the room seemed to relax, returning to their own conversations and discussions. However, it was clear that the attention of the entire hall was now focused on us.

Some of them tried to be subtle as they glanced over at us from the corners of their eyes, while others, were not so discreet.

The children could be excused but Serafall was just openly staring at the two of us with unabashed attention. She wasn't hiding it at all

Just as Rizevim turned to leave, he patted my shoulder. Grayfia, who stood behind me, didn't react to the seemingly harmless gesture, but I knew better. I could feel Rizevim's mana probing me, attempting to scan my body and abilities.

I was pissed off, but there was nothing I could do. Rizevim had been stealthy enough that even Grayfia hadn't noticed the violation of my privacy...It was just scanning, nothing harmful

It was very subtle, hard to notice at all, unless you were the individual being scanned upon.

He knew that, but didn't care, and that just proceeded to infuriate me even more

Thanks to the ritual I had undergone, my potential as a Devil was as high as it could be. My reserves of mana were impressive, far surpassing those of most other young Devils, not comparing to Rias though, who was a special case born with it.

My physical strength was also noteworthy with my physique being perfect, and my magical reserves and physical prowess were exceptional. I was comparable to a Mid-class Devil right now, it was amazing at my age

And as expected his eyes widened slightly

Though just as his mana reached my eyes, he suddenly pulled his hand back, as if he had been burned.

I watched as the man's face turned pale as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His body was trembling slightly as his breathing became rapid. I could see his chest rising and falling promptly as he struggled to control his emotions.

I could see the fear etched into his features.

But then, something unexpected happened that once again shocked everyone present, including me and the silver-haired maid standing behind me

It started as a low chuckle....that gradually grew louder, causing the guests around us to grow quiet.

The chuckle turned louder...and louder.... eventually turning into a full-blown laughter, making everyone tense up and look at him. His shoulders shook with mirth, and his face was contorted in a wide grin as he laughed to himself, while clutching his hair back with one of his hands

...Yes, Rizevim Livan Lucifer was laughing out loud.

As the laughter died down, he bent down to me. Grayfia seemed ready to intervene, but I raised my arm to stop her. I wanted to hear what he had to say.

He whispered something in my ear. His voice was low and hushed, but I could hear the exhilaration in his tone.

After speaking to me, Rizevim walked over to Grayfia and whispered something to her as well

And with that, he silently proceeded to leave the Banquet Hall. His footsteps were light and quiet as he made his way out of the room, leaving a trail of stunned silence in his wake.

He passed the door to the hall once again, this time with an amused smile playing on his lips.


Rizevim Livan Lucifer POV(Flashback):

This world was....boring

Every day seemed to blend together, with nothing to do but follow the basic principles of life that had been ingrained in me - that Devils are inherently evil and Angels are inherently good.

I looked down upon those Devils who dared to believe that they could do good things.

A Devil is supposed to embody all that is wicked and corrupt - we were not heroes.

Just like how the sky shifts from a deep black at night to a bright blue during the day, a Devil's nature is fixed and unchanging. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to deviate from that nature. You cannot change this fact

I never understood my father's ambition either, not before his death and not even after. The idea of world domination was certainly interesting, but the prospect of conquering this pitiful world seemed tedious and unfulfilling.

Over the years, I even had a child. However, I didn't feel any attachment to him and simply passed on my responsibility as the clan head.

He was an arrogant and prideful fool, with no real power to back up his boasts. I knew he would never be able to live up to the legacy of our clan.....not that I cared

After so many years, after my father's death and after the Great War, these self-proclaimed Devils....These idiots.....started another conflict.

I, and my useless son didn't even bother to get involved and left it all to them.

One day, I heard that those fools had attacked the Barbatos clan. That news amused me greatly.

I was well aware of the Barbatos clan and their head, who had famously cut off the hand of the Biblical god.

I had heard that the old man had been cursed and his powers sealed, but I still didn't think those fools stood a chance against him. I knew that the Barbatos clan was powerful and their head was a force to be reckoned with, even with his powers sealed.

I still remember father's stories about Yamamoto..... Any being that caused such a reaction from him, the Original Lucifer, was no joke

I already knew the outcome.....but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to go and observe the conflict firsthand.

I watched from start to finish, my excitement at finally seeing his prowess was overflowing...I knew he was strong but still...

Though I was left deeply disappointed as he ultimately fell in battle


On that day, I felt fear

On that day, I felt respect

I did not even respect my own father, the Original Lucifer.

I was in awe of his prowess, especially that final attack, but then it suddenly dawned on me.....

.....This was his powers sealed?

A chill ran up my spine as I imagined him in his prime

Now don't get me wrong, I knew there were a multitude of beings more powerful than him out there, but this was the first time I had ever seen such a being this strong, and it just so happened to be a devil.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that fact.

That battle ended the war.....and thus, my boring life continued once again.

I knew that the Barbatos clan's current state of weakness would make them vulnerable to attack from the other clans, who would likely prey upon them like ravenous dogs. So, I decided to lend my support to them

I did it as a gift, a debt of gratitude for the old man making me feel such a sense of respect and fear for the first time in my life

I, of course, also knew about the disappearances occurring within the clan and chose to turn a blind eye to them. I said I would support them....not spoon-feed them

Years passed by in monotony until my aid, Euclid, brought me a piece of information that completely changed my perspective on everything

He brought me information.....information on the powers of Ophis, the legendary Holy Grail, the existence of another world, and the Apocalyptic Beast 666, also known as Trihexa.

This information sparked a flame within me and ignited a sense of ambition and desire that I never thought was there

It was the first time I was filled with such ambitions and dreams

.....Yes, what's the use of conquering this pathetic world that is already known.....

How exciting would it be to conquer another world....A complete unknown one!?

Yes....I think I now understand father's ambition a little bit

All of what Euclid said, stirred up my desire to just create chaos across in this world before moving onto the other world and conquering it....It gave me a sense of purpose

I'm going trample it down and eliminate every single one of the Gods, monsters, and the other creatures of their world in order to make my own Utopia!

Mhmmm, it excites me just by simply imagining it.

When I conquer their world maybe something like this will be recorded in their mythology?

Something that goes, "The evil being that arrived from the other world brought an enormous beast and his herd of his unholy army that swarmed the world, laying it to chaos—" Yeah!? Maybe!?

After all, I'm merely someone who carries the blood off the previous Satan Lucifer in this world. Except! Maybe I can become the one and only Great Satan of the other world!?

A sense of orgasmic exhilaration passed me, just by the thought of it

After the events of that fateful day, I spent every waking moment consumed with thoughts of it, pouring over information and strategising on a plan. My entire focus was on finding a way to make my ambition come true and claim what was rightfully mine.

During the years that followed, my pitiful son managed to father a child....that too, with a mere human.

This offspring, due to his human heritage, even awakened a sacred gear - a Longinus, no less

And to make it even worse, my pathetic excuse of a son was even feeling inferior and inadequate to his child and came to me for advice

Frankly, I was thoroughly annoyed by my son's weakness and whining, and simply suggested that he take out his frustrations on the child through abuse and harsh treatment.

However, to my everlasting amusement....he did it.....

He actually took my suggestion to heart and began to mistreat his own offspring, even to such extent at causing the child to cower in fear at the mere sight of him

Ha, would you look at that...

One day, as I was sorting through my mail and tossing the random letters at whim into the fireplace, I noticed one with the emblem of the Barbatos clan.

Intrigued, I tore open the envelope and found an invitation to a birthday party for the last remaining member and heir of the Barbatos clan. Normally, I would have ignored such an invitation, but this particular heir caught my attention for a very specific reason

He was, after all...the grandson of that man

So, with a sense of curiosity, I made the decision to go the party and gauge whether he was truly worthy being that man's grandson. Perhaps I could even find a way to use him to further my own ambitions.

As I entered the party, I ignored the gazes and looked around for the heir.

It didn't take me long to spot him, standing tall and commanding in the midst of the other guests....but that's not what caught my attention

It was his eyes....They were beautiful..... but there was something else about it....They seemed to hold a depth and intensity that hinted at something more beneath the surface, a complexity that I found intriguing.

I ignored my thoughts and and started to make my way towards him.

You are reading story Diablo in Highschool DxD at novel35.com

However, I was stopped in my tracks by a silver-haired maid who stood in my way.

I recognised her as the older sister of my own aid, who had always harboured resentment towards her for betraying their family....betraying him.....but he did indeed calm down a bit hearing that she started serving the Barbatos Clan and not some other clan from the New-Satan faction, he mumbled something about at least having standards....

Anyway, the maid in-front of me stood her ground against me, denying me any passage to her master. She was seemingly undaunted by the fact that I was stronger than her, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of admiration for her determination.

After the heir ordered her to stand down, another annoying thing happened. My aid started talking, interrupting the moment and drawing my attention away.

I was already getting pretty impatient and was in no mood to see their childish squabbles and family drama....and so, I ordered him to leave, he hesitated but ultimately with reluctance bent down to my will


Going past the Lucifuge girl, I reached the heir at last

As I stood in front of him, I took a moment to observe his demeanour. He didn't seem nervous at all upon seeing me. In fact, he seemed quite composed. I mentally nodded, satisfied.

I greeted him and wished him a happy birthday, and we engaged in some conversation. It was clear to me that he was quite intelligent for his age - he seemed to possess a sharp mind and was able to hold his own in a verbal manner.

Just as we finished, I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder, sending a wave of my mana through him, examining his physical and magical capabilities in greater detail.

I was impressed by what I found

His physique was absolutely perfect and his mana capacity was also quite impressive, matching that of a Mid-Class Devil. This meant that he had a significant amount of magical power at his disposal, and the potential to grow very strong.....He had limitless potential

He would be a useful tool in my plans...

Just as I was scheming against him, I sent my mana to his unusual eyes.

And that's when I felt it-

Within a fraction of a second, I instantly withdrew my hand

A sudden wave of fear washed over me, causing my hands to shake and cold sweat to cover my body..... I had never felt so close to death before...

My senses were practically screaming at me in alarm

I felt....fear..

...For the second time in my life I, Rizevim Livan Lucifer, felt fear.....and it was the grandson of the person, who was the first one who gave me that feeling....

But this was different.....this fear was much more this time.....because this time...

I felt....my death?

Realising my situation, I didn't feel humiliated.....no....I was amused.

Despite the gravity of the situation, I just couldn't help it....

I even started laughing out loud, out of pure joy and amusement

As expected of his grandson....

Finished laughing, I bent down to his ear

"Boy....you have potential, a lot of it. Do not waste it...Potential means nothing if it is not nurtured and cultivated, if it is not put to use and allowed to reach its full potential. Don't waste your talents, don't let them go to waste

....and your eyes, they're special aren't they?

Use them as well, to your advantage...

Use them and achieve your goals, no matter how cruel, vicious or ambitious they may be.

Listen up boy, Devils are beings that have to be evil, wicked, brutal, bad, scum, wrong, brute, and vicious....all of those things. Do not act as a hero


That is something that a 'justice' would do. You know, beings like Humans and Angels

And what are we?

You do know that we, Devils, are 'evil' and 'bad' existences, right? Then isn't it obvious what we have to do?

Embrace your true nature, one that is feared and respected by all.

.....Be a True Devil"

Finishing with him, I walked up to the maid, "To be honest, I never cared about you leaving the Lucifuge clan or the fact that you had to serve the Lucifers

I must confess, when I first heard that you were working here as a servant, I felt a sense of sorry for you. A Devil with your calibre and potential, reduced to serving a dying house and tending to the needs of a child. It was absolutely pitiful

But seeing him today, I can see that you made the right choice. He has the potential for greatness....for chaos beyond anything else, one that could leave a lasting impact on the world. Serve him as best as you can, help him achieve his goals"

She didn't have any change in her expression but looked at me strangely, as if.... as if what I said was obvious....as if I didn't need to say anything at all..

....Ahh I see

I chuckled mentally as I thought to myself, 'This kid already has such a strong devil under his command, who is completely loyal to him'

With that, I turned and began to depart.

Why did I say all of that?

Well a devil of his calibre couldn't be left alone and needed some guidance after all

I wanted to make sure he had the right mindset and wasn't led astray by being a 'good' devil

It would only hinder his potential, being 'good' was a limitation...

Well that....and the matter of the fact that he was my new source of entertainment in this world. An aspect I didn't think I needed until today

Creating chaos in the world and conquering another was hard enough, but with him added to the equation, the chaos would be even greater - as well as the fun and entertainment.

Because after all, who doesn't love a good challenge?

I wonder how would he react to the chaos I was planning to bring to this world.

Would he be against it or would he join it?

I shall be waiting for you.... Diablo Barbatos!


Diablo POV:

After he left, I found myself pondering upon his words

I don't know much about him because I haven't seen DxD completely or read the light novel, but from what I know, he's not to be trusted.

I think I read somewhere in some fic, that he was the main antagonist. I'm not sure if the information I have on stuff is true, but I think it's better to err on the side of caution when it comes to him. He's got a reputation for being cunning and manipulative anyway, so I need to be careful around him and watch my back.

Despite that, I found myself somewhat agreeing with some of what he had said, even though I disliked the way he had spoken to me and attempted to dictate my actions.

Now don't get me wrong, It's not that I wanted to become a heartless devil who took pleasure in slaughtering others for fun. Rather, I simply recognised that I would do whatever it took to protect my loved ones, even if it meant committing terrible deeds

I knew that I was a selfish person, driven by my own desires and motivations. In my previous life, I had experienced the devastating loss of loved ones, and I was determined not to let that happen again in this one. The thought of losing those I cared about....losing Grayfia, was too unbearable to contemplate, and I was willing to do whatever it took to prevent it from happening

For the sake of my loved ones, I was willing to go to any lengths, no matter how extreme or unimaginable they might seem.

I would become a True Devil or worse...


3rd POV:

After Rizevim left, the guests who had been on edge finally began to relax, and the party slowly but steadily regained its cheerful atmosphere. People were indeed curious though, but no one explicitly came up to Diablo to ask him.

While Rizevim and Diablo were interacting, another group had also quietly joined the party.

Now that Rizevim was gone, they approached Diablo to offer their wishes as well

The group consisted of two men, a woman, and a young girl, all of whom (besides the woman) shared a distinguishing trait: bright, fiery red hair.

They were from the Gremory Clan

One of the men was Zeoticus Gremory, the current head of the Gremory Clan. He was a middle-aged man with rugged good looks, characterized by his long, loosely ponytailed crimson hair that was tied up, by a sleek black hairband. His piercing blue eyes were framed by a short, well-groomed beard of the same vibrant red hue as his hair.

His wife, Venelena Gremory, was a beautiful young woman with cascading brown locks and bright purple eyes, a characteristic trait of her Bael Clan heritage

The other man was Sirzechs Lucifer, the leader of the Satans of the Underworld and one of the three Super-Devils, alongside Ajuka and Rizevim.

He was a handsome man in his early twenties, with shoulder-length crimson hair that cascaded over his shoulders in soft waves and piercing blue-green eyes that seemed to see right through you.

He was widely regarded as one of the most powerful and influential figures in the Underworld, respected and feared by many.

....and finally, there was the girl, Rias Gremory. She was the same age as Diablo, and even at such a young age, it was clear that she would grow up to be a stunningly beautiful woman. Rias had porcelain white skin, bright blue eyes that shone like jewels, and long, cascading crimson locks that reached down to her thighs.

An ahoge sat atop her head, giving her a playful, youthful appearance.

Rias was the little sister of Sirzechs Lucifer and the heiress of the Gremory Clan. In the future, it was clear that she would be just as captivating and alluring as Sona, Seekvaria, and Latia.


Diablo POV:

Damn, I really do understand why Serafall and Sirzechs are such sis-cons, and also Lord Agares for being a daughter-con

Seekvaria, Sona, Rias and Latia, I know they are still young but they would definitely turn into beauties in the future

Even Grayfia and Serafall are gorgeous, the anime does not do them justice at all!

Hell! Even Venelena, Misla and Lady Phenex were breathtaking as well

Anyways, the Gremory family wished me well and I expressed my sincere gratitude to them.

As we spent time together, I came to realise that both Venelana and Zeoticus are quite shrewd and intelligent, but despite their cunning nature, there wasn't any malice I could detect

I also noticed noticed that they both seemed to have a complex dynamic. There was an undercurrent of unease between them that was hard to ignore. I couldn't quite put my finger on what was causing the strain, but it was clear that they were not always in agreement

My impression of Rias is that she was a kind and good-natured person, but she was also quite spoiled. Her brother clearly dotes on her too much and had give her everything she wants. As a result, she can be a bit of a spoiled brat at times.

In contrast to Rias, Sona is not as spoiled, despite having grown up in a similar family dynamic. I think this may be because Sona was incredibly intelligent, having natural aptitude for chess, earning her the reputation of a genius in the game. This may have likely helped to keep her from becoming as spoiled as Rias.

Though, I will cut her some slack, considering she's just a child. It wasn't uncommon for heirs and heiresses to be spoiled in the Devil society. With the lower number of Devils, they are often doted on and given everything they want. It's hard to blame Rias for being a little spoiled, given the circumstances. That being said, I do hope she'll grow out of some of her more selfish tendencies as she gets older

Anyway, besides that fact...she was really cute. When she saw me, her face turned bright red. With her red hair and now red face, she honestly looked like a tomato....It was adorable

One other thing I noticed is that...hmm, if I'm right, Rias was Issei's senior when the series began. Since I am the same age as her, that means Issei would be two years old right now. That also means, that along with Ravel, Koneko hasn't been born yet either...Hmmmm, I see, I see.....Ok, noted

My impression of Sirzechs is that....I don't like him

He was indeed all polite and friendly with me, respectful as well... but the way he looked at Grayfia and the way he was currently talking to her made me feel a rather deep sense of frustration and anger.

He was being overly solicitous and attentive towards her, as if they had been friends that had known each other for years, he was leaning in close as he spoke...though I failed to see her annoyed face

Even an idiot could tell Sirzechs liked Grayfia.

I couldn't bear to watch this charade any longer, but then he did something that blew me completely off.

He then, out of nowhere, 'accidentally' brushed his hand against hers. I immediately felt a suffocating feeling in my chest as a surge of jealousy and possessiveness rose up inside me.

Without thinking, I reached out and grabbed Grayfia's hand, pulling her closer to me.

Grayfia seemed surprised by my sudden display of affection, but she quickly understood my intentions when she saw the way I was staring at Sirzechs.

She didn't show any outward signs of emotion, but one could tell that she was secretly pleased and maybe even a little embarrassed by my jealousy

Sirzechs seemed taken aback for a moment by it, before giving me an awkward smile as if to placate me, thinking me of as an ordinary child.....which in his view, I was...

He was probably thinking that I was feeling shy or something.....little did he know..

After that interaction, the Gremory group smoothly integrated themselves with the rest of the party.

Nothing really interesting happened afterwards, I attempted to make conversation with some of the other younger guests.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of constant socializing and small talk. I chatted with nobles and dignitaries, and did my best to maintain a calm and composed demeanour.

However, despite my best efforts, I couldn't shake the feeling of exhaustion and weariness that seemed to seep into my bones with each passing hour. My thoughts kept drifting back to the comforting solitude of my bed

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of forced smiles and polite conversation, the first guests started to make their way out of the grand hall, back to their territories, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me.

The banquet had been a gruelling test of my social skills and my ability to maintain a calm and composed demeanour, and I was eager to retire to the solitude of my chambers.

I bid farewell to the remaining guests, thanking them for their attendance and expressing my gratitude for their presence before finally making my way back to my chambers, where Grayfia had already prepared my bedroom for the night

I gratefully collapsed onto the soft mattress, too tired to do anything other than drift off into a deep and much-needed sleep.

{{NOTE from Author-san:

-Sirzechs is still unmarried, Millicas would still be born....somehow, meh I'll think of a reason. I'm still stuck between the decisions to make him unmarried all the way, or eventually marry him off to someone

-(FOR RIZEVIM): I didn't over exaggerate his character lmao, its really like that. Has a fixation about 'True Devils' and all that, and also the orgasmic pleasure thingy with other world was an actual thing ????}}

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