Digi-Soul [A Digimon Fan-Fiction]

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Prisoner of the XII Legion

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Edgar ran through the forest chasing the Garurumon that nabbed Botamon in his jaws. The beast was too fast to keep within his sight, so he had to follow the tracks left behind on the forest floor. The rain made the ground muddy enough to slip and fall a few times. The image of Botamon’s eyes pleading for help when it got taken away gave Edgar the strength to get back up and keep chasing. Thunder and lightning boomed and danced across the sky. An explosion in the distance distracted Edgar, and his head bashed into a metal shield that knocked him out. When Edgar regained his senses, he found himself lying on a makeshift stretcher carried by four short figures in black and white armor. A hundred of these Digimon surrounded him, marching in unison. He looked around and saw Botamon being carried by one of them. He tried to get up, but his hands and feet were tied up by rope.

Edgar. “Release me, you thieves! Give me back my Botamon!”
“Somebody silence the Human!”

“Stuff his mouth with potatoes!”

“Let me skewer his head with my spear!”

Several more voices gave more brutal suggestions to get Edgar to shut his mouth. 

Edgar. “Vão se foder seus caralho arrogante do cacete bota essa lança aí de vocês no cu e vê se desengancha a outra que meteram lá.”

The twelve-year-old boy from Brazil cursed in Portuguese. His captors somehow understood it to be an insult and thrust the butt of their spears at his stomach and back. Their attacks stopped when a Digimon that looked like a wizard came to Edgar’s side. He wore brown shoes with crescent moons on the ankles and matching brown gloves. A yellow and red full-bodysuit with "mouths" that can be opened and closed with zippers, a red vest, and an indigo cape with odd writing decorated the inside. A pointed indigo hat with a skull on it sat atop his head. Its face is obscured by the collar of its cape. Only its green eyes and blonde hair can be seen. It carries an orange wand with an egg-shaped sun on the tip.

Wizardmon. “Chessmons, Control yourselves! As members of the XII Legion of Olympus, we must not break our discipline to the taunts of a Human child.”

“Wizardmon is right! We must not bring dishonor to our Legion!”

“Glory to the Olympians! Glory to all Chessmons!”

“Ignore the Human! Ignore the Human!”

Wizardmon. “I admire your defiance but look around. Can you take on all these Chessmons, let alone me?”

Edgar studied the Digimon, which resembled chess pieces. There are around a hundred who look like Pawns. Half of them are White, and the other half are Black. Each is equipped with a medieval helmet, buckler, and spear. They marched in a two-column formation with the Whites to his left and the Blacks to his right.

“Wizardmon, the Garurumons still haven't returned. Should I order my fellow Knight Chessmons to search for them?”

This Digimon resembles a white armored centaur. He carried in his arms a gigantic Dart. A dozen like him stood guard at the rear and led the head of the Pawn Chessmon columns. 

Wizardmon. “Are they not under the supervision of GigaSeadramon? Do you believe they will fail at their task?”

KnightChessmon. “We could slow down to let them catch up to us. We are bound by duty-”

Wizardmon. “To obey my commands. Now return to your post and inform the others to hurry up. We cannot risk a Royal Knight interfering in our mission.”

KnightChessmon. “Megas cannot interfere in the affairs of those beneath their level, even Royal Knights.”

Wizardmon. “They might make an exception if they notice a Digi-Destined among us.”

KnightChessmon. “How can you tell he is a Digi-Destined? They all look the same to me.”

Wizardmon. “That is why I was chosen to lead you all. Now stop wasting time and do your duty.”

KnightChessmon saluted Wizardmon with a defeated expression and then galloped back to the front of the column. Edgar stood puzzled by what he had just heard and had to ask a question.

Edgar. “How could you have met Humans before? I thought we are-”

Wizardmon. “The first Humans to cross over? Maybe from your world, but there are other worlds with Humans too. The Digital World is connected to them all, but the Legions of Olympus are working on sealing each one.”

Edgar. “Why are you sealing them? What have Humans done to the Digital World for you all to hate us?”

Wizardmon. “Since you are a curious child, I will humor you with a history lesson. There was a time in the distant past when the first Human world found a way into the Digital world and decided to take it over through force. Their armies captured and enslaved Digimon for their twisted games. Those that resisted enslavement were turned to code. A group of Humans who were sickened by the occupation fought to liberate all the Digimon. It was impossible to take on hundreds of thousands of Humans on their own, so they tricked the armies into returning to their world and found a way to seal the connection permanently. The God of the Digital World, Yggdrazil, took notice of this and blessed them with the powers of a Digi-Destined. Though the Digital world was liberated-”

Edgar. “Sorry to interrupt. But what exactly makes a Digi-Destined different from a normal Human with a partner Digimon?”

Wizardmon. “They look no different from each other. The presence of a soul bond between a Human and their Digimon partner is what makes a Digi-Destined.”

Edgar. “Can you sense this soul bond? Is that why you didn’t tell Knight Chessmon.”

Wizardmon. “Among other reasons. He only needs to follow my commands without question.”

Edgar. “So, what kind of powers does a Digi-Destined have?”

Wizardmon. “I am already giving you a history lesson. Why do I need to explain anything else?”

Edgar. “You got something better to do while we walk?”

Wizardmon. “Fine! You are lucky that I enjoy the company of Human children.”

Edgar. “That is not creepy at all.”

Wizardmon. “The most common blessing is Warp Digivolution. It allows a Digi-Destined’s Digimon partner to rapidly Digivolve into their Ultimate or Mega forms. But that is just one type of blessing. The others unlock powerful hidden evolution lines or create a brand-new line. There are other abilities, but they might be unique to the individual.”

Edgar. “I see… you can go on with the history lesson.”

Wizardmon. “Where was I at?”

Edgar. “The Digital World was liberated by the Digi-Destined.”.

Wizardmon. “Right! For a time, there was peace under the protection of the Digi-Destined. They defeated the Digimon trained by the Humans to oppress their brethren. When all the threats were vanquished, Yggdrasil gave them a way to return to their original world. Not long after they left, another Human world found a portal to the Digital World. Everything repeated, and a brand new group of Digi-Destined rose to save the Digital World. They carried out their duty and retired like their predecessors. The cycle repeated over and over in different ways, new challenges and new faces.”

Edgar. “How many times did it repeat?”

Wizardmon. “Twelve times until one of the Digi-Destined decided to become the Emperor of the Digital world.”

Edgar. “Woah! What did the Emperor do?”

Wizardmon. “A Dark Age! One that lasted several centuries.”

Edgar. “Centuries? Was he an immortal?”

Wizardmon. “The lifespan of a Digimon is nothing compared to a Human. By the time you reach the age of ninety, a Digimon might have reincarnated several dozen times or more and remembered nothing from their past lives.”

Edgar. “But it sounds like you remember it?”

Wizardmon. “The Digital World traps the souls of Humans who die here. I was reincarnated as a Digimon and have retained the memories of each incarnation since.”

This caused Edgar to shiver.

Edgar. “Oh… you were a Human?”

Wizardmon. “I have lived for so long in the Digital world that I barely remember my life as a human. The Digital World is my home, and my soul will never be able to rest until Yggdrasil decides to send it back to my original world.”

Edgar. “Did you try asking him?”

Wizardmon. “Is it so easy to find the God of your world? Even if he was… that privilege is reserved for the Digi-Destined once they finish their mission here.”

Edgar. “That sucks!”

Wizardmon. “I have accepted my fate… but I do miss home. I know that time is faster here, but I am not sure how long I have been away from my world.”

Edgar. “You had family there?”

Wizardmon. “I was around your age when I died here. They might still be alive, but I will never see them again. You remind me of what I was like before I became a Digimon. That is why I have indulged this trip with my memories.”

Edgar. “You still haven’t told me why you are hunting Digi-Destined. I get the Emperor was super bad-.”

Wizardmon. “Who do you think stopped the Emperor? It was us Humans who reincarnated as Digimon who put an end to him and the other Digi-Destined who sided with him. After the Dark Age ended, we swore to seal all the portals for good and imprison every Human and Digi-destined who shows up into statues.”

Edgar. “Statues?”

Wizardmon. “Unless you aren’t against the option of reincarnating as a Digimon and living the rest of eternity here.”

Edgar. “This is insane! We haven’t done anything to any of you! We just got here yesterday! Give us three months for our portal to appear, and we will never return to the Digital World. You can seal it after that!”

Wizardmon. “None of your friends wants to unseal the portals to exploit the Digital World?”

Edgar. “I don’t! But…” 

Edgar bit his tongue when he was about to mention T.T’s plans to connect the Digital world to Eden. The whole point of the mission was to find a way to unseal the portals and let everyone on Earth come here. This would mean the cycle would repeat itself all over again.

Wizardmon. “No point in denying it. In every human world, an individual or organization spends vast resources to find a way into the Digital World. They don’t show up here by accident unless Yggdrasil wants it to happen. This twisted god wants the cycle to repeat for some reason, and it's the job of the Legions of Olympus to prevent it.”

Edgar. “Knight Chessmon and you were talking about the Yggdrasil’s Royal Knights. Why don’t they deal with the Humans and the rogue Digi-Destined.”

Wizardmon. “The Royal Knights don’t interfere unless it involves a Mega-level Digimon bullying the weak. As far as the Digi-Destined are concerned, they will offer you aid after you defeat them in a duel with your Digimon Partner.”

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Edgar. “Then why were you worried if they found me?”

Wizardmon. “Some among their number wish to Duel our Olympians and the Mega Digimon of the Legions. All they need is a good excuse to get Yggdrasil’s permission. I will not risk them using you for that end.”

Edgar. “If I start screaming for help, will they come to my rescue?”

Wizardmon. “If you do, I will kill you right where you stand, and you will wake up as a Digimon for the rest of eternity.”

Edgar slowly nodded and tried to think of ways to escape his predicament. He eyed the Chessmons around him and remembered how eager they were to bring honor to the Legion. He looked around and spotted a Black Pawn Chessmon carrying Botamon shivering in its arms. Wizardmon did say that a Digi-Destined had the power to Warp Digivolve. Maybe if he could unlock it through combat, they could escape. 

Edgar. “I had no idea capturing an infant Digimon brings one glory. Seems like you all have no stomach for a fair fight.”

Wizardmon. “What are you-”

Pawn Chessmon. “The Human is right! There is no glory in this.”

Black Pawn Chessmon. “We must have glory! The Legion must not look like bullies.”

Edgar. “How about you fight my Digimon fair and square.”

Pawn Chessmon. “Too weak for us Rookies. There is no glory in it.”

Wizardmon. “Quite! Ignore the Human child.”

Black Knight Chessmon. “The Colosseum is on the way to Mount Olympus. We can find Digivolution Crystals in its shop.”

Black Pawn Chessmon. “We will force it to Digivolve into a rookie and fight it in the arena. The Colosseum will have an audience to witness our battle!”

Pawn Chessmon. “They will spread our glory!” 

Edgar couldn’t hide his surprise at the existence of an item that could force a Digivolution.

Edgar. “None of you have these crystals on you right now?”

Wizardmon was furious that no one was listening to him and resigned himself to their proposal. 

Wizardmon. “They are only available at the Colosseum, usually in the form of rewards in tournaments or sold in the shop. Since there is no tournament today, we only have the shop as our option. Each Crystal is quite expensive, and I doubt anything inside your inventory bag could be used to exchange for one.”

Edgar. “None of you have Digi-Coins or Bits? Don’t tell me the XII Legion is poo?.”

Pawn Chessmon. “Wizardmon has a lot of Champion Digi-Coins!”

Black Pawn Chessmon. “Wealth is no substitute for glory!”

Wizardmon. “Alright! I will buy them. But I am only doing this because I want your Digimon partner to suffer for your foolishness. Every Pawn chessmon will take turns in the arena until it is turned back into a Digi-Egg.”

Edgar. “Bring it on! My Botamon can take them all on!”

Botamon released bubbles from its mouth to intimidate everyone. All the Chessmon couldn’t hold back their laughter at this. They hurled insults and taunts at Botamon, whose eyes turned red with rage at their mockery. Botamon’s body began to glow and transform.

[Botamon digivolve to Koromon!]

The Black slime ball had grown bigger and turned into a pink ball with long wavy ears, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and big red eyes. Koromon once again produced bubbles from his mouth. It didn’t seem any different from the one he made as a Botamon. Koromon changed tactics and bit the Pawn Chessmon holding onto him, but its armor was strong enough to not get damaged. The Chessmon continued to laugh and taunt Koromon for a while as their column continued on their journey. Edgar wanted to congratulate and comfort Koromon, but the little guy was seething in rage under the mockery of the Chessmon. Koromon’s emotions seeped into Edgar’s mind. A  shadowy humanoid figure appeared, covered in claws, fangs, horns, and spikes. Its red eyes glowed menacingly as if it could eviscerate all who stared back into them.

A slap on Edgar’s back by Wizardmon brought his attention back to his surroundings. He stood near the edge of a cliff that overlooked a vast valley full of colorful Lego buildings. Each building is unique, adopting architectural styles that were both bizarre and familiar. Among them are a Pyramid and an Aztec temple next to an Eiffel tower. At the city center is a Colosseum twice the size of the one in Rome. Except this one is made of Black Legos and decorated with banners of the XII Legions of Olympus. Twelve statues made of clear Legos stood atop the ring of the Colosseum overlooking the city. The reflection of the sunlight caused them to sparkle.

Wizardmon. “This is Lego Valley! The land of the Toy Agumons and their subspecies.”

Edgar. “It's… incredible! Why do some of these buildings look like the ones from Earth?”

Wizardmon. “Who do you think got homesick?”

Edgar. “Are those statues on the colosseum the Olympus XII?”

Wizardmon. “Isn’t that obvious?”

The Chessmon column descended into the valley and entered the city through the fortifications that reminded Edgar of the Great wall of China. He had to remind his mouth to keep shut as he walked through the streets filled with Black ToyAgumons, Clear ToyAgumons, and regular ToyAgumons. Construction projects are ongoing, and many structures are being demolished. The smell of cooked food filled the air near the restaurants with signboards of cooked pieces of meat and fruits in the shape of cubes.

Edgar. “How many Digimon live here?”

Wizardmon. “Two thousand, but there used to be ten times more before the Dark Age of the Emperor.” 

Edgar. “Did all these ToyAgumons come from the Nursery?”

Wizardmon. “The Nursery produces Digi-Eggs that are stateless.”

Edgar. “Stateless?”

Wizardmon. “Rookie level and above can register in any city of their choosing. From then on, they will always reincarnate in that city instead of the nursery. If every Digimon came from the nursery, it would have been too much for old Jijimon to handle.”

Edgar. “The Guardian of the Nursery?”

Wizardmon. “I helped to raise the bugger! But he turned his back on me when we sealed the Portal in the Nursery. Our battle destroyed that place and forced me to reincarnate. Wait! How do you know about him?”

Edgar. “My friend came to the Digital World many years ago.”

Wizardmon. “Interesting… Maybe Jijimon used his powers to protect that Human’s presence from us. He always believed that Humans were meant to be part of the Digital World. I hope he becomes wiser in his next life.”  Edgar wondered why Wizardmon thought it was sealed. Until he remembered that it was locked for those older than Eighteen. Maybe the Nursery changed the nature of the seal, and no one here knew that something had gone wrong. Whatever the case, he would not let it slip as the one he came through.

In a few minutes, Edgar found himself inside the Black Lego Colosseum, waiting for Wizardmon to purchase a Digivolution Crystal from the Crystal Vendor. When he returned, he looked at the four Pawn Chessmon guarding Edgar and gave them an order.

Wizardmon. “Ready the VIP Balcony for me and inform the administrator about our special battle. I need to speak with this Human child alone. Come back once it's ready.”

The Pawn Chessmon saluted and left the two.

Wizardmon. “Since this might be the first and last battle you will face as a Digi-Destined. I decided to get you a crystal that has an interesting Rookie Digimon that should be tough enough to give my Pawn chessmon a challenge. Those fools deserve a little trashing for making me spend my Digi-Coins for their glory.”

Wizardmon presents Edgar with a Frost Blue Crystal. When he placed his hand on the crystal, a notification screen appeared.

[Blucomite - This Crystal will Digivolve any In-Training Digimon into a Rookie Level - Blucomon]

Pawn Chessmon. “Wizardmon, everything is ready!”

Wizardmon. “Not quite! Give this crystal to Koromon and throw him into the ring when he Digivolves.” 

Wizardmon handed the crystal and looked at Edgar after the Pawn Chessmon left. He used the magical power in his wand to snap the rope that tied up Edgar’s legs and hands.

Edgar. “Why are you freeing me?”

Wizardmon. “I am sure you won’t abandon your partner, and you won’t get far even if you try. The consequences… I have made it clear, have I not?” Edgar nodded reluctantly.

Wizardmon. “Good! I am not fond of hurting those who are willing to behave. Now follow me to the balcony.”

The two sat on throne-like lego chairs overlooking the arena from the VIP balcony. The colosseum is filled with Digimon. ToyAgumons are the majority, but Edgar could see Rookies and Champions of other species among their number. The arena is being cleaned up after a recent battle that had left craters all over the ground. A mega screen displays the winner of the last fight and the number of Bits those who bet on him won.

Edgar. “Digimon Gamble on these fights?”

Wizardmon. “It’s not illegal in the Digital World. This is what brings wealth to this city along with tourism.”

Edgar. “I see… We haven’t discussed what happens if my Digimon defeats all your Pawn Chessmon.”

Wizardmon. “You think he can beat a hundred Pawn Chessmon? Well, the arena will certainly reward special items for his victories. But I will send twelve Knight Chessmons to finish him off, so don’t get any funny ideas. He will revert back into a Digi-Egg, and both of you will be statues on Mount Olympus by this time tomorrow.”

Edgar. “Will the colosseum allow Twelve Champions to fight one Rookie?”

Wizardmon. “Child, did you not see the Legion banners outside? Ah! Your partner is coming out now.”

Edgar looked down and saw a Blue Dragon walking into the arena on its hind legs. Blucomons head, claws, feet, and tail look like they are made from Ice. Long white fur covers his chest and neck. His red eyes stare menacingly at the crowds who boo at his arrival. On the opposite side of the arena, fifty Chessmon and fifty Black Chessmon march out in a tight formation out of the gate. 

A booming voice filled the air in the stadium once they arrayed themselves in a circle around Blucomon.

Colosseum Administrator. “We have a special treat for you all today. One Blucomon has challenged a Hundred Pawn Chessmon to a battle to the death. Now I know that seems a bit unfair, so each one will take turns against this fearsome Mini Frost Dragon Digimon. Will it survive against the might of the XII Legion? Place your bets!”

To be continued… 

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