Digi-Soul [A Digimon Fan-Fiction]

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Blucomon’s Battle Part 1

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Pawn Chessmon (White). “I will grab the honor of being the first!”

The crowds of the colosseum cheered when the first Pawn Chessmon came forward. His kin stood in a ring formation around the combatants. They struck their shields with their spears in a steady rhythm of encouragement. Blucomon’s large red eyes concentrated on the Chessmon that dared to be the first. There was no fear in its body. Instead, there were signs it was gathering strength to launch the first strike. Blucomon raised his left hand to stop the fight and raised the other to ask a question.

Blucomon. “Hold on! Before we get down to business. Is there a prize if I defeat you all?”

Pawn Chessmon (White). “Glory is the prize!”

Blucomon. “The colosseum offers nothing as a reward? What kind of crap is that?”

Edgar could hear their conversation from the VIP balcony and couldn’t help but smile. Blucomon reflected Edgar’s thoughts to a surprising degree. Even Wizardmon was caught off guard by it. The crowds yelled obscenities at Blucomon for delaying the fight. The space between the combatants shimmered, and a tall humanoid figure with a Holloween Pumpkinhead appeared. An Indigo top hat with golden rimmed goggles and a golden pumpkin head cane in hand. He wore a slender white suit and indigo-striped pants. Black gloves and pointy black shoes. Golden pumpkin heads adorned his shoulders, and a feathery indigo cape flowed out of his back like wings. 

Blucomon. “Who the heck are you?”

The crowds were shocked by Blucomon’s rudeness.

“It’s NoblePumkinmon!”

“The fool doesn't know the administrator of the colosseum?”

“Must have hatched yesterday.”

“Teach that brat a lesson!”

The ToyAgumons in the audience yelled. Edgar studied NoblePumpkinmon and felt an invisible pressure radiating from him. He stood still, waiting for the crowds to quiet down to speak.

Edgar. “Is that a Mega-Level Digimon?”


Wizardmon. “NoblePumpkinmon is indeed a Mega, but the pressure you are feeling is from the Immortality he has been blessed with.”

Edgar. “He can’t die? Is he a Diety Digimon?”

Wizardmon let out a horse laugh before coughing to calm himself.

Wizardmon. “Deity Digimon are different. They will never die of old age. But they can still be destroyed by combat. On top of that, only one Deity of a certain type can exist in the Digital world. As long as they live, no other Digimon can unlock their line in the Digivolution tree. Whereas any Digimon can Digivolve into a NoblePumkinmon. This one is permanently bound to the colosseum as its administrator and showman. In exchange, he has been blessed with immortality within its grounds.”

Edgar. “If he leaves it, he can be killed?”

Wizardmon nodded, his eyes focused on NoblePumpkimon, waving at the crowd before turning to Blucomon with a curious gaze.

NoblePumpkinmon. “You are a tad bigger than the rest of your kind. Did you train as an infant to gain extra stats?”

Blucomon shivered when he recalled the hellish dribbling he endured as a Botamon in Edgar’s hands and nodded. NoblePumpkinmon seemed to be able to read his mind and smiled.

NoblePumpkinmon. “Interesting… who knew it doubles the size of a Digimon when they digivolve.”

Blucomon. “Who cares about that? I want to know if I get a reward for defeating these pawns.”

NoblePumpkinmon. “Ah, forgive me. I get distracted by oddities… The Colosseum will reward you with a treasure chest from consecutive win streaks. Clear five in a row, and you will receive one.”

Blucomon. “Can you give me a hint of what’s inside them?”

NoblePumpkinmon. “The first few chests usually give out discs that recover HP, MP, or both. Don’t be disappointed with that! The rewards will improve with your win streak score. You may even obtain battle gear or consumables that temporarily raise your stats. But it all depends on your luck. ”

Blucomon. “No Digicoins or Digivolution crystals?”

NoblePumpkinmon. “Well, aren’t you a greedy little Dragon? If you kill your opponents, you will obtain their Digi-coin. You may use them to buy Digivolution crystals at the shop. But I am afraid you will have to kill all these rookies to obtain one champion-level crystal.”

Blucomon. “I am allowed to kill these pawns?”

NoblePumpkinmon. “Did you not know this is a death match? This is why the crowds are willing to place bets on your lives.” 

Blucomon focused his hearing on the crowds and picked up their discussions.

“You answered his question, so get on with it already!”

“I am betting Ten Rookie-level Digi-Coins on the Blucomon dying before the tenth round.”

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“Pawn Chessmon are only strong when they fight in a group. Blucomon can kill fifty of them without breaking a sweat.”

“I am betting a Champion Digi-Coin that Blucomon kills them all.”

“Ha! If you are confident he will win, I dare you to use an Ultimate Level Digi-Coin.”

“Maybe I will.”

“There is no way he will survive a hundred rounds. You are just throwing away good coin for your ego.”

The crowd bickered amongst themselves over the outcome of the match.

Blucomon. “All of you are ready to accept death?”

Pawn Chessmon (White). “If some of us will die to bring you down, it will only bring the legion more glory!”

Pawn Chessmon (White). “We will fight to our last breath! We will be rewarded for our bravery in the next life.”

Pawn Chessmon (Black). “The one who kills Blucomon will be hailed as the Mini Ice Dragon Slayer. What say, brothers and sisters?”

The Pawn chessmon encouraged each other until they steeled themselves and began to chant.


NoblePumpkinmon. “Any more Questions?”

Blucomon shook his head and readied himself for the fight. NoblePumkinmon’s cape extended outward before wrapping his form and disappearing. Loose indigo feathers were left behind to fall on the ground.

The Pawn Chessmon standing opposite Blucomon charged with his spear to strike first. 

Pawn Chessmon (White).”Pawn Charge!”

Blucomon predicted the attack and used his Ice tail to swipe away the spear. He opened his mouth and created a dozen shards of ice in the air, which flew toward his opponent, who blocked it with his shield. The frozen shield shattered apart when Blucomon struck it with his Ice claws. Blucomon lunged for Pawn Chessmon’s exposed throat and bit down hard. His victim tried to scream for help but turned to code when his HP fell to zero.

The crowds roared in excitement, and NoblePumpkinmon’s voice filled the air in the stadium. 

NoblePumpkinmon. “A brilliant use of Baby Hail and Ice Smash combo attack by Blucomon.”

A Black Pawn Chessmon rushes in from behind using ‘Pawn Penetrate’ and gets smacked by Blucomon’s frozen tail. Dazed from being slapped around, it failed to bring up its shield to stop Blucomon from biting his neck. 

NoblePumpkinmon. “Blucomon’s blood lust is something to behold. Oh… there goes another one. Try using a different tactic! I forgot you pawns can only move forward.”

The fifth Pawn Chessmon used an attack called Pawn Lightning. It created a shockwave with a lightning-fast strike with the spear. Blucomon dropped to the ground instead. The attack struck the air, and the Pawnchessmon didn’t seem to have any MP left for another strike. Blucomon charged forward to headbutt his opponent and used his jaws to deliver the finishing blow.

NoblePumpkinmon. “It’s barely been five minutes, and young Blucomon has achieved his first five consecutive win streak. “

The crowd had been stunned by the ferocity of the battle. They followed the administrator's instructions and cheered for Blucomon. The ones who bet on him yelled words of praise and encouragement. Three wooden chests appeared with one bronze key in front of Blucomon.

NoblePumpkinmon. “You have a minute to take a breather and pick your prize.”

Water dripped from the Ice that covered Blucomon’s head, hands, feet, and tail. He was exhausted from the battles and needed more than a minute to recover. He picked up the key and chose the middle chest. When he opened it, four discs popped out.

[100 HP Disc x2

100 MP Disc x2]

Blucomon stared at these discs in confusion before grabbing and stuffing them in his mouth. They disintegrated, all the fatigue in his body disappeared, the wounds healed, and his MP was restored.

NoblePumpkinmon. “Break time is over!” 

Immediately a Black PawnChessmon charged, but this one’s joints were visibly shivering in fear. The attack was missed without Blucomon trying to dodge. Ice claws struck the shield, and the ice tail swiped the weak knees causing the opponent to fall.

NoblePumpkinmon provided commentary for the following kills until half of the Pawn Chessmon were turned to code. Blucomon got lucky and obtained enough discs to keep fighting at top condition. Only one chest gave him a ring that boosted his evasion by thirty percent. It allowed him to dodge many attacks and deliver counters.  Edgar roared encouragement in Portuguese from the balcony while Wizardmon whispered curses after each kill. 

NoblePumpkinmon. “We have reached the halfway point, and young Blucomon is only getting stronger."

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