Dragon Ball Z: Gohan Warrior of The Future

Chapter 5: Vol: 1 Ch: 4: Training Begins

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Gohan was standing in a rocky wasteland as he was looking out towards the sun rising over the horizon. Ginnie and Trunks were finishing up their warm up for the day. Gohan turned to look at them. 

"Ok Trunks you are going to spar with Ginnie. I want to see how strong you are compared to her." Gohan said, looking at them.

"Do I have to Gohan?" Ginnie asked him

"Yes, it will be good for you to spar with someone that's not me. This will also allow me to see how much you have grown." Gohan said as looking at her.

"Are you sure about this Gohan?" Trunks said as he looked at Gohan.

"Yeah, what he said, I don't want to hurt him." Ginnie said looking at Trunks

"You can't hurt me." Trunks mumbled looking offended

"WHY BECAUSE I'M A GIRL!!" Ginnie said angrily 

"... No… I didn't mean." Trunks stammered

"That's enough, you two, don't argue. You two are on the same team." Gohan said, trying to calm them down.

"Ok, sorry Gohan." Ginnie said looking at him

"Yeah sorry." Trunks said as well.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Gohan said, smiling at both of them. "Also, Yes, it will do the both of you some good. Sparring with someone different can help you see things you couldn't before, it can also give you new insight on problems you are having." Gohan said, looking at both of them.

"Ok, Gohan if you say so." Ginnie said as she walked next to him before turning to look at Trunks. "I'm sparring with you next ok." Ginnie said, glancing at Gohan.

"Ok, that's fine." Gohan said, looking at Ginnie with a smile. Before he sat down on a flat rock nearby.

 "You better be ready, I won't go easy on you." Ginnie said as she got into her fighting stance. 

"Trunks don't hold back, you better fight with everything you have or else you are going to be embarrassed." Gohan said with a smile.

Trunks looked at Gohan in confusion before looking at Ginnie who was smiling at Trunks as she put one hand forward and beckoned Trunks to come at her. Trunks looked at Gohan for a second, who nodded at him before Trunks launched himself at Ginnie.

Trunks threw out a punch at Ginnie who caught it, as she pulled Trunks by his arm towards her. Then Ginnie kneed Trunks in the stomach, before knocking him in the back with a chop sending Trunks crashing into the ground.

Gohan held a hand up stopping Ginnie from continuing, "I said come at her with everything you have Trunks." Gohan said, looking down at him. "Don't tell me that's the best you can do." 

"I didn't want to hurt her." Trunks said as he slowly stood back up.

Gohan looked at Trunks, then at Ginnie, "Hahahaha!!" They both laughed for a few seconds before calming down. "Trunks, what did I say before you started?" Gohan asked 

"... Not to hold back or else I will be embarrassed." Trunks mumbled looking down as his cheeks turned red.

"Yes, I said that because Ginnie is very strong even though she can't go Super Saiyan yet. She can fight on par with me in my base form, that alone should tell you how strong she is. Also, she's been training with me for the past couple of years." Gohan said, looking at Trunks. 

"Really she's that strong?" Trunks asked, looking surprised.

"Yes, she is, now try again but this time don't hold back." Gohan said 

"Ok, I'm ready." Trunks said looking at Ginnie who smiled back at Trunks.

"Good, now start." Gohan said 

Trunks stayed back looking at Ginnie carefully this time, instead of attacking head on. Ginnie smiled at him, "Well if you won't make a move then I will." Ginnie said as she fired an energy blast at Trunks.

Trunks jumped back to avoid it, Ginnie flew towards him and threw out a punch. Trunks blocked it with his forearm but the force of the punch sent him flying backwards crashing into a boulder nearby.

"Hahaha. Come on, you can do better than that, can't you?" Ginnie laughed as Trunks got back up and dusted himself off. 

"Ow" Trunks said as he rubbed his arm, "Gohan wasn't lying when he said that you were strong." 

Ginnie vanished and attacked Trunks from behind with a kick, sending him flying into the air. Ginnie flew after him as she punched him in the stomach before flying above him and knocking him down towards the ground. Trunks crashed into the ground creating a crater as his body hit the ground. 

"Ginnie that's enough." Gohan said as Ginnie looked down at Trunks, who was still on the ground. 

"... no… I can still… fight" Trunks said as he slowly stood up. Trunks' clothes were torn in places and he was bleeding from a cut over his forehead, causing blood to drip down his face.

Trunks started powering up, "Aaahhh!!" The broken area around Trunks started flying upwards, and around him. Green streaks of lighting appeared in the air around them, as Trunks continued to power up.

"Not bad" Gohan said to himself as he watched Trunks continue to power up, "That's enough Trunks, I just wanted to see your base line, and see what I have to work with." Gohan said standing up.

Trunks stopped powering up and looked at Gohan walking towards him, "Okay Gohan."

"You still need to learn how to properly fight and how to use your power, but that's what the training is for." Gohan said, looking down at Trunks. "Go sit down, rest, and watch while I spar with Ginnie." 

"Ok, Gohan." Trunks said as he walked to where Gohan was sitting and sat down.

"Finally." Ginnie said smiling at Gohan as she flew to the ground in front of Gohan smiling. 

"Are you ready Ginnie?" Gohan asked, looking at her as she got into her fighting stance.

"Yes, today's the day, Gohan, don't forget your promise to me." Ginnie said smiling, looking at Gohan with determination in her eyes. 

"What promise?" Trunks asked, looking at Gohan and Ginnie.

"I promised Ginnie that, if she manages to go Super Saiyan, then I will grant her one request." Gohan said looking at Trunks, "She's gotten close but not close enough." Gohan said, smiling at Ginnie.

"That's going to change today, so be prepared to grant my request." Ginnie said looking at Gohan 

"What, would you even ask for?" Trunks asked, looking at her.

"That's none of your business!" Ginnie excalmied, "Let's start, Gohan, stop stalling." Ginnie said, looking at Gohan.

"Haha, don't feel bad Trunks she won't even tell me." Gohan said looking at Trunks who looked slightly offended. "Ok, Trunks we start on your say so." Gohan said, looking at Ginnie, as he got into his fighting stance.

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"Ok, ready… start!" Trunks shouted.

Ginnie didn't move after Trunks said go, as she stared at Gohan with caution. Gohan raised his hand and beckoned Ginnie to attack him. "Why don't you make the first move?" Gohan said smiling.

Ginnie slowly started inching forward towards Gohan as she continued to watch him for the slightest hint of an attack. Gohan smiled as he watched Ginnie approaching him with caution, her attitude was completely different than when sparring with Trunks.

Ginnie then launched herself at Gohan and threw out a punch at Gohan, who blocked it with his forearm. Gohan smiled at her as she started throwing more punches which Gohan blocked as well.

Ginnie started attacking faster as Gohan had to start dodging the attacks. Ginnie then threw a kick at Gohan as he was blocking another punch, Gohan vanished as the kick approached.

Gohan appeared behind her and kicked her in the back sending her flying towards a mountain nearby, she managed to stop herself before crashing into it. Gohan then fired an energy blast at Ginnie, who was turning around. 

Ginnie managed to dodge the blast, as she dodged it the blast destroyed the mountain behind her. Ginnie used the smoke and dust from the destroyed mountain to hide and fire her own blasts at Gohan who knocked them away. Ginnie charged towards Gohan as she continued firing energy blasts at him.

Gohan flew backwards as he knocked them away, Ginnie vanished as she threw a kick at Gohan's back. Gohan backflipped, dodging the kick as he put distance between them, "Ready for round two." Gohan said smiling.

"Yead" Ginnie said as she flew towards him and threw a punch. Gohan threw out his own punch as it clashed with Ginnie's as a shockwave emerged from the impact. 

They started punching faster as they both vanished and started moving around the area, as they continued fighting. Each time they moved around the rocks and mountains were destroyed by their fight. 

Ginnie appeared in the air as she fired a volley of energy blasts at Gohan who flew through them, "Saturday Crush!" Ginnie shouted as she threw the blast at Gohan. Gohan blocked the attack by crossing his arms in front of his face.

Ginnie used the distraction to vanish and appear behind Gohan punching him in the face. Ginnie then started punching Gohan repeatedly in the stomach.

Ginnie then tried to punch Gohan in the face again but he dodged it and grabbed her arm and swung her down towards the ground. Gohan then fired a ki blast into her chest as it sent her crashing into the ground. 

"That's enough for today Ginnie." Gohan said as he looked at Ginnie climbing out of the crater that was formed. "It's getting late, and we should head back." Gohan said as he turned to look at the sun setting over the horizon, as it cast an orange glow over their surroundings.

"Wow, that was amazing you actually landed a hit on him!" Gohan heard Trunks said as he ran up to Ginnie who was dusting herself off.

"I've done it before but the end result is still the same, he wasn't hurt by the attack." Ginnie said, looking at Trunks.

"...what!" Trunks said looking at Gohan, who didn't have a scratch on him, as he watched the sun set. "That's unreal, just how strong is he?" Trunks asked.

"Very, strong if you consider that he didn't have to transform. I've been able to land a few hits but I haven't been able to make him fight at full power." Ginnie said sounding disappointed.

"Wow, that's amazing." Trunks said looking at Gohan

"Yeah… he is." Ginnie whispered

"Did you say something?" Trunks asked looking back at Ginnie.

"No!... Gohan are we heading back now." Ginnie said flying towards Gohan.

"Hey! Wait for me." Trunks said as he flew after her.

"Yeah, we are." Gohan said as he turned to look at them as they landed near him. "You both did a great job, we will continue training until you both can become Super Saiyans." Gohan said as he looked at them. "Now let's head back." Gohan said as he started flying back.


Gohan would continue to train Ginnie and Trunks over the weeks, as he had them spar against each other. While he mediated, Gohan would also spar with them one on one some days. They had made great progress, they were both getting close to becoming Super Saiyans.

Ginnie was the closest, she had the yellow aura and the yellow hair, with the green eyes, when she powered up but she couldn't complete the transformation. Trunks could only get the yellow aura and nothing else, when powering up.

They would also have some small problems, like eating the last piece of meat or using up the hot water, and other small things like that, but they also had one big problem. 

They would get into heated arguments. Especially whenever Gohan spent more time training Trunks than with Ginnie. 

Today was another day where they had gotten into another argument. They were outside Capsule Corp, and Gohan was explaining to Trunks the benefits of meditating. When Ginnie made a comment about it being easy for Trunks since he didn't have anything going on in his head anyway.

Trunks got angry and snapped back as they started shouting at each other and almost came to blows.

"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Gohan shouted startling them. "You guys are on the same side and you need to stop fighting each other." Gohan said as he sighed heavily.

"But Gohan, He… She..." Trunks and Ginnie said before Gohan raised his hand, stopping them.

"Ginnie stop antagonizing Trunks, he's trying his best to learn everything I'm trying to teach him. You have been training with me the longest and you already know most of this, instead of arguing with him you should be trying to help him." Gohan said, looking at Ginnie. "Please do this for me." Gohan said, looking into Ginnie's eyes.

"... Ok, I'm sorry Gohan." Ginnie said, looking at Gohan. "... Sorry Trunks." Ginnie said, turning to look at Trunks.

"I'm Sorry too." Trunks said, looking at Ginnie.

"That's better, now since the mood has been ruined for meditating we are going to do something different." Gohan said, looking at them.

"What are we going to do, Gohan?" They asked looking up at him.

"We are going to spar but this time, it's going to be the two of you vs me." Gohan said, looking at them with a smile.

"Do we have to work together, Gohan?" Trunks asked, looking at Ginnie before looking at him.

"Yes, you do this will teach you how to work together and hopefully help fix whatever is going on with the two of you." Gohan said, looking at him.

"Ok, if you say so, I'll do my best." Trunks said, looking at Gohan.

"Don't argue with me Ginnie, I know you want to say something but let's just try this." Gohan said looking at Ginnie who opened her mouth to say something before she closed it. Ginnie just nodded her head.

"Thank you, now let's move somewhere else. We don't want to cause any more damage to the house." Gohan said as he flew up.

"Gohan, don't go! That monster is back and is attacking, they need help." Bulma shouted as she stuck her head out the window.

"Damn, it… ok change of plans guys, time to see if your training has paid off." Gohan said, looking at Ginnie and Trunks.


(AN: I've rewritten this chapter twice already, because I wasn't happy with how it turned out. I like how it turned out this time, I had trouble with showing how strong Ginnie was vs how strong Trunks was.)

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