Doe in the Middle

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Fetishes: Breathplay, Femdoms, Biting, General BDSM, and Name Calling

“So, what kind of stuff are you into specifically?” Kris asked.

They were busying themselves in the kitchen, prepping three cups of tea. One was black, one had a splash of milk, and the third had way too much cream and sugar.

Sure, Noelle couldn’t see the cups but she had prepped enough of them to know her partner’s preferences by heart.

She bit her lip. “That’s a bit of an embarrassing question to answer.”

“It’s also an important thing to talk about,” Susie added, nodding towards her from across the coffee table. “Like communication is the most important thing going forward if we want to keep doing this. Got to make sure we’re all having a good time and what not, you know?”

Noelle glanced away.

Even thinking about some of the things that crossed her mind was enough to bring a little pink into her complexion.

Thankfully, her silence was permitted as Kris floated back into the living room with a tray in hand. Their skirt fluttered around their knees as they did so.

God, they really knew how to rock a skirt, didn’t they?

As they placed the tray down, Susie reached out and grabbed the cup with way too much cream and sugar. A second later and Kris took the one that was black. Noelle, meanwhile, contented herself with just the barest amount of cream.

“Maybe it would help if one of us went first?” Kris suggested.

Noelle nodded. “Sorry.”

“Hey, hey, hey, no apologizing,” Susie grumbled as she held out a defensive hand. “This is new for all of us, okay?”

Kris shook their head. “I guess I can go first.” They took a sip of tea and let out a contented sigh. “The main thing I like is pain with a focus on being a sadist. There’s something really nice about hurting another person and knowing that they like it.”

“Jesus,” Susie grumbled, shaking her head. “Did you really have to start with that!”

“What? It’s true,” Kris shot back.

Susie scoffed. “Why don’t you just follow that up by saying your hobbies are torturing small animals and stalking people.”

“I mean I appreciate the honesty,” Noelle murmured.

The two of them looked towards her and she tried her best not to shy away from the sudden attention. Instead, she took another purposeful sip of her tea.

“Some of the stories I read feature spankings and beatings and… stuff.” Noelle shrugged. “Sometimes they seem pretty hot and I wouldn’t mind trying some of that stuff out in the future.”

Kris grinned and looked at Susie who merely rolled her eyes.

“Gloat about it, why don’t you?” Susie growled.

Though there was no legitimate heat in her voice.

“What about you, Susie?” Noelle asked.

Susie shrugged. “I like feeling in charge?” She took a sip of her tea-flavoured cream and hummed. “Like… I don’t know, I like bossing people around and exerting my dominance and calling them names and stuff. I don’t really know if that has a specific name or if that’s just BDSM in general.”

“Probably degradation and dominance?” Kris offered.

“You were always better at the names and stuff,” Susie chided before pointing a thumb towards her chest. “But yeah, if you want me to call you mean things and then eat you out so hard that you pass out then I’m your girl.”

Noelle’s cheeks warmed a little. “I’ll probably take you up on that at some point.”

That’s when she realized that it was now her turn in the spotlight.

She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to bring the chaotic cluster of thoughts within her mind into focus. Slowly, order came about and coherent trains of thought started to formulate within her grey matter. Coherent trains of thought that just happened to be on subjects that were difficult for her to even think about, let alone speak on.

“I…” she began. “I liked what Kris did last night. Being ordered around and being overpowered and stuff, it felt really nice.” She chuckled nervously, rubbing at her arm. “And I guess I have an interest in other things like bondage and spanking and being degraded and stuff.”

“Maybe talking about a fantasy will help us better understand what we’re working with here?” Kris suggested.

Noelle nodded and worked her jaw. The words were difficult but they soon came forth.

“An easy one I can think of is being blindfolded and tied to our bed with you two teasing me and edging me and stuff,” she replied, looking between them. “Then after I’m begging you two to let me get off, you finally allow me to plunge into orgasm over and over again until I’m begging you two to stop.”

Susie grinned. “That sounds pretty fucking hot.”

“Right?” Kris agreed.

Noelle nodded. “I’ve uh… I’ve masturbated to the idea before.”


The word usually would’ve made her blush. Now, she just grinned at such a crass phrase.

What had these two done to her?

“And another fantasy I had is…” Noelle looked at Kris specifically. “Is being forced to strip in public and service you.”

“Kris specifically?” Susie asked.

Noelle shrugged. “Just the way this fantasy panned out.”

“Wow I’m getting ripped off here,” Susie grumbled.

She folded her hands in front of her chest and feigned being offended as she held her head up high. Though in the end, she wasn’t even remotely believable, managing to get a giggle out of Noelle.

“Exhibitionism does sound like it could be fun,” Kris said, flashing a playful smile. “But maybe we should focus on doing stuff at home until you’re a bit more confident?”

Noelle grinned, more surprised that their answer wasn’t a straight up no. Her mind liked to think about this fantasy quite frequently, returning to the park and strolling through the lesser paths with not even the thinnest layer of fabric protecting her.

“Earth to Noelle,” Susie chided.

Noelle snapped back to the moment and shook her head. “Sorry my uh… my brain wandered there for a second.”

“Were you being a perv?” Susie teased.

Noelle giggled. “Yeah, kinda.”

She drummed her fingers against the teacup and looked across at the other two. There was one last question that was still nagging at her.

“When do I get a collar?” she asked.

Kris shrugged. “Depends what you want it for.”

Noelle cocked a brow. She hadn’t been aware there were different utilities for something like that.

“If you just want it to be a fashion accessory to feel a little kinky, I’m sure we have a couple lying around the apartment,” Kris said.

Susie snorted. “More than a couple.”

“But if you want something more personalized and symbolic then maybe we should flesh out our dynamic a bit more before we make that kind of decision,” Kris suggested, shrugging their shoulders.

Noelle had no idea what they were even talking about.

A collar was a collar, right?

Just a little accessory to be worn when they were feeling kinky.

But her silent inquiry seemed to be picked up by her companions.

“For most people a collar is something small to wear while fucking,” Kris explained. “But for other people it’s more… it’s more of a commitment, like wearing a wedding band or something. It tells everyone that you belong to someone important and that you serve them specifically.”

“Huh,” Noelle replied, looking down at her tea. “Would either of you be offended if I just used it for sex?”

Susie scoffed. “Not at all, babe, Kris is just more of a freak than us.”

“Guilty as charged,” Kris beamed.

Susie got up and placed her tea down before making her way towards the bedroom.

“I’ll see if I can dig something up in your size,” she said. “I think you and Kris should have pretty similar necks.”

“Easy way to test that!” Kris called.

Susie chuckled. “I’m not choking Noelle, you freak”

Noelle’s face lit up. “C-choking.”

“Susie and I got up to some pretty crazy stuff before I moved out,” Kris said, sighing fondly at the memories. “I hate to make a shitty pun but she really knew how to take my breath away.”

“Is that safe?” Noelle asked.

Kris nodded and tilted their head upwards, exposing their throat.

“Totally,” they said, touching fingers to both sets of their carotid arteries. “You know that place where you can feel your pulse?”

Noelle nodded and touched that very same spot, feeling her heart beating a little faster due to the topic of conversation.

“If you compress those and not your windpipe then you can simulate the sensation of asphyxiation,” Kris explained. “So, you’re still able to breathe but your brain isn’t getting the memo.” They grinned with a predator’s glee. “I’m sure either me or Susie could give you a hands-on demonstration if you were interested.”

Noelle normally would’ve said no to such a thing, finding the offer more than a little crass. Choking was dangerous, it was degrading, it was…

Oh, dear god, it’s exactly what she wanted, wasn’t it?

It seemed like their session last night had awoken something in Noelle. There was now a little nagging demon which latched onto her perversions and made them suddenly acceptable to even think about.

Hell, they might even be things she could talk about at this rate!

“That’d be nice…” She paused and offered a nervous smile. “I mean if either of you are willing to do so, of course.”

“I could demonstrate it right now if you’d like,” Kris said.

Noelle stiffened. “Right now?”

Kris nodded.

“I…” Noelle drew in a breath.

What was stopping her from letting loose? Really it was just her own inhibitions at this point.

“S-sure,” she stuttered.

Kris nodded and patted their lap, ushering for Noelle to come over.

Noelle took the hint and came over. She then settled onto their leg, facing them.

There was a dangerous little glint in Kris’ eye though it was a glint that Noelle was quickly growing familiar with. A glint which promised something alluring at the cost of enduring their little dangers.

Kris reached over and lightly touched Noelle’s left arm, guiding it towards their shoulder.

“When you need air, tap me on the shoulder, alright?” they said

Noelle nodded and practiced one such tap.

Kris then placed one hand upon her back, holding her steady, while the other hand reached up and cradled her throat. Their digits felt so cool against her coat and they managed to send a shiver crawling up her spine.

There was a nagging little voice telling her to back down but such quibbles were squashed by the far more dominant desire to see where this was going.

Kris placed their thumb against one artery while their fore and ring fingers rested against the other.

“Deep breath,” they instructed.

Noelle inhaled and tensed her grip upon Kris’ shoulder.

Those fingers around her throat then compressed, squeezing her arteries. The effect was almost immediate as her mind flooded with all sorts of strange little endorphins. She didn’t feel like she was suffocating but she assumed that was because it had only been a couple of seconds.

Kris looked her in the eye, a playful little smile colouring their lips.

Slowly, that edge of breathlessness started to filter in, as her mind grew fuzzy and lagged behind its usual pace. Her thoughts started to jumble together as a nucleus of pleasure took root within her grey matter.

“You look so pretty when I’m choking you,” Kris teased.

Noelle flushed.

Why did they have to say something like that right now!?

Because they knew how to push her buttons and were taking advantage of that.

The seconds continued to tick along and Noelle’s mind grew slower and fuzzier with every passing moment. There was no burn within her chest, no signs of suffocation or exhaustion that she thought would tell her if she was being pushed too far.

The only thing that existed was a raw sense of nirvana that seemed to besiege her thoughts.

Her grip tensed and Kris’ gaze briefly glanced towards her hand.

“Need air, babe?” Kris asked.

Noelle shook her head. She wanted this to continue as all of her petty anxieties continued to fade away, blending into the blissful soup of brain numbing asphyxiation.

It was so hard to piece together anything approaching coherency at this point. All she knew was pleasure and she surrendered herself to it.

The seconds continued to go on until Kris’ hand fell away from her throat on its own.

Noelle drew in an instinctive breath, blinking in surprise. “Why did you stop?”

“Because your eyes started to get a little too unfocused for my liking,” Kris said, bopping her on the nose. “I had a feeling you weren’t going to tap out on your own.”

“Oh,” Noelle whispered.

“Think of this as a learning opportunity,” Kris added. “Both the dom and the sub can tap out whenever they feel like it.”

Noelle nodded.

Kris then patted her on the side. “Come on, Susie should be coming back any second now.”

Noelle got up and settled back down on her side of the table. She swore that she could still feel phantom fingers against her throat as she rubbed at the spots where her partner’s hand had just lingered.

Susie came back a moment later, twirling a piece of fabric from one of her bulky fingers. “Managed to find one that I think would look pretty good on Noelle.”

She stopped spinning it and a simple collar made of a red material hung from her forefinger.

Noelle bit her lip as she saw it. “Kris used to wear this?”

“During the couple times we did this kind of stuff, yeah,” Susie replied. “They looked really cute in it.”

Kris snorted. “Did not.”

“I can see it,” Noelle teased, grinning at Kris.

Her reward for this was for them to flick her off with a not so kind finger. Though this only made her snicker and hide her shit eating grin.

Susie stood before Noelle, looking down at her. “I just want to go over a few ground rules before we put this on, okay?”

Noelle nodded.

“First, just because you’re wearing a collar doesn’t make you any less of a person,” Susie instructed. “So, like… if I fuck up let me know.”

Noelle smirked. “Will do.” She then stuck out her tongue. “But I wasn’t planning on forgetting that, don’t worry.”

Susie snorted and thrust her thumb in Kris’ direction. “You can blame this one for that specific rule.”

“Look miscommunication happens!” Kris chided, rolling their eyes.

Susie shook her head and looked back at Noelle. “Second, you’ll call me ma’am when you’re wearing this, got it?”

“Ma’am?” Noelle asked, trying out the word. It had a nice energy to it. “I kind of like that.”

“Thought you would.” Susie snorted. “And lastly, have fun. We’re having sex so learn to like… chill out, okay?”

Noelle nodded. “I think I can do all of those things.”

Susie grinned and popped open the clip on the collar, reaching out to pull it around Noelle’s neck. She paused for a moment and Noelle realized that her hair was likely in the way, so she bundled it up in her hand and pulled it aside. Her girlfriend then made an approving little noise and clipped the collar in place.

Then one of Susie’s thick fingers went between Noelle’s throat and the material.

“What’s that for?” Noelle asked.

Susie smirked. “Need to make sure that it isn’t too tight or too loose.”

She then ruffled Noelle’s hair before drawing away.

Noelle watched as Susie made her way towards the bedroom. Though she paused at the doorway and winked at her.

“Are you going to keep me waiting?” Susie asked.

Noelle blinked in surprise though she immediately stirred and bounced to her feet.

“Of course not, ma’am!” she beamed.

Susie snorted. “Good girl.”

Good girl.

Those words were a potent weapon and Noelle had a pretty good idea that Susie was well aware of their power.

Noelle grinned as she practically floated into the room behind Susie. Her steps felt light, lifted up by the very same force that seemed to make her heart positively soar.

Susie sat upon the edge of the bed, as Noelle entered, looking pleased with herself.

Noelle kind of just awkwardly stood there, unsure of what to do.

She noticed as Kris came in as well, plopping down upon the bed and laying back. They reached into the nightstand and drew forth a Hitachi magic wand. Though instead of turning it on they placed it upon their belly, waiting for the show to start.

“Strip for me,” Susie instructed.

There was a firmness to her voice that hadn’t been present before. It excited Noelle, much like the roughness to Kris’ voice had last night.

Noelle looked down at her outfit and nodded, moving her fingers with a nimble precision. She started by popping open the buttons on her blouse, doing so one after another with quite some speed.

You are reading story Doe in the Middle at

Susie cleared her throat and Noelle looked up.

“Slowly, hun.” Susie grinned. “I want to really appreciate watching you strip for me.”

Noelle actually drew in a breath at that request but nodded, conceding to it. She couldn’t deny that this was tickling a certain little exhibitionist itch she’d been needing to scratch.

Her fingers now moved a bit slower as she dealt with the last of the buttons, not stopping until her blouse hung open, exposing her firm core and the bra underneath. She shrugged off her shirt and then reached for her jeans.

She pulled the belt loose before unzipping her pants. It took a lot of control not to rush things but she assumed that she was doing her job well as there was nothing but a contented little smile upon Susie’s lips.

“Doing good, babe,” Kris added.

They moved their leg to the side and gave Noelle an excellent upskirt view, showing off their cute panties and the bulge that lingered within them.

“This is kind of fun,” Noelle admitted.

Susie snorted. “Did you think I wouldn’t let you have any fun?”

Noelle didn’t respond and instead pulled her pants down, letting them pool around her ankles. She then kicked them away, realizing that she now stood in nothing more than her undergarments and socks. Though oddly, she felt more confident like this than she had when fully dressed.

Next, she reached behind her back and fiddled with the straps of her bra. As they came undone, Susie’s smile seemed to grow even wider.

“I never get tired of seeing this,” she quipped.

The bra promptly fell away from Noelle’s breasts, exposing them to the room.

Susie whistled and Kris grinned nice and wide.

Noelle didn’t even think about covering them up, instead pressing them out proudly so her two lovers could see them fully. She even wiggled them a little, causing the petite amount of tit that she had to wobble before them.

Though she didn’t keep them waiting for long as she reached for her panties and started to peel them off as well.

Noelle flushed as she realized that a dollop of her juices now lingered behind, darkening the fabric and also causing a few strands to briefly connect her lips to them. She then stepped out of them and tossed them aside.

It would seem that Kris’ little game had left a mark upon her.

Her socks didn’t receive any of the same ceremony as she simply peeled them off as quickly as possible. She assumed that Susie wouldn’t mind.

But with that done, she now stood butt naked before her partners. Well, butt naked except for her collar.

“God our girlfriend is hot,” Susie quipped.

Kris nodded. “Hell yeah, she is.”

“Well let’s see the goods,” Susie dictated, spinning her finger in the air.

Noelle drew in a breath and did as instructed. She slowly turned so that the two of them could eye her up from every angle imaginable, taking her time in flaunting her natural beauty. Normally, she’d be embarrassed doing this. Though she felt nothing but a reassuring pride at the moment.

It was amazing what a little confidence could bring about.

Susie smirked. “Now touch yourself.”

Noelle drew in a half breath, glancing down at her completely naked body and slightly puffy lower lips. Once more her nerves remained present though Susie’s reassuring smile seemed to hold them at bay. That meant there was nothing stopping her as she allowed a hand to trail down her body.

Carefully, she rubbed at her crotch, edging forth a playful little moan.

When she looked at Susie, her girlfriend simply nodded. It was clearly a silent command to continue.

So, she got a bit more forcefully, pushing her fingers into her hungry sex and pump them away with more energy and lust. Normally, she wasn’t interested in fingering herself but she found that the act was made so much better when there were eyes upon her.

It turned out that even the mundane could be made entertaining when debasement was involved.

“Fuck,” Noelle whispered.

Kris snorted. “Noelle swore.”

Susie smirked. “Yeah, she did.”

She then snapped her fingers and Noelle froze.

The message was clear though she was reluctant to draw her hand away from her sex, leaving her crotch so woefully unattended. Strands of her arousal drained along her fingers and started to drip onto the floor.

“I still need to figure out what I want to do with you,” Susie said. “Am I feeling greedy or generous today?”

She hummed and hawed, leaving Noelle to wonder what the difference was.

“I think I’m going to go with greedy,” Susie finally decided.

She spread her legs a little and patted her knee, ushering for Noelle to come over.

Noelle did so without delay and plopped down upon Susie’s leg, pressing her back into her girlfriend’s soft body. She worried that she may have been a little too heavy, but if she was, it didn’t seem like Susie minded in the slightest.

“You have no idea how happy I am that you turned out to be a little freak like us,” Susie teased.

Her voice was soft but husky, each word causing her warm breath to curl against Noelle’s neck. As she spoke, her hand reached between Noelle’s legs and pressed against that sensitive little innocence that was nestled between her thighs.

Susie’s fingers were far bulkier than Noelle’s and two of them proved more than capable of sating her. It was incredible what her girlfriend could manage to do just by casually stroking her sex.

Noelle was about to respond but she heard the Hitachi turn on next to her. She glanced over and saw that Kris was grinning nice and wide. The wand was under the hem of their skirt, buzzing away against their cock.

“Makes me wonder how far I can take things,” Susie said, drawing Noelle’s attention back towards her.

Noelle shivered as those fingers pushed into her. They were probably thicker than Kris’ cock, spreading her wider than she was used to.

“As…” Noelle gasped as Susie brushed against something excitable. “As far as you’d like ma’am.”

Susie snorted but didn’t comment further. Instead, her other hand came up and cupped one of Noelle’s petite breasts, giving it a squeeze. Her fingers went for the nipple as she gently pinched it between her forefinger and thumb, lightly rolling it between them.

Then two things happened at once.

Susie jammed her fingers into Noelle’s cunt, nice and deep, at the same time that she roughly pinched the nipple that she was currently toying with. The explosion of two sensations was earth shattering, edging forth a panicked gasp from the back of Noelle’s throat.

Her eyes widened as pain and pleasure melded together. It was such a brief sensation but it was potent enough that it still lingered in the back of her mind even as it let up.

“I wonder if Noelle has a thing for biting,” Susie commented.

Kris snorted, though there was a bit of a moan hidden in their voice. “Probably.”

Susie shifted and moved her lips over to Noelle’s ear. She huffed purposefully through her nose and warm breath curled against her girlfriend’s coat.

“How about it, prey?” Susie grumbled. “Do you want to get bitten?”


She was a deer and Susie was very obviously a carnivore with all of those razor-sharp teeth hidden away in her mouth. The title was perfect and she had a feeling that Susie knew it would send her mind spinning into overdrive.

Noelle was far too high on endorphins to respond verbally so she simply nodded. Thankfully, unlike Kris, Susie was nice enough not to demand a verbal response.

She instead dipped forwards and bit down upon Noelle’s ear.

Sharp teeth dug into the cartilage and the sudden sharp sensation was enough for Noelle to yelp. It stung and ached but in a good way. Yet, there was a certain restraint as she knew those teeth hadn’t broken flesh.

Susie even snarled to really enhance the experience.

All the while her fingers continued to clumsily press into Noelle’s sex. Gods, she really had become so wet, the crude slurps and thwaps becoming almost omnipresent considering how dominant they were within the room.

Susie let go of her ear. “Aww, looks like I left a couple little marks behind.” She then snorted. “Cute.”

She started to trial tender little kisses down Noelle’s cheek and along her neck.

At the neck, she paused and exhaled, making Noelle tense. There was a carnivore directly at her throat with all those very sharp teeth just waiting to take a bite out of her.

Instead of doing something lethal, Susie simply licked her coat.

“You taste delicious when you’re nervous,” Susie teased.

Noelle let out a stifled little giggle.

Susie then moved towards Noelle’s collar, kissing it. As she continued, and drew along her shoulder, her fingers slid out of Noelle and rested against her thigh.

The warmth of her juices was pronounced against her coat, sticky but slick in nature.

Then Susie took another bite, firmer this time as she really dug her teeth in Noelle’s flesh.

Noelle cried out, loudly.

The pain was intense, washing over her and triggering her fight or flight reflexes. Reflexes which resulted in her good arm launching back and jabbing Susie firmly in ribs with her elbow.

Susie grunted and immediately drew away.

“Sorry, sorry!” Susie chanted, panic filling her voice. “Was that too much?”

Noelle looked to her shoulder and saw the little indents left in her flesh by Susie’s teeth. None of them had broken skin but it was still interesting to see all of the little temporary marks she’d left behind.

“It’s fine,” she said, flashing a smile at Susie. “Just caught me off guard is all.”

“Sorry about that,” Susie replied.

She planted a kiss on the bite mark as her hands came around and embraced Noelle, holding her close.

Noelle closed her eyes. “It did feel kind of nice though.” She bit her lip. “Maybe you could do that one more time?”

Susie nodded and once more started to gently kiss Noelle’s shoulder. Though instead of biting down immediately, she traced a path over to the other side of her body. Once there, she gave a few more kisses before opening her mouth and biting down again.

Sadly, she didn’t put nearly enough force into it, barely even applying any pressure.

“Harder please,” Noelle murmured.

Susie conceded and applied a bit more force, sending those masochistic little tendrils of endorphins shooting directly into Noelle’s brain. It was nearly perfect, having a nice amount of pain and pleasure mixing together.

“That’s better,” Noelle whispered. “B-but harder please.”

Susie seemed reluctant but eventually obliged, tensing her jaw a little more and really digging her sharp teeth into Noelle’s hide. It didn’t break through skin but it definitely ached so wonderfully, sending little pulses of pain crawling towards her brain.

“F-fuck,” Noelle whispered. “That feels nice.”

Susie lingered for a few moments longer before she finally pulled back. Her hand rose from Noelle’s midsection and she instead traced it towards the collar, hooking a single finger through the large ring that dangled from the front.

“Now I’m going to get my fun,” she said.

Noelle nodded and Susie let go of her, motioning for Noelle to stand up once again. An order that she obeyed without comment.

Susie then got up as well and gave her a little bit of room. She then started to strip out of her clothes, doing so more efficiently than Noelle as she shed every article in a matter of moments.

Unlike Noelle, she seemed so proud in the buff, flaunting her nudity with ease.

Kris whistled. “Looking good babe.”

“Hell, yeah I am,” Susie replied.

She was built like a walking tank, bulky and powerful, with a body that looked honed from years of hard work. It was the body of a farm girl or someone who worked construction, built for utility. Though to Noelle it was a beautiful body dotted with little marks and spots that she wanted nothing more than to worship.

Susie returned to the bed and plopped down upon the edge of it. She spread her legs and showed off her sex which was slick with a heavy sheen of arousal.

“Like I said last night,” she teased. “I’m going to train you to get really good at eating pussy.”

Noelle was unsure if this was actually mentioned last night but she didn’t care in the slightest. She knelt before her ma’am and looked up at her, waiting for some sort of guidance.

It came soon enough as Susie placed a hand on the back of her head and used it to guide her towards her lower lips.

Her sex was so hot, bathing her complexion in its warmth. It had a certain intoxicating scent to it which practically made Noelle go feral based on the smell alone.

She dipped forwards and crammed her lips against Susie’s lower counterparts, lapping away at them without restraint. Her motions were not exactly practiced or smooth but there was vigour behind them as she swirled and wove her tongue around with dedication.

Susie’s hand shuddered and she let out a moan as Noelle worked her over.

“Appreciate the spirit,” Susie teased.

Noelle beamed at the compliment and continued to explore and probe.

Was this her first time eating out Susie? Of course not. Yet, it was still a strange and exciting experience, happening only on occasion.

Slowly, her vigour faded as she focused more on being controlled and keeping an ear open. She used Susie’s voice to figure out which spots caused the most excitable reactions while also trying to avoid those which didn’t seem to please her ma’am.

Her girlfriend’s song became a compass as it guided her towards her final destination.

Kris let out a gasp of their own and cursed under their breath.

“Is the Hitachi good?” Susie asked.

Kris made some sort of haggard but affirmative noise. Their voice was heavy with moans and pleasured little gasps that sounded utterly adorable.

Susie then lightly patted Noelle on the head. “You can touch yourself if you’d like.”

Noelle beamed at the offer and allowed one of her delicate hands to slide down and nestled between her legs. Her sex was still slick to the touch and she didn’t dare deny herself as she probed at her tender little folds. She’d never been one for masturbation but if her ma’am provided a present then she would gladly take it as she stroked at her lips.

This drew forth a faint moan which she channeled into her performance, lapping away with a fresh and lustful quality. Her world became one of senses as pleasure morphed with pride at getting her ma’am to moan with such a lack of restraint.

“Good girl,” Susie murmured under her breath.

She started to stroke Noelle’s hair and Noelle positively melted against this tender affection.

A certain little voice spoke from the back of her mind, telling her to be a good girl and bring her ma’am even more pleasure. She listened to this voice as it was wise in its advice.

She moved with such fluid dedication, helped along by the slickness that now seemed to dominate Susie’s loins. It was sweet, acidic, potent, the taste of raw lust distilled into the finest nectar she had ever had the pleasure of enjoying.

At the same time, she crammed two fingers deep into her own sex, using her own pleasure to aid Susie’s. Her moans pushed into Susie and melded together with her own, unifying their pleasure into a single orchestral performance.

Susie’s moans rose higher and higher and Noelle could feel her quiver and quake under her relentless affection.

“I’m getting close,” Susie whispered.

Noelle took that as a challenge, pushing through her fatigue and sore jaw to put everything she had into this. Her tongue didn’t tarry, nor slow, remaining dedicated in its sinful little endeavour.

“Fuck,” Susie hissed.

“Fuck,” Kris chimed in unison.

Noelle gasped as her own pleasure started to reach a boiling point, a pressure nestling in her core. How could two fingers bring her to this point? It was a situation she had never had the privilege of enjoying before. How could such crude stimulation possibly be so pleasurable?

Her jaw ached to a point that her pace slowed but it seemed like she’d already sent Susie careening in the right direction.

Susie panted and cursed before finally a powerful and earth shattering shudder crawled throughout her entire body.

Her orgasm came swiftly and it came hard, splashing against Noelle’s face and filling her mouth.

Noelle tried to drink from this torrent but there were limitations on just how much of this lust she could possibly consume. It overflowed her mouth and splashed against her complexion. It drizzled down upon her collarbone, marking her as Susie’s.

When this pleasure had finally subsided, Susie let go of Noelle’s head, releasing her.

Noelle drew back sharply, taking a couple deep breaths to reinforce herself.

“That was…” she shook her head. “Holy shit.”

“Right?” Susie replied. “I didn’t think you could eat pussy like that but you… you fucking devoured it, babe!”

Kris gasped and the two women turned towards them, watching as they jerked upward.

It seemed like they were in the final throes themselves as their cock twitched and a couple strands of pure white cum erupted from the tip of their erection. These strands got an impressive amount of height before falling down and plastering their skirt and shirt, staining them with their seed.

“That was fun to watch,” Kris moaned, panting for breath.

Noelle reached up and touched her collar, tracing a finger along the material. It felt both cheap but also incredibly priceless. It was a symbol of her submission; of her surrendering to her ma’am. This made the little garment hold a special kind of power that she couldn’t very well ignore.

“Something on your mind?” Susie asked.

Noelle stirred and promptly flushed.

“Just uh…” she chuckled. “Got a lot of really complex emotions swirling around inside of my brain right now.”

“Endorphins will do that,” Kris said.

They sat up and looked at her.

“You uh…” Noelle began though the sentence seemed impossible to finish.

At least in her current, incredibly horny, state of mind.

“I?” Susie asked.

“You mentioned something about like…” Noelle drew in a breath, stealing herself. “About ways I could wear something like this all of the time?”

Susie gave her a look and then looked at Kris, the two of them sharing some sort of unspoken message.

“It’s…” Susie began.

Kris cleared their throat. “How about we talk about this after we’ve all calmed down a little bit. There’s a whole lot of really horny energy floating around the room right now.”

Noelle let the hand slip away from her collar, frowning as she did so. Her mind wanted this but a nagging voice told her to listen. After all, hormones were very rarely the basis of good decision making. Even in her current state she could appreciate that.

“I agree with Kris,” Susie said as she reached out and stroked Noelle’s hair. “Let’s talk about this when we’re a little calmer, okay?”

Noelle nodded. “Okay.”

Kris then looked down at themselves and sighed. “God damnit, I was going to wear this to see my mom tonight.”


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