Dr. Ou’s Psychotherapy

Chapter 1: 1

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Scent and Body Odour


Stepping into the consulting room, Yi Zhize met the renowned psychiatrist.

Ou Tingyun smiled at him, gentle and polite, "Mr. Yi, please have a seat."

Yi Zhize was not infected by this smile.

It was nothing more than a professional gesture of false affection, not worth wasting an expression on.

He sat straight across from Ou Tingyun and straightened the slight creases in his suit before he spoke, "Thank you."

Without moving, Ou Tingyun observed the patient quietly.

Dressed in a well-tailored shirt and suit, he had a rather cool aura.

Against the background of his black hair, his complexion looked a little sickly pale. His eyelashes were long and there was a slight sharpness at the bottom of his eyes.

A teardrop at the corner of his eye, on such a handsome and clear face, inexplicably added some charm.

In no hurry to cut to the chase, he poured a glass of warm water for the sick beauty before him and handed it to him, "It's raining outside, isn't it?"


"Although it's autumn, there's always rain at this time of year."

"It was Meng Xing who introduced me to this place." Tired of meaningless pleasantries, Yi Zhize took the initiative to interrupt, "The quality of my sleep has been very poor lately, and it has seriously affected my mental state."

"This condition, how long has it been going on?"

"Almost three months."

"Poor quality of sleep, what are the specific symptoms?"

"Unable to fall asleep and even when I do, I have nightmares. There is no more than four hours of continuous sleep in a day."

"That is indeed very tough," Ou Tingyun's voice was low and pleasant, "Mr. Yi is still, right now, in a state of anxiety?"

Yi Zhize thought he had disguised himself well, and his straight back stiffened a little: "Is it obvious?"

Ou Tingyun reassured him, "On the contrary, it's not at all obvious to the casual observer, is it?"

And he was not an idle man.

Seeing through people's disguises was precisely his specialty.

This point, which he did not say, was well known to both of them.

Yi Zhize suddenly had a premonition in his heart: this time, he might have found the right person.

In the past few months, he had visited many hospitals of all sizes in A City.

From psychiatry to psychology, no one was reliable.

He had always heard of Ou Tingyun, who had made a name for himself in the field of psychology at such a young age. However, it was not easy to get an appointment with him.

By chance, he found out that his university friend Meng Xing and Ou Tingyun were old friends, so he asked him to make an appointment.

The first meeting with him took place on this unusual afternoon in autumn when it was raining.

Yi Zhize said, "Please help me, I really... can't take it anymore."

As an elite lawyer with a high reputation in the legal world, Yi Zhize had never shown such a vulnerable side to anyone.

Perhaps the physical torture had reached the limit of its pain, or perhaps it was the fact that Ou Tingyun was indeed different from ordinary psychologists that gave rise to a few moments of trust in him.

But it was only the slightest bit.

Ou Tingyun did not answer his request directly, but instead asked him, "Mr. Yi, is the room too bright? Do you think it would be better if I drew the curtains down a bit?"

Yi Zhize nodded.

Ou Tingyun got up from his seat and pulled the curtains down.

The room became dim, the light blocked, giving a sense of hidden security.

Yi Zhize's sitting posture relaxed a little.

Ou Tingyun walked to his side, "Care to talk to me about your dream?"


"What is it like?"

"Blood and flesh."


"Killing, resentment, mourning, and betrayal. Scattered heads and fragmented bodies."

"Let me guess, Mr. Yi is a lawyer, and these elements, perhaps, come from cases you've handled?"


"I am reminded of the phrase, 'Someone may seem cold, but there's always a soft spot.' The profession of a lawyer may seem cold, but there is always a lot of affection."

"Nalan's words."

"Well," Ou Tingyun glanced at his watch, "there's still time, would Mr. Yi like to sleep?"

"You mean, you can put me to sleep?"

Ou Tingyun smiled, "No guarantees, but we can try."


He took Yi Zhize to a room inside the consulting room, which was dark but gave a comfortable feeling.

Ou Tingyun told him to lie down on the bed, while he himself sat aside, close to him, "Mr. Yi, how does someone close to you address you?"

Yi Zhize frowned, "I have no one close to me."

"What about your parents? How do they usually call you?"


"In order to make you as relaxed as possible, may I use that name?"

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Yi Zhize paused for a long moment, he didn't like this kind of intimacy that went beyond social distancing.

Ou Tingyun didn't press the issue; this patient of his was sensitive, indifferent and arrogant, like a cat.

The large room was so quiet that you could hear your breath.

The atmosphere was surprisingly calm, as if this was their natural way of spending time together; sitting opposite each other doing nothing.

It took about five or six minutes before Yi Zhize compromised and said, "Okay."

This did not surprise him, and Ou Tingyun's voice had a hint of pleasure in it, "Zhize, do you want to close your eyes?"

"No." Yi Zhize barely thought before he immediately refused.

Ou Tingyun smiled; it seemed that this kitten had really relaxed.

Once the words were out of his mouth, Yi Zhize had a few moments of remorse. According to his usual character, he would never have been so abrupt.

Ou Tingyun never touched a patient's scales, he just smoothed their hair: “Okay. Why don't you want to? Because you don't feel safe in unfamiliar surroundings? Does this place make you uncomfortable?"


"You're very alert, and you're very good with words."


"Let's see, Zhize, let's think of all the scenes that make you relax. The beach, the forest, the mountains, the moonlit night, which one do you prefer?"

“Mountains, forests, and moonlit nights."

"What would you do in a log cabin under a clear moonlit night, hidden in the forest on the mountain?"

"Drink milk and read a book."

"Warm milk?"


“Okay, I'll pour you a cup of warm milk. What's the book you are reading?"

"Das Kapital."

Ou Tingyun smiled softly again, "It's really a work suitable for falling asleep. Drinking the milk and turning the pages, you don't realise it's getting late and it's time to rest. Would you like to take off your coat, Zhize? Hmm?"

Yi Zhize's thoughts had long since followed his lead and drifted off to some unknown cabin, "Mhmm."

Ou Tingyun's voice was so gentle, "Shall I help you, or will you help yourself?"

Yi Zhize felt tired and no longer able to do it himself, "You."

Ou Tingyun smiled deeply, "Okay."

He gently removed the man's jacket and held him up by the waist. Yi Zhize complied obediently, but his eyes stayed on him, weary and sharp.

That was interesting.

Under his direct gaze, Ou Tingyun helped him untie his tie leisurely.

His patient was like a lazy cat with half-squinted eyes, obviously tired but stubbornly awake.

The sharp, seductive teardrop at the corner of his eye looked more and more alluring at this moment.

Yi Zhize was examining the doctor at the same time.

He was wearing a light grey shirt with beautifully folded sleeves turned up, topped with silver cufflinks. The French cut of the shirt created a beautiful, muscular silhouette, probably because he liked to work out.

He had a Hong Kong look to him, like he stepped out of a film camera, which was reassuring and pleasing to the eye.

There was always a calmness in his eyes, and at times he was so full of interest, but he didn't know what he was thinking behind them.

What kind of thoughts?

Well, he didn't care.

Being so close, they could smell the other's scent.

If he could anthropomorphise the scent, Ou Tingyun thought, this man smelt of mint.

Mint with lemon, shifting with body temperature in a way that was impossible to grasp. A tease that was as delicate as it was seductive.

Yi Zhize's nose was hit with the other's patchouli and cedar scent.

Like brisk yet subdued blues, it reflected the sky, the sea, the forest and the earth.

It was the smell of hormones.

Ou Tingyun set his jacket and tie aside and unbuttoned the first button of his shirt, "Wouldn't this be more comfortable, Zhize?"


"Let's go back to the cabin, drink the last sip of warm milk and finish reading today's chapter of Das Kapital. The candlelight is dim, you take off your coat and lie down on the bed. Outside the window is a bright moon, shining quietly into your cabin. You are feeling a little tired after a long day at work, aren't you? Zhize?"


"Close your eyes and let warmth flow into your heart. Your whole body relaxes slowly and your consciousness gradually fades."

Yi Zhize closed his eyes.

The whole world fell into a ghostly silence, and only the breath and voice of the man beside him remained.

"From now on, your heart becomes very calm, as if you have entered another wonderful world, away from the mundane world, and you will only hear my voice."

“Zhize, you have to take a deep, deep breath."

"Each deep breath will bring you deeper, into a more relaxed, more comfortable state."

“Zhize, you don't have to think about anything. Naturally, just follow my lead and you will enter into a very deep, very comfortable… peaceful sleep."

Yi Zhize fell asleep.

He had a dream.

The dream was a white blur.

He walked in vain, without end, without rest, exhausted.

Suddenly, someone grabbed him, and he raised his eyes to look at the other man's face.

It was Ou Tingyun.

Smiling at him.

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