Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1326: 1326

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Immortal Guihe thought about making a quick decision, but he didn't miss this time. Oolong lake is remote and there are few high-level friars around. The previous visions of heaven and earth should be able to attract some friars, but they are all low-level friars below the golden elixir, which can be solved casually. As for those who have high strength and can affect him, they are all in Chu River City, Even if I get the news now, I can't catch up for a while. There's no need to hurry.

Because of this, hearing Qingyang's question, immortal Guihe threw realgar in his hand and said proudly: "Of course, it's because this 10000 year old realgar appeared two years ago. I inadvertently found that the high-Year realgar can resist the Dragon chanting momentum, so I spent so much energy to prepare this realgar for more than 30000 years, which will first restore your mind and Ming Yuan. In fact, even without realgar, the Dragon chanting momentum will weaken with the passage of time, and the monk's mind and Ming Yuan will also disappear It will gradually recover, but I'm afraid you can't wait until then. "

Qingyang did not immediately collapse in the face of death, nor did he lose his mind because of the words of immortal Guihe. Instead, he nodded and said faintly: "I see. Since the Dragon shadow and dragon chant can be released in this space, the things in it must be related to dragons. However, after you have been digging in Oolong lake for so long, there is no response below. It must not be a living dragon. I'm afraid that your black water demon snake can advance so quickly because of the influence of this space. It's natural for snakes to turn dragons, dragons and snakes to fear sulfur , even the advanced Jiaolong is no exception. The sulfur of more than 30000 years can really restrain the momentum of Jiaolong. Immortal Guihe is very cautious. "

Speaking of this, Qingyang suddenly remembered the scene of several families competing for the ten thousand year sulfur at the auction in Chu Jiangcheng. Did those people also know the secret here?

Seeing Qingyang's words, he guessed his intention. Immortal Guihe couldn't help but exclaim: "It's really admirable that I can analyze so many useful things in a short time. I spent more than 30 years in Oolong lake and only realized these years ago. No wonder you have such accomplishments at your age. It seems that it's not only potential and opportunity, but also super savvy. It's a pity that we are destined to be enemies, otherwise I will save you 。”

Speaking of this, immortal Guihe paused a little and then said, "well, I've said everything I should say. Now you can be a clear ghost even if you're dead. Let's go."

After saying that, immortal Guihe's mind moved, and the magic weapon soon appeared in the air. It just looked a little trembling. Obviously, immortal Guihe's mind hasn't fully recovered, and it's still hard to use the magic weapon. Qingyang has been delaying time just now, and immortal Guihe hasn't been like this. Although he has realgar, it will take some time to recover his strength.

Seeing that Qingyang was about to be killed by immortal Guihe, suddenly, there was a sound of fighting in the cave above the space. Then listen to ah ah, immortal crane cloak fell down from above. The Jindan friar who came with Qingyang couldn't be alone after all.

The crane cloak immortal was located outside and was less affected by the Dragon chant, so his strength recovered a little faster. As early as ghost he immortal sat up from the ground, he was already able to move. His previous experiences really frightened the crane cloak immortal. He felt the strong dragon chant momentum below. He thought it was safer to be outside, so he went outside the cave.

I didn't know that at this time, a friar entered the cave at the bottom of the pond from the outside. The two sides bumped into each other head-on. The friars from the outside were very powerful. Three or two moves hit immortal crane cloak. Immortal crane cloak was immediately seriously injured and fell directly in front of immortal Qingyang and ghost he. This is because the friars from the outside didn't have heavy hands, otherwise immortal crane cloak would have died long ago.

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Seeing immortal crane cloak fall down, immortal ghost he was surprised. He knew the strength of immortal crane cloak. Someone could easily defeat immortal crane cloak, which showed that his cultivation was at least nine layers of golden elixir, and maybe even monk Yuanying, which was greatly beyond his expectation.

Immortal Guihe has lived near Oolong lake for decades. He knows that there are no high-level friars around here. Not to mention friar Yuanying, even friars of Jindan are rare. It has only been half an hour since the emergence of dragon shadow and dragon chant. It is obviously not a coincidence that high-level friars come to the door so soon. It is likely that the other party is prepared, perhaps for the following things.

At the thought of this, immortal Guihe couldn't care to kill the green sun that was already the fish on the chopping board, and flew up. However, his mind and Mingyuan haven't fully recovered. It's hard to fly up. Just after flying more than 300 feet, he saw several monks coming down from above. Immortal Guihe's face suddenly became ugly and set off layers of waves in his heart.

Because there are not only a large number of people coming, but also their strength is higher than him. One of the five mid-term friars of Yuanying, who are all the same, is picked up casually. Ghost he immortal is not an opponent.

Wulongtan is not far from the Chu River City. Immortal Guihe has lived here for decades. Although he has not seen the top figures in the Chu River City, he has heard of several of them. The mid-term friars of Yuanying are not the city master of the Chu River City, but the ancestors of those big families.

There are no other high-level friars near Oolong lake. Needless to guess, these five people must have come from Chujiang city. Chujiang city is at least a day away from here, and there has just been a vision of heaven and earth here. These people came in less than half an hour. Moreover, it seems that the momentum of dragon singing has little effect on them, indicating that they may have better realgar than themselves , if they didn't prepare in advance, he wouldn't believe it.

In other words, this matter has long been watched by several top figures in Chu Jiang city. However, they have been secretly waiting for immortal Guihe to do the free coolie. Now the cave has been excavated and the heaven and earth visions appear, so they appear to pick peaches.

Immortal Guihe was shocked and angry for a moment and said, "what are you... What are you doing?"

Immortal Guihe guessed well. The five people who came were the top figures in Chu Jiang City, the city Lord Chu Jiang Zhenjun and the ancestors of the four families of Zhou, Wu and Zheng in the city.

As the local snake of Chu River City, although they didn't see the heaven and earth visions two years ago, they also heard about them. However, there are too few clues. Immortal Guihe works secretly. They don't know the specific reason. After all, they are the top people hundreds of thousands of miles around. It took them two years to find out some news.

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