Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1325: 1325

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Immortal Guihe has not recovered his strength and his body is still falling. He doesn't even know what danger lies ahead. He is already considering how to deal with Qingyang and must make a quick decision. Otherwise, when other monks come, how can he have time to deal with them one by one?

When the cave collapsed, everyone began to fall. Because everyone's mind and Ming Yuan could not be used, they fell faster and faster. In the twinkling of an eye, they fell thousands of feet. Then they heard a few loud plops. Everyone fell to the ground and was thrown seven meat and eight vegetables one by one. Fortunately, there are high-level friars here. The height of thousands of feet can't even kill them, However, injuries are inevitable. People present have suffered some internal injuries and can't move on the ground.

This is not caused by the injury. At the beginning, they fell into the ghost abyss thousands of feet high, and Qingyang didn't fall to death. Although there was a lucky element, they picked up a life after all. Here they just fell thousands of feet, and the injury won't be too serious. The reason for this is that it was caused by the aftereffect of the Dragon chant. The huge momentum was imposed on the people. Everyone present was weak and weak, and their mind and Ming Yuan could not be used. It was like being pressed by an invisible hand, and they could not move.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qingyang looked around. It was empty below. His position was a huge space, at least thousands of feet around. It was dark. He couldn't see the edge at a glance. He didn't know whether the space was naturally formed or excavated by predecessors. In short, it was strange that such a large space appeared below. The top of the space is not connected with the cave above. Over the years, immortal Guihe has been digging down unremittingly, and only more than a foot thick has been excavated. As a result, there was a fierce battle in Qingyang, and the space below can no longer bear it, so it collapsed.

After the cave collapsed, many stones and dust fell down before them, forming a large earth bag on the ground. At this time, everyone was lying on the earth bag.

In front of Qingyang is immortal Guihe. The situation of immortal Guihe is the best. Although he can't move, he looks at Qingyang and seems to be making some wrong ideas.

The Liuhe boys controlled by immortal Guihe are scattered around him with different postures. The injuries are light and heavy. However, they are controlled by immortal Guihe with special skills. They simply can't feel the pain when they fall from a high place. Although they are injured, they seem to be OK.

The black water devil Jiao was at the bottom of the earth bag. At this time, his body was paralyzed on the ground and trembled constantly. He didn't know whether he fell just now or was frightened by the sound of dragon singing. Generally, the larger the body, the greater the strength of falling from a high place. The strength of the black water devil Jiao is limited by the sound of dragon chanting. He can't get out by any means. His huge body just falls from a thousand feet high. How can he stand the taste?

The situation of the iron arm spirit monkey is not much better. It was seriously injured in the battle with the black water demon Jiao before. This time, the huge body fell directly to the ground, and the injury was added to the injury. Even if the momentum added back to everyone was removed, the iron arm spirit monkey has no combat effectiveness.

Next to the iron arm monkey is the alcoholic queen bee. The alcoholic queen bee has a light body. Even if the Dragon chant limits her strength, she can cushion the downward trend only by two wings, so she is hardly affected. At this time, she is also suppressed by the Dragon chant and can't move temporarily.

The only person in the cave who didn't fall down was the crane cloak immortal. In order to avoid being affected by the battle, he was far from the bottom of the cave, and his position didn't collapse, so he remained in the middle of the cave, but the sound of the Dragon chant was too powerful, and he was also affected. He couldn't move at all when lying on a stone in the middle of the cave.

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Just now, immortal crane cloak only saw that the cave below suddenly collapsed, and everyone else fell down. Only himself was left in the whole cave. At the same time, the Dragon shadow and the sound of dragon singing appeared. Immortal crane cloak's body suddenly fell soft to the ground, and his mind and Mingyuan could not be used. He didn't know whether others were alive or dead. It was hard to predict whether it was a blessing or a disaster, which made people worried.

Crane cloak immortal immediately regretted that he had seen the world vision two years ago, but it was far away. He didn't know that it would have such great power. Now he knows after personal experience that danger is everywhere. He is still a little greedy and shouldn't be so close.

The sound of dragon singing soon disappeared, but the influence he caused has not disappeared. Everyone can't move. They can only stare at each other with big eyes and small eyes. It's very difficult.

I don't know how long it took before the momentum around him was slightly reduced. Although his mind and Mingyuan haven't recovered, his hands and feet can already do some simple actions. Immortal Guihe sat up hard from the ground, then touched an orange thing from the storage bag, looked like realgar, smelled it under his nose, and then stood up from the ground.

Maybe it's because immortal Guihe has high cultivation and recovers quickly, or maybe it's the role of realgar. Immortal Guihe is the first to recover his action ability, and Qingyang is only barely able to sit up from the ground. It's impossible to get up and move. The Dragon singing everywhere around him was like carrying a mountain. It was very difficult to do anything.

Immortal Guihe walked slowly to Qingyang, looked at Qingyang on the ground and said with a smile: "boy, I didn't expect it. After more than 30 years, you still haven't escaped my palm."

God and Zhenyuan didn't recover, and Qingyang couldn't use any means. Even the zuixianhu space, which he regarded as the last means to protect his life, couldn't be used for the time being. Qingyang couldn't help feeling a little desperate. For many years, he felt so helpless for the first time.

Before, I thought it was easy to save master Shi Han. Even if I couldn't fight, I could barely protect myself. However, I didn't expect that things would develop to this step. Now Qingyang has completely lost his resistance. At this time, as long as immortal Guihe is cruel, Qingyang will certainly lose his life.

Of course, as a high-level friar who has practiced for more than 100 years, although Qingyang is frightened in his heart, he will not wait to die. At present, the only way to save his life is to delay time. If he can wait until his strength recovers, even if he can barely use his mind, he will be saved.

"Why aren't you affected by the Dragon chanting momentum?" Qingyang said with panic on his face.

Looking at Qingyang's frightened appearance, immortal Guihe felt very comfortable. Naturally, he didn't know that Qingyang had the life-saving means of zuixianhu. In his mind, Qingyang was already fish on the chopping board and could be cut by himself. A little delay would have little impact.

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