Doe in the Middle

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Contains: BDSM, Naughty Language, a Flustered Deer, and a very open Polycule.

Just an FYI this takes place in a college setting with the characters aged-up appropriately to accommodate for that.

Cover art by , so many thanks to him for bringing this fantastic piece to life!

Noelle watched from the kitchen as her two partners sat on the couch. They were playing a video game together. It was some sort of shooter that was just a smidge too violent and too shooty for her tastes.

Not that she minded. At the very least, she enjoyed the banter that the two of them were snapping off at each other.

“You’re lucky that I love you so much or else I’d complain about having to carry you so much,” Susie chided.

Kris snorted. “Just wait until we get to the end. Then we’ll see who’s carrying who.”

Susie was about to retort but was cut off as she was killed by some kind of explosion, howling to a degree that worried Noelle about getting a noise complaint. Her misery only seemed to make Kris chuckle however.

Noelle shook her head and looked down at the sink, going back to scrubbing at the pot that she was working on.

It was her turn to do the dishes. Though it was usually her turn to do so.

“Dinner was delicious, babe,” Kris said.

Noelle stirred and looked at them. “Oh uh… thank you.”

“Way better than anything I would’ve had back home,” Susie then offered.

Noelle giggled. “Better than chalk?”

“I mean chalk is more of a comfort food than anything else,” Susie replied. “Like we all know Doritos aren’t exactly good for you but that doesn’t stop us from polishing off a bag whenever we’re in the right mood, you know.”

Kris snorted. “I wouldn’t. You’ve usually finished eating all the junk food before we even get a chance to have some.”

Noelle shook her head and started to dry the pot. As she did so, her mind began to wander, leaving the confines of the little apartment that they shared.

Her brain had been doing a whole lot of that recently, always bringing her thoughts to such crass places. She thought about things that would’ve made a regular person blush and she knew for a fact that her own cheeks started to redden at the ideas that came to her.

She thought about being pinned to the bed with Susie on top.

She thought about being called names by Kris.

She thought about…

There was a crash from the kitchen.

As she snapped back to the moment, she realized that her grip had slipped and the pot had clattered into the sink.

The game then paused and her two partners looked towards her.

This did nothing to help the red that now seemed to dominate Noelle’s complexion.

“Everything okay?” Kris asked.

Noelle nodded swiftly. “Y-yeah, sorry, I uh… long day at work.”

“Mood,” Susie chided. “I swear to god I’m going to murder the next Karen who shows up at my gas station.”

“Who the fuck acts like a Karen at a gas station?” Kris rebutted.

Susie chuckled. “Karens going to Karen and there’s really nothing that you can really do about it, you know?”

Noelle managed to dry the pot off, placing it upon the stove. This was the last of their dishes.

Her gaze then went towards the apartment’s little hallway, leading towards their collective bedroom. She drifted towards it, only pausing for a moment to give her two partners a passing glance.

“I think I’m going to take a nap,” she lied.

The two of them were already back to their video game and could only nod, waving her off for the night.

Noelle slipped into the bedroom, turning the lights on as she entered. She flopped upon the bed and reached for their nightstand where her Kindle was.

“What would they think if they knew you were reading this kind of stuff?” Noelle whispered to herself.

They’d probably make fun of her for it.

She unlocked the device and went over to a folder labelled ‘textbooks’ then another labelled as ‘physics’ , a college class she was not currently taking, nor did she have any interest in taking in the future. Inside were a small collection of documents though each of them bore covers that had nothing to do with the supposed subject matter.

They portrayed men and women, though mostly women, engaging in all sorts of risqué activities with plenty of skin of display.

Noelle’s eyes glanced towards the door for a brief moment before she poked at one of the covers on offer. It was the classiest of the lot, displaying a tattooed figure with the title simply labelling it as, ‘The Dare’.

Its cover may have been the least depraved of the lot but the contents inside made her blush, even thinking about them. It featured an evil male character who did all sorts of rude things to his female companion.

Noelle should’ve really not been reading about stuff like this.

Yet, these scenes brought something else to her, a fantasy, a pleasure that she wasn’t aware that she’d been harbouring. In fact, as she read about knives and cruel words, she started to think of herself and Kris.

She thought of them doing the things that this character did but to her instead.

It was just a silly fantasy, right? Nothing that could actually be worked upon.

Kris was… well, they were Kris. Sure, they could be sarcastic and dark at times but she could never imagine them…

Well, taking her panties as a trophy and then making her degrade herself in front of several dozen strangers before having steaming hot sex.

Noelle promptly giggled and felt a fresh heat enter her cheeks.

She began to read. Though the words were hard to follow. Not due to the quality of the writing, which was amazing, but because her mind wandered at such things. It was hard to keep her thoughts steady when she could feel a heat within her sex, a dampness starting to pool within her panties.

Noelle reached under her skirt and peeled them away, bringing them into view. There was a pronounced wet spot present upon them, a sign of depravity which made her face burn even brighter, even more pronounced.

“You freak,” she whispered, both hating and loving herself at this moment.

A page, maybe two, that was all it took for her mind to take over as she began writing her own narrative.

As her story began, she placed her fingers against her lower lips and started to gently stroke at them.

After all, she would need some sort of fluid to act as ink for drafting her erotica and there was no better candidate than her own arousal.

She then closed her eyes and allowed the narrative to unfold within her mind.

Kris pinned Noelle firmly against the wall, their breath curling against the nape of her neck. She shivered under their weight and could hear them let out a dark little chuckle.

Their hand started to hike up her skirt and she could feel the distinct bulge of their crotch against her back.

She wanted that bulge, she wanted it more than anything else.

“Are you going to be good?” Kris asked.

Their words curled against Noelle’s ear and she gasped.

“Y-yes,” she replied.

“Good because I don’t like it when my whores misbehave,” Kris replied, nipping at her ear.



That word was an aphrodisiac of its own, making Noelle gasp as a fresh heat coursed towards her loins. Her mind kicked into overdrive and she was sure that if she had opted to wear panties then they would’ve been utterly soaked.

Kris leaned forwards and took her ear between their teeth. They ensured that she could feel their canines grind against cartilage before they bit down sharply, eliciting a loud yelp of pain.

“Slut,” Kris ribbed.

Noelle whined. “Only for you.”

“And whoever I opt to share you with,” Kris replied, pausing for a moment. “You know Noelle, if you planned to jill off you could’ve just let us know.”

Noelle paused. “W-what?”

“I said if you planned to jill off you could’ve just let us know,” Kris repeated.

Noelle’s eyes snapped open and she noticed that Kris was leaning against the wall. They were smirking at her, looking so proud of themselves.

“Kris!” Noelle gasped.

Kris chuckled. “What are you reading?”

“N-nothing,” Noelle replied. “Just some… uh…”

“Porn?” Kris finished.

Noelle’s face burned even brighter. She’d been caught red handed. Or in this case, with a normal hand currently crammed two fingers deep into her tight little sex.

“Would you like some help?” Kris asked.

Noelle thought about it for a moment before nodding rapidly. “Y-yes, please.”

Kris pushed away from the wall and made their way over, crawling upon the bed and positioning their head between Noelle’s legs. Their breath was warm as it curled against her inner thighs, growing warmer still as they started to trail little kisses upon her tender flesh.

“So, what are you reading?” Kris asked.

Noelle whimpered and looked off to the side. “It’s embarrassing.”

“I mean you say that but that only makes me want to know even more,” Kris replied. “Just tell me, I promise I won’t judge.”

They were now before her sex, their warmth curling against it. Noelle could feel just how soaked she was, her juices coating her inner thighs. They were so slick with arousal, her coat drenched in a solid shroud of depraved fantasies.

“It was porn,” Noelle said.

“What kind of porn?” Kris asked.

Noelle whimpered. “You’ll think less of me.”

“I won’t,” Kris replied.

Their voice sounded teasing but soft, kindly, yet mischievous. It was so hard to judge their intentions at times and impossible in this current moment.

And it became even more difficult to do so when they pressed their tongue into her. The appendage swiftly plunged in, pressing several inches inside of her in a matter of moments.

Noelle gasped, her back arching slightly. She gripped the sheets with one hand, while placing the other on the back of Kris’ head. She gripped their hair, trying not to do so too hard but knowing that she had little control in the matter with them inside of her like that.

Kris started to swirl their tongue around, venturing with a seasoned ease. They knew Noelle well and that extended to a carnal and lustful context.

They brushed against something especially excitable and a potent moan edged forth, carried upon a pent-up breath. Though that was the last action that they made before they drew away, taking a moment to catch their breath.

“Tell me,” Kris ordered, their voice growing a bit firmer. “Or I’ll stop.”

Noelle’s eyes widened.

That voice, that tone, that order, they all started to mess around with her mind. Was this really Kris? She couldn’t imagine them being so… stern.

Maybe she had misjudged their capabilities.

“I was reading a story about… this girl who goes to a party,” Noelle replied.

Kris nodded and rewarded her, pressing forwards and pushing their tongue back into her sex. They swirled it around with a bit more force, gliding effortlessly considering just how wet she’d become.

“And… she meets a boy,” Noelle continued. “Who turns out to be an utter bastard but like… in a fun way.”

Kris reached forth and rested their thumb upon Noelle’s cute little button, massaging it and bringing forth a fresh round of frantic moans. They were loud, more of a gasp than anything else.

Noelle’s face was utterly in flames and she wondered if her voice had managed to carry to the living room. Though she could still hear the sounds of idle violence taking place on the TV in there.

“And… and… he takes her panties and degrades her, makes her realize who’s in charge. They also have a gangbang at some point. I-I don’t know… I just… WOW! You are really really good at this, Kris,” Noelle whined. “He… he…” Another gasped as Kris’s tongue brushed against something else that was excitable. “He makes her ask permission to cum and beg for his dick and… and… fuck the things they get up to are messed up but I want them Kris, I want to feel like that.”

Kris drew away again, breathing slowly. “Do you want me to do those things to you, Noelle?”

“I… I wouldn’t want to impose,” Noelle whispered.

Kris snorted and their eyes took on a mischievous glint. “Yes or no, do you want me to take control?”


Noelle’s mind went back to the fantasies she’d had. Fantasies of ropes and leather and spanking. Fantasies of being used and degraded, of being put in her place. They were fun fantasies. But they were surely just fantasies, right?

“Focus,” Kris growled.

Noelle snapped back to the moment.

Kris peaked up from under her skirt, grinning at her. There was a shroud of moisture upon their lips.

“Do you want to be mine, Noelle?” Kris asked.

Noelle whined. “Yes.”

Kris nodded and their smile remained.

“Thank you for being honest with me,” they said.

They didn’t move an inch, merely observing Noelle. Their gaze was soft but analytical, looking her over and trying to find out what exactly they wanted to do.

Finally, they nodded. “Do you want me to continue?”

Noelle nodded back.

Yet, Kris didn’t move.

“Kris?” Noelle asked.

“Use your words, babe,” Kris teased.

Noelle’s face burned. “What?”

“If you want something then I expect you to ask for it,” Kris replied. Their gaze then sharpened a degree. “Or are you too useless to even manage that?”

Noelle drew in a sharp breath, her eyes going wide. Her brain ceased to function at any meaningful level, churning at a fraction of its capacity as she tried to figure out how to even muster the simplest of responses.

Kris chuckled. “Did I break you there?”

“I just never thought I would get to do something like this,” Noelle said.

Kris smirked. “All you had to do was ask.”

Noelle nodded and drew in a shallow breath, trying to will her brain into cooperation.

“Kris, can you keep eating me out?” Noelle asked, feeling her complexion somehow warm further.

Kris snorted. “Where are your manners?”

Noelle whined. “Kris!”

Kris reached out and gripped one of Noelle’s antlers, using it to push her head forwards and pin her face into the mattress. They hadn’t been particularly forceful but still even the mildest show of force was enough to kick Noelle’s mind into overdrive.

Noelle attempted to squirm but the motion was half-hearted, the hand’s presence ensuring her obedience.

“Kris,” she whispered, barely even audible.

“If you want to be mine then you’re going to need to play by my rules,” Kris warned. “Which means when you want something then you need to ask politely for it. Do you understand?” Then seemingly as an afterthought. “Slut.”


Noelle drew in a breath, swearing she was about to pass out from the sheer amount of blood that was entering her cheeks.

“Kris, could you please eat me out?” she asked, surprised that she had even managed to get those words out at all. It seemed like every syllable would be a struggle going forward.

Kris nodded and winked at her. “I’d love too, babe.”

They let go of her antlers and slipped back under the hem of her skirt. There was no delay as they resumed their motions, fueled by the fresh wetness that this little display had imprinted upon her lust-ridden mind.

Noelle gripped the sheets of the bed tightly, closing her eyes as she felt a fresh fire catch within her sex.

Kris fed these flames, moving so naturally, so quickly, not slowing in the slightest. They knew her so well and could edge her onwards with an impressive familiarity. The pressure within her loins continued to mount, the nucelli of pleasure growing more and more pronounced.

Their tongue melded throughout her sex, moving between each sensitive cluster with such speed. There was little chance to recuperate and it seemed like she was on a mad dash with climax.

Noelle’s back arched away from the sheets and her breath continued to grow more laboured. Her heart hammered within her chest.

It seemed like every motion brought about a fresh wave of pleasure as each nerve was bathed in a constant shroud of stimulation and good vibes. There was no hope that she could endure this much longer. Her mind and sex were both so sensitive, both craving that final little depraved treat.

Then Kris brushed their thumb across Noelle’s clit, sealing her fate.

This stimulation proved to be the final barrier, bringing Noelle to the brink and spilling her into the blissful waves of orgasm. She cried out with all her might and lifted away from the sheets. It felt like she could fly away but thankfully Kris was there to keep her anchored in place.

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Sheets of moisture came flooding forth, splashing against Kris’ complexion. Though they remained steady, in place, not shying away from her sinfulness.

Her fingers felt numb, her mind empty, and her vision was swimming.

“That might’ve been the best orgasm I’ve ever had,” Noelle whispered.

Kris drew back, wiping the slickness away from their lips. “I can tell.” They then snorted. “We uh… we might need to do some laundry after this.”

They then drew back and continued to study Noelle as they got to their feet.

This is when Noelle noticed that there was a bulge in their pants. It was sizable, perfect for a deer of her size.

Kris seemed to notice where her eyes lingered as they reached down and fiddled with their belt.

“You know what you need to do if you want something,” Kris teased.

Noelle drew in a breath but nodded.

The first time had been hard but she felt a certain confidence going into the second.

“Can you please fuck me, Kris?” Noelle asked.

Kris smirked and rewarded her by pulling their belt free and tossing it onto the bed. They then wiggled out of their pants and panties, leaving their bottom half exposed and cock proudly on display.

There was a dollop of something liquid at the tip, sparkling in the light of the room.

“I suppose I can,” Kris replied.

They patted the mattress and Noelle took the hint, rolling onto her belly and crawling over so that her hindquarters were hanging over the edge. Her skirt was already hiked up and she knew that her sopping wet pussy was on display.

There was suddenly a knock at the door.

“Everything okay in there?” Susie asked.

Kris snorted. “Just fucking Noelle.”

“Wow!” Susie growled. “You always leave me with sloppy seconds.”

“It’s payback for stealing all of the good junk food,” Kris replied, chuckling to themselves. “Get in here if you want some action.”

Susie opened the door and stepped into the room, chuckling as she noticed the two of them.

“I see we’ll be doing laundry tonight,” she teased.

Noelle flushed. “S-sorry.”

“It’s adorable that you think you need to apologize for having a good time,” Susie ribbed, winking at her. “Glad to see that you’re finally getting your rocks off.”

She plopped down upon the bed and laid in the vacant spot next to Noelle, watching her. There was a content smile on her lips as she placed her hands behind her head.

“Noelle is apparently into BDSM,” Kris said.

Before Noelle could defend herself, Kris gripped the base of her tail in one hand and squeezed it firmly. It turned out that this was quite the erogenous spot and even just touching it elicited a pathetic little mew from her.

“Always the quiet ones,” Susie chided.

“What’s BDSM?” Noelle asked.

It seemed like an answer wouldn’t come as Kris brushed the tip of their cock between Noelle’s folds, probing at it but not plunging in quiet yet. They let it linger there, teasing her but not giving her what she wanted.

It was torture, plain and simple.

“Well?” Kris asked.

Noelle whimpered. “I already asked for it!”

“Yeah, you did,” Kris teased as they patted her rump. “But I want you to do it in front of Susie now.”

She couldn’t do that in front of someone else!

Noelle felt resistance form upon the tip of her tongue but she also felt something far more appealing teasing her lower lips. She wanted that stimulation. She wanted that pretty non-binary bitch’s cock inside of her.

So, she drew in a deep breath. “Please fuck me, Kris. Please fuck me in front of Susie. Please make me your bitch.”

Kris’ grip tightened upon her tail and they pressed forwards, plunging between her folds.

Noelle gasped, suddenly feeling so stuffed by their erection. It was sizable, more than adequate for sating a monster of her unique stature and body type. It teased her so recently used folds, in all the right ways, sending fresh pulses of orgasmic bliss coursing throughout her body.

“Fuck, she’s clenching,” Kris groaned.

Susie snorted. “She’ll do that.” She then looked at Noelle. “So, you’re a freak, huh?”

Noelle couldn’t respond verbally. She was beyond the point where words were within her realm of understanding. Instead, she nodded quickly, letting out a stray moan as Kris started to piston into her.

Their motions were slow but steady, building up her comfort and growing a bit more emboldened with every cycle.

“I’m excited,” Susie teased. “Been craving a chance to get rough with you.”

Noelle flushed and let out a little squeak.

Susie had thought of her like this? Susie had thought about being the mean little brute from all of those Kindle stories that she’d been reading?

Why was this the first she was hearing about it!?

Kris reached forwards and gripped one of Noelle’s antlers. They jerked back upon it sharply, lifting her face away from the sheets and forcing her to look up at Susie.

There was now nothing to muffle her moans and cries of pleasure, nothing to deter her from showing off her lack of restraint.

Susie grinned at her. “You look kind of cute when you’re getting fucked.”

Kris grunted and hammered into Noelle a bit more forcefully, their hips clapping roughly against her backside with every thrust. They pushed harder and harder, their breath soon growing laboured and crude.

Their hand slipped away from Noelle’s tail and they instead drew it back into the air.

Noelle wondered briefly why they did this. But soon, she felt a palm strike her rump with quite some force as there was a loud clap of flesh against coat that echoed throughout the room.

She yelped and gasped with such ragged glee.

That felt amazing!

The pain acted as a very nice ingredient into a cocktail of emotions and endorphins that were already swirling around within her mind.

Kris snorted. “I’ve always wanted to fuck her like a whore.”

“I can’t wait to have her eat me out after this,” Susie chided.

Noelle wanted to melt, feeling such embarrassment at being put in this situation. But she also wanted to be everything for these two. She wanted to be their whore, she wanted to be their toy, she wanted to be their object used for sexual gratification and nothing more.

It was impossible to believe that this was really happening.

But it was impossible to deny that it wasn’t as Kris continued to slam into her pussy. Their cock felt so nice, like it belonged, aided by the sheer volume of pleasure that was oozing from her needy little cunt.

Noelle needed to be fucked like this and she needed to ensure that she was only fucked like this in the future.

Kris growled and slapped her ass again, landing another powerful blow.

Once more, Noelle yelped at the impact but also gasped at the sheer intensity of pleasure that it brought about. It felt amazing to be spanked, to be beaten and used.

It felt utterly amazing to get what she wanted more of this!

And all she had to do was ask…

She moaned like a doe in heat, gasping and groaning with every thrust that Kris plunged into her.

A familiar smolder started to take hold within her sex, her pussy tingling with an intense desire to cum.

Though this was also when Kris began to slow, growing a bit more lethargic with every thrust. Until finally, they bottomed out inside of her and ceased any further movements.

Noelle whined. “I was so close.”

“I’m aware,” Kris teased. “But don’t think I’m giving it to you that easy, plaything.”


The title was powerful, sending her mind reeling trying to find even a semblance of shame. Though none could be found. The barriers of self-restraint had been shattered, long ago, and now there was only a desire for more depravity lingering on the other side.

“W-what?” Noelle tried.

Susie smirked. “I think I know where this is going.”

“How do we get the things that we want, Noelle?” Kris asked, failing horribly at keeping the shit eating grin out of their voice.

Noelle shivered. “By asking?”

Kris patted her rump.

Noelle couldn’t see this but she knew that they were nodding. Of course, this was what they would want.

It turned out they filled the shoes of a cruel bastard quite well. Almost too well.

But Noelle no longer felt shame as she drew in a deep breath.

“May I please cum?” she asked.

The answer came soon enough as Kris’s grip tightened upon their antlers and they resumed their rapid tempo. There was now a pronounced sound of slickness that paired well with every thrust, the crude slurps and thwaps echoing throughout the room like a fine song.

“Fuck,” Noelle whispered.

It turned out that the fire didn’t need that much coaxing to return as she found herself back upon the precipice, ready to plunge into the waters of bliss once again. The tempo continued until finally there was no delaying the inevitable.

“FUCK!” Noelle screamed.

She came, hard, feeling the dams finally burst. Her orgasm was potent and powerful, making every muscle in her body quiver and quake. Her pussy clenched like a vice around Kris’ cock and they barely even managed one last thrust into her.

They rode through their orgasms together as Noelle’s wave of arousal came crashing into Kris’ warm seed. The two juices intermingled and filled her pussy before draining out and staining the sheets, along with both of them.

Noelle shivered as she felt herself ride through the final few moments. Her pussy felt so incredibly tender from not one but two potent orgasms. She remained motionless, barely making so much as a feeble noise as Kris pulled out of her with a wet slurp.

“Holy shit,” Kris whispered. “That was… holy shit.”

Susie snorted. “Don’t think you left anything for me.”

“Give her like ten minutes and I’m sure you’ll get whatever you want,” Kris teased, lightly patting Noelle on the rump. “This slut is full of energy. Isn’t that right, babe?”

Noelle groaned a confirmation.

Kris then stumbled back and braced themselves against the wall.

A silence settled into place as Noelle felt her world start to come back into place. Piece by piece her body and mind came around to enjoying the post-orgasmic bliss. Her pussy ached but so did so many other muscles within her body.

It was nice feeling like this. It reminded her of the accomplishment that came with finishing a long-distance run.

It was honestly amazing that she got to finally try something like this out; something from all those stories that she’d read.

But it only made her realize that she wanted more of this. She wanted to try out all of those sinful little things that had been brewing within her fantasies and within the pages of the books that she was reading.

She wanted to be owned.

She wanted to be a whore, a toy, a plaything, a…


Kris reached forwards and tenderly stroked her hair.

Noelle couldn’t help but purr and melt into their tender affection. Her world felt so utterly euphoric like every little action was destined to be combined with such a raw form of pleasure.

“That was…” Noelle began, shaking her head. “That was something else.”

“Glad you had fun,” Kris said.

They drew away from her and came around the bed, plopping down upon the edge of it.

Susie snorted. “So, ten minutes, huh?”

“Okay, maybe give her like twenty minutes.” Kris glanced at Noelle. “Then I’m sure she’ll be good for round two.”

Noelle giggled. “Maybe give me thirty?”

She shifted slightly and started to adjust herself, pulling her entire body upon the bed. Every nerve felt so wonderfully tender and every muscle ached with accomplishment.

Noelle had just gotten the best dick of her life. Honestly, she had no idea that something like that could feel so amazing.

“What just happened?” Noelle asked, shaking her head slowly in disbelief.

Kris smirked. “I played with a few of your inner demons and awoke a lot more of them.”

“But I had no idea that you could do that,” Noelle replied. “You were just so… evil.”

“If you think that’s evil then you haven’t seen anything yet,” Kris commented.

They flashed a sinister smile that showed off their many teeth. Their presence made a shiver crawl up Noelle’s spine.

She had no idea what they could honestly have in mind for her but she was excited to find out. Plus, the tenderness within her pussy was also very much looking forward to seeing what perverse things her partners had in store for her.

“We should totally do this again,” Noelle said.

Kris nodded. “I fully intend to, babe. If I would’ve known you were into this kind of stuff, I would’ve made a move on you a long time ago.”

“You called it BDSM,” Noelle murmured as she let out a small yawn. “What is that?”

Susie snorted. “Wait, do you seriously not know?”

Noelle shook her head. She was too tired to lie.

“That’s like bondage and spanking and being a dom and stuff,” Susie replied. “All of those spicy things that you jill off too.”

Noelle bit her lip. “Are you two into that kind of stuff?”

“Maybe,” Kris answered as they shrugged.

Susie snorted. “We tried it out a couple months ago but it turns out that neither of us were really in the mood to be submissive.”


Noelle knew the word and could figure out what it meant in this context. It felt like an appropriate word to describe herself; a meek little creature waiting for one of her more confident partners to make all the right moves.

She bit her lips, feeling just how hot her pussy still felt.

“But it seems like you uh… kind of solve that problem,” Kris said, nodding towards her. “Because fucking you like that was…”

They mimicked a chef’s kiss.

Noelle giggled. “Getting fucked by you like that was…”

She also mimicked a chef’s kiss.

The two of them giggled.

“But I’m so taking the lead next time,” Susie growled.

Kris snorted. “Be my guest.”

Noelle let out another yawn. “I think I might need to take a nap first.”

Kris nodded and made room for Noelle to slide up into a more proper sleeping position.

Noelle still felt so incredibly sticky but she ignored the cum oozing out of her tight little hole. Just like she ignored the aches that still festered within her muscles and joints. It was a problem that could wait until her mind wasn’t so hazy with lustful little fantasies.

“Can we talk more about this tomorrow?” she asked.

Kris smiled and then kissed her on the forehead. “We totally can, babe”

Susie then kissed her on the back of the neck. “Then afterwards I’m going to fuck you silly, okay?”

Noelle made a nervous little noise, allowing herself a contented smile. “S-sounds good to me.”


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