Doe in the Middle

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten

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Fetishes: None! It's a story chapter :P

i'd like to extend a special thanks to  for her help with proofing this chapter, always happy to be reminded that commas are a part of the English language!

Noelle grunted as she hefted her suitcase off of the bed, rolling it out into the living room. Susie and Kris were already there with Susie checking her phone and Kris offering her a small smile and a wave.

“All packed?” Kris asked.

Noelle nodded. “Clothes, toiletries, laptop…”

“Collar?” Susie teased.

Noelle smirked. “Collar and a nice assortment of sex toys to keep us entertained while we’re back home.”

“Sounds like you’re all set then,” Kris said.

They wandered over to the fridge and opened it, inspecting the mostly empty shelves. The only things left were the few package goods that could survive a week’s absence. Though this included a chocolate bar which they unwrapped and took a bite from.

“Can I have a bite?” Susie asked.

Kris nodded and offered it to her, watching as she took a Susie-sized bite, nearly demolishing the entire thing in a single munch. This earned her a not-so-subtle glare from them.

“Your fault for only buying one,” Susie ribbed.

Kris rolled their eyes and reached into their pocket, fishing out their phone. “By the way, apparently Asriel is bringing his new partner along. Just wanted to give you two a heads up.”

Noelle perked up. “New partner?”

Kris nodded. “He wanted to keep it on the downlow but he’s been seeing someone for the last couple of months and wanted to introduce them to mom.” They shrugged. “And I guess you guys too.”

“Didn’t know your brother even dated.” Susie chuckled. “That dude seemed pretty chaste.”

“He hasn’t since…” Noelle frowned and rubbed at her arm.

The name didn’t need to be dropped as Kris’ expression darkened and Susie looked instantly guilty about what she’d said.

“Ah yeah,” Susie mumbled, coming over and placing a hand upon Noelle’s shoulder. “Sorry about that.”

“Not your fault,” Noelle whispered.

Kris looked like they were about to say something though their phone picked that moment to buzz upon the counter. They picked it up and nodded exactly once before looking towards their partners. “Azzy should be here in like five minutes.”

“Is your brother’s car even big enough for five people?” Noelle asked.

Kris shrugged. “If there’s a will there’s a way.”

They grabbed their suitcase and went for the front door, being followed by Susie and Noelle. Together the three of them headed out and locked the apartment behind themselves. It took a bit of wrestling but they managed to get three suitcases, two purses, and a backpack down the stairs and out onto the street.

The wind rustled around Noelle and she closed her eyes, taking a moment to enjoy the slight calm that came before they crammed five people into an overstuffed car full of young adults.

Though even the calm was interrupted as a certain thought prodded at the back of her mind.

Mom, I don’t think I want to finish up my civics degree.

The start of a conversation she wasn’t looking forward to having, the start of another fight she wanted to avoid. Just the mere thought of it was enough to fill her stomach with unease, making her feel queasy and sickly.

“I can’t wait to see Ralsei again,” Susie chimed in.

Noelle stirred and saw that her partners had started to talk amongst themselves.

Kris nodded. “I hope he's doing alright.”

“Not really like we can message him or anything but I’m sure he’s fine,” Susie said though her expression was tight. “I just miss the guy.”

“I miss a lot of people from that neck of the woods,” Kris added.

Susie nodded.

Soon, a red truck pulled around the corner and approached their apartment. It had tinted windows and a flatbed that was covered by a tarp. This wasn’t a vehicle that Noelle was familiar with though it still came to a stop in front of them.

“Well, that’s big enough for five people,” Susie chimed in, flashing a smile.

The passenger window rolled down and a familiar white face peered out from the cockpit, grinning at them.

“Sup,” Asriel greeted.

Kris snorted. “Nice truck.”

“Thanks, it’s Chara’s,” Asriel said.

He opened the door and slipped out, landing upon the sidewalk.

Noelle was glad to see that he hadn’t changed much since the last time she’d seen him. He was still the same old big nerd as always, being tall and bulky though still a little smaller than Susie. He wore an unbuttoned plaid shirt with a black t-shirt for an old video game peering out from underneath and a pair of simple dark blue jeans. His blonde hair was a little longer than she remembered but it looked good on him. Though she was impartial to the small scruffy beard that he now wore.

Really, the only noticeable change was a few glimmering studs that were now embedded into his ears. There were three of them on each with all of them being a different colour that mirrored across each ear.

“Hey Noelle,” Asriel greeted, throwing open his arms and flashing a smile that was impossible to say no to.

Noelle grinned and threw herself at him, hugging him tightly. “Long time no see.”

“Joys of working full-time in the city,” Asriel grumbled, squeezing her back. “Might get a few days off a week but I’m always busy with like a billion other things.”

“Tell me about it,” Susie grumbled.

“How’s the nose ring healing up?” a new voice asked.

Kris perked up. “Fantastic, thanks for doing it for me.”

Noelle turned and watched as a new figure approached, feeling two emotions hit at once. The first was a hint of resentment, a little edge of remorse for who this person was replacing in Asriel’s life. Though this voice was quickly squashed by a far gayer voice that set Noelle’s mind alight and complexion warming just a little.

Oh no, they’re really fucking hot.

Chara was a human, like Kris, though a little taller than them and a smidge thicker. Their hair was short and with shaved sides and tips that were coloured a vibrant green that went nicely with what Noelle assumed was their natural brown. They also had piercing red eyes that bore an edge of mischievousness, seemingly as their default.

A number of piercings dotted their face with lip, nose, eyebrow, and ears all sporting more than a couple. These paired well with two sleeve tattoos that ran along each arm and were just an intricate sea of beauty and horror mixed together into something really special. It was a truly breathtaking work of art.

Their outfit was also on point as they wore a knee-length plaid skirt and a black shirt from a band that Noelle had only heard of in passing from girls that were far cooler than herself.

This person was punk rock personified; rebellion incarnate.

“Holy shit,” Susie whispered.

Asriel glanced towards his partner and then at the assembled polycule. “Chara, these are Kris’ partners, Susie and Noelle. Susie and Noelle, this is Chara, they’re my partner.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Chara said, tilting their head slightly to the side. It would seem that there was also a natural mischievousness to their husky tone, further supporting the theory that this was likely their default demeanour.

They extended a hand and Susie took it, shaking it before it was Noelle’s turn.

“So, what do you do for a living?” Susie asked.

Chara smirked and drew up beside Asriel, placing a hand upon his back. “My day job is working at a body art place as a piecer.” They snorted and used their free hand to motion to their face. “If that wasn’t obvious enough.”

Noelle giggled. “Just a little bit.”

“You two interested in getting any piercings?” Chara asked, motioning first at Asriel and then at Kris. “I did theirs if you want an example of my handiwork.”

Noelle couldn’t deny that both sets of piercings did look pretty fucking cool, especially seeing the way the light caught on each of the various different colours that marked Asriel’s ears. The colour scheme reminded Noelle of the cover art for an album called Hopes and Dreams, seeing the combination of prismatic colours was just lovely.

“Mom’s going to kill you,” Kris teased.

Asriel snorted. “I’m not the one with a nose ring.”

Kris frowned, pursing their lips together as they mulled this over. “You know what?” They then nodded exactly once. “That’s fair.”

“I wouldn’t mind getting my nipples done,” Susie chimed in.

Noelle flushed. “Susie! You can’t just…”

“Nipples hurt like a son of a bitch but they look amazing,” Chara said, winking at Susie and then looking at Noelle. “I bet both of you would look fantastic with a pair.”

Noelle blushed even harder, having no idea how she could possibly respond to something like that.

And the way Kris was leering at her all of a sudden certainly wasn’t helping with that in the slightest. “Oh, I like the sound of that.” They winked at her. “How about it, little doe?”

Noelle squeaked.

“Alright, alright, you two,” Asriel said, playfully glaring at them. “Behave.”

“Sorry, Azzy,” Chara chanted, grinning at him while folding their hands behind their back. They started to rock back and forth upon their heels. “Just always glad to talk with prospective clients.”

Kris smirked and could only shrug in self-defence. “I got no excuse.”

Asriel went over to the flatbed of the truck and pulled back the tarp, revealing that there were a couple of other suitcases already inside. He then motioned towards Susie and the two of them started to load the truck together.

“So, what else do you do for work?” Noelle asked.

Chara blinked. “Huh?”

“Oh uh…” Noelle bit her lip. “You just mentioned having a day job, so I was wondering what your night job was?”

Chara shrugged. “Just some independent customer service work. I run a small side hustle that helps me afford more tattoos and a kickass truck.” They grinned. “Maybe if we get to know each other a little better, I could introduce you to it.”

“Chara,” Asriel warned, their gaze narrowing just a hair.

Chara batted their lashes. “Fine, I’ll behave.”

Asriel and Susie took a couple minutes loading up the truck, while the other three made idle small talk. By the time they were finished, all five adults were assembled outside, looking towards the cockpit. The subject of who was going to sit where suddenly came to the forefront with a brief debate over who was entitled to a coveted seat in the front.

“I’ll take the backseat and Asriel can drive,” Chara finally conceded. “No way I’m cramming Susie in the back with legs like those.”

Susie sighed in relief. “Thank you, so much.”

“Alright then, let’s not waste anymore time,” Asriel declared, clapping his hands together. “I want to be out of the city by lunch and in Hometown by dinner.”

He walked around the vehicle and hopped inside, unlocking the doors and allowing the others access. Soon, all of them started to crowd in. The truck was more spacious than Asriel’s sedan by a wide margin but five people were still pushing it to its limits.

“Alright, everyone, get cozy,” Asriel said, turning on the vehicle’s powerful engine and looking towards Susie. “Would you mind putting on some music?”

“What do you like?” Susie asked.

Asriel shrugged. “What do you got?”

He pushed the pedal down and the truck started to accelerate, leaving the little apartment building behind.

Susie hummed. “How do you feel about rap?”

“Which artist?” Asriel asked.

“Run the Rune,” Susie offered, looking into the back for second opinions. “Anyone got any thoughts on that?”

Everyone kind of just shrugged at it.

This only made Susie grin, nice and wide. “Run the Rune it is!”

“So, how did you two met?” Noelle asked.

She looked away from the endless expanse of forests that were outside of their truck and towards Chara, seeing them perk up from another bite of their fast-food burger.

Chara held up a hand, giving themself a moment to swallow and wipe their mouth clean.

“We actually met back in university,” they finally said. “We took a couple of graphic design courses together before I got tired of the grind and dropped out. Then a few years later we stumbled upon each other when I went to an office party with one of his coworkers.”

Asriel hissed. “That dude is still a little awkward to be around.”

Chara shrugged. “That relationship ended after a couple of weeks but me and Azzy had been talking again by that point. So, I decided to invite him out for drinks and we kind of hit it off right after.”

Susie snickered. “Azzy, were you the rebound fuck?”

Kris laughed as well.

This earned them both a glare from Asriel in the rear-view mirror though it seemed that he wasn’t too perturbed by the question. “Damn straight and I’m proud of it!”

“I mean, sure, it started off like that,” Chara said, waving their hand. “But how could you not fall in love with this softy? Dude is like a walking teddy bear and the most tender guy in the world. Did you know he made me homemade soup when I was sick.” They shook their head in disbelief. “Who the fuck has the time for that?”

“Noelle,” Susie answered. “But that’s just because she’s incredible.”

Noelle grinned at the compliment.

Chara nodded and then looked at Noelle. “How about you three, how did you end up going out?”

Noelle shrugged. “Me and Susie started dating back in our last year of high school.”

Chara whistled. “Damn, a high school romance that actually lasted?”

“They tend to do that when the people involved are gay,” Asriel interjected.

“Fair enough, though I think I’m too much of a dramatic bitch for that,” Chara said before motioning for Noelle to continue.

Noelle nodded. “As for Kris, we’ve known them since high school as well. Though we didn’t get together until we invited them over for…” She paused, her cheeks warming as she realized that maybe the truth was a little too spicy to be mentioned around a stranger and Kris’ older brother of all people. “Invited them over for…”

Everyone was looking at her and she was struggling for the right way to phrase her answer.

“The two of them wanted a unicorn,” Kris interjected, grinning with pride as they jabbed a thumb into their chest. “And I had the horn, baby. It turned out that my top game was so good that they couldn’t help but fall in love with me.”

Chara burst out laughing. “Really?”

“I’d like to think it’s because of how much our personalities jive together,” Noelle grumbled.

Susie snickered. “But yes, their top game was that good.”

“Must run in the family,” Chara teased.

It was now Asriel’s turn to blush. “Chara!”

Chara smirked and practically purred at Asriel’s scorn. “What? It’s true.”

“Not in front of my little sibling,” Asriel whined.

Kris snorted. “Oh no, my big brother fucks, whatever will I do?” They grinned and popped a fry into their mouth. “Nice recommendation on Bendy’s by the way, Susie.”

“What can I say, Bendy’s is like the best cheap burger place out there.” Susie popped a chicken nugget into her mouth and eviscerated it. “Not as expensive as Five Monsters but not as ‘I’m hungover as fuck’ as McWilders. It’s just the perfect fast-food burger place.”

“You know I’m a little surprised,” Chara interjected, drawing the conversation back towards themself. “When I first saw your little polycule I swore that Susie was going to be the top.”

“It’s kind of a fifty-fifty arrangement,” Kris answered, shrugging. “I get Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays. She gets Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Then we share Fridays.”

“Really?” Chara asked.

Susie snorted. “No but thankfully Noelle is a big enough bottom that we can both top.”

“A queer triad with two tops?” Chara chided, shaking their head. “Angel, how did you manage the impossible?”

Kris smirked. “We’re amazing like that.”

There was a pause in the conversation as everyone turned towards their own respective meals, munching away on burgers, fries, and chicken nuggets. Or in Noelle’s case, a delicious blue cheese and apple salad with chicken on top.

“Can I ask a question?” Susie asked, looking at Asriel.

Asriel smirked. “Go for it.”

“Whose suitcase was the one with all the stickers on it?” Susie asked.

Chara lifted their hand though didn’t answer as they took a sip of soda.

“So, I think I’m going to reveal my power level here,” Susie teased, flashing a dangerous smile. “But I just wanted to say that Corrective Measures sells some really great impact play toys.”

Noelle froze, her eyes going wide. Her fork remained motionless in the air with the saucy chicken falling off of it and right into her lap.

Had Susie just… talked about BDSM in a car with Asriel and a person she just met?

Was this really happening?

Of course, this was really happening. This was Noelle’s life now.

Chara chuckled. “Got one of their paddles?”

Susie nodded.

“Yeah, they make some pretty great stuff. Though I really like the hemp rope they have for sale,” Chara said, munching on a fry as if this was a completely normal conversation and not them discussing kinks. “I really like how they’ve started treating some of it with scented oils. There’s this one I bought that’s infused with bergamot that’s just…” They chef kissed to punctuate their approval. “Didn’t even know that it was possible to do that without making the oil an irritant.”

Kris grinned. “Oh, did they finally start doing that? I wanted to pick some up last time I was there but they were still on the fence about manufacturing it.”

Noelle blinked and looked down at her lap, quickly grabbing a napkin and scooping up the chicken before tossing it into her trash bag. Though as she looked at Asriel, she noticed a similar disbelief plastered upon his face. The two of them made eye contact and Noelle simply shrugged, not knowing what else to say.

It turned out that apparently a lot of people were secretly kinky.

“So is Asriel your Dom?” Kris asked.

Asriel let out a string of nervous laughter. “Is this really happening?”

“We can stop talking about it if you’d like,” Susie said.

Asriel shook his head. “Nah, nah, I was bound to find out that my little sibling was a pervert eventually. It’s only fitting that they find out the same thing about me.”

“Aww is this really the first time that you’ve learned this about me,” Kris teased, batting their lashes at him. “I must be doing a pretty good job of hiding my power level around you.”

Chara smirked. “But yeah, Azzy is my Dom.” They nodded towards him. “Though he is sometimes too sweet for his own good. Imagine a Dom who does nothing but praise kink you. It makes being a brat nearly impossible.”

“Which means it's an effective method for domming,” Asriel said, some of the nerves leaving as his shoulders finally relaxed. “Let me guess, Noelle is the sub in your polycule?”

Noelle sighed. “That obvious?”

“Kinda,” Chara teased.

Noelle nodded, drawing in a breath and trying to shove aside her own nerves. If Asriel could do it, so could she. “Yeah, I’m the sub in the relationship. We uh… we kind of started exploring kinky stuff a couple of months ago and these two have been excellent teachers.”

“Been treating you alright?” Asriel asked, shooting Kris a warning look.

“Oh, come on,” Kris grumbled. “I might be a gremlin but I’m not about to take advantage of Noelle over here.”

“They’ve been very good teachers,” Noelle said, nodding resolutely.

Asriel smiled. “Good to hear. Chara has also been teaching me the ropes, themself. It’s been pretty… interesting to say the least.”

Chara grinned and looked at Noelle. “When we get to Hometown, I totally want to show you my collar.”

You are reading story Doe in the Middle at

Noelle actually smiled at that. “That’d be nice.” She then added, “and I’ll uh… I’ll show you mine.”

“Is this weird?” Asriel asked, looking in the rear-view mirror at Kris.

Kris could only shrug back. “Maybe a little but as long as we don’t start fucking in the same room then I think we’re fine.” They then looked between Chara and Noelle. “Though don’t wear them around mom. I think she’d have a heart attack.”

Asriel nodded. “Definitely not around mom.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Ok ice breaker time,” Chara beamed, flashing a devious smile. “What’s everyone’s favourite fetish?”

Okay maybe Noelle hadn’t completely gotten over her hang-ups as her eyes immediately widened and a lump lodged itself right into her throat.

What the hell has gotten into you, Holiday?

Kris smirked. “Breathplay.”

“Predator and prey stuff,” Susie answered.

Asriel chuckled and shook his head. “Cock worship.”

Kris snickered. “Really?”

“Chara’s mouth just feels really nice!” Asriel interjected before letting out a nervous bark of laughter. “Angel, did I just say that in front of you?” He shook his head. “Whatever, you’re the freak who likes choking people.”

“I think the pot doth protest the kettle a little too much,” Chara teased.

Asriel’s eyes widened. “Chara!”

Chara ignored him and tapped a finger against their chin. “I mean impact play is probably my top kink. I’m kind of a slut who likes their bruises.”

Kris smirked. “Impact play is pretty fun.”

Though the attention of the car soon turned to Noelle with three sets of eyes glancing towards her, along with an additional set of ears.

Noelle giggled nervously, forcing her way through her awkward little hang-ups. “I mean… I mean I don’t want to rip-off Kris’ answer and say breathplay but breathplay is a lot of fun.” She bit her lip. “If I can’t pick that though then I think I’d probably go with exhibitionism.”

“Got any cute pictures that I can see?” Chara teased.

Kris grinned and nodded towards them. “Sure do.”

“Kris!” Noelle yelped. “You can’t show your brother’s partner my nudes.”

“Not without your consent, of course,” Kris agreed though still seemed just a little bit mischievous.

Was mischievousness just the baseline human emotion?

“I mean I’ll be seeing your tits during your nipple piercing anyways,” Chara joked, a devious twinkle glimmering in their eye. This only reinforced Noelle’s suspicion about humanity.

Noelle huffed. “That isn’t a solid plan yet.”

“You can see my tits if you want,” Susie ribbed.

Chara beamed. “Lizard tits!”

“No one will be seeing anyone else's tits until we’re safely in Hometown,” Asriel interjected, pulling a hand away from the wheel to wag a finger vaguely at the backseat. “Am I understood?”

Chara purred, putting all of their seduction into their voice. “Yes, Sir.”

Asriel pursed his lips together.

“Probably should’ve seen that coming, dude,” Susie teased.

Asriel nodded. “Yep.”

Toriel smiled as she opened the front door, holding it open and ushering for the assembled young adults to enter.

To Noelle, she hadn’t changed a bit since she’d last seen her. She was still the stalwart matriarch who seemed to be eternally dressed like a kindergarten teacher with a soft floral blouse and a long grey skirt. There were a pair of thin-rimmed reading glasses perched upon her snout which covered a pair of eyes that seemed to hold endless warmth in them. Her hair was also tied back into a tight bun that seemed to fit her well.

The most exciting thing about her outfit were a couple of flag pins pressed into the collar of her shirt which seemed to cover the assorted orientations and genders of her two children.

“Oh, it is so good to see all of you,” Toriel beamed, floating gracefully towards the kitchen. “I’ve been baking up a frenzy waiting for you.”

Chara stiffened and flashed a nervous smile. It made sense since they were the one person in the room who had never met the Dreemurr… er… Collie matriarch. They just stood close to Asriel, having a strange fear in their eyes.

Noelle could understand the fear but not in the context of Toriel. Toriel was everything that a mother should’ve been: warm, kind, loving, generous… actually there for her children. The thought of how her own mother paled in comparison filled her with both anger and sadness. Though she shoved such bitter emotions aside, not wanting them to ruin the moment.

“You must be Chara!” Toriel said, turning that warm smile to them.

Chara nodded and awkwardly waved. “That’s me.”

“Asriel tells me that you’re non-binary,” Toriel said, motioning towards them. “Are they/them pronouns fine, or are you more comfortable with ze/zir, or xey/xem?”

Chara blinked.

“I grew up with a pair of queer children, dear,” Toriel teased. “I’m very hip with all of the terminology that they use nowadays.”

“T-they/them is fine,” Chara said.

Toriel nodded and turned towards the stove, putting on a pair of oven mitts. “Now another more personal question if you don’t mind.”

Chara winced, obviously having some idea about what this personal question would involve. Though they suddenly looked skeptical as everyone else bore a wry, knowing look about what was going to happen.

“What do you want to know?” they asked.

Toriel opened the oven and pulled out two pie tins, showing them off in turn. “Do you prefer butterscotch or cinnamon pie?”

Chara blinked.

“Mom, you know exactly what you’re doing,” Asriel grumbled, playfully glaring at her.

Toriel let out a little laugh as she placed the tins down. “Did your darling partner think I was going to ask an invasive question about the status of their genitals?” She rolled her eyes and looked at Chara. “I’m sorry, dear, but I’m afraid that the subject disinterests me. I hope that’s alright?”

“T-that’s fine,” Chara whispered.

Once the oven mitts were off, Toriel turned off the stove and clapped her hands together. “So how was the ride up here?”

Kris stretched and went over to the living room, plopping down upon one of the sofas. “Longer than it needed to be because Asriel refuses to speed.”

“Yes, I don’t like breaking the law, big shock,” Asriel grumbled, also joining them in the living room. “Is that really a problem?”

The non-Dreemurrs took the hint and also mulled into the space with Chara occupying a chair and Noelle sitting down on one side of Kris with Susie taking the other. Kris put an arm around Noelle and in turn Susie put an arm around them.

“Surely, you went at least ten over the limit?” Toriel interjected, joining them in her own reclining chair.

Asriel scratched at the fuzz on his chin and failed to make eye contact. This only resulted in Kris throwing off a shit-eating grin in response.

Noelle couldn’t help but snicker at the display though she was once more hit with a sense of longing. It wasn’t often that she got to feel a family being well… a family. She was glad that Kris had something like this though it also made her feel more than a little envious.

“Not even ten kilometers over the limit?” Toriel asked, shaking her head. “Me and your father were apparently far too strict with you,” her attention then turned to Kris who she wagged an accusatory finger at. “And apparently far too lenient with you.”

Kris frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“A nose ring, my child?!” Toriel decried.

“I’m twenty-one!” Kris yelped, throwing out a hand “And it looks cool as fuck.”

Toriel gasped. “Language.”

“In Kris’ defense it does look pretty cool,” Susie added as she snickered at the display.

“And what do you think, Noelle?” Toriel asked, suddenly looking at her.

Noelle blinked, realizing she was being put on the spot. Her response was to simply shrug. “I mean, I like it too.”

“Well, I suppose if Noelle likes it then it can’t be all bad,” Toriel stated, giving her head a tired shake before looking once more at her. “By the way will you be staying here for the vacation or staying with one of your parents?”

Noelle bit her lip. “I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“It’s hardly imposing,” Toriel said, her smile gaining a dangerous edge. “I just couldn’t bear to send a lovely young lady like you to spend the week at your father’s. He and Asgore make a fine couple but they somehow live like bachelors even if that’s no longer the case.” She snorted. “And I think the Angel would strike me down if I even thought about sending you to stay with Carol.”

Noelle couldn’t help but smile at that declaration. As a child, she assumed that the way her mother acted was normal for an adult. Though hearing the unfiltered opinion of her from so many other people around her age helped put into context how truly fucked her mother’s parenting was. She appreciated the honesty even if it was a little uncomfortable.

“Then I’d like to stay,” she said.

Toriel nodded and then looked at Chara and Asriel. “And you’ll be staying here as well.”

“If there’s space,” Chara said.

Toriel smirked. “There’s always space as long as you’re willing to forgo a little privacy.”

“A sacrifice that I’m willing to make,” Chara teased. “Cheaper than trying to find a hotel at the last minute.”

Toriel nodded and looked out upon the assembled guests. “So, who wants to tell me what’s been going on in the big city first?”

Noelle snuggled up against Susie, pressing herself tightly into her girlfriend’s warm body as they walked. It was a little cool tonight, enough that a sweater and some extra cuddles were necessary to help level things out. She even blew into her hands, rubbing them together for a little extra warmth.

“Does your mom seriously not like you smoking around the house?” Chara teased.

Kris chuckled. “I don’t really know, I never tried it. Always assumed she’d get pissed off if she caught us smoking weed back in high school.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Asriel turned towards them. “Did you smoke back in high school?”

Kris blinked. “You didn’t?”

“Asriel is kind of straight-edged,” Chara said, flashing a devious smile as they bumped into him. “Just means I have some extra corrupting to do.”

On the horizon was their destination, a barren hill in the middle of a familiar forest. This was the bunker on the south side of town.

No one knew what this place was meant for and Noelle always assumed it was an old shelter in case of war between humans and monsters. Though she was aware of the fact that this was one of the more conservative rumours in a town as gossipy as this one. It was an oddity with not even the mayor knowing what it was really meant for, saying it was above her pay grade.

“I’m surprised that Dess never got you to try it,” Noelle said.

This was the first time that her name had been dropped since Noelle had met Chara. There was a slight edge to her voice, betraying just a little pain. And she could see that pain reflected in Asriel’s eyes. In that moment, they were the only two who really understood how deep Dess’ death went. At that moment, they were closer than blood.

Chara seemed to know the name as they grabbed Asriel’s hand and gave it a squeeze. At the same time, Susie held Noelle just a little tighter.

Neither of them were nearly as fragile as they once were and Asriel soon let out a note of laughter, genuine if a little strained. “Nah, not even your sister managed to get me to try the stuff. Especially after she got me to try out a cigarette.” He stuck out his tongue in disgust. “One puff and mom could smell it right on my freaking breath. I was grounded for like two weeks.” He shook his head. “It wasn’t even that good!”

He went up the artificial hill and sat down upon the grass, soon being joined by the others.

As Chara settled into place, they looked up and met Noelle’s eye. Noelle smirked and nodded towards them. They each grabbed a box from within their own sweaters and placed them down within their respective laps.

Susie snorted. “Were you two conspiring?”

“Just thought I should be in my proper attire,” Noelle teased, looking quite proud of herself.

Chara grinned. “I’ll never turn down a chance to show off our dynamic.”

They handed the box to Asriel and turned away from him, brushing their hair aside. Asriel looked at it and snorted, popping open the lid and grabbing a collar from inside. With care, he pulled it around Chara’s throat, latching it shut in the back with practiced ease.

At the same time, Susie did the same with Noelle, pulling the familiar faux leather apparel around her beloved pet’s neck. She ensured the proper tightness by wedging a single bulky finger between the material and her flesh, just like she always did.

“Thank you, Sir,” Chara said.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Noelle added.

Chara’s collar was made up of two bands of leather, the inner band was thicker and made of a solid black material while the outer band was a vibrant blood red. The exterior of it was dotted with various silver studs and little spikes, looking rather intimidating.

“I love your collar!”

“I love your collar!”

The two of them blinked at then giggled at one another.

Meanwhile, Kris pulled a bong out of their backpack and a little antique cigarette tin. Inside the tin was all the supplies that were needed for them to start packing a bowl. A task which they started on, ensuring that there would be plenty to go around.

“Hey Noelle,” Asriel said, nodding towards her. “I’m uh… I’m really glad you’re staying with us this week.”

Noelle nodded. “Same.”

“Think you’re going to see your mom?” Asriel then asked.

Noelle frowned and mulled it over for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh. “I mean, I guess I need to see her at some point. Like… she’s still my mom even after everything, right?”

“I mean, sure, she’s your mom by a technical definition,” Susie grumbled.

Noelle shook her head. “It won’t be that bad, just a quick chat then I can go back to Homecity and push it out of my head.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Kris said.

They held up the freshly packed bong and held the glass stem against their lips before grabbing a lighter and using it to ignite the plant matter. As it kindled, they inhaled, filling the chamber with vapour. Then they pulled the bowl out and the vapour went right into their lungs. They held it for a moment before letting it out in a smooth exhale.

Noelle studied them, biting her lip. She’d never smoked weed before but a part of her really wanted to try it. What better way to christen a new Noelle than by breaking down a few other social taboos in her life.

After Kris had finished, the bong then went to Susie who had her fill, taking a proper monster-sized hit from it. Once she was finished, she was about to hand it off to Asriel.

Only Noelle lifted her hand instead. “I’d like to give it a try actually.”

Susie blinked. “Are you sure?”

“Y-yeah, why not?” Noelle grinned. “You two seem to have a lot of fun with it.”

Susie looked at Kris who simply shrugged before opening their water bottle.

As such, the bong went to Noelle. She tried her best to follow the rhythm of the other two, placing the stem against her lips.

“Just a baby hit,” Susie warned. “Don’t want to have to carry you home.”

“Yes ma’am,” Noelle murmured around the glass.

She could feel everyone’s eyes upon her as she lit the bowl and inhaled. The chamber started to fill with vapour and once it was slightly cloudy, she pulled the bowl out and continued to inhale, drawing it right into her lungs.

Now hold…

The plan went immediately awry as she started coughing, hacking up a lung and expelling her precious weed in a sporadic cloud.

Her core burned and she leaned forwards, dropping the bong. Thankfully Susie was there to quickly snatched it away before patting her roughly on the back. Kris also came over and offered her the bottle of water. The fluid felt nice as it rushed down her now tender throat.

“Fuck,” Noelle wheezed.

Susie smirked, keeping her voice low. “Not bad for your first time.”

She handed the bong over to Asriel before attending to Noelle, holding her tight against her body.

Noelle started to feel something in her blood, a warmth that flooded through her extremities. Her head became a little fuzzy and slow though utterly euphoric in nature. She couldn’t help but giggle and lean into Susie, finding her especially comforting today.

“This feels nice,” Noelle whispered.

Susie chuckled and shook her head. “Angel, you’re going to get so high in a few minutes.”

The bong finally made it to Chara and they took their hit before passing it back to Kris who ashed the bowl and started to repack it.

“Nice weed,” Chara commented.

Kris smirked. “It’s called Purple Momba. Apparently, it’s a sativa that is a little closer to an indica in THC content.”

“Oh good, then maybe your girlfriend won’t get stoned out of her mind,” Chara teased.

Noelle had no idea what any of that meant but she really liked how it was making her feel.

“When did you start smoking weed?” Asriel asked Noelle.

Noelle smirked. “Now.”

Asriel nodded and offered a sly smile. “The first time is always magical.”

“When did you start, Azzy?” Kris asked.

Asriel sighed. “Second year of university I tried it at a frat party. Ended up liking it so much that I bought myself a pipe and then a vape pen.” He held up a hand. “But like one of those cool vape pens that you put bud into and not one of those like THC cartridges that just make you stupid high.”

“Those things give me such a headache,” Susie grumbled.

Chara nodded. “Ditto.”

“Do you two have pet names for each other!” Noelle blurted out, blushing at the jarring bark of her voice. It would seem that she’d need to relearn volume control while high.

Asriel and Chara were both taken aback by Noelle’s tone until they obviously remembered that Noelle had just consumed her first hit, sharing a knowing look.

Susie shuffled away and grabbed the bong from Kris, taking another hit herself. Noelle didn’t like the sudden absence, so she reached out and rested a hand upon Susie’s leg.

Chara hummed. “I sometimes call him fuzzball.”

“They do,” Asriel said, flashing a smile at them. “And I call them babe a bunch. Isn’t that right, babe?”

“Everyone uses babe,” Chara teased as they stuck out their tongue at him. Though they then shook their head and let out an exasperated sigh. “I also tried another pet name but he didn’t like it nearly as much.”

“Chara,” Asriel warned.

Though this only seemed to feed into another of Chara’s mischievous little smiles. “What’s the matter, onii-chan?”

Asriel groaned and Kris immediately started snickering like an absolute bastard, leaning forwards and clutching at their midsection.

“No fucking way,” Kris rasped.

Asriel’s face burned bright red as they glared between the two humans. His reaction only started to make Susie giggle as well. Then Noelle joined in, feeling too groggy to even really understand why she was doing it.

“W-what’s…” Kris devolved into a snickering fit. “What’s the matter onii-chan? Did we say something wrong?”

“I just… have these strange feelings for you, onii-chan!” Chara barked, flopping to the side and leaning against Asriel. Their smile was just as evil as it always was.

Kris frowned and also leaned to the side, bumping into Susie. Though their attention was exclusively upon Asriel at this moment. “Oh no, onii-chan, I think I got stuck in the washing machine and I can’t get out.”

Asriel sighed. “Someone is getting cancelled for this joke and it’s not going to be me.”


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