Dream of the Eternal Lovers

Dream of the Eternal Lovers

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Genre :

Drama, Romance



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Dream of the Eternal Lovers

Review: 9.5/10 from 10 ratings

The vision of two strangers have always haunted both Johan and Lucy, two people who have never met. Ever since they could remember, they have been dreaming of a man falling in love with a girl who both would fall into some misfortune, meeting their demise. Before their untimely end, they would always promise to be together in the next life. For years, they have wondered what it could mean and never received an answer.

One day, as Lucy slipped and was about to fall into a pond, she was pulled out when Johan just so happened to notice her plight. When they looked at each other's eyes, a great revelation had appeared before them. Each one recognizes the other as they look so uncanny to the couple in the dream, and a great emotional roller coaster would start developing within them upon discovering that they may be the reincarnation of the couple in their dream.

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