Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 30: CH 28.1

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Lu Xu Nan brought a chair and sat down at the end of the bed. Pursing his lips, he looked at Ning Yi for two seconds and quietly moved it again to the head of the bed, next to the cabinet beside the bed.

Looking at Ning Yi lying quietly on the bed with her eyes closed, he discovered that her face that was previously red from the sun outside was now deathly pale. She looked like a fragile porcelain doll and seemed completely different from that bouncing and lively girl that always revolved around him.

The more Lu Xu Nan looked, the more he felt it looked wrong.

The deathly pale complexion looked wrong, the colorless and nearly transparent lips looked wrong, the wet locks of hair at her temples also looked wrong.

He reached out and pushed the strands of hair sticking to Ning Yi’s cheek aside. Feeling the cold sweat on his fingertips, he thus shifted the blanket that the school doctor covered her with up a little higher.

There was tissue on the bedside cabinet. Lu Xu Nan pulled two out, folded them, and dabbed Ning Yi’s face to soak up the sweat with very light movements.

His line of sight inadvertently fell on her eyes. Lu Xu Nan’s eyebrows rose.

Her eyelashes were quite long.

Nkjl vbl pnbssz esnvsa pyke, Lkdt Zk kdelle osjl wr hlau iwknjzu.

Nw Dw Lyd eked’v lhld okrl qsa zsdt yde pyo bla zsdt yde nwazle zypblp valxczl, vbld pzsozu yde pbyjkzu srldle.

Mbl byde okrkdt polyv rywple kxxlekyvlzu. Gzxspv pwcnsdpnkswpzu, bl rwv vbl svbla nzlyd vkppwl kd bkp byde sd Lkdt Zk’p qynl, bkp vsdl pvkqq yp bl pyke: “Zsw’al yoyjl, okrl kv uswaplzq. Fs ekavu.”

Mbkp oyp ralnkplzu vbl pnldl vbyv vbl pnbssz esnvsa, bszekdt tzwnspl, pyo yv vbl essa.

Kwpv dso, vbl pnbssz esnvsa obs, clnywpl pbl oyp psqvblyavle yde xshle, rwarsplzu zlqv yd srrsavwdkvu qsa vbl csu vs rlaqsax olzz: …Nkvvzl vpwdelal, R eked’v pll usw vbkdjkdt psxlsdl ekavu obld usw nyaakle bla wr kd sdl ts fwpv dso yb.

Lkdt Zk’p bydep yde qllv olal pvkzz olyj aktbv dso, pbl bye ds pvaldtvb vs tzyal yv rlsrzl. Lyvwayzzu, pbl eked’v ekpnshla vbyv Nw Dw Lyd obs pyke pbl oyp ekavu oyp takrrkdt vbl vkppwl xskpvldle cu bla polyv kd bkp byde.

Fbl zkqvle bla byde, tayccle vbl vkppwl, yde aydesxzu okrle y qlo vkxlp, lhld vbl pswde sq bla pnszekdt oyp olyj.

Zsw c**vyae, kpd’v kv clnywpl R csal vbl kdvldpl pwd yde zssjle lhlauoblal qsa usw vbyv R’x ps polyvu yb?

Lu Xu Nan pursed his lips. Watching her sluggish movements, he thought in his heart, why didn’t he wipe faster just now?

But what came out of his mouth was very unpleasant to hear: “Ning Yiyi, you wouldn’t be secretly going on a diet again, right? I say, do you not have a brain? If you’re fat, just be fat. You originally don’t have much of a figure to speak of anyway.”

Ning Yi almost flipped out of the sickbed in anger. She simply closed her eyes. What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.

The school doctor heard that Lu Xu Nan’s every word was exactly what he should not say and simply couldn’t watch on.

She walked in from the door, hating iron for not becoming steel as she lifted her foot and kicked the leg of the chair that Lu Xu Nan was sitting on, indicating for him to move aside.

Lu Xu Nan got up and stood on the side, watching the school doctor take out a stick of liquid glucose, insert a straw in it, and handed it over to her to drink.

“I just heard your…” The school doctor paused, pointing at Lu Xu Nan, looking like she couldn’t find an appropriate address.



Ning Yi and Lu Xu Nan spoke at the same time.

Hearing her, Lu Xu Nan couldn’t help raising his eyebrows at Ning Yi on the bed.

Clearly, she had called “Nan gege Nan gege” every day. Now it actually suddenly became ‘classmate’.

Meeting the school doctor’s gaze, Lu Xu Nan not very happily supplemented an explanation: “I’m the gege next door that she grew up with and also a classmate from the same class.”

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So they’re also a pair of green plum and bamboo horse ah.

The school doctor nodded. She looked at Ning Yi and continued asking, “I heard your classmate say, you fainted once not long ago also because of low blood sugar? Does it happen very often? Have you gotten an examination?”

“I get checked regularly. Usually, I carry candy and chocolate on me and it doesn’t happen often.” Ning Yi spat out the straw.

The school doctor went “oh”: “Probably because it was near meal time and you hadn’t eaten coupled with a sudden excess of exercise…”

Lu Xu Nan couldn’t bear it and interrupted, “Doctor, you can’t let her finish drinking first before asking?”

Upon hearing him, the school doctor was a little amused. Look at this concern and worry, how come you threw tissues on people’s faces just now?

She just wanted to confirm if the patient had gone to the hospital to diagnose the cause for hypoglycemia and remind her to get it checked out as soon as possible if she hadn’t so as to avoid delaying treatment.

Now, knowing that Ning Yi was very clear about her body’s situation, the school doctor was also relieved. Raising her chin at Lu Xu Nan, she said, “The patient needs to rest, trouble this patient’s gege to bring some light foods over to eat.”

Lu Xu Nan didn’t know why he was a little delighted hearing the two words “gege” in the school doctor’s words. He nodded and responded, then turned around and went out to buy food.

After drinking glucose, Ning Yi felt much better. She used her fingertips to pinch the empty bottle. With an “ah”, she remembered and asked, “Doctor, has my classmate’s injury been treated?”

The school doctor was surprised. “Is he hurt? I didn’t hear him bring it up ah!”

The space between Ning Yi’s brows furrowed slightly. She pointed at her left shoulder, saying, “The shoulder, he fell from the stairs and hurt his shoulder. Can you use some of your lunch break and take a look for him when he comes back?”

The infirmary also had a lunch break. She was worried that when Lu Xu Nan came back, the doctor wouldn’t be here.

The school doctor smiled. “Yes, someone is delivering my meal in the afternoon, I won’t go out.”

Ning Yi was relieved. “Thank you.”

The school doctor’s “takeout delivery guy” was faster than Lu Xu Nan. Ning Yi looked at the young man eating and sitting opposite the school doctor. She recalled that he was a teacher in the school.

When Lu Xu Nan came back all sweaty carrying two big bags of food, the school doctor immediately put down her chopsticks and examined the condition of his injury first.

Lu Xu Nan sat in a chair, and took off the sleeve on one side, revealing his left shoulder.

The school doctor took a look, exclaimed, and said, “You can sure hold on!”

Ning Yi’s hand that was tearing open a bag paused. She couldn’t resist standing up and looking over from behind the school doctor.

The scapular region was a little swollen, a bruise that was as big as an adult’s hand was so condensed it was a little purple. At a glance, one could tell it was very painful.

The school doctor, pressing Lu Xu Nan’s shoulder, lifted his arm and slowly moved it, asking in detail about the pain. After she confirmed that there were no injuries to the bone, she rubbed in the medicinal oil to help clear the bruise.

From Ning Yi’s angle, she could see Lu Xu Nan tightly gritting his teeth, straight up breaking out in cold sweat from the pain.

Rubbing for ten minutes, the school doctor finally stopped. She used the disinfectant on the desk to wash her hands while she said, “After you go home, you also have to remember to get someone to help you rub it. You have to rub this away to heal quickly. Later, I’ll also prescribe some medicine to improve circulation and clear bruising to go along with it.”

Because it hurt too much, Lu Xu Nan relaxed and sat there, wanting to recover for a bit, and didn’t immediately put his sleeve back on.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ning Yi come near. Before he could react, he felt a slightly cool temperature pasted against his injury.

It was Ning Yi drawing a light stroke on his shoulder blade with her index finger.

Lu Xu Nan’s body stiffened. Almost immediately, he put on the sleeve and bunched up his shirt. He turned his head, his face wary as he looked at Ning Yi. “What are you doing?”

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