Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 28: CH 27.1

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He Bing’s action was too obvious. Fang Ci exploded upon seeing it and not even caring that they were still playing, he rushed over and grabbed the other person’s jersey, shouting, “F*ck your mom, He Bing, you scoundrel! Are you a sore loser ah? Playing so dirty!”

“Who’s a f*cking sore loser? Aren’t collisions very normal when playing basketball?!” He Bing refused to admit it.

Fang Ci was angry. Pointing at the basket, he scolded, “The basket is right over your f*cking head! Where did you throw the ball? If it wasn’t for my Brother Nan’s fast reaction, would you have scored if you hit him or what? You can’t win at playing ball so you deliberately hit people ah?”

He Bing shoved Fang Ci’s hand away, fixed his own clothes, and responded, “Who’s the one that wants to hit people ah? I respectably and honestly played ball. Aren’t you the one who rushed up and wanted to hit people?”

Fang Ci was half dead from anger. He clenched his fist and went up again. “Damn, you want a thrashing, right? Laozi will kindly help your dad teach his son!”

The students on the side immediately rushed forth to hold him back, urging him not to be angry.

Fang Ci couldn’t move as he was held back. He pointed at He Bing as he shouted, “I’m telling you, He Bing, if my Brother Nan didn’t hurt his shoulder today, you can take the ball from his hands with you sh*tty skills? You f*cking deliberately attacked my Brother Nan’s shoulder so many times today, you think the rest of us are all blind if you just hide it from the referee!?”

— “I said Lu Xu Nan’s movements today seem different from usual. So it turns out he’s injured ah?”

— “Ls osdela R jlrv pllkdt Nw Dw Lyd awc bkp pbswzela kd vbl xkeezl rsavksd. Ewowow, Yu Qse Nw kp vss pvasdt. Tl oldv kd oswdele yde pvkzz nawpble bkp srrsdldv!”

— “Kwpv dso, qasx swa rskdv sq hklo, ol pyo kv yzz nzlyazu. Mbyv rzyula qasx Uzypp 3 alyzzu rwzzle y zsv sq rlvvu xydlwhlap. Bdqsavwdyvlzu, vbl alqlall eked’v nyzz kv.”

— “Ebld eakcczkdt, bl lhld rwarsplzu ayd kdvs rlsrzl, nywpkdt y qswz qsa Uzypp 1’p elqldpl, vss lhkz.”

— “Ebyv vbl q*nj. Slyzzu pbyxlzlpp, bl pvkzz byp vbl dlahl vs iwkcczl dso.”

Pkpnwppksd kd vbl pwaaswdekdt nasoe aspl. Tl Jkdt zspv xsal yde xsal qynl. Tl zkqvle vbl blx sq bkp flaplu yde okrle bkp qynl, nwapkdt, “W*nj, R’x dsv rzyukdt!”

Mbl nasoe kxxlekyvlzu pswdele okvb y cwapv sq “css”p. Tl Jkdt’p qynl oyp talld yde ale. Tl yttalppkhlzu pbshle vbaswtb vbl nasoe yde zlqv.

Wydt Uk zssjle kd vbl ekalnvksd vbl svbla rlapsd zlqv kd yde zsyvbkdtzu pryv, vbld vwadle yaswde vs zssj yv Nw Dw Lyd.

Only to see his Brother Nan with a gloomy face, a hand kneading his left shoulder, staring at the place under the basketball rack, spacing out.

Fang Ci took a look in that direction. A sea of black, it was all heads. He didn’t see anything significant.

Just now, all his attention was on He Bing. Shrouded in anger by that scoundrel, he simply didn’t pay attention to the sidelines, so he didn’t know the situation. He went over to Lu Xu Nan’s side and asked, “What’s wrong, Brother Nan? Is your shoulder okay?”

Lu Xu Nan withdrew his gaze, his tone just slightly peeved that even he didn’t notice. “What problem can I have? I’m very fine!”

Fang Ci didn’t think he was “very fine” at all. He reached out, lifted Lu Xu Nan’s jersey, took a look inside, and discovered that the scapular region was all bruised. He immediately dragged him to the infirmary.

Lu Xu Nan lifted his hand and threw him off. Turning in the direction of the small convenience store, he muffledly said, “Go for what? I know my situation. It’ll be fine after I spray it a few times when I go back.”

Fang Ci couldn’t do anything else. He could only catch up with him.

Ning Yi dragged Xu Xing Ji as she squeezed out of the crowd before letting go.

Xu Xing Ji’s skin was very fair, increasingly setting off the incredibly red and swollen area that was hit by the basketball. On top of that, it was dirty.

Ning Yi took two looks, pulled out a napkin from her pocket, and gave it to him. She said, “Wipe it?”

Xu Xing Ji took it, smiling as he thanked her.

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Ning Yi was even more embarrassed, she hurriedly said, “I should be thanking you instead. If not for you, I probably would’ve become a pig’s head.”

Xi Xing Ji looked at her after hearing this. His tone was earnest as he said, “How can that be? Your face isn’t even as big as my palm. Even if you’d been hit, it wouldn’t swell to become a pig’s head.”

Ning Yi was surprised. A little uncertainly, she thought: Was he praising her small face? And so smoothly? This person was a veteran member in the praising group chat, right? Simply too good at praising people ah!

Xi Xing Ji used the napkin to wipe the dirt on his arm. He hissed, then smiled again and said, “But fortunately I blocked it, or else; even if you won’t become a pig head,  it’s still really quite painful. Girls don’t have to experience it.”

Looking at the smile at the corner of the other person’s lips, Ning Yi was incredibly moved.

What was a gentleman? What was gentle? This was exactly that ah!

Listen to how he speaks. Dog Lu should properly learn from him.

“You’re really… too good. I must be your friend!” Ning Yi earnestly said, “After you’re done with the infirmary, I’ll treat you to a meal!”

Xu Xing Ji’s beautiful peach blossom eyes curved. “Okay, then I’ll thank my new friend in advance~”

The infirmary wasn’t very far from the basketball court. The two very quickly arrived.

The doctor treated Xu Xing Ji’s wound and prescribed a medicinal oil that improved blood circulation and prevented internal clotting. Ning Yi scrambled to get the medicine and pay the bill.

Just as she finished paying, she saw Ju Meng panting as she ran in from the entrance.

“Yiyi, Lu, Lu…”

Ning Yi supported her. “What is it? Take a breath, talk slower.”

Ju Meng was recording with her phone at the time. The basketball flew straight over and even scared her into dropping her phone.

She then let Ning Yi take the person to the infirmary first and catch up after she picked up her phone. Who knew that when she fished out her phone from under the crowd’s feet, she raised her head and saw that it seemed like there was about to be a fight on the court.

Ju Meng stood there and listened to the whole story. Only then did she know that Lu Xu Nan was actually playing in the match with an injury.

Looking at the spot the other person was holding, she immediately recalled that when he protected Ning Yi from taking the fall at the stairs before, the first part to hit the ground was precisely his left shoulder!

“When your family’s Nan gege saved you on the stairs, he hurt his shoulder. Just now, Fang Ci almost fought with someone from Class 3, saying that He Bing kept purposely bumping into his injury when they were playing. He’s simply too much! Before I came, I saw that it seemed like he couldn’t even lift his left arm. It seems like the injury is also rather serious.”

Ju Meng took a breath, saying all of her guesses and what she heard and saw all at once.

Ning Yi opened her mouth, digesting a bit before she said, “Then why didn’t he say it just now ah?”

Ju Meng didn’t really understand either. She frowned and thought about it, guessing, “Maybe… Oh, it’s cooler this way?”

Ning Yi almost laughed in anger. She took out her phone and made a call while she scolded under her breath, “Still cool? I think he hit his head and went silly!”

She made two consecutive calls. Lu Xu Nan didn’t pick up any of them.

Ju Meng reminded her, “They don’t carry their phones when they play ball. All their stuff is in the locker room. But when I came to find you, I think I heard they were going to the small convenience store!”

Ning Yi put down her phone, about to go find him. But lowering her head, she saw the medicinal oil in her hand and remembered there was another person inside.

She stuffed the bag with the medicine into Ju Meng’s hands. She told her to pass it to Xu Xing Ji and on the way, tell him– She had something today. She will treat him to a meal next time.

Then she hurriedly ran outside…

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