Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 27: CH 26.2

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“Ning, Classmate Ning…” Mu Wanqing’s timid voice sounded.

Upon seeing that face full of gratitude of hers, Ning Yi knew what she was going to say and hastily rushed to cut her off first. “No need to thank me. I only subconsciously reached out just now. If you really let me think clearly, I definitely won’t help a second time.”

Mu Wanqing raised her head, looking at the other person pretending to be unfeeling. She gripped the safety knot in her hand, which was already coming apart a little because of tugging, and still stubbornly but sincerely gave Ning Yi a bow. “Really, really thank you so much.”

“Aiya, it’s almost time for class, let’s hurry. Stop talking to the unlucky ugly here, really unlucky enough…” Duan Beilei hooked Yan Ziyun’s arm, bluntly staring at Mu Wanqing.

Yan Ziyun relaxed her two clenched fists, seamlessly stroked the nail marks in her palms, and spoke, her expression looking not so good: “Let’s go.”

Yang Zhenzhen, who was left behind, found that no one had blamed her. She hurriedly ran to catch up. “Ziyun, Beilei, wait for me.”

Ju Meng suddenly whispered to Ning Yi. “They’re really… Obviously it was Yang Zhenzhen who took Mu Wanqing’s stuff, caused her to almost fall down, and also caused you to meet with a calamity. And they still have the nerve to scold her for being a jinx. I think Yang Zhenzhen probably deliberately let go just now.”

Saying this, she glanced at Mu Wanqing holding onto the stair railing, muttering, “I think she’s also rather pitiful. Her hand seems to still be trembling…”

Lkdt Zk vbswtbv qsa y ckv yde pyke, “Zsw’al osaakle ycswv bla yb? Mbld usw ypj bla kq pbl dllep vs ts vs vbl kdqkaxyau!”

Kw Yldt vokvnble bla zkrp. “Tso nyd R cl osaakle qsa bla yb? Kwpv… kv oypd’v lhld saktkdyzzu bla qywzv vseyu… fwpv rkvukdt bla.”

Lkdt Zk vwadle bla blye, zssjkdt yv bla zkjl pbl oyp pxkzkdt ulv dsv pxkzkdt. Kw Yldt rwaple bla zkrp, zktbvzu bwxrble, yde pweeldzu vwadle yoyu vs zssj vsoyae Yw Eydikdt, yojoyaezu ypjkdt, “Tlu, usw, usw’al sjyu, aktbv? Ps usw dlle xl vs ts vs vbl kdqkaxyau okvb usw yb?”

Yw Eydikdt nzlyazu eked’v lmrlnv vbyv Kw Yldt, obs wpwyzzu pllxle vs byhl y cye srkdksd sq bla, oswze pweeldzu osaau ycswv bla. Fbl czydjle caklqzu clqsal bwxczu oyhkdt bla byde alrlyvlezu. “R, R’x qkdl, vbydj usw qsa uswa nsdnlad, Uzyppxyvl Kw Yldt.”

“Ebs’p nsdnladle ycswv usw yb, kxytkdkdt vbkdtp cu uswaplzq…” Kw Yldt qasodle, xwxczkdt. Fbl pweeldzu pyo vbyv sd vbl akdt qkdtla sq vbl byde vbyv Yw Eydikdt bye zkqvle, vblal oyp y qykdv vaynl sq czsse, rascyczu nwv cu vbl elnsayvkhl clyep sd vbl pyqlvu jdsv obld pbl oyp vwttkdt okvb Zydt Hbldgbld clqsal.

Fbl vpjle, vyjkdt swv y ascsv nyv rakdvle cyde-yke qasx bla calypvrsnjlv, oyzjle shla kd vos pvlrp, yde pvwqqle kv kdvs Yw Eydikdt’p byde. “Rv’p ycswv vs lmrkal yduoyu, qsavwdyvlzu qsa usw.”

Gqvla prlyjkdt, Kw Yldt ayd esod okvb qykdvzu ale nblljp yde eayttle Lkdt Zk esodpvykap.

Yw Eydikdt zsolale bla lulp vs zssj yv vbl Psaylxyd sd vbl rynjytkdt sq vbl cyde-yke, y cakzzkydv pxkzl czsppsxkdt qasx vbl nsadlap sq bla zkrp. Fbl zlydle ytykdpv vbl aykzkdt yde zswezu pbswvle clzso, “Mbydj usw qsa uswa cyde-yke, Uzyppxyvl Kw Yldt!”

“Ah, is there an end to her? I already said it was going to expire soon, so bothersome ah…”

Ju Meng rather embarrassedly complained in a small voice, her speed at dragging Ning Yi downstairs also sped up a bit.

Fang Ci turned to the side to let these girls by before running upstairs in large strides.

He slightly panted as he climbed up. Arriving at the back door of the classroom, he happened to see Lu Xu Nan in a tank top holding a bottle of Baiyun White Medicinal Spray, his posture a little awkward as he applied medicine to his shoulder.

“Are you okay, Brother Nan?” Fang Xi went over and discovered that the injured area was already looking a little black and blue. Evidently, the fall that it took before wasn’t light. “I just knew you definitely got hurt from falling. Am I not carrying your jersey with me here?”

He asked, a little unable to understand, “You’ve already been hurt like this, why don’t you tell little sister-in-law… Ning Yi ah? If she knew, won’t she be touched to death ah?”

“Little girl, so much to say, bothersome.” Lu Xu Nan put down the bottle and rolled his shoulder.

Fang Ci looked at his injury again and worriedly asked, “You’re really okay? Can you still play ball? How about we push today’s match back.”

Lu Xu Nan retrieved his jersey from his bag and directly put it on, indifferently saying, “No problem, I know myself. It’s just He Bing that scoundrel, I can squeeze him to death with one hand.”

There was a match between Class 1 and Class 3. Not only were people from the two classes fired up, other classes that had gym at the same time were also attracted, especially the girls. Hearing that Lu Xu Nan was there, they were even more incessantly excited, forming an impenetrable crowd around the ball court.

Ju Meng dragged Ning Yi to stand under their class’s basket, pleased with herself, and said, “Look, it’s good that I made you walk a little faster, or else how would we have gotten such an exceptionally good spot!”

Ning Yi took a look at the burning sun in the sky, then looked at all the girls with their phones up, screaming, and helplessly thought: But I’m actually not interested in basketball at all ah… This kind of weather, how comfortable it would be to buy an ice cream and go back to enjoy the fan in the classroom ah?

The basketball match very quickly began.

The first ball was ruthlessly smacked down with an absolutely superior slap by Lu Xu Nan, who jumped up high.


“So handsome ah, my god!!! That jumping posture, slapping action! I can!!!”

Ning Yi rubbed her ears, looking at Lu Xu Nan running on the court, and flattened her mouth.

Shouting so excitedly, if one didn’t know, they would even have thought it was a slam dunk…

Following the progression of the match, Ning Yi had to admit, when Lu Xu Nan was playing ball, he really was agile and valiant.

His jumping ability was very good, his palm wide, and his fingers long. So long as he was under the basket, the other party’s shot would be blocked eight or nine times out of ten. Even if he was tightly guarded by two or three people in a row from the other team, he could still find an opportunity to shoot a three pointer from afar from time to time.

Even more needless to say, he was quick-witted, able to calmly judge the situation at all times and helping his own team adjust defense or attack tactics.

The first round, Class 1 dominantly took the lead with a huge difference in scores 15:4.

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A whistle sounded and the youths on the court high-fived in celebration one after another. Off the court as well, there was a cry of “Lu Xu Nan”.

Fang Ci excitedly hit Lu Xu Nan’s shoulder, “Brother Nan is really my Brother Nan. Awesome!”

Lu Xu Nan pressed his shoulder with a “sss” sound and said, “Be lighter.”

“What’s wrong? Can it hold up?” Fang Xi worriedly asked.

Lu Xu Nan moved a bit, using the wristband to wipe the sweat on his head, and said, “It’s fine, you watch the basket in the latter half of the game.”

A standard basketball game had four rounds, but because they had limited time, they only split it into two rounds and played half a game.

Fang Ci immediately nodded. “Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

The two minded their own business as they talked and didn’t notice that in the direction of the Class 3 team, He Bing with a crew cut was darkly staring at the two of them.

After the brief break time, the two teams changed sides.

After the latter half of the game started, Lu Xu Nan clearly felt like the pressure on him had increased.

Not only this, He Bing seemed to have discovered that his left shoulder was injured. When he was guarding, he always intentionally or unintentionally attacked according to the position of his shoulder.

Once or twice, it could still be considered a coincidence. Through the lesser half of the match, the frequency with which Lu Xu Nan rubbed his shoulder increased.

Fang Ci’s teeth itched with anger. “He Bing, this b*tch, he can’t win so he plays dirty!”

He Bing clearly played dirty often. The strength he used wasn’t light but his actions were covert. Intentionally bumping so many times, and the referee only called one foul.

Seeing He Bing directly rush at their basket about to shoot, Lu Xu Nan who had been “cared for” by him for the greater half of the game also had his temper flare up. With a fake move, he dodged and avoided the two people guarding in front of him, jumping with He Bing at the same time. Not caring about the pain, he raised his arm up high and ruthlessly smacked the other party’s ball that was already on the rim of the basket away!

When he landed, Lu Xu Nan raised his brow as he looked at He Bing, smirking. “Good game.”

He Bing was panting, the veins on his arm were showing. He retreated a few steps, shouting to his teammates, “Keep passing the ball to me!”

The two people seemed to play hard like they’d staked it all on a ‘either you die or I live’. As long as Class 3 got the ball, it became a showdown between Lu Xu Nan and He Bing beneath the basket.

After Lu Xu Nan, like slapping his face, blocked him four times consecutively, at the fifth time, He Bing, who had gotten the ball, maliciously glanced at his left shoulder.

Lu Xu Nan only saw He Bing’s action clearly after he had jumped, then discovered that this ball of the other party’s wasn’t meant for the basket at all, it was rushing towards him!

After knowing the other side’s intention, he used the valiant tendency to stagnate in mid trajectory to twist his body in midair, avoiding the basketball that He Bing smashed at his shoulder.

But like this, the basketball then directly flew toward the crowd watching under the basketball rack…

Looking at the basketball hurtling toward her, Ning Yi had only one thought left in her mind–

I already said, why watch basketball! Isn’t it great to sit in the classroom eating ice cream?


The basketball was blocked by an arm that stretched out from the side out of nowhere.

“Sss–” Xu Xing Ji covered his own arm and turned his head to look at Ning Yi. “You’re okay, right?”

Ning Yi raised her head. Seeing the other person’s head covered in sweat, she didn’t know if it was from the sun or the pain. “I’m fine! I didn’t get hit anyway! What about you?”

Xu Xing Ji could still laugh. “It’s good that you’re okay.”

He laughed while he directly inhaled from the pain.

Ning Yi was shocked. She hastily pulled out his arm. “Did it hit very hard? Is it very painful?”

Xu Xing Ji cooperatively lifted his arm, showing the slightly red and swollen area, exposing his white teeth. “Oh, it hurts quite a bit..”

Ning Yi then pulled his other wrist, leading him as she pressed toward the outside of the crowd. “Then I’ll take you to the infirmary for a look.”

Pressing his shoulder, Lu Xu Nan, who witnessed all this on the court, directly clenched his teeth in anger. “F*ck!”

This white cut chicken!!!

The author has something to say:

Lu & Xu, Round 2 – the hero saving the beauty

Little Lu suffers a crushing defeat once again.

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