Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 39: CH 35

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It was the haughty youth’s first time doing this kind of stealing thing. The tips of his ears were red all the way home from school. Even before bed, he was still worrying whether his actions would be discovered.

After all, if Ning Yi really came to know that he sneakily took her candy wrapper…

This was too shameful!

Thus, the next day, Lu Xu Nan paid even more attention than before to Ning Yi’s movements, afraid that the other person would suddenly think of organizing her desk and then discover the candy wrapper missing.

Fang Ci saw his Brother Nan look at the surveillance camera in the corner of their classroom at least ten times in the first class. He asked in bewilderment, “What is it, Brother Nan? Is there something wrong with our class’s surveillance camera?”


Lu Xu Nan, who was thinking about whether he had to find a way to erase the surveillance record, froze for a moment. Rather angry from shame, he retorted, “… Go play your games!”

However, the owner of the treasured candy wrapper that was secretly taken by Lu Xu Nan didn’t find that she was missing anything at all. Her mind was wholeheartedly set on the new IMO question that Mu Wanqing had given her!

“Yiyi, don’t look at the question for now! Liu Ming is going to talk about tomorrow’s field trip!” Ju Meng used her elbow to jab Ning Yi, happily reminding her with a whisper.

Lkdt Zk zkqvle bla blye, clokzelale. “Makr? Ebyv vakr? Gald’v ol kd nzypp?”

Kw Yldt vpjle, tawxczkdt, “Gal usw pvwrke qasx osajkdt vbaswtb rasczlxp? Mbl qklze vakr! Ms Dkydtqldt Yswdvykd! Mbl vos sq wp lhld ytalle vs ts cwu qsse vstlvbla yqvla pnbssz, usw oswzed’v byhl qsatsvvld ycswv kv vss, aktbv?”

Lkdt Zk vbld pweeldzu alyzkgle yde alxlxclale vbyv vblal oyp kdelle pwnb y xyvvla. Fbl twkzvkzu pyke, “Tso nyd R? Ebyv es usw oydv vs lyv? Nyvla, szela pkpvla okzz ryu qsa kv!”

Kw Yldt pbwddle bla, “Zsw’al nyzzkdt uswaplzq szela pkpvla? Zsw’al uswdtla vbyd xl, sjyu?”

Gv vbl rsekwx, Nkw Ykdt oyp vyzjkdt ycswv vbkdtp vs vyjl dsvl sq. “Yllv wr yv vbl pswvb prsavp qklze vsxsaaso xsadkdt sd vkxl yv lktbv, alxlxcla dsv vs cl zyvl! Mbl akel kp ycswv vball bswap. Mbspl pvweldvp obs okzz cl nyapknj pbswze xyjl ralryayvksdp clqsalbyde. Gzps, esd’v vbkdj usw’al fwpv tskdt vs rzyu sd vbkp vakr, vbl pnbssz prlnkyzzu kdhkvle vbl ckszstu rasqlppsa qasx G Bdkhlapkvu vs tkhl usw taswr sq zkvvzl cydekvp sd-pkvl kdpvawnvksd! Gv vbyv vkxl, usw yzz byhl vs lyadlpvzu zkpvld yde zlyad qsa xl. Zsw okzz byhl vs oakvl y alqzlnvksd sd vbl qklze vakr obld usw nsxl cynj!”

Xdnl vblu blyae vbkp, naklp sq nsxrzykdvp yaspl.

Nkw Ykdt pvsse vblal wdrlavwacle yde zkpvldle vs vbl oyhlp sq nsxrzykdvp clqsal pxkzkdt yp bl yddswdnle, “Jwv– kd saela vs yzzso usw twup vkxl vs ralryal, vbl pnbssz byp nydnlzle vbkp yqvladssd’p lzlnvkhl nzypp! Jwu qsse, eakdjp, vbkdtp vs wpl, rynj yde ralryal qsa elryavwal. Fvyavkdt dso, usw– yal– qall!”

Mbl pvweldvp yzz qasgl yv qkapv, vbld hlau iwknjzu nbllale zswe yp vbwdela.

Ju Meng smacked the desk twice, her palm even turned red from the force. She turned to urge Ning Yi, “Yes! Hurry, pack your stuff up, we’ll go eat first, then we can go shopping all afternoon! I haven’t bought this year’s autumn clothes yet!”


Ning Yi hesitated, “Ah? Shop all afternoon ah?”

Ju Meng’s eyes were round, she aggrievedly said, “Yiyi, you promised me! You think about how long you’ve neglected me recently? The times I’ve talked with you aren’t even as much as you have talked with Mu Wanqing!”

Once she heard this, Ning Yi immediately surrendered, “I’ll pack up now, alright?”

Ju Meng humphed satisfactorily, “Consider you sensible.”

Because the teachers knew the students were going on a field trip, they considerately didn’t assign homework, so she finished tidying up very quickly. But Ning Yi had lots of different books of problems. There was also scratch paper all over her desk, so she became much slower.

Ju Meng saw the other person had finished tidying the top of her desk. When she pulled the schoolbag out from the desk to put books in, a few colorful candy wrappers came out with it. She bent over and picked them up for her. Looking at them, she asked without much thought, “Do you still need these?”

Ning Yi cried out in alarm, immediately bending over and sticking her head in her desk for a look. “Oh my god, I forgot to throw away the trash again yesterday! Are there ants?”

Ju Meng squinted and deliberately scared her, “You can never be sure. Last time I left a half-eaten little bun in my desk and forgot to throw it out. It attracted at least a hundred or so ants.”

Ning Yi couldn’t help but shiver. She picked up a pen from the top of her desk and cautiously prodded around a few times. Only after confirming there weren’t any suspicious life forms did she pinch the remaining candy wrappers in her desk with the tips of her fingers, tossing them all in the little bag for trash on her desk.

Her little face was full of dislike.

Looking at her careful and cautious appearance, Ju Meng was dying of laughter. Who knew that with a shake of her head, she saw a tall figure. Her laughter immediately got stuck in her throat. She couldn’t help but cough twice. She greeted, “Lu, God Lu.”

Ning Yi heard her and turned around. Sure enough, she saw Lu Xu Nan standing in the back aisle nearby with a livid face and couldn’t help raising her eyebrow, “Something the matter?”


What is this unlucky star up to? Who is he inexplicably showing this face for?

Who would’ve expected he just cast her a light look, not even saying a word, walked past their seats with his hands in his pockets, then… walked out of the classroom through the front.

Ning Yi looked at the wide open back door: …This person was probably too idle and was sick?

Fang Ci saw Lu Xu Nan suddenly rush up to the front row and thought there was some urgent matter, yet he found that not two minutes later, he came back through the back door with a black face. He scratched the back of his head, probingly joking, “Brother Nan, you’re… taking a walk in the classroom?”

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Lu Xu Nan squinted at him in displeasure, coldly asking him, “Not going to play ball?”

Fang Ci immediately responded in a hurry, “Play, play, play! I’ll tell them to meet on the court right now!”

Saying this, he tossed the other person’s strangeness to the back of his mind, lowering his head fiddling on his phone.

Lu Xu Nan’s face was ugly as he pulled out the candy wrapper that was wrinkled from being rubbed from his pocket. Five fingers clenched, kneading it into a ball. He raised his arm as if to toss it into the trash, but halfway, he withdrew it.

He pursed his lips as he stared at his fist for a few seconds. He suddenly tsked, appearing very annoyed, but the movements of his hands were not rough at all and could even be called careful as he spread the candy wrapper out again, smoothing over the wrinkles on it. Then, fast as lightning, he stuffed it into his literature book…

The next day, Ning Yi got off the car dragging her two sore legs, inwardly swearing that she won’t go shopping with Ju Xiao Meng next time no matter what.

Even running three kilometers wouldn’t be so tiring!


Ju Meng stood amidst their class. She heard Ning Yi’s complaint and exaggeratedly said, “Ning Yiyi, are you actually a woman ah? How can shopping be tiring? Can running be compared to running around out of love?”

Ning Yi yawned as she coped with her, “En en en, yes yes yes, you are right.”

Ju Meng saw that she was tired and asked, “Did you take the medicine for motion sickness?”

Ning Yi nodded. She got carsick sitting on coaches. She took the motion sickness medicine ahead of time after eating breakfast at home. The medicine was starting to kick in now, so she was beginning to get sleepy.

Ju Meng let her lean against herself, and helped her put on the hat for blocking the sun that they had bought together yesterday as well as pinching Ning Yi’s little face along the way.

She hadn’t let go yet when she inexplicably felt her back grow cold, like the tip of a blade pressed against her back. She couldn’t help but glance back, but didn’t find anything strange and only saw Lu Xu Nan carrying a very out of place, cute pink travel bag walking toward them.

Lu Xu Nan, pink little bear bag.

Ju Meng couldn’t help but get goosebumps. She turned back around thinking, this was really horrifying enough.

At this time, Liu Ming had already finished counting everyone. He was calling the students to get on the bus one by one. “Hey! Don’t squeeze, go up slowly, it’s not like there’s no room… Those with suitcases, go with the driver to put them away!”

Ju Meng was in a hurry to put away her suitcase. Helplessly, with a confused Ning Yi still leaning against her, she stumbled before she could take two steps. The two of them almost fell down. Fortunately, she steadied herself with her suitcase. Recovering from shock, she finally discovered something weird. She shook Ning Yi’s shoulder, asking, “Yiyi, where’s your luggage?”

This girl was carrying the little bag that usually held candy and her phone, holding a hat to block the sun in her hand, when she arrived. No wonder she kept feeling there was something wrong just now!

Squinting her eyes, Ning Yi went “ah?” as if she didn’t understand what she meant.


Ju Meng just wanted to pat her small face and wake her up a little, but was cut off by Lu Xu Nan approaching. “She forgot her luggage in the car. Her driver couldn’t get through to her phone, saw me at the entrance, and told me to pass it to her.”

Saying this, he raised the pink travel bag in his hand.

Ju Meng’s expression changed to “so it’s like this”. No wonder this pink bag seemed a little familiar.

“You put the luggage away, I’ll take Ning Yi onto the bus.” Lu Xu Nan naturally reached out and took her wrist. He used a little strength and the latter obediently leaned on his shoulder with the force.

“Oh, okay.” Ju Meng subconsciously let go, dragging the luggage forward a couple steps before coming back to her senses–

Ai, that’s not right ah; me putting away the luggage and me taking Yiyi on the bus, those things weren’t conflicting ah!

Ju Meng put the luggage away and got on the coach. She spotted the two people in the double seat with a glance.

Ning Yi nestled in the seat seemingly already asleep. Lu Xu Nan had his head lowered, looking at his phone.

Ju Meng went over with small steps, softly calling out, “That… God Lu…”

Lu Xu Nan frowned as he raised his head to look at her like he wasn’t happy about being disturbed. Holding his phone, his thin lips spat out three words, “Something the matter?”

“…” Ju Meng was quiet for a moment. She cowardly swallowed the “me and Yiyi agreed to sit together” back into her belly and dully replied, “Uh, nothing.”

Lu Xu Nan faintly nodded, his gaze returning back to his phone.

Ju Meng inwardly scolded herself for being a coward. Her gaze roamed around the bus, and she saw Mu Wanqing putting her luggage on the luggage rack. She went over and under the other person’s pleasantly surprised gaze, sat down.

And the unfeeling God Lu in Ju Meng’s eyes, stared at the screen of his phone that had been black all along for a while before softly releasing the breath he was holding.

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