Dr. Ou’s Psychotherapy

Chapter 2: 2

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Touch and Shudder


It was almost dusk when he woke up again.

Yi Zhize stared at the ceiling above his head, his headache and anxiety alleviated considerably.

He looked at the time and saw that he had slept for almost 2 hours.

This was the most comfortable rest he had had in almost a month.

Sitting up from the bed, he grabbed his jacket and tie and did not see Ou Tingyun.

At that moment, the door to the room opened and a girl in a white coat came in, "Mr. Yi, you are awake, how are you feeling?"

Yi Zhize subconsciously buttoned up the top button of his shirt and stroked his slightly dishevelled hair again, "Well, very well."

"As you went into a deep sleep, Teacher Ou instructed me not to disturb you and to wait for you to wake up naturally."

"Teacher Ou? You mean Dr. Ou Tingyun?"

You Shirui handed him the form in her hand, "Yes! He is the chief physician of the hospital affiliated with A City Medical University and is also a professor at the University. Most of my colleagues at the hospital call him Director Ou, and since I'm a student at the medical university, I naturally call him teacher."

Yi Zhize signed his name on the form.

You Shirui couldn't help but compliment him, "Not only is Mr. Yi a good-looking man, but he can write so well too! When he was studying, he must have been a male god!"

Yi Zhize was already aloof, so he didn't know how to reply for a while.

After some hesitation, he simply didn't answer and handed the form back to You Shirui.

The girl didn't mind at all and took the form with a smile, "See you at your next visit, Mr. Yi!"

Yi Zhize returned home, ate a simple dinner, and then went into the night.

After taking a bath, he was in a rare relaxed mood and his thoughts were clear.

Dressed in his robe, he turned on his computer and checked his case files until late at night.

He didn't know if it was the effect of the hypnotic treatment he received from Ou Tingyun, but he slept well and was free from the nightmares that plagued him.

The next morning, he was refreshed.

The slightly pale complexion was a little more radiant.

The teardrop mole at the corner of his eye seemed to be flushed with crimson, making people's hearts swoon.

They say that a lawyer's wardrobe is nothing but suits.

Yi Zhize is the typical representative of the elite lawyers.

He has a whole wardrobe of suits and shirts of all colours.

He also has his own preference for shirts.

He likes English shirts.

The origin of contemporary menswear can be said to be the United Kingdom. Europe learns from the United Kingdom, and the world learns from Europe.

The style of the British shirt comes from the tradition of serving both the military and business, so the shape is robust and the lining is straight.

For some reason, he thought of Ou Tingyun's light grey French shirt.

Perhaps he could try this style himself in the future.

He chose his clothes and paired them with a smart watch and leather shoes.

Yi Zhize was like the most dazzling silver scales in the courtroom, emitting a glow of intellectual and noble charm.

Although he is usually indifferent, he never loses out in courtroom arguments.

As his fame grew, he was approached by more and more difficult cases, and the combination of mental and physical stress gradually led to psychological problems that made it difficult for him to sleep.

Fortunately, he met Ou Tingyun.

He thought that if Ou Tingyun would help him, all of his problems would be solved.

Little does he know that the temptations and traps have already been planted, and they are waiting for him to accept the deception without hesitation.


It was a week later when he saw Ou Tingyun again.

It was a drizzly afternoon and Yi Zhize's hair was slightly dripping water.

Ou Tingyun took a white towel and handed it to him, "Mr. Yi, would you like to wipe it off?"

Hearing him call him that, Yi Zhize was both disappointed and relieved.

Disappointed because he missed when he called him Zhize, as if they really were close.

Relieved because his reason told him that it was just a doctor-patient relationship, each taking what he needed, each having his own share.

Drying his hair, Yi Zhize walked towards the hamper.

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Ou Tingyun suddenly called out to him, "Zhize."

Yi Zhize's hand shook in fright and the towel fell into the hamper.

Ou Tingyun gave a triumphant smile, "Ah, sorry. May I call you that?"

Yi Zhize understood that he was teasing him, but didn't feel annoyed. As long as he could cure his insomnia, everything else was irrelevant, "Whatever."

"How did it go last week?"

"Better than before."

"I know it's better than before,” Ou Tingyun said in a lighter tone, "How much better?"

"A little."

Ou Tingyun spoke with a small smile, “I'm curious, Zhize, when you speak in court, are you also this brief?"

"Courtroom arguments are naturally different." Yi Zhize paused for a moment and added, "The day after the meeting with you, things were fine. The next day onwards, it gradually deteriorated again."

"That's normal, it's a gradual process. Zhize, shall we try a new approach today?"


Entering the inner room, Yi Zhize voluntarily took off his jacket.

He didn't wear a tie today, and inside was the newest French shirt.

He had bought it specifically, and it was a little different from the one Ou Tingyun had last time, and in a different colour.

At the moment, he was lying on his back on the bed, his eyes obediently closed, waiting for Ou Tingyun's instructions.

The way he was behaving made him look so cute, "Zhize, are you ready to go straight to sleep? Hmm?"

"Dr. Ou, Director Ou, Professor Ou, Teacher Ou, I'm waiting for you. When will you start?"

"You're not fully relaxed yet.” Ou Tingyun said, "Now, I will raise your right hand."


Ou Tingyun gently lifted his wrist, thinking to himself that this man was a little thinner than he thought, "Zhize, keep your arm at this height."


"When I let go later, you lower it little by little as you feel comfortable. Your body will be more relaxed and your mind more at ease with each drop of your arm."


Ou Tingyun released his grip on his arm and Yi Zhize began to slowly lower his right hand.

By the time his right hand was back at his side, his whole body and mind were visibly more relaxed.

"Now, we can begin." Ou Tingyun's tone was low, "Today we will try the touch-guided in-depth method. Every time I touch your body, you count a number in your mind. Together, we'll help you enter into a deeper state of hypnosis. Zhize, is that okay?"


Ou Tingyun was close to him, leaning down slightly, and their breaths intertwined.

He first unbuttoned the top few buttons of Yi Zhize's shirt and touched his collarbone, "Zhize, number one."

The warmth of the touch brought up a subtle electric current.

Yi Zhize silently recited in his mind, “One."

Ou Tingyun's breath enveloped him and Yi Zhize closed his eyes, his exhale in his ears, "Pay attention to your collarbone, the muscles around it are gradually relaxing. Breathe and you will feel your inner self become more peaceful."

Ou Tingyun's hand moved downwards, touching his lower abdomen through a thin layer of clothing, "Relax your abdominal muscles and completely banish your senses effortlessly. Then, your breathing will be deeper and more relaxed."

Yi Zhize silently recited, “Two."

Ou Tingyun touched the side of his leg, "Here, relax."

Even through the fabric, a rush of exciting pleasure rose up from deep within his heart.

It was as if the exhaustion had lifted, and he wished that his touch could last longer, longer.

Sensing his immersion, Ou Tingyun continued, "Zhize, imagine you are going down the stairs. With each number you count, go further down the stairs until you are deeper and deeper."

"Continue to take these deep breaths as you feel the growing peace in your mind, as if all the pressure and restraints have disappeared..."

As Ou Tingyun stroked his earlobe, Yi Zhize shuddered gently.

The tingling heat quickly travelled from his ear to his whole body, as if a warm current was pouring into his bloodstream and flowing gently around his body.

"Are you comfortable? Zhize?"


"Shhh, you don't need to answer me. Just enjoy this state, as if you're returning to the hometown of your mind, filled with a feeling of safety and peace."

"Keep going down to the tenth step. Savour it, feel it, enjoy it. You are about to step into the underground lawn to explore the depths of your mind..."

As Yi Zhize fell into a deep sleep, Ou Tingyun's fingertips gently covered his teardrop mole.


In the darkness, it was luscious and enchanting.

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