Dragon Ball Z: Gohan Warrior of The Future

Chapter 6: Vol: 1 Ch: 5: 6 Years Ago

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 “Gohan are you sure that's a good idea?” Bulma asked as she looked at him worriedly.

“Don't worry Bulma, they're not going to fight, they are just going to try and save people, while I fight.” Gohan said, looking at her.

“But Gohan, we can help you.” Trunks said, looking at him.

“Yeah, he's right Gohan, I know that's how we have done things before, but this time we can help you.” Ginnie said, looking at him.

“No buts, you two have gotten stronger, but I can't fight at full power if I'm worried about protecting you two.” Gohan said, sternly, looking at them. “Ginnie this is Trunks first time working with us, you need to show him how it's done… Please.” Gohan said, looking at her.

“He's right you two, save as many people as you can and then leave, let Gohan worry about that monster.” Bulma said, looking at them.

“Fine, Gohan, I will… but as soon as I can I'm coming to help you.” Ginnie said, looking at him, with determination.

“Yeah, me too.” Trunks said, looking at Gohan.

“Fine, I can work with that, let's go.” Gohan said, as he flew into the sky and headed towards the city, under attack.

“You guys be careful!” Bulma shouted after them.


“Gohan, what can we expect?” Trunks asked after they had been flying for a few minutes.

“... Depends.” Gohan said seriously

“... On what?” Trunks asked

“On, two things, one if he's still there when we get there. We haven't been able to get there in time. We usually hear about where he's attacking after it's been going on for a while, and by the time we get there he’s gone.” Gohan said, looking at Trunks.

“What's the second thing?” Trunks asked

“...on if I'm stronger than last time we fought.” Gohan said, as he looked forward. 

They saw a large city, in the distance, “Look there it is.” Trunks said pointing ahead

“It looks like he left ag—.” Ginnie started saying as a large orange explosion appeared on the horizon.

“This is it guys… remember the plan, you two look for any survivors and rescue them. While I deal with him, no arguing with me on this am I understood.” Gohan said, speeding up as he looked back at them.

“Yes!” Ginnie and Trunks said, as they sped up. 

“Good, now I want you two to stick together and look for any survivors. I will try to draw the fight away from the city, to reduce the casualties.” Gohan said, as they reached the city and he stopped to turn around and look at them. 

There were parts of the city on fire, buildings were laying in rubble, people were screaming in pain and for help. Ginnie and Trunks were looking around in shock.

“This is terrible… Come on Trunks we need to start helping now!” Ginnie said, as she looked around at the destruction, before flying towards the ground. 

“... No… Gohan, come on, we can help you fight, with the three of us he won't stand a chance.” Trunks said, as his fists shook in anger looking at Gohan.

“NO! Trunks your job is to help Ginnie with the survivors, we're not arguing about this again. Now Go!” Gohan said as he flew off towards where more explosions appeared.


(Flashback 6 Years Ago)

“STOP– … IT!” Gohan started shouting when he stopped, shocked by what he saw. It was a tall muscular man, with long white hair, a vest, dark green trousers, dark grey boots with black tips, brown gloves, and a gray and yellow trucker hat. 

“Hello boy… it’s good to see you again.” Android 13 said, turning around to smile at Gohan.

“... What… but… how are you like this again?” Gohan asked as he saw that android 13 was no longer in his blue and grey form.

“Oh, this… the good doctor found a way for me to change at will… kind of like your Super Saiyan transformations.” 13 said as he looked at his hands before looking up at Gohan with a smile.

“The good doctor?” Gohan asked 

“Yes, Dr. Gero… my creator.” 13 said looking at Gohan

“Your creator… who is he?” Gohan asked since this was the first time, he’s heard about this.

“The proper question would be who… was he?” 13 said, with a smile, 

“Who was he… you mean he's dead?”  Gohan asked 

“Yes… in a way, he died a long time ago.” 13 said, nodding his head.

“But if he's dead, how did he help you?” Gohan asked confused

“Now… Now before I answer any more questions, why don't you come down here. Sit down and talk with me. Didn't your parents teach you that it's rude to talk down to someone.” 13 said with a smile 

Gohan didn't know what to do, he wanted to fight but this was the first time he had a proper conversation with 13 since every other time he barely spoke. Gohan decided to fly down and see what he could learn.

“Now that's… good boy.” 13 said smiling as Gohan landed in front of him. “Sit, think about whatever questions you have, and I'll do my best to answer them.” 13 said pointing at two pieces of rubble before he sat down.

Gohan stared at him for a minute before he sat down cautiously, and started thinking, “... Will you answer all my questions?”

“I will… Now doc there's nothing wrong with answering a few questions for the curious boy, before we get down to business.” 13 said 

Gohan stared at 13 in confusion as he seemed to be talking to himself, “Who are you talking to?” Gohan asked, looking around.

“Sorry about that, the good doctor wants me to kill you, but I feel like that would be rude, especially since I can finally have a proper conversation with someone. Now ask your questions.” 13 said smiling

“Isn't Dr. Gero dead… how are y–.” Gohan was saying

“Let me have my fun first… fine I will only answer 3 questions before I fight him, is that fine with you?” 13 said, causing Gohan to point at himself in confusion causing 13 to shake his head, no.

“I apologize once more, orders from the doc, kind of hard to go against.” 13 said tapping his temple. 

“We were able to come to a compromise though, I will answer 3 questions before we fight. Although, there will be some questions that I'm forbidden to answer. Is that fine?” 13 asked, looking at Gohan.

Gohan just nodded his head in confusion, “... you said Dr. Gero is dead, so how is he talking to you?”

“Now that's a good question, yes the good Dr. Gero is dead, died at the expense of a failed experiment.” 13 said with a dramatic sigh and shake of his head.

“That's sad and all but you didn't answer my question.” Gohan said

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“Haha… you are quite right, to answer your question, his body is dead, but his will isn't. He built a supercomputer before his untimely demise that gives me my orders and repairs me.” 13 said.

“So that means if I don't destroy him completely then he will get repaired.” Gohan mumbled to himself.

“That's correct, but I doubt you could beat me, since you haven't been able to yet.” 13 said smiling

Gohan's eyes flashed with anger before he calmed himself, “He's right, I haven't been able to beat him. I've gotten stronger but I don't think it's enough… especially if he transforms again. I only have two questions left, I should really think about them before I ask them.” Gohan thought as he glanced at 13.

“Ask your questions before I forget this whole thing and kill you.” 13 said, standing up interrupting Gohan's train of thought.

“Woah… hang on, I'm just thinking of the right questions to ask.” Gohan said holding up his hands 

“Fine… but don't take too long.” 13 said as he sat back down.

“… Why is Dr. Gero doing this?” Gohan asked, “Back when you showed up, you said it was revenge against my dad, but he's been dead for 13 years. What's his grudge with my dad… that he can’t let it go even though he’s been dead for so long and he has you out here doing this, years after his own death.” Gohan said, pointing at the destruction around.

13 smirked at Gohan, “That's two questions… but I'll count it as one. Dr. Gero is doing this because he can, no one can stop him from taking over the world. He might not have a physical body but that won’t stop him. Well besides you that is, you are a thorn in his side that he wants removed and I'm the tool to remove it.” 13 said

“Dr. Gero's grudge with your dad is a personal one, one which I'm not privy to, so that's all I can say on the subject.” 13 said, “One more question left, make it a good one.”

“Right,” Gohan said, nodding his head, “Dr. Gero probably has a lab somewhere, but I doubt he would tell me the location… but maybe I can get a general location.” Gohan thought to himself before smiling and looking up at 13.

“Oh, it looks like this will be a good one, come on let's hear it.” 13 said excitedly

“We will see, I know that you can't or won't tell me its exact location but… what type of climate is Dr. Gero's lab located in?” Gohan asked 

“Oh… hahaha now that is a great question, I wouldn't have guessed that you could come up with a question like that.” 13 said laughing for a while before stopping. “It's located in a cold climate.”

“Wow… I didn't think you were going to answer that, I thought I was going to waste the question.” Gohan said surprised

“You had the right idea; I can't tell you its exact location or what direction it's in but if you ask like that, I can answer it. There are so many places that have a cold climate so you can spend your entire life looking for it and probably never find it.” 13 said, smiling.

“... Crap, I should have asked for a cardinal direction.” Gohan said, shaking his head.

“Yes, you should have but it's too late, since now it's time for me to put you down.” 13 said standing up.

Gohan took a deep breath and stood up, “Ok, before we begin, can we move this battle somewhere else?” 

“...I don't see why not, let's go.” 13 said as he flew away from the city, with Gohan flying after him.


They soon reached a clearing just outside the city where they landed, “This good enough?” 13 asked

“Yeah, thanks.” Gohan said as he got into his fighting stance.

“No problem, can't let it be known that I'm not considerate.” 13 said with a smile. 

Gohan charged towards 13 and threw a punch which 13 blocked with his forearm. 13 then punched Gohan in return. 

Gohan managed to block the punch but 13 fired an energy blast at Gohan sending him flying towards a mountain.

Gohan crashed into the mountain causing it to fall on top of him. “Come on boy, that was a love tap.” 13 said

Gohan powered up causing the rubble from the mountain to fly upwards, Gohan looked up at 13 before charging towards him. 

Gohan fired energy blasts at 13 as he flew towards him, 13 knocked them away as Gohan vanished and appeared behind him kicking him in the back. 

13's trucker hat flew off his head as he was sent flying forward, “My Trucker hat!”

“Masenko Ha!” Gohan shouted as he fired the energy beam at 13 hitting him in the back sending him flying into a mountain. 

The mountain exploded in a flash of yellow light and fire as Gohan started firing a volley of energy blasts at the dome making the dome grow larger. 

“Saturday Crush!!” Gohan fired one more blast causing the dome to explode upwards and outwards as a strong wind blew out from it.

Gohan stayed in the air watching the cloud of smoke to disappear hoping that attack was enough to win. 

“Whew… boy that was some attack.” 13 said as the smoke slowly cleared, showing 13 with an energy shield protecting him.

Gohan looked on in shock as saw that the only damage he did was to destroy 13's vest. “Wh–at… how are you still standing!?” 

“You are going to have to do a lot more damage than that if you want to win, boy.” 13 said smiling as his energy shield disappeared, “Now you're going to pay for making me lose my trucker hat.” 13 said as he charged towards Gohan and grabbed him by the foot and swung him down into the ground.

Gohan crashed into the ground creating a crater where he landed. “Take my T.H. Death Ball!” 13 shouted, causing Gohan to look up and see a large dark red ball, with another red ball inside it heading towards him.

Gohan flew into the air trying to dodge the attack, but it followed him. Gohan flew around trying to shake the attack, but he couldn't, Gohan then saw two mountains near each other with a crevice large enough for him to fly through.

Gohan sped up and flew into the crevice and emerged from the other side he turned around and saw the attack crashing into and destroying the mountains. “Damn it, I hope this works… Saturday Crush!”

Gohan fired his attack with a curve causing it to fly under the ball and send it flying into the air. 

“Not bad… boy.” 13 said as Gohan flew towards him. “However, you will never beat me if you keep holding back.” 

Gohan sighed, “You're right I thought that I could beat you… I thought I was stronger than the last time we fought. I guess I was deluding myself… I can't win if I don't take this seriously.” Gohan said as he transformed into a Super Saiyan.

“Now that you've shown me yours… I'll show you mine.” 13 said as his muscles started to bulk up, and his skin turned blue with grey areas on his shoulders, stomach, chest, and back. His pupils and irises vanished. His hair spiked upwards and turned orange. 


After 13 transformed, he beat Gohan down badly, and Gohan would have died if he hadn't managed to cut off one of 13's arms with a surprise Destructo Disk forcing 13 to retreat. Ginnie found Gohan unconscious and fed him one of the senzu beans; they had and healed him.


(End of Flashback)

“ENOUGH 13!!!” Gohan shouted as he arrived at where 13 was firing energy blasts at buildings and at people running for their lives.

13 who was in his normal form and had both arms back had stopped firing his energy blasts and turned to look at Gohan smiling. “Hello Boy.” 


(AN: Sorry I took so long to post a new chapter, but life got in the way. I was also busy planning out how I want the rest of this volume to go. I originally was going to do the flashback later, but I felt like doing it now would be better in the long run. I know some of you guys might think that making Android 13 the villain won't work out, but I have my reasons. One is that in the movie he was strong enough to beat everyone even in their Super Saiyan forms, or in Piccolo's case fused after he transformed. The other reasons will be known later and that's all I'm going to say ????.)

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