Doe in the Middle

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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i'd like to extend a special thanks to  for her help with proofing this chapter, always happy to have help!

Noelle hummed along to the pop song playing over her Bluetooth speaker as she mashed an avocado with incredible vigour. She was combining it with tomatoes, garlic, salt, and onion, creating a very fresh-looking and vibrant guacamole. Next to it was a bowl of salsa which she had also made by hand.

“Any idea when she’s going to be here?” Kris asked.

Noelle looked towards them, watching them poking a needle into the vial of estradiol. Their hands were so steady as they worked, carefully measuring out the required dosage.

“She said that she was leaving about twenty minutes ago,” Noelle said. “Which depending on if she made her connections means she could be showing up in the next couple of minutes or so?”

Kris nodded and tapped the needle a couple of times, clicking their tongue against the roof of their mouth once it was free of any lingering bubbles.

Susie lumbered into the living room herself and plopped down in a loveseat opposite of Kris. “Are you doing hard drugs?”

Kris flashed a tight smile in return. “The hardest drug of them all.”

“Crystal weed?” Susie asked.

Kris nodded.

Suddenly, there was a knock at their apartment door and Noelle moved to answer it.

“I’ve got it!” she called.

Before opening it, she quickly checked her neck, ensuring that she didn’t have her collar on. It was a little strange being at home and not wearing it but it also wasn’t like she could really sport that thing around people that weren’t in the know.

And she especially didn’t think that Zelda would be in the know about that kind of stuff. That girl had changed a lot since High School but she still seemed a little innocent when it came to the world of sex.

Once assured that she wasn’t about to expose her friend to any kinks, Noelle unlocked the door and opened it.

“Hey!” a voice chirped. It sounded high-pitched, somewhat strained, but feminine nonetheless. “How are you doing Noelle?”

Zelda offered a warm smile and leaned forwards, hugging Noelle tightly.

“You look good!” Noelle beamed.

Zelda had opted for a white blouse and a plaid skirt with a pair of white knee length socks. It was a pretty standard outfit of hers from what Noelle had seen. Still, it looked good on her, working well with the blue of her feathers and the deep reddish hue of the eyeshadow she wore.

“Zelda’s here!” Noelle called as she led her friend into their apartment.

Zelda offered a nervous smile and waved to the group. “Must look a little different from the last time we’ve seen each other, huh?”

“You’re looking good,” Susie called, flashing a toothy grin. “I really dig your skirt.”

“Thanks,” Zelda replied, nodding toward her. “I got to say that shirt really shows off your arms.”

The shirt in question was a sleeveless tank top with some sort of metal band’s logo on the front of it. It went well with the darkish jeans that she had opted to wear today.

“Thanks, Noelle likes it,” Susie teased. She then flexed her arm, showing off one of her powerful biceps. “I wish I could figure out why?”

Noelle flushed and tried to hide it by rubbing her nose with the back of her hand.

Zelda snickered. “It’s a mystery, that’s for sure.”

Her attention then turned towards Kris who nodded towards her.

“I’d give you a hug but…” Kris smirked as they shifted to the side, untucking their long-sleeved shirt and lifting up the hem of their skirt to expose their leg. They then moved the needle overtop of their meaty thigh. “Well, you know what’s up.”

“Would you like me to show you how a real elite gamer does her estrogen?” Zelda teased.

Kris smirked. “Is it by crushing her tablets on top of a copy of Fallout New Vegas and then snorting them?”

“I would never treat a piece of fine art as a simple surface for snorting substances off of,” Zelda said, sounding aghast as she held a hand to her chest. “I’ll have you know that I do injections just like yourself.”

Kris nodded and jabbed the needle into their leg before slowly pushing down the plunger. They didn’t even wince at it. It was an impressive feat, at least to Noelle.

Noelle, meanwhile, headed towards the fridge and opened it. She caught a look at her reflection as she did so, flashing herself a warm smile. Her outfit for the day was also a pair of jeans with a simple black turtleneck.

“Can I get anyone something to drink?” she asked before nodding towards Zelda. “Don’t worry, I picked up some of those rum coolers you like. Not going to subject you to beer again.”

“That would be nice!” Zelda said, nodding towards her before drifting into the living room.

“So, what have you been playing lately?” Kris asked as they pulled the needle out and snapped the protective cover into place over it, setting it aside and replacing it with a cotton swab to stop the little bit of bleeding. It was a quick and practiced process, one that Noelle had seen them do on a weekly basis since moving into the big city.

“Look I know it’s a trope…” Zelda began as she plopped down in another of the room’s loveseats. “But I’ve modded the shit out of Fallout: New Vegas recently.”

“It’s a good game,” Kris said.

“And there have been some pretty gnarly mods coming out lately,” Zelda explained. “A bunch of voice-acted map expansions that are pretty much like free DLCs. But besides that, I’ve also been getting into grand strategy games recently.”

“Nerd!” Susie jeered.

Zelda snorted and extended her hand. “Hello, I’m Zelda, apparently we didn’t meet back in high school.”

Susie chuckled and playfully shook it.

Noelle came back into the living room, holding two rum coolers and two bottles of beer, placing them all down upon the table. Though before taking a seat, she then grabbed the snacks and brought them over as well.

“Looks good!” Zelda beamed. “Where did you buy this stuff from?”

“Made it myself,” Noelle said, grinning.

Zelda’s eyes widened. “No way.”

“Noelle has been getting into cooking lately,” Kris explained.

Noelle nodded. “Mom only ever ordered takeout, so I never really had the chance to try it out back at home. Turns out that I really like it. Plus, well… you know what city living is like. Constantly ordering takeout isn’t really something I can afford to do anymore.”

“If it wasn’t for rent subsidies, I wouldn’t be able to live here,” Zelda agreed, shaking her head before looking at Kris. “So, how’s the art going, still being a massive weeb?”

Kris stuck out their tongue at her. “You know it, been raking in the big Mew Mew fandom dollars recently. Got myself a pretty nifty commission that I’m part way through.”

They reached out and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and taking a sip.

“And how about you Susie?” Zelda asked.

Susie shrugged. “Mostly been working at a nearby gas station though I will have you know that I’ve gotten dangerously good at fighting games recently.”

Zelda smirked and narrowed her gaze. “That sounds like a challenge.”

“Only if you’re brave enough,” Susie ribbed.

Noelle grabbed the rum cooler and was soon followed by Zelda and Susie, all of them soon enjoying their own separate beverages.

“What have you been up to?” Kris asked, flashing a smile. “Haven’t seen you in forever.”

Zelda shrugged. “Going to school for a computer science degree but needed an elective. So, I’m currently in a third-year civics course.”

“Sounds like something a crazy person would do,” Kris ribbed.

“Well, you know that I’m a bit of a masochist,” Zelda replied, pointing her bottle at them and throwing off a playful wink.

Noelle’s eyes widened and she nearly choked upon her drink which made the other three look at her.

Had Zelda just said that… no, no… it had to just be a saying… right?

Zelda cocked a brow. “Everything alright, Noelle?”

Noelle nodded quickly, far too quickly. “Yep, everything’s just fine!”

Kris looked at her and there was a knowing look in their eyes, one that was extremely mischievous in quality. This nonbinary bitch knew exactly what was going through Noelle’s mind and she could see it in the slight upturn of their lips.

Noelle decided to risk another sip, turning her attention towards Susie who was once more looking at Zelda.

“Been working?” Susie asked.

Zelda nodded. “They needed people to work at the campus library and I had prior experience. It’s only twenty hours a week but it’s enough to keep the lights on.” She smirked. “And it gives me plenty of time to focus on my studies.”

She took a sip, smacking her beak together afterwards.

“Speaking of studies; I think we should probably talk about our PowerPoint,” Zelda said.

Noelle nodded. “So, we need to discuss our project for about twenty minutes? I think ten slides and a question-and-answer section should fill up that space nicely.”

Kris and Susie went for the snacks while the two of them began talking.

“Ten slides should work,” Zelda said. “Two slides for the intro, two slides for each of the three core statements of our essay, one slide for the conclusion, and then a final slide for citations.”

“Think we can fit all our citations into one slide,” Noelle teased. “We kind of went ham with our sources this project.”

Zelda snorted. “I mean we don’t half ass our work.”

“Make sure to include a lot of photos,” Kris said.

Zelda looked towards them and lifted a brow.

“First year graphic design, no one wants to stare at a wall of text for twenty minutes straight,” Kris added. “Spread the content over twice as many slides and make sure to have plenty of pictures in it. If you’d like I could probably help, make sure things look pretty and that the text doesn’t demolish someone’s eyes.” They scoffed. “Once saw a student present green text on a red background and I will never forget that day.”

They then reached out and grabbed one of the chips, scooping up some guacamole and popping it into their mouth.

Noelle shrugged. “Suppose it couldn’t hurt.”

“Thanks for the suggestion, Kris,” Zelda said, rubbing at her arm.

Susie smirked. “I could probably help out too if you wanted access to some photos of urban landscapes. That’s what your project is on right? Urbanism?”

Zelda smiled. “Something like that.”

Noelle nodded towards her. “You have any photos of some of the more residential areas in the city?”

“Probably a few kicking around,” Susie said. “I did that walk around the old fairground a few months back and that’s pretty much on the edge of town.”

“We’ll see what we have to work with,” Noelle agreed, shrugging. “It’d be way better looking than just nabbing some random pictures off of the internet.”

Zelda nodded in agreement. “So, we need to figure out how to spread the content across twenty slides, right?”

“Do you talk about public parks at all in your presentation?” Kris asked.

They were wearing a contented little smile and making eye contact with Noelle as they spoke.

Noelle didn’t know what exactly they were planning but she wasn’t overly fond of the look that they were giving her. It just had a foreboding energy behind it, lingering with a latent brattiness that she knew she wasn’t going to like.

Zelda shook her head. “Nah, this project is mostly focused on residential neighbourhoods and opening small businesses in them. Not really…” She motioned with her hand. “Parks aren’t really something that we focus on.”

“That’s a shame,” Kris murmured. “Because I have a couple of photos from me and Noelle’s last date at Saint Christof’s Park.” They grinned. “I bet those would look fantastic.”

Saint Christof’s…

Noelle’s eyes went wide and this only seemed to make Kris’ smile grow even wider, the damn gremlin knowing exactly what they were doing. The last time they were at Saint Christof’s was when Noelle had throated them behind some bushes.

She attempted to hide her nervousness by grabbing her rum cooler and taking a very generous sip from it, hiding her burning complexion behind the bottle.

Zelda nodded and also allowed herself a sly little smile. “No offense Kris but I don’t really think pictures of Noelle giving you brain behind some bushes would reflect very positively upon our grades.” She snorted. “Thank you for the offer though.”

Noelle sputtered, spitting out her drink. She started coughing which seemed to please Kris as they snickered into the back of their hand. Even Susie seemed amused as a devious smile coloured her maw.

Zelda blinked and looked towards her. “Is something the matter Noelle?”

“Y-you know about that?” Noelle yelped.

Zelda cocked a brow. “Of course, Kris sent me the photos right after it happened.” She then pointed the stem of her bottle at her. “You looked really cute covered in Kris’ cum by the way.”

“I…” Noelle closed her eyes and started to laugh. “You’re the friend that Kris sent them too!”

Kris was now officially losing it, devolving into a desperate string of relentless giggles. They seemed barely capable of breathing at this point.

Good, Noelle hoped they passed out. It would save her the trouble of having to beat their fucking ass.

“Did you not tell her!” Zelda yelped.

When Noelle opened her eyes, she noticed that Zelda was glaring at Kris who at least had a little shame lingering in their eye.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Kris continued to snicker though they were finally settling down. “I just… holy shit the look on Noelle’s face.”

Noelle scrunched her expression and ensured that she glared at her partner quite coolly, doing her best to seem as peeved as possible. In fact, she tilted back the rum cooler and finished it off before hurling the plastic bottle at Kris with all the force she could manage. Though they only snickered as they caught it and placed it down upon the table.

“So, confession time,” Kris said.

Noelle nodded, her glare not fading in the slightest as she flipped them the bird. “Go on, I’m listening.”

“You know how I was seeing someone back in the first year of university before I started dating you and Susie,” Kris explained.

Noelle nodded and then the piece immediately slipped into place as she glanced at Zelda. “Ah.”

“Yeah, me and Zelda used to go out for a little while,” Kris explained. “It was a pretty casual thing so I never really brought it up but yeah… we uh still like flirt with each other sometimes in DMs and stuff.”

Noelle nodded and looked at Zelda. She was pretty cute and Noelle couldn’t deny that she harboured some not-so-platonic feelings for the girl. She would’ve been a good match for Kris, especially when they’d been more of a gremlin and into video games.

“Can I ask a question?” Noelle asked.

Zelda smirked. “Go for it.”

“Were the two of you into…” Noelle tried to search for the right way to broach this specific topic though there were apparently some vestiges of internalized shame still lingering, making the words fade upon the tip of her tongue.

Kris smirked. “Are you wondering if we were kinky?”

Noelle’s cheeks warmed a couple degrees of red but she nodded regardless. That was exactly what she’d been wondering.

Zelda shrugged. “I suppose we got up to that every once in a while. A little choking here, a little bondage there, a little master and sub stuff on the side. Oh, and I let Kris try out knifeplay on me a couple of times.”

“Wait!” Noelle glared at Kris. “You’ve done knifeplay on her but not me!”

“We’re easing you into things!” Kris interjected though looked down at their phone to avoid her critical gaze. “I’ve learned a lot about BDSM since then and I don’t really want to relive any mistakes with you.”

“We’d also only did it once or twice,” Zelda offered.

Susie chuckled and looked towards Noelle, making a show of scratching her cheek with a single sharp talon. “If you’d like, I bet I could show you a thing or two about knifeplay…”

She punctuated this point by wiggling that single razor-sharp digit back and forth in the air.

“Pleaseeeee,” Noelle whined. She then got up and made her way over to the fridge. “Does anyone else need another drink by the way?”

“Beer for me, please,” Susie said, holding up her empty bottle.

Noelle nodded and grabbed two drinks, returning with them to the table. Though before she had a chance to sit back down, Kris cleared their throat.

“How about you go grab your collar?” Kris asked.

Noelle bit her lip. “Are you sure…”

“I think it’d be cute,” Zelda added before flashing a smile. “Plus, I already saw it in that facial picture so it’s not like there’s anything to hide.”

Noelle’s cheeks warmed.

“Do what your Knight asks you to do,” Kris warned, their gaze growing just a smidge sterner, gaining just a hint of dominance. “Because I have plans for you this evening, little doe, and it would be best if you went along with them.”

Noelle tensed and looked towards Zelda, hoping that seeing something like that hadn’t made them uncomfortable. Though she seemed actually a little tickled by it, bearing a coy little smile as she leaned back even further into her seat.

“Come on Noelle, don’t keep your Knight waiting,” Zelda teased.

Noelle scampered away to their bedroom, heading over to their dresser. On top of it was her collar, looking as pristine and flawless as ever. She grabbed it and promptly returned to the living room, handing it over to Kris before dropping to her knees in front of them.

Was she really doing this in front of Zelda?

Noelle could feel the edge of a heat creeping into her cheeks as Kris ran a hand through her hair, petting her.

“As you can see, she’s pretty well behaved,” Kris remarked.

Zelda nodded. “And you’ve only been doing this for a couple months? I remember it took close to six before you got me like this.”

“Well Noelle isn’t nearly as much of a brat,” Kris said, moving their hand under her chin and scritching her. “This one was just born to obey. Isn’t that right, pet?”

Noelle’s brain bricked as she was unable to respond with anything more dignified than a desperate huff. Though this only seemed to amuse Kris and Zelda who shared a knowing look.

“I mean Kris can’t take all the credit,” Susie added.

Kris nodded. “Susie has helped a lot.”

“You know, Susie, I had no idea that you were into this kind of stuff,” Zelda remarked, motioning towards her.

Susie shrugged. “I wasn’t until Kris showed me how much fun this could be. But it’s been a blast getting to try it out with these dweebs.”

With the room’s attention off of Noelle, Kris brushed her hair aside and slid the collar into place. Like always, they were careful with the action, though quick, managing to get the perfect tightness on the very first try.

Noelle blushed. She had never worn her collar in front of someone outside of their polycule before and there was something kind of naughty about it. It filled her with a strange confidence, knowing that she was bearing herself totally to Zelda without reluctance.

“It looks good on you,” Zelda beamed. “Do you want to see mine?”

Noelle’s eyes widened. “You brought one too?”

“Yeah, Kris suggested that I bring it over,” Zelda teased.

She got up and went over to her purse, reaching inside and grabbing a collar from within. It seemed mass produced and a little worn, being made of a red fabric that looked like it came off the shelves of a local pet store.

“Didn’t have nearly as much money back then,” Kris admitted, rubbing at their arm.

“It’s the thought that counts,” Zelda said.

She pulled the collar on herself and snapped it into place in the back. It’d been adjusted to the perfect tightness and looked nice when contrasted against the bright blue of her feathers, matching her eyeliner perfectly. Once the material was securely in place, Zelda did a little spin and made her way back into the living room.

“Did you know it was actually Kris fucking me that finally cracked my egg wide open?” Zelda asked.

Noelle snorted. “How did they manage that?”

“We were doing some uh…” Zelda flushed. “We were doing some sissy stuff and they kept calling me good girl which uh…” She snickered and looked off to the side. “I broke down crying in the middle of it and we had a huge talk about gender once they settled me down.”

“I remember that,” Kris said.

Susie cleared her throat and Noelle looked over, noticing that her Ma’am was beaconing her over. So, she obediently slid away from Kris and was pleased to find another domineering hand running through her hair, stroking her and scritching her under the chin. It was easy for a girl to get lost to something like this as Noelle closed her eyes.

“Though I bet if there was an egg fetish bingo card, I would’ve had that thing blacked out before hatching,” Zelda added, snorting and shaking her head.

Kris smirked. “Transformation, crossdressing, sissy stuff…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Zelda plopped down in her seat. “Look, it's not the easiest decision in the world to make and you know it.”

Kris nodded.

They then looked to Noelle. “Hey Noelle?”

Noelle stirred and cracked open an eye. “Yeah?”

“Do you want to see me try out some knifeplay?” Kris asked before looking at Zelda. “If that’s alright with you, of course.”

“Are your hands less shaky nowadays?” Zelda asked.

Kris snorted and held up one of them. It remained stable in the air for a good couple of seconds. “Turns out doing a whole bunch of art really helps with that.”

“Yeah, then I’d be game,” Zelda said before looking at Noelle. “If that’s alright with you, of course. Don’t want to steal your partner away.”

Noelle bit her lip, knowing that she was still wearing a little bit of a blush. She had never really thought about exploring this kind of stuff outside of her immediate circle before. Hell, she didn’t even know Zelda had sex until ten minutes ago.


Still, the idea did sound pretty fucking hot.

Noelle shuffled a little in her seat and nodded. “Yeah, I’d be game. Always wanted to see how Kris does that kind of stuff.” She then stuck out her tongue. “So, this is probably the next best thing until they’re brave enough to actually try it on me.”

Kris grinned and stood up, making their way towards the kitchen’s island. They scooped up their pocket knife from a small dish though didn’t come back over right away. Instead, they also reached under the sink and took out a first aid kit, only coming back over once they had both in hand.

Zelda, meanwhile, stood up and folded her hands behind her back. There was a nervousness present upon her face, a tension in her posture, a small edge of worry that even Noelle could pick up on.

“Colour-coded safewords are still fine?” Kris asked as they placed the first aid kit upon the living room table.

Zelda nodded. “Might as well keep it nice and simple until we get to know each other again, right?”

Kris came up behind Zelda and wrapped one arm around her midsection, using it to pin her against their frame. They were shorter than Zelda but they still made it work, managing to hold her in place with ease.

Their other hand then came around and snapped open the knife, letting the room’s lighting glimmer off of the razor-sharp blade.

Noelle bit her lip, taking in the view. The knife was sharp, dangerous, such an alluring little tool.

“The trick with knifeplay is to apply pressure without breaking skin,” Kris explained. “A lot of people will use a training knife for something like that. Though some people will just use the blunted side of a real blade, or the tip, or be very very careful with the sharp edge. Though I suggest you only do something like that with someone that you really trust.”

“Or are very stoned,” Susie teased.

Kris snorted and rolled their eyes. “Look, we all make stupid decisions sometimes.” They then wagged their knife at Noelle. “Which is why we’re being extra careful with you. Do what we say and not what we do, you know?”

“I’m excellent at making smart decisions on my own, thank you very much,” Noelle grumbled, sticking out her tongue and blowing a raspberry at Kris.

Kris shook their head and instead returned their attention to Zelda, carefully placing the blunted edge of the blade against her arm and tracing it up along her skin. The individual feathers parted as the blade moved and Noelle could see that Zelda had tensed.

The blade glided upwards and traced across the fabric of Zelda’s blouse before Kris settled it against her throat. They drew back upon it and pressed the blunted side against Zelda’s skin, just hard enough that her feathers indented under the pressure.

“You’re quivering?” Kris teased.

Zelda drew in a breath. “Not every day I have something like this happen to me.”

“That’s a shame,” Kris murmured, carefully tracing the blade across skin before suddenly drawing it away. “You’re cute and cute girls deserve to get off doing the things they like.” They flashed a cruel smile and bucked their hips into Zelda’s backside. “Though I suppose that’s a little difficult for someone like you, huh?”

What did that mean?

Suddenly something clicked inside of Kris as a coy smile coloured their lips.

“Can I lift up your skirt?” they asked.

Zelda nodded, having the freedom to do so with the knife now gone.

Kris hooked the edge of the blade under Zelda’s skirt and lifted up the hem of it, exposing the panties that lingered underneath. There was a very distinctive bulge that was nestled within them and a matching wet spot upon the front of the fabric. Though oddly the bulge came from something aside from Zelda’s well… bird.

“Susie,” Kris began, nodding towards her. “How about you help our pet get acquainted with Zelda over here.”

Noelle felt Susie rest a hand upon her shoulder and she tensed, suddenly realizing that she was being put on the spot. She knew that she could say no and that would be the end of it but a part of her actually wanted to see where this was going. Plus, Zelda looked so cute in the moment, seeming so wonderfully flustered as Kris exposed her.

So, Noelle shuffled over with Susie getting up and following after her. She wondered briefly what getting acquainted with Zelda would entail until she felt Susie’s hand within her hair, seizing a nice fistful of it. The next thing she knew, her face was being pressed against Zelda’s panties, her nose pushed right into that delicious little wet spot.

Noelle drew in a breath and was surprised by how rich the smell of Zelda’s pre was. Though she also realized that the bulge underneath was from something metal as it brushed against her nose through the thin fabric.

“So, another trans girl stereotype that Zelda has is being into chastity,” Kris teased before chuckling rather darkly. “Isn’t that right, slut?”

“Y-yes Kris,” Zelda moaned.

“How about pulling down her panties for her Noelle? I bet the girl’s hen could use a chance to breathe,” Kris dictated.

Noelle nodded and reached up, gripping the waistline of Zelda’s panties and peeling them away. Underneath was a small metal cage with an adorable pink clit locked away within. It clearly struggled against the confines of the chastity and was leaking all over the place with strands connecting it to the fabric of her panties.

“I remember when we were steady,” Kris teased, getting that predatory tone in their voice. “I had you in this thing for a month at one point.”

“You were evil,” Zelda groaned.

Susie snorted. “You knew what you were getting into when you started dating Kris.”

“Noelle,” Kris said, grabbing her attention. “How about you tease Zelda for me? I want to make sure that she’s nice and desperate for what’s coming next.”

“Yes, my Knight,” Noelle whispered.

Did she think that she’d be blowing Zelda today? Nope!

Was she complaining? Absolutely not!

Noelle took Zelda’s cage between her lips and ran her tongue through the little gaps in the metal, touching down upon the erection trapped inside. Zelda’s pre tasted salty and thin, much more feeble than Kris’. Still, it was a delicious little treat and Noelle wasn’t about to let it go to waste.

She was also aware that Susie was still there, still holding her head firmly in place. Not that she really needed the incentive any longer.

Soon, there was a sharp gasp from above her as the knife was moved elsewhere, likely taunting Zelda once again. Noelle didn’t let it distract her however, focusing on the task at hand, the task that her Knight had ordered her to fulfill. She lewdly suckled and kissed, constantly prodding and teasing with her tongue.

It was strange how in the zone she started to feel, loving the fleeting sense of control she had, craving the obedience that came with submission. She loved tormenting Zelda, her tongue being just as effective as the knife that Kris held. It filled her with a strange sense of sadistic glee, wondering how tight that cage must’ve felt and how much it surely ached against her friend’s anatomy.

Though this came to an end as Susie drew back upon her hair, pulling her away. Noelle breathed heavily, still possessed by the tastes, smells, and sounds of sex. Her mind was fuzzy, and as she looked up at Zelda, she noticed a similar nirvana plastered upon her face.

“Can’t let you get off in that cage,” Kris warned Zelda before motioning at Noelle with their knife. “Good job, babe.”

“Thank you, my Knight,” Noelle beamed.

“Come on, I want to borrow your mouth,” Susie chided, practically dragging Noelle back over to the chair which she plopped down within.

She reached for her jeans and started to pull them down, grinning as she exposed her panties. Though these hardly lasted a moment longer. Before long, Susie’s bottom half was completely devoid of clothing with her puffy lips exposed and glistening, just waiting for Noelle to dip forwards and dig right in.

“So, do you still have a findom kink?” Kris asked.

Zelda snorted. “I mean… are you offering?”

“Grab your phone,” Kris grumbled.

There was the sound of feet pattering upon the ground as Zelda made her way over to her purse. Though Noelle’s attention was exclusively upon Susie as her Ma’am grabbed her by her antlers and drew her forwards, pressing her firmly against her cunt.

Noelle barely needed the incentive to get to work. Her tongue immediately came forwards and she pressed it into Susie’s lower lips, probing and prodding, pushing inside nice and slow. She was now seasoned in the art of eating pussy, knowing just the right way to move in order to please her girlfriend.

It would seem that her improvements were noted as Susie’s voice began to rise into a powerful moan.

One of the hands upon Noelle’s antlers slipped away and instead rested within her hair, scratching her behind the ear as if she were some sort of pet. A position which Noelle more than enjoyed, shivering with excitement which she furthered channeled into her performance.

Her Ma’am’s pussy tasted fantastic, the smell being equally divine. It was an assault upon her senses with both taste and smell being so utterly dominated by Susie’s musk, clouding her judgement and pushing away any silly thoughts about resisting. It was hot and spicy, a pleasant mixture of sweat and whatever beauty products she wore.

Noelle wasn't ignorant of the fact that she had essentially traded one set of musky hormones for another in the span of a few moments. Though there was no competition between them as Noelle immediately pushed Zelda’s out of her mind, succumbing utterly to the alluring temptation of Susie’s dominance.

“Fuck Noelle,” Susie groaned. “You’re getting pretty good at this.”

“So, what do you want?” Zelda asked from across the room, a little anticipation lingering in her voice.

Kris snorted. “How about you send me a little crypto. You know…” Noelle heard Zelda gasp as a hand clapped against what was likely her tight little ass. “A little fee to thank me for plowing your pussy later tonight.”

“How much to get out of this cage?” Zelda whined.

Kris chuckled. “How much you got?”

Zelda drew in a breath. “I… I…” She whimpered. “I could give you a Luna coin, if that would work?”

Kris whistled. “I guess we have ourselves…”

Susie scoffed. “Might want to look at the price of that one, babe. I remember one of the cryptobros who work with me saying that coin plummeted.”

“I can assure you…” Zelda interjected, a panic settling into their tone. Though they weren’t allowed to finish that thought as a hand clapped against them again, jerking forth another pained gasp.

“Does this bitch think that she’s being smart,” Kris growled.

There was a hefty impact and a yelp from Zelda followed promptly by a hand clapping against her rump over and over again. Whatever was going on seemed to amuse Susie as she let out a breathy note of laughter in between her rampant moans.

Noelle stayed focused on the task at hand, however, lapping and licking away. She knew the path to take and followed it, gliding between all of the places that would surely make Susie’s voice rise higher and higher, growing more and more impassioned.

“Angel, Noelle,” Susie groaned. “You’ve gotten… you’ve gotten really good at this.”

Kris chuckled. “You should see how good she is at sucking cock. She doesn’t even gag anymore.”

“I bet I could suck cock better than Noelle,” Zelda chided.

“Oh yeah,” Kris said, snorting “How about we test that?” They then snapped their fingers. “Yo Susie, hold up for a sec, I have an idea.”

Susie groaned but obeyed, pulling Noelle back. Noelle whined but also followed along, panting for breath through the hearty scent of sex that was still clouding her judgement.

“This better be good, Dreemurr, because I was trying to get off,” Susie huffed.

Kris chuckled. “Don’t worry, I promise that you’ll love it. Plus, you can always use her mouth when we don’t have company over.” They flashed a thumbs up at Susie before scampering away to their bedroom. “Keep them busy while I’m grabbing what I need.”

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Susie nodded and stroked the top of Noelle’s head with one of her thumbs, offering a playful little smile. “How much do you want to bet that Kris is thinking up something sadistic?”

“I don’t make bets when the results are obvious,” Noelle teased.

Zelda shivered, looking at the duo. “Well, I’ll be honest, I didn’t think for a second that today was going to end up like this.”

“Didn’t Kris give you a heads up?” Susie asked.

Zelda shrugged. “I mean they told me to bring my collar and wear my cage. I didn’t think that a foursome was on the table though.”

“Join the club,” Susie retorted, offering a playful smile. “You look pretty hot by the way.”

“You’re not too bad looking yourself,” Zelda replied as she winked at her.

“Imagine telling our High School selves that we’d be having a foursome together in university,” Susie teased, letting out a low rumble of laughter. “I think I’d have a heart attack.”

Noelle snorted. “I’d be too much of a gay little bitch to even function for a conversation like that. Remember how much I froze up after our first kiss?”

“I legit thought that I sent you into shock,” Susie replied, continuing to gently stroke with her thumb as she let out a low rumble of laughter. “I nearly called 911 and everything.”

Noelle snorted. “I wasn’t that bad.”

“You were kind of too gay to function,” Zelda said before pointing to herself “But it’s okay because I was too much of an egg to function either. So, I think that means that it kind of evens out for the two of us.”

Kris came back with a couple items in hand. Noelle recognized one of them as a double-ended dildo which was a bright blue in colour. The other object, however, was foreign to her, looking like some sort of random gizmo.

Susie seemed to know what it was though as she snorted. “Finally found a use for that, huh?”

“Look we all make impulsive purchases on Black Friday,” Kris grumbled. “So, sue me.”

They snapped their fingers and pointed to a spot on the floor in front of them. “I want you two naked and kneeling in front of me. You have a minute.”

Zelda didn’t need to be told twice as she started to shed her blouse and skirt, doing so quickly and tossing them both aside. She had a slender but cute body, her breasts petite but still rounded, looking like a pretty decent handful each.

Noelle stripped just as quickly, doing away with her jeans and sweater. She flushed as she realized that she was now naked in front of Zelda of all people.

Today really was going to be weird, wasn’t it?

“You look…” Zelda chuckled, flushing as she tried to avert her gaze. “You look good, Noelle.”

Noelle shivered. “Thanks Zelda, so do…” She giggled nervously and ran a hand through her hair. “You look pretty fucking hot.”

The two of them then inched into a position in front of Kris, looking up at them expectantly. Though they weren’t left waiting for long before Kris held out the dildo between their mouths. They didn’t even need to tell the two of them what to do as they both took a separate end between their lips.

The blue material tasted artificial but Noelle didn’t mind, instead making bedroom eyes at Kris as she eagerly waited for the next of their instructions.

Kris knelt between them and smirked, holding up the little box. It was sleek and black with a pair of matching fibre leads coming out of each end with a hook attached to both. It took Noelle a moment to realize that it was a winch of some sort.

Her Knight pressed a button and extended the leads to a length of two feet before clipping a hook around the ring on Noelle’s collar and another around the ring on Zelda’s.

“I’m sure you can figure out what this is meant for,” Kris stated. “But just to give you a quick demonstration…”

They pressed a button on it again and the two leads suddenly shortened, pulling the two submissives a little bit closer and ensuring that there would be no easy way of removing the dildo from their mouths. Still, it was only a little penetration, meaning there was no difficulty breathing around it.

“We’re going to play a little game,” Kris explained. “We’re going to see which one of you is better at giving head by seeing who can take more of this dildo. The only catch is that when you go lower, I’m going to tighten the leads which means that you’ll have to stay at that depth. On top of that, I’m not letting either of you off of this until you meet somewhere in the middle. Am I understood?”

Noelle shivered at the idea of the game and offered a thumbs up. She could sense that Zelda did the same. There was something about firm rules and a cruel scenario which seemed to muddle her poor brain. Maybe it was that goody two shoes attitude coming back with a vengeance, reminding her of her willingness to do whatever it took to please someone.

Her attention went to Zelda and the two of them looked at each other before glancing down at the dildo. Noelle hadn’t really appreciated its size before, seeing that it was pretty substantial in length, probably more than sixteen inches and maybe even pushing close to a full twenty. Split evenly that would be somewhere between eight-to-ten inches for each of them to handle.

Noelle swallowed a lump in her throat, realizing just how daunting this obstacle was going to be.

Zelda made the first move, pressing forwards a couple of inches, a gesture which Noelle replicated, closing the distance just a little. As both of them settled into place, Kris reached out and pressed a button on the winch, tightening the cords between them.

Just to test it, Noelle tugged upon her lead with Zelda tugging back to stop herself from being pulled forwards. It seemed that the cord was sturdy for its thin size, more than capable of handling any squirming or fighting from either of them.

Kris chuckled. “I don’t cheap out on my sex toys, babe.”

They then reached out and grabbed Noelle’s nipple, giving it a little squeeze. This caused her to gasp quite loudly, whining as they toyed with her tender little teat.

“Wanna hear something reallyyyy mean?” Kris asked.

They reached out with their other hand and squeezed Zelda’s little bud, pinching it just as firmly. Though this seemed to have a far more explosive effect as a shrill squeal came forth from around the dildo crammed in Zelda’s beak.

Kris snickered and promptly let go. “I remember how sensitive mine were when I first started HRT.”

They kissed Zelda on the cheek before nodding towards Susie. “Come on over and join in on the fun, babe.”

Susie shuffled off of her seat and made her way over, placing a hand on Noelle’s shoulder as she also settled upon the floor. Unlike Kris, she was a little gentler, stroking at Noelle’s hide with a thumb and offering a reassuring smile.

“So, who do you think is going to win?” Susie asked.

Kris shrugged. “Can I vote on neither? I really don’t think either of them are going to be able to take even half of it.”

Noelle’s gaze narrowed as she was subjected to this affront to her honour. Sure, the objective may have seemed a little daunting but she wasn’t known for letting down either of her Doms. As such, she bobbed forwards and took a few more inches, going all the way to that point where it tickled against the back of her throat.

Kris let out a low whistle. “Good job, babe.”

Zelda responded by also dipping forwards, taking a lesser portion of the faux phallus that lingered between them. She reached out and Noelle could feel her hand upon her own. So, Noelle interlaced their fingers together, giving Zelda’s hand a reassuring squeeze.

Still, even this far down there was still an impressive portion lingering between them. Though Noelle was determined not to let that get to her.

Kris reached up and the cord soon tightened, denying either of them a chance to dip back without fighting the other.

There was a cruel smile upon their lips as they scritched the bottom of Noelle’s muzzle, dragging their finger back and forth in a taunting little motion. “You know if this is a game there should really be some stakes involved. What should they be fighting over?”

Susie hummed and ran one of her powerful hands through Zelda’s soft down feathers, rubbing the back of her head. “How about the loser has to…” She tapped a finger against her chin, obviously giving it some thought before snapping her fingers. “You fuck the winner.”

Kris snorted. “That hardly feels like a punishment for the loser. Do they just have to sit there and watch us or something?”

“I’m not done,” Susie said, huffing. “You fuck the winner and the loser has to eat your cum out of them once you’ve finished.”

There was a devious twinkle in Kris’ eye, a mischievous look that said that they very much loved the sound of this idea. They grinned and nodded slowly. “Yeah, I think those sound like some pretty good terms.”

They then placed a hand on the back of each of the submissives’ heads. “And if you both lose then… well I guess neither of you are getting fucked tonight.” Their smile only grew at that threat. “And you both have to watch as me and Susie fuck instead.”

Noelle whined and felt a heat blossom between her legs.

She didn’t want that. She didn’t want that one bit.

So, she inched forwards, nice and slow, taking the dildo further and further into her mouth. She managed about another two inches before a soft stifling gag forced her to pause with her slow advance.

Zelda tried the same and managed a little more before a pitiful gagging sound came from her as well.

As predicted, Kris tightened the winch and they were stuck like that. Any further progress would involve throating and there were still a few daunting inches left between them, a properly intimidating amount of cock to throat.

Zelda squeezed Noelle’s hand and Noelle squeezed it back, doing what she could to provide any comfort.

Kris hummed. “Are you two good to continue? Knock once for green.”

Noelle knocked exactly once upon the floor, a gesture which was mimicked by Zelda. The two of them made eye contact, stealing themselves for those last few inches. It wasn’t going to be easy.

They moved together as one, each of them inching forwards nice and slow as the dildo started to slide into their throats. Zelda sputtered against it, fighting through the tears. Noelle only did marginally better, managing to ward off her own pesky reflex for only an inch or so. The two of them struggled forwards, inch by slow inch, with Kris continually ensuring that the cord between them remained nice and tight.

Noelle couldn’t breathe but there was nowhere to go but forwards, struggling ahead like a marathon runner on those few final miles of the course.

Her throat burned and eyes watered as she felt the faux erection prodding at her throat. It seemed that Zelda was tormented by the very same thing as her eyes also watered with fresh tears dampening her down feathers.

Noelle struggled but couldn’t push forwards, gagging so forcefully against the cock wedged in her throat. There was only an inch left but it felt like a mountain, seeming like an obstacle that would take divine intervention to overcome.

She threw a silent prayer to some higher power, hoping that they would give her the strength to…

Noelle suddenly felt a sharp beak prodding at her lips, making her wince. Though her eyes widened as she realized that her and Zelda were finally touching somewhere in the middle.

Yet, Kris didn’t release them right away as they instead cinched the winch even tighter, keeping them trapped.

“New rule…” they grinned. “You have to hold that pose until I go and grab a sharpie.” They got up and headed over to the cupboards. “Susie make sure that they don’t upchuck or pass out or need help or anything, alright?”

Susie snorted. “Sure thing, hun.” She looked at them and smirked, taking in the view of their misery with obvious glee. “Don’t hurry back though, I kind of like the view.”

“Don’t worry, it’ll take me a bit to find one,” Kris teased.

Bull-fucking-shit, Noelle was very orderly in her use of cupboard space and that damn twink knew exactly where the sharpies were.

She heard them rifling around for far too long, taking their sweet time in finding what they needed. All the while the cock continued to burn and ache, Noelle’s throat fighting feebly against it with no hope of retreat. It seemed that they would need assistance from Susie.

Though miraculously Kris finally came back, after what felt like an hour, with a sharpie in hand. They reached down and marked the spot where beak met lips before finally releasing the winch.

Both Noelle and Zelda went rocketing back, hacking and cough, gasping desperately for breath. There was a half-crazed quality to Noelle’s actions as she sputtered through the less than pleasant fluids that coated the inside of her mouth.

Kris snickered and reached down, unhooking each of their collars. They then picked up the dildo and examined it.

“What do you think, Susie?” Kris asked.

Susie smirked. “I think Noelle has a good inch or two on Zelda.”

Zelda scoffed. “It’s not fair! Her snout is longer than my beak. It…”

“No one likes a sore loser, Zelda,” Kris ribbed, sticking out their tongue at her.

Zelda playfully glared at them, folding her hands in front of her chest. She acted like such a wonderful little brat as she glared at them.

“Would it cheer you up if I fucked you instead?” Susie asked, patting her on the back

Zelda hummed and nodded exactly once. “That would be an acceptable compromise for the unfair conditions of this game. Though…” She tapped the tips of her index fingers together and pursed her beak. “Do you happen to have any knotted toys to fuck me with?”

“We have plenty,” Noelle teased, wiping at her lips and clearing away any of the lingering filth that remained.

She did feel a little pride, a hint of a sense of accomplishment. It felt kind of nice to win a contest against Zelda. Sure, it was just a silly little display of power to Kris but to Noelle it was proof that she was the better oral slut and that was a title worth feeling good over.

Kris reached down and ruffled Noelle’s hair. “Proud of you.”

Them saying that certainly didn’t help with her mental state either.

Kris got up and went over to the sink, tossing the toy inside before taking a moment to survey the living room. They hummed and blew a burst of breath into their cheek, obviously taking their time to appraise what they wanted to do next.

“Hey Susie?” they asked.

Susie perked up. “What’s up?”

“Do you think that table can support the weight of these two while we fuck them?” Kris asked.

Susie got up and made her way over to the table as well, pressing down upon it to see just how sturdy it was. “Well, this isn’t Ikea furniture so…” She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth before taping the wood with her knuckles. “I’d hope that it’s sturdy enough for something like that.”

“Sweet,” Kris said, turning to face the two submissives as they snapped their fingers together. “Bend over the table with your asses in the air.”

Zelda opened her mouth to speak.

“No,” Kris interrupted. “I’m not letting you out of that cage. You’ll cum when I feel like it and not a moment sooner. Am I understood?”

Zelda huffed and got up, growling as she balled her hands into fists. Still, she obeyed and strutted over to the table, bending over the edge of it with her ass in the air. She even wiggled her hips which resulted in Kris coming over and slapping her firmly across the rump.

Susie meanwhile got up and made her way towards the bedroom, going off to find herself a cock to fuck her new toy with.

This left Noelle who stumbled over to the table and bent over it herself. She looked across at Zelda who offered her a playful smile.

“You do know that we’ll eventually have to work on our group project, correct?” Zelda teased.

Noelle sighed. “I know…”

“Oh relax. Between the four of us I’m sure we’ll get it done in an hour or two tops,” Kris replied. “If it gets too late then Zelda can stay over for the night. Our bed is big enough for an extra person.”

They knelt behind Zelda and Noelle heard a lock click open and something thud into Kris’ palm. It was a small metal cage which they showed off to Noelle before placing it upon the kitchen island.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to let me out,” Zelda chided.

Kris snorted. “I had a quick change of heart. Plus, I want Noelle to see you cum.” They winked at Noelle. “Her O-face is so fucking cute. You have no idea.”

Noelle snickered. “I can only imagine.”

“I mean I have pictures if you’re interested,” Kris said, flashing a dangerous smile. “Zelda nearly has as big of an exhibitionism kink as yourself.”

Zelda’s cheeks burned and she looked away, obviously not able to deny that statement.

A moment later, Susie came out of their bedroom with an impressive erection bobbing in the air. She had opted for one with a hefty knot at the base and a nice speared tip. It was one that Noelle was intimately familiar with.

“Ah a woman of taste,” Zelda quipped. “I too am quite partial to the Glyph model as well.”

Susie snorted and came over. “Why am I not surprised that you know a Bad Human toy by name?”

As she stood behind Zelda, she placed a bottle of lube and hand towel next to her. At the same time, Kris came over and took up position behind Noelle, placing their hands upon her hips.

“Hey Noelle?” Kris chimed in a sing-song voice.

Noelle shivered. “Yes, My Knight?”

“I was wondering if you’d like to try anal today?” Kris asked.

Noelle froze, thinking about it. She had never really had anything up there before. And the idea of suddenly having her partner jammed in there, fucking her forcefully, was a rather daunting concept to take into consideration.

“I…” Noelle bit her lip and looked off to the side. “I don’t really want to.” She then flinched. “I’m sorry”

“That’s fine,” Kris said though promptly paused. “Though how about a plug up there while I fuck your pussy instead?”

Now that seemed like a more modest and attainable goal.

So, Noelle nodded. “Y-yeah that sounds pretty fun actually.”

“Hell yeah,” Kris beamed.

They quickly scampered away to the bedroom, leaving Noelle to watch as Susie started to squirt lube onto two of her fingers, spreading the slickness evenly across them. Once both of them were positively glistening with fluids, she then reached down and pressed one against Zelda’s tight little pucker.

Zelda drew in a breath. “Holy shit, these are…” She shuddered. “T-thick.”

“Sorry bud if you wanted smaller fingers then you should’ve throated better,” Susie teased, pushing her finger carefully inside. “But don’t worry, they’re only sharp when I want them to be sharp. So, you don’t have to worry about that.”

A thin moan escaped Zelda’s lips as she shivered against the table. Susie pumped her finger away at a slow but steady pace, working her way deeper and deeper. Once she’d gotten in to about the second knuckle, she drew her finger back and instead used a second one, attempting to push two into Zelda’s backdoor.

This seemed to excite Zelda as a more pronounced note of pleasure escaped her lips. Though the progress was even slower with Susie being even more careful as she worked her way inside.

Kris came back and placed a modestly sized plug upon the table before holding out their hand to Susie. They didn’t even need to ask for the lube as Susie tossed them the bottle without comment.

“I promise that this will be nice and easy,” Kris explained, pouring some of the lube into their palm and working it into the toy.

They didn’t stop until the whole thing was glistening. At which point, they started to press it against Noelle’s pucker.

Noelle gasped and tensed, unsure of how she felt about pressure against her backdoor. It took a lot of willpower but she attempted to relax, knowing that she could trust Kris, knowing that they wouldn’t lead her astray.

Kris drew in a breath and started to apply a little more force. And it seemed that this was all it would take as the plug started to push inside, growing a little thicker with every inch it advanced. Thankfully, the lube made the process that much easier, allowing it to slip all the way in and sink deep into her backdoor.

Noelle gasped as her hole clenched around the base, feeling the modest plug inside of her. The sensation was a little foreign but not bad by any definition of the word. It was pleasant, feeling her walls cradling around the silicon.

She could feel her lips glistening with anticipation as she rubbed her thighs together, sensing her arousal start to drain along her coat and soak into her fur.

“That is…” Noelle drew in a breath. “That is actually really freaking nice.”

“Told you that you’d like it,” Kris teased. They patted Noelle on the rump before looking across at Zelda. “How are Susie’s fingers?”

“B-big,” Zelda whined.

Susie drew her fingers out and instead grabbed the bottle of lube again, pouring it into the palm of her hand. She then started to stroke the fluid into her faux shaft. Back and forth her hand glided, ensuring that the whole thing was drenched by the time she was finished.

Kris, meanwhile, took up position behind Noelle and started to wiggle out of their skirt. A moment later, Noelle felt something familiar prodding against her soaking wet lower lips. One of her Knight’s hands reached forth and firmly grasped one of her antlers, holding onto it for leverage as they took their sweet time prodding at her sex, toying with her.

Susie seemed to take Kris’ lead as she finally poked at Zelda’s tight little pucker with her own erection. Noelle couldn’t imagine how something like this was going to fit, considering how much her own pucker contended with the far smaller plug that was currently nestled deep within.

Then in unison, Kris started to push into her cunt as Susie started to press into Zelda’s rump. Noelle moaned as she was slowly filled. Though more impressively, she watched as Zelda seemed to handle Susie’s strap with shocking ease, her own voice rising into quite the lustful song.

“H-how?” Noelle whined.

Zelda smirked. “I have…” She gasped as Susie drew back before pumping into her rather firmly. “I have an ample collection of larger toys back home.”

Kris also started to buck their hips, pumping away at Noelle’s folds at a steady pace.

Susie snorted. “I can see why you kept Zelda around.”

“Nearly as good as our little doe over here,” Kris teased.

The two Doms had adopted a slow but steady pace, working their way in at a reliable rhythm. Though it didn’t take long for either of them to pick up the tempo, pumping away with a little more speed and fury. Soon there was the clap of flesh against flesh, hips smacking against plush backsides over and over again.

Noelle whined as Kris’s hips slapped roughly against her with every thrust, growing more and more frequent with every second.

“How does it feel to get fucked in front of one of your friends?” Kris groaned, plapping away with no reluctance. “Knowing that she can see every little ounce of pleasure plastered upon your face.”

Noelle flushed and tried to look away though obviously this was a futile endeavour as Kris’ grip upon her antlers forced her gaze forwards and onto Zelda. At the very least, Zelda also seemed to be utterly in the zone, her beak partially opened and a groaning moan slipping free.

“Knowing you, you’re probably getting off to the idea of being seen like this.” Kris scoffed. “Who am I kidding? I can feel you clenching around me whenever I tease the idea. I can feel just how wet you are little doe. I know how horny it makes you being bred in front of other people.”

Their hips picked up the pace as they pumped away with even more speed, slapping their cock into her hole again and again. The sensation was blissful, euphoric, making her entire body tingle as her g-spot was prodded with such reliability. Her moans rose and the pleasure inside of her was so intense, an inferno that seemed like it could burn for an eternity.

Kris snorted. “I’m going to put a fawn in you, little doe, I’m going to breed you for real and let Zelda know just how much I own you.” They chuckled and slapped her roughly across the ass with their hand. “Because when you walk around school with my child inside of you, she’ll know just how it got there.”

Noelle’s eyes went wide.

The secret technique.

Her voice rose to a new level and Kris took advantage of that, pumping away at her soaking wet sex, hammering into her with little delay or reluctance. Their hips were practically a blur, their tempo so furious and relentless.

Noelle knew that she had a breeding kink. What she didn’t know was that Kris somehow knew about it as well.

Though Kris seemed to pick up on this as they let out a breathy note of amusement, managing a haggard chuckle over their pace. “You need to get better at deleting your browser history, slut.”

As Noelle looked to Zelda, she saw that her friend was also being pounded into the table with Susie showing about as much restraint as Kris. Susie’s hips were also a blur, ceaseless in their endeavours as they clapped away with such fury.

A faint groan filled the air, coming from Zelda as drool puddled beside her beak.

“You still with me, dork,” Susie jeered.

“Y-yeah,” Zelda moaned.

Noelle reached out with a hand and so did Zelda the two of them meeting somewhere in the middle and holding onto one another. Zelda squeezed firmly though Noelle didn’t mind, squeezing back and allowing their hands to linger together, using each other for support.

She could feel that she was being swiftly brought to the brink as Kris’ words meddled with her resolve. All she could think about was the seed that was about to go inside of her, the seed that was just brimming with their fertility.

It was enough to make Noelle moan even louder than before, balancing right on the precipice.

“Fucking slut,” Kris grunted.

Noelle closed her eyes and let out such frantic bursts of breath. There was something divine about having two of her holes getting stuffed. She didn’t think that she’d like something in her butt so much but a part of her craved something beefer than just this mere plug.

Curse Kris for waking up a new fetish that she hadn’t been aware that she possessed. How did they know more about her than herself?

“I’m close,” Kris groaned.

Susie snorted. “I don’t think Zelda’s going to last much longer.”

Zelda let out a giggle that was corrupted by her own relentless moans. “You’re treating my prostate like the ‘A’ button in Mario Party, Susie, of course I’m not going to…” She gasped as an intense shiver crawled up her spine, brought about by a rather rough thrust from Susie. “Last longgggg!”

Susie tried to keep a serious scowl but couldn’t help but let out a series of giggling snorts. Not that they seemed to stop her from hammering into the girl’s pussy, smashing into it with the knot over and over again with no restraint.

“You’re such a fucking dweeb,” Susie chastised. Though there was no real anger to her tone.

Kris’ body shivered and so did Noelle’s. It was obvious that they were both nearing their respective climaxes. Slowly, Kris’ pace started to taper off as they traded raw speed for forcefulness instead, clapping their hips firmly against Noelle’s backside a few more times in quick succession.

Noelle slipped over the edge, crying out and splattering her juices back against them. Her walls clenched firmly around their cock, embracing it in her soaking wet warmth.

Though Kris wasn’t far behind as they managed one final thrust, plunging deep inside. They grunted as their cock twitched against Noelle’s tight inner walls.

Soon a flood of seed came rushing forth, a single spurt that erupted and coated her pussy in a sticky sheen. It was followed by a second and third, though they were both far weaker than that initial burst of fertility. By the time the torrent had ceased, she was already starting to leak with Kris’ cum.

Kris patted her on the backside and chuckled. “There, that should be good for at least one or two fawns.”

Noelle snorted. “Is that so?”

Kris drew back, pulling out of her pussy with a slurp of fluids, their combined arousal gushing out and soaking into the coat of Noelle’s quivering thighs. She mewed softly at the sudden absence before gasping as Kris unceremoniously pulled the butt plug out of her without warning. They even snickered like an absolute bastard after doing it.

Zelda suddenly gasped and Noelle looked towards her, watching as she rode through her final motions as well. She quivered against the table and cried out, rocking forwards in conjunction with Susie’s powerful thrusts. Her own orgasm lasted for a few bliss moments until it came to an inevitable end as well, leaving her a shaky mess.

Susie drew back, also pulling out with a nice wet slurp which caused Zelda to whine.

“Fuck,” Zelda groaned.

“Hope I didn’t give it to you too rough,” Susie teased.

Zelda smirked. “I think I’ll survive.”

Susie lumbered away with the strap-on tangling between her legs, making her way towards their bedroom. She winked at Noelle before slipping inside, likely to go clean up the mess of fluids that now lingered upon her faux shaft.

Kris came over with a couple bottles of water, giving one to each of the submissives. It was an offer which both of them seemed thankful for as they cracked them open and started to down them rather quickly.

“Surprised you didn’t gag me this time,” Zelda teased.

Kris smirked. “I don’t need to worry about my mom hearing us in this apartment. Plus, you didn’t really say anything that deserves getting gagged over.”

Zelda batted her lashes. “Is that so?”

Kris’ gaze narrowed.

“So, for no reason whatsoever, I will now begin to discuss Elon Husky’s new TED Talk,” Zelda declared.

Kris snorted and drew away from the table before taking a single step towards their bedroom. “I stand corrected.”

Though neither of them seemed to take this seriously as they both ended up snickering instead.

Kris instead came over to Noelle and ruffled her hair. “Sorry to pull that breeding kink on you like that.”

“It was so fucking hot,” Noelle whispered.

Kris glanced towards Zelda and then pointed to the spot behind Noelle. It took Noelle a moment to remember the second part of their bet.

Though it didn’t seem like Zelda had forgotten about it at all as she peeled herself away from the table. A strand of something thin and nearly translucent connected the tip of her softened erection to the wood. Though it abruptly severed as she drew away.

Obediently, she came around and settled onto her knees behind Noelle. Though she didn’t dive in right away, instead lingering just behind her.

It seemed that they were waiting upon Kris who tilted their chin at her. With their silent command given, Zelda dipped forwards and pressed her beak against Noelle’s lower lips. She was tender in her actions, exploring cautiously with her tongue and collecting the abundant fluids that still coated Noelle’s lower lips.

Noelle flushed and let out a thin moan, shivering under Zelda’s tongue. The girl soon worked at a quicker pace, swirling her tongue around in tight little circles. It wasn’t long before Noelle was left moaning, her eyes wide as she was treated in such a fashion. It would seem that she was still a little tender from her prior orgasm.

Though just as abruptly, Zelda drew back, smacking her beak together.

“Nice and clean,” she declared, sounding quite proud of herself. “By the way, I really do appreciate you adding a little more citrus to your diet, Kris.” She snorted. “I remember this being far less pleasant when you only ate ramen.”

Kris rolled their eyes. “What do you think, Noelle, happy with her service?”

Noelle smirked. “Uh huh.”

“Then you’re free to go Zelda,” Kris said.

Zelda nodded and got to her feet, wobbling a little as she made her way towards the living room.

Kris watched her for a moment before making their way towards the kitchen. “Still, getting back to the breeding kink thing, I really should’ve gotten prior permission to pull that on you.” They opened the fridge and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and taking a sip. “Don’t want to put you in a bad position in front of Zelda or anything.”

“Don’t worry Noelle,” Zelda teased, flopping down upon the loveseat. “I’ll have you know that I have an oviposition fetish. It’s really the intellectual woman’s breeding kink if you really think about it.”

Noelle snorted. “Is that so?”

Zelda nodded. “The things I’d do if I had an actual cloaca.”

Susie came back out and lumbered towards the sofa, plopping down upon it. She then patted her lap and Noelle took the hint, coming over and sitting down upon it. Her girlfriend then wrapped her strong arms around her and kissed her upon the cheek.

Zelda was soon joined by Kris, the two of them spooning one another. It was a little strange to see them so intimate but Noelle couldn’t deny that they looked kind of cute together.

“So, I’m thinking we should order some pizza,” Kris said.

Noelle nodded. “Yeah, pizza sounds good.”

Susie and Zelda both nodded in agreement.

“We should really do this again sometime,” Noelle said, taking a sip of water. “I had a lot of fun today.”

Zelda smirked. “Regardless of fun, we’ll likely have to do this again.” She scoffed. “After all, we’ve made about zero progress on our PowerPoint.”

Noelle groaned and bumped her head against Susie’s shoulder. “I fucking forgot about that.” She closed her eyes. “I don’t want to work on that after sex!”

“Well, you’ll have to,” Kris teased. “Because we’re going back to Hometown for the study break tomorrow so like… it either gets done tonight or you’re doing it the second we get back home which I don’t think is very much your style.”

“You’re a cruel Dom, Dreemurr,” Noelle grumbled.

Kris smirked. “Sometimes that’s what a sub needs.”

“Come on, between the four of us I’m sure we can knock this PowerPoint out pretty quickly,” Susie said, rubbing at Noelle’s shoulder. “We can grab some dinner then get right to it.”

Noelle sighed. “Yeah.”

Zelda looked down at her phone, her expression hard to read. “Oh, are you all going back to Hometown for the study break.”

“Yeah, do you need a ride?” Susie asked.

Zelda chuckled though it was a rather hollow note of laughter. “Nah, I’m uh… I’m good, thanks. Don’t really have anyone to stay with back in Hometown.”

There was a silence that settled upon the room, lingering for an uncomfortable amount of time.

Noelle bit her lip, not liking this silence. She didn’t like it one bit.

“So, what games are you looking forward to this year?” Kris asked, rubbing Zelda’s arm.

Zelda smirked. “Well, I know they’re making a New Dragon Blazers game so I’m pretty hyped to take a look at that. Apparently, they’re completely moving that series away from being a traditional JRPG and making it into much more of an action game. Though I suppose they were already doing that with the last one.”

“Are they still making those? Noelle asked, grinning. “Me and my dad used to play them when he was in the hospital.”

“They’re good games and I’m excited to see the new direction they’re being taken in,” Zelda explained before shaking her head. “Though hopefully they learned from their mistakes and don’t release another half-baked entry. It was pretty disappointing seeing that with the last one.”

“I thought the road trip stuff was neat,” Susie said, scritching Noelle behind the ear. “Just a bunch of bros going around camping and shit.”

Zelda shrugged. “I mean sure but it took at least a dozen updates before the end game was made even half decent.”

Noelle grabbed her phone and went over to a local pizza place’s app. “Anyways, what kind of pizza do we want?”

Kris grinned. “Meat lovers.”

Susie nodded. “Meat lovers.”

“Spicy chicken,” Zelda chimed in.

Kris lifted a brow. “Does that count as vore?”

“Hardy harr harr,” Zelda chided, rolling her eyes. “Maybe I’m into that, did you consider that?”

“Well, you are trans?” Kris teased.

Zelda glared at them. “What does that mean?”

“Oh…” Kris smirked. “I’m sure you can figure it out.”


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