Don't Think About Hindering My Studies

Chapter 40: CH 36

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Ning Yi slept very serenely. Leaning against the back of the chair, she didn’t move at all. Even her breathing was very soft, almost enough for people to forget about her existence.

Lu Xu Nan waited and waited. Until the coach had already been in motion for twenty minutes, he finally realized the things in dramas were all lies.

That kind of scenario where a person will slant and lean against the other person’s shoulder in their sleep was nonexistent with Ning Yiyi who slept like a little pig.

Lu Xu Nan endured and endured before turning his head to look and discovered that Ning Yi actually wasn’t sleeping very well at all.

Probably due to the direct sunlight coming in from the window, her little face was slightly red from the sun, the eyes under her thin eyelids rolled around from time to time, and her delicate eyebrows were also slightly knit, appearing not very comfortable.


Lu Xu Nan’s mind had just realized this problem, his arm had already reached out on its own, stretching over Ning Yi’s seat, pulling the shade down.

The shade blocked most of the direct light, only very little bits slipped through the fiber of the shade. Shaped like little points of light, they scattered on Ning Yi’s face like stars, making it hard for people to look away.

Because the movement of the coach led to changes in the angle at which the light came in, those mischievous little dots of light also leapt around.

Kwxrkdt vs vbl prynl clvolld bla casop, fwxrkdt vs vbl nsadla sq bla lul, vblal oyp lhld sdl yv vbl vkr sq Lkdt Zk’p elzknyvl dspl zkjl y zkhlzu xszl. Rv oyp lmvalxlzu lul-nyvnbkdt.

Nw Dw Lyd nswzed’v blzr pvyakdt yv vbyv esv sq zktbv yde kdyehlavldvzu pyo kv xkpnbklhswpzu zyde sd Lkdt Zk’p rkdj yde vldela zkr.

Mbl prynl clvolld bkp lulcasop pnawdnble. Mbl rye sq bkp qkdtla bye yzalyeu ralpple ytykdpv vbyv qwzz zkr, yde lhld awccle kv ayvbla blyhkzu yp kq vs okrl yoyu vbyv yddsukdt esv sq zktbv vbyv oyp snnwrukdt y prsv vbyv eked’v clzsdt vs kv.

Gde kd vbl dlmv plnsde, Nw Dw Lyd’p ldvkal cseu pvkqqldle sd vbl prsv.

G psqv, xskpv pldpyvksd polrv shla vbl rye sq bkp qkdtla, lhld pyhsakdt qsa y ckv zkjl kv bye vypvle psxlvbkdt. Vlabyrp pbl bye qykdvzu qlzv zkjl psxlvbkdt oypd’v aktbv kd bla pzllr, vbl zsdt nwazle zypblp valxczle yp kq vblu oydvle vs srld.

Nw Dw Lyd ycawrvzu vssj bkp byde cynj kd pbsnj.

Tkp ldvkal cseu oyp vywv, dsv lhld eyakdt vs xyjl ydu xshlxldvp. Tkp zsolale lulp pvyale qkmlezu yv bkp nzldnble qkpv ulv bkp lyap olal nzsplzu ryukdt yvvldvksd vs vbl xshlxldvp sq vbl rlapsd clpkel bkx.

Tl eked’v jdso bso xwnb vkxl rypple, rlabyrp kv oyp y nswrzl vldp sq plnsdep, sa rlabyrp kv oyp y tsse plhlayz xkdwvlp. Nw Dw Lyd qkdyzzu nsdqkaxle vbyv Lkdt Zk oyp pvkzz pzllrkdt olzz yde byed’v osjld wr clqsal bkp ayxase pvayktbv cynj nszzyrple yde bl lmbyzle ellrzu.

The soft sensation on his finger that felt like it was still there, along with a bit of moist warm moisture. It made all the blood in his body begin to surge.


Lu Xu Nan fiercely rubbed the pad of his finger like he wanted to rub away that sensation, yet also like he wanted to rub it into his skin, his blood.

He uncontrollably thought back on that gradually fading bit of pink between her lips just now. The movement of his hand gradually lightened and slowed. He pursed his lips and casted a quick glance at the girl beside him, thinking–

Why was she like a little kitten, so… lovable.

Ning Yi woke up when they were about to reach their destination.

She lifted her hand to rub her stiff neck, but bumped into something strange at her ear. Surprised, she pulled it down for a look, and found it was actually a pair of wireless headphones.

Once she took off the headphones, the lively sound of singing and rowdiness immediately entered her ears. Ning Yi was awake in an instant.

“Meng…” Her memory had stopped when she met up with Ju Meng this morning. She subconsciously turned around, calling Ju Meng’s name. Who knew, what greeted her eyes was a sharp side profile.

Holding the headphones, Ning Yi was stunned. Why was she sitting together with Dog Lu???

“We’re here, we’re here!”

The students’ cheers cut off Ning Yi’s thoughts. Lu Xu Nan also rubbed the space between his eyebrows and woke up.

Ning Yi then discovered that there was a little darkness under his eyes. Evidently, he hadn’t slept very well.


The headphones in her hand suddenly became heavy.


“Can you not grow tall without growing a heart (be careless)? Next time, I won’t be inclined to send them in your driver’s stead, really bothersome.”

Lu Xu Nan, immediately after opening his eyes, got up, retrieved a pink and a black bag from the luggage compartment, tossed the pink one on his own seat, and followed the crowd off the bus with a face of displeasure.

Ning Yi, who was planning to thank him, was terribly choked. The two words “thank you” already at the edge of her lips were stopped, stuck.

At this moment, Xu Xing Ji came over from the back. Lowering his eyes, he saw the bag in the seat next to her and picked it up in passing, smilingly saying, “A little heavy, let me carry it for you!”

Ning Yi withdrew the gaze following Lu Xu Nan’s back figure and gripped the headphones in her hand. She hooked her lips and smiled at him, “Thank you.”

Ju Meng was just shaken awake by Mu Wanqing beside her. She lifted her hand and rubbed her cheek, still a little lost, “Ah? We’re here?”

They got off the bus one after another. Ju Meng retrieved her own luggage. She stood next to Ning Yi, yet her eyes were looking all over the place, her mouth harping on. “Huh? Where’s God Lu? How come he isn’t with you?”

Ning Yi thought of that person’s attitude just now. She rolled her eyes a little, and said, “Why would he be with me?”

“But this morning, he even fought with me over the seat…” Ju Meng turned around in the middle of talking and discovered that Ning Yi wasn’t listening at all. She was chatting excitedly with Xu Xing Ji beside her.

“Determine the amps then determine the strength and direction of the magnetic induction, this is very easy. In the second part of the question asking about disruption of the magnetic field…”

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The two people were rather close. Xu Xing Ji’s eyes were curved from smiling, slightly tilting his head closer to listen to Ning Yi, his eyes focused and serious.

Ju Meng knew that Ning Yi had recently been hit by the poison that was studying. Every day, if it wasn’t doing questions, then it was reading. Her initial shock had already become her being used to it.

She listened for a while, discovered that she didn’t understand a single word and quickly found it boring. She turned, wanting to talk to Mu Wanqing beside her, yet discovered the other person’s eyes were brightly looking at the two people discussing questions, obviously very interested.

Ju Meng: …Being a mediocre student is very miserable.

She could only turn her head here and there to look at the scenery. Glancing around, she suddenly met the icy gaze cast over by Lu Xu Nan who was in front to the left. Shaking in fright at once, she hurriedly crowded in Ning Yi’s direction, stupidly going over and listening to the three people’s discussion.

Ju Meng: Emmmm, maybe bad students can still try.

“Ning Yiyi.”

A cold voice interrupted the few people’s discussion.

Ning Yi slightly raised her head. Seeing the male standing in front of her, she doubtfully blinked her eyes. At the same time, her lips were dry because she spoke too much before. She unconsciously licked them.

Lu Xu Nan who originally had a cold face stiffened imperceptibly, though his expression was visibly a little better. He seemed a little impatient, his gaze swept across Ning Yi’s face as he spread his hand out and shook it. With a look of mocking, he said, “My headphones. What, you don’t intend to return them?”

Laozi covets your stinky headphones?! Clearly it was you yourself who just patted your butt and left just now, okay!!!!

Ning Yi, who was thoroughly implied at, lifted her hand and pulled the headphones hanging on her neck. Because she was angry, it didn’t come off at once, instead, it caught in her hair, and she couldn’t help letting out a hiss, softly crying out in pain.


Lu Xu Nan’s hand trembled. Just while he was hesitating, a fair slender hand reached over from the side.


Xu Xing Ji’s movements were nimble and careful, very quickly freeing Ning Yi’s hair for her.

Ning Yi smoothly took off the headphones and slapped them into his open hand. “Give it back to you.” Then, she turned and left.

Ju Meng and Mu Wanqing sighed and chased after her.

Xu Xing Ji, however, remained unmoved. He lifted his eyelids. Like he was smiling yet not, he glanced at Lu Xu Nan. Suddenly, he lifted his hand and lightly patted the headphones in his hand, and said, “Men should be more open-minded.”

Then, he seemed to deliberately switch the pink bear travel bag from his other hand to this one and weighed it. Brushing against Lu Xu Nan’s shoulder, he left to catch up with Ning Yi.

Lu Xu Nan’s fingers swiftly clenched. He endured and endured before he restrained the desire to ruthlessly smash his headphones.

Fang Ci who saw the whole thing from the side rushed up and detained him by the wrist. He fruitlessly persuaded, “The saying puts it well, don’t be angry, don’t be angry, no one will share this sickness, it’ll only be bad for oneself later. Brother Nan, you can’t fall for the enemy’s trick!”

Lu Xu Nan who calmed down a little heard this and almost shattered his mouthful of teeth.

And on the other side, in the lobby of the hotel, Lu Ming already distributed room keys according to the request forms.

Because there were a lot of students, the school reserved basically all standard and three person rooms. Ning Yi, Ju Meng, and Mu Wanqing were in one room.

“Alright, everyone go to your rooms first to put down your luggage and tidy up a little. Meet at the restaurant on the first floor at 12:00 to eat! If there are any problems, call me or Teacher Huang, or directly go to Room 302 to look for us! You definitely cannot disregard the group and go on your own! Do you hear me?!”

The happy students sparsely responded to him, then left toward the elevator in groups.

Ning Yi looked at the label on the room key, then looked at the concerningly full elevator. After discussing quietly with Ju Meng, she reached her hand out at Xu Xing Ji and said, “Thank you, you can give the bag to me. Our room is on the second floor, we’re taking the stairs up and not going to wait for the elevator.”

Unexpectedly, Xu Xing Ji pulled his hand back a little and said, “I’m also on the second floor, let’s go together.”

After speaking, he even took Ju Meng’s suitcase in passing, smiling gently as he said, “Give it to me, a girl’s hands shouldn’t be used to lift suitcases.”

Originally, he also wanted to take Mu Wanqing’s bookbag, but after he was tactfully turned down with a red face by the other person, he led the way toward the stairs.

Ju Meng only came back to her senses from the other person’s smile after two seconds. She couldn’t help exclaiming, cupping her face as she said in a small voice, “Damn, isn’t he too smooth?”

Mu Wanqing immediately nodded her head, “Classmate Xu is truly really gentlemanly, really gentle!”

Only Ning Yi pursed her lips as she looked at his back figure, seemingly a little thoughtful.

“En? The stairs are this way, why are you guys still not coming over?” Xu Xing Ji turned back halfway and urged, his smile brilliant and handsome.

“Coming, coming!” Ju Meng pulled Ning Yi with one hand and pulled Mu Wanqing with the other, hurrying over in quick steps.

Xu Xing Ji sent the three people all the way to the entrance of their room. Ju Meng ran into the bathroom with a red face. Mu Wanqing’s personality was reserved and she also went into the room first.

Ning Yi took her and Ju Meng’s luggage. She seriously looked at Xu Xing Ji and probed, “You seem to be… a little different?”

“Ah, is it that obvious? And I thought you were busy doing problems recently and wouldn’t notice me~” Xu Xing Ji didn’t have that embarrassment from being seen through at all, instead calmly facing her assessment with a smile on his face. “You’re indeed very sharp ah! Could it be because…”

Saying this, Xu Xing Ji suddenly bent down and approached Ning Yi’s ear, completing this sentence in a low voice. “You and I are the same, you also don’t belong to this world?”

The latter part of his words were spoken very lightly, but clearly fell on Ning Yi’s ears. Her pupils shook severely in alarm.

Xu Xing Ji finished speaking and straightened up. His gaze unmistakably fell on Ning Yi’s face. After calmly admiring her astonished expression, he raised his index finger to his lips and made a “ssh” motion. His lips moved slightly. “No need to be nervous, I will keep it a secret for you. But, in exchange, we’ll be in the same group for these two days. How about it?”

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