Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 29: CH 27.2

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Fang Ci watched his Brother Nan lean against the wall, draining more than half of a bottle of cold mineral spring water in one go, and gripping the bottle so much that it directly crunched. He inwardly clicked his tongue: How great is this fire in his heart ah?

He pondered the whole way and already basically confirmed that Lu Xu Nan wasn’t angry because of the matter with the match. But as for the specific reason, he looked at the other person’s face and was also afraid to ask. He only gripped the water bottle, consoling, “Brother Nan, how about still taking a trip to the infirmary? I saw you just…”

The hand that was twisting the cap was continuously shaking.

Lu Xu Nan turned his head over and glanced at him. He downed the remaining lesser half of water in two gulps, lifted his hand, and tossed the empty bottle accurately into the trash can not far away. Shrugging, he walked off. “I’m hungry. Going to change and eat.”

Fang Ci sighed deeply.

Ever since his Brother Nan had gotten caught up in an emotional conflict, his temper had really become more and more unfathomable.

The two people took a brief rinse in the locker room’s simplistic shower, changed back into the uniform, and were about to go eat.

Lu Xu Nan walked behind Fang Ci, checking his phone out of habit, and discovered that there were three missed calls from Ning Yi. His feet couldn’t help pausing.

Tl takdele bkp vllvb, vbkdjkdt kd bkp blyav, yald’v usw ynnsxrydukdt obkvl nwv nbknjld? Fvkzz byhl vkxl vs nyzz xl!

Kwpv obld bl oyp blpkvyvkdt shla oblvbla vs nyzz Lkdt Zk cynj, Wydt Uk obs bye yzalyeu alynble vbl ldvaydnl pweeldzu vwadle cynj. Vskdvkdt swvpkel, bl pyke, “Lkdt Zk kp swvpkel. Fllxp zkjl pbl nyxl vs zssj qsa usw yb, Jasvbla Lyd!”

Mbl dlmv plnsde, vbl rbsdl kd Nw Dw Lyd’p byde aydt–

Mbl nyzzla oyp ralnkplzu Lkdt Zk.

Mbl vkr sq Nw Dw Lyd’p casop aspl pzktbvzu. Mbl vkr sq bkp vsdtwl ralpple ytykdpv vbl csvvsx aso sq vllvb yp bl zktbvzu vpjle yde bkp qkdtla wdbwaaklezu ralpple vbl ydpola jlu.

“Tlzzs.” Tl oyp zkjl y xyzl rlynsnj vbyv bye osd kd y nsxrlvkvksd sq kvp clywvu, bkp vsdl qkzzle okvb yaastydv rakel.

Tlyakdt vbl blyhu rydvkdt shla vbl rbsdl, vbl svbla ryavu eked’v pllx vs byhl lmrlnvle vbl nyzz vs pweeldzu nsddlnv. Fbl oyp pkzldv qsa y xsxldv clqsal ypjkdt y zkvvzl ydmkswpzu, “Eblal yal usw aktbv dso yb? Gal usw blal cu vbl zsnjla assx?”

“Ebyv yal usw ypjkdt vbkp qsa? Fsxlvbkdt vbl xyvvla?” Nw Dw Lyd ralvldele okvb yd kxryvkldv vsdl.

Hearing his Brother Nan’s tone, Fang Ci took a look at the highly raised corners of his mouth, thinking in his heart: Brother Nan, if you didn’t have this face, it would really be very difficult to find a girlfriend.

Fang • the eunuch that was more anxious than the emperor • Ci was afraid he would directly make the other person leave. He hastily yelled outside, “Ning Yi, are you looking for Brother Nan?”

Ning Yi bore the scorching sun, running all the way from the infirmary to the small convenience store, yet she didn’t see Lu Xu Nan’s figure.

She made another call again, but the other person still didn’t pick up. She could only turn to run toward the locker room by the ball court.

Because this area was normally used by boys, it wasn’t good for Ning Yi to go too far in. She stopped beside the small flower bed outside.

Perhaps the sun was too intense; after she suddenly stopped, it became a little dark before her eyes. Bending over with her hands on her knees, she staved off that faint dizziness. Ning Yi dialed Lu Xu Nan’s number again. Before she could say two sentences, she heard someone call her name.

Lu Xu Nan looked at the call that had been disconnected, went over, and lightly kicked Fang Ci. “What are you blindly making a ruckus for?”

Fang- old man- Ci thought in his heart: Isn’t it because of you that I’m doing this ah?

Of course, he didn’t dare say this. He righteously pushed the responsibility onto Ning Yi. “I saw that Ning Yi was all sweaty, rather exhausted.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Xu Nan immediately let him go, running outside.

Sure enough, he saw Ning Yi coarsely panting, the hair at her temples all sticking into locks by the sweat and sticking to her face. Her face was red, yet her lips were a little pale.

He fiercely wrinkled his brows. “Looking like this, did you just climb out from the water ah?”

Ning Yi touched her face in passing. Standing still in front of Lu Xu Nan, she swept a glance at his arm and discovered that the arm hanging by his side indeed looked a little unnatural.

She didn’t pay attention to the other person’s ridicule and asked, “Where did you get hurt? Your shoulder?”

Lu Xu Nan still didn’t want to say anything. Fang Ci, for some reason, suddenly hit his left shoulder and the words in his mouth immediately became a stifled cry of pain.

Fang Ci frantically supported him. “F*ck, I accidentally stumbled just now. Brother Nan, you’re okay, right? How is your injury?”

When he finished, he didn’t wait for him to reply. He patiently persuaded, “Ai, you just go to the infirmary to take a look. When you changed just now, you couldn’t even straighten your arm from the pain…”

Lu Xu Nan casted him a weird glance, thinking: When was I unable to straighten my arm, obviously my movements were even faster than your dilly-dallying, okay?

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Fang Ci pretended he didn’t see. Sighing and saying on his own, “Brother Nan ah, getting injured won’t lose your face anyway. Moreover, you only got hurt because you helped a classmate. This injury was sustained honorably! What’s so embarrassing about it ah?”

Lu Xu Nan: ??? What kind of joke are you making?

Fang Ci then turned to Ning Yi and said, “Ning Yi, my dad just called me just now. I have to leave school now. Trouble you to definitely take Nan ge to the infirmary and find the school doctor to check it out, okay?”

Saying this, he grabbed Lu Xu Nan’s hand and stuffed it into Ning Yi’s hand. “Furthermore, Brother Nan only got hurt from protecting you… I’ll trouble you.”

Lu Xu Nan unconsciously wanted to struggle. Ning Yi hurriedly held on tight and also raised her head, glaring at him with blame.

Suffer a hard time for the sake of wanting face!1

Ning Yi scolded Lu Xu Nan in her heart. Nodding at Fang Ci and saying, “Ok, you go on then,” she pulled him toward the infirmary.

Lu Xu Nan didn’t understand what he was feeling either. Obviously, the other person’s palm seemed to still be sweaty. It even had a bit of a warm sticky feeling against his wrist, yet unexpectedly, it didn’t make him feel that it was difficult to bear.

On the contrary, it seemed like there was a tiny electric current flowing up his arm and spreading, tingling.

To the extent that he completely forgot he had to explain: actually his injury wasn’t as serious as Fang Ci made it out to be at all. He just blindly followed Ning Yi like that.

Fang Ci, who was left behind by the two people, dusted off his hands and snapped, pleased with himself.

I’m truly a little genius!

Lu Xu Nan’s attention, the whole way, always unknowingly fell on his and Ning Yi’s hands that were held together– to the point where he didn’t notice that Ning Yi hadn’t said anything the whole way and even hadn’t scolded him in her heart.

Until Ning Yi said “we’re here”, he then suddenly returned to his senses. It turns out they had already arrived at the infirmary.

So fast?

He was a little surprised.

The school doctor still remembered Ning Yi. Raising their head from behind the desk to look at her, they slightly frowned. “What’s wrong? Weren’t you still fine when you just sent your classmate over? Where do you feel unwell?”

Upon hearing this, Ning Yi wanted to pull Lu Xu Nan to the front to let the doctor look at his shoulder.

But her hand suddenly had no strength at all. She opened her mouth, wanting to speak, but her heart was flustered and she was short of breath. She could only keep panting heavily. Even the scene in front of her eyes also suddenly became fuzzy…

“Hurry! Catch her!”

The school doctor suddenly stood up from behind the desk, shouting at Lu Xu Nan.

Lu Xu Nan only felt that he was pulled very lightly. Immediately after, the little girl that had been standing in front of him suddenly weakly fell to the side.

The school doctor’s shout caused him to become clear-headed in an instant. With a sudden large stride, he went up and supported Ning Yi’s shoulders. He couldn’t pay any mind to the pain in his shoulder. One hand supporting her back and stretching one hand under the crook of her knees, he steadily carried the person up…

Ning Yi blinked fiercely. She seemed to see Lu Xu Nan’s terrified face as he shouted something. Her lips moved, her vision went black, and she completely lost consciousness.

“Quick, put her on the bed!” The school doctor ordered Lu Xu Nan while asking, “What’s going on? What happened in between? Is she injured?”

Lu Xu Nan opened his mouth, but didn’t make any sound. Until the school doctor urged him, he then jolted and hurriedly set the person on the sickbed. With a hoarse voice, a little incoherent, and also carrying a little self-blame, “Shouldn’t be injured, the ball didn’t hit her. But sweated a lot on the way, then she also didn’t say much, her lips were pale… I didn’t notice it at first, she found out my shoulder was injured so she ran around looking for me, and wanted to get me to come to the infirmary to get it looked at… If I found out a little earlier, I…”

The school doctor finished examining and didn’t discover what was wrong. Hearing him rambling on, the doctor turned over and looked at him, pacifying, “Student, you don’t have to be anxious. It looks like low blood sugar, not too serious.”

“Yes, she’s always had hypoglycemia. She had another bout not long ago.” Lu Xu Nan looked at Ning Yi on the bed and asked again, a little anxiously, “Then, when will she wake up ah?”

The doctor straightened up and said, “She should be able to wake up very soon. I’ll prescribe a box of glucose, you go…”

In the middle of speaking, she saw the boy’s anxious appearance and changed her words. “Forget it, I’ll go. You keep watch here for a bit…”

She put her hands in the pockets of the white gown and walked out shaking her head.

Youth ah~

[1] 死要面子活受罪: to got through hell for the sake of keeping up appearances

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