Dimensional Agency

Chapter 4: Chapter Four

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I nod, "that seems to be the case." I tell him.

He looked taken aback, "this can't be happening, I have to protect a strange little girl with a weird ability." He complained.

"Like I said, I'll be sure to take really good care of you and raise you to your full potential." I tell him.

Len Braz, I'm quite excited to see how he grows.

While he may be pretty strong now, but after I get done nourishing him, he'll become an S Rank in the dimensions that not a single soul would be able to handle.

"So, what are you planning now that we have come to this?" Len asked with his arms crossed.

"Simple, I first need to set up the new F Rank dungeon we cleared." I told him.

I can't start a client database until I create my new world.

Let's pull that message up again.



Congrats! User obtained 2 gold! Dimensional World being completely deleted. New owner: User Amora Grant.

Would the User like to create the new world now?

                                Yes or No?


I clicked Yes and the portal suddenly reappeared inside the room.

"I will never get used to seeing that." Len mutters.

I entered and was greeted by nothing but an empty black space.



Welcome User, Amora!

Let's begin by opening the World Creation Tool.


World Creation Tool

Biome Choices: Please choose one out of the four biome settings.

Remember these are empty biomes, user must add everything else using the tool.



  1. Cave - Will be able to create a series of tunnels and levels 
  2.  Plains - a flat grassy land 
  3. Wasteland - A desert with dry weather
  4. Forest - A place surrounded by trees
  5. ---- [Biome Locked]
  6. ---- [Biome Locked]


I decided to start with something simple, like a cave biome setting.



The user chose the biome Cave. F Rank biome cave generating.

Please wait....


I watched in awe as a cave suddenly surrounds me, I now stood at the entrance of it.



Cave successfully generated, map has been generated for the user.

Please open the User Inventory.


I did just that and found the map the system spoke of.

The paper was blank.



If the user wishes to draw the map, then the player must explore the cave and use the World Creation Tool to add more features.



I began my Journey through the cave, it took me a total of three hours to get to the end.

My map was finally completed, that means I can now use the World Creation Tool again.


World Creation Tool

Monster Creation: Add monsters to the Cave Biome.


  1. Goblin Species - Consists of Goblin Species. 
  2. Red Wolf Species - Consist of Red Wolf Species.
  3. Cave Spider Species - Consist of Large Cave Spider Species.
  4. ---- [Locked Species]
  5. ---- [Locked Species]


I chose the Goblin species, if we're talking about a starter dimension then goblins are weaker than the others.


World Creation Tool

Trap Creation: Set up traps in certain locations of the cave


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  1. Simple Trap system
  2. ---- [Locked Traps]
  3. ---- [Locked Traps]


Going through the world creation tool; I finally completed the cave dimension set up, this is what I came up with.

I had three goblin species roaming the cave, in order to avoid them I turned on the Administration System.

It keeps me from getting attacked while setting up the dimension.

The first goblin species created were the goblin soldiers, they consist of goblins with swords and shields, daggers, and bow and arrows.

Another is the kobolds, these were a type of goblin with a face shaped like a dog, they consist of kobolds with spears.

Last, were the Hobgoblins. Hobgoblins are a bit more difficult to handle. They have better speed than an average goblin and will use weapons as well.

For the boss stage, there was the Orc Soldier. The Orc Soldier is known for it's brute strength and combat prowess.

The levels start with goblins being levels 1-5. 

Kobolds are levels 5-10, while Hobgoblins were levels 10-15.

The Orc Soldier level is 20 [Rank F].

There were two levels, the boss room being on the second level going down.

After setting up the monsters and making sure that almost every zone had monsters I also chose two safe zones.

This is a place for players to take a break to heal, use the merchant, and even socialize with others.

They can even set up parties with others.

After the safe zones, I then started setting up monster loot that will drop from the monsters.

Since I only can generate low level monster loot I chose the kind of things that could be randomly dropped and turned into Earth money.

I won't go into detail as of yet.

Next, I set up an award that would gain attention from the public, this way I can obtain clients willing to be players.

If one defeats the Orc Soldier the award that can be attained is a low grade healing potion

It may not seem like much, but it's unlike modern medicine in the real world.

A low grade healing potion can heal any minor wounds immediately.

Also, there are chances to make money in a dungeon, there are hidden chests that have Rank F skills and even coins that can be traded for money with the merchant.

One can choose to get real life money, or coins that are spent in other dimensions.




User Amora has finished setting up the Cave, it's time to create the Dimensional and Cave Settings.


Another screen appeared before me.


Cave and Dimensional Settings:


Players will only be able to use their abilities in all dimensions! - True

If the player dies, the player will reawaken in the real world - True

Players may live in stay in the dimensions as long as they wish - True

All the money that is spent in the dimension, [20 %] of it is  generated in User Amora's Account - True

Players may kill other players in the dimension - True

Players who die by other players will randomly drop items and lose a level or Rank - True

The Cave will regenerate all monsters and items after a certain limit of time [1 day was set by user]- True

The cave will regenerate the quest depending on players quest time and finish - True

Larger Dimension Biomes will have many quests to complete and even NPCs - True 

Guilds and Parties can be formed - True

Players must defeat the Boss in order to leave the Cave [pertains to this cave only]- True



More Settings will be unlocked as more dimensions are unlocked! What will the User name this Cave Dimension?


I typed in the name I came up with.



Congrats, dimensional cave; Goblin Hideout created. Settings to Cave and Dimension have been set, rewards generated. User may now leave the dimension.


I stepped out the portal and turned to lock it back into the portal inventory.

I then turned to find Len waiting on the bed, he stood once he noticed my return.

"Have you finished?" He asked.

"Yep, now that's done, I should use the gold coins I obtained to get us a building . Let's go cash it at the bank now." I tell him.

The two of us left the abandoned building and took our first step to establishing my Dimensional Agency.

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