Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1384: 1384

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This ceremony alone lasted more than half an hour. It was the result of the master of ceremonies on that stage only picking up gifts from some important figures and forces. It was naturally impossible to announce those with low cultivation or relatively light gifts one by one.
There was a singing ceremony on the stage, and the friars below made a special statistics. On the birthday of the long eyebrow ghost king, the total value of the gifts from the live singing ceremony alone reached six or seven million ghost stones. If you add those who did not sing, the total value would reach one million ghost stones?
We can hardly believe that we can receive millions of ghost stones just for a birthday. Seeing the long eyebrow ghost King's face red and his mouth closed, he really made a lot of money this time. The monks under the stage witnessed this miracle with their own eyes and were all envious. The influence of the ten kings hall was amazing. They wondered whether they would also sneak into the ten kings hall and slowly find a way to climb up.
However, others may not know. The long eyebrow ghost king still knows the reason why he received so many gifts this time. First, his 1300 year birthday is really rare, which should be the only one among the Yuanying friars in the ancient mainland. Second, he is detached in the ten kings hall and has no interest dispute with the other nine ghost kings, The third is the first Hall of the ten kings hall. The position of the Lord of the hall is about to be changed. The ghost king with ideas is trying every means to please himself. If he changes time or person, he will never receive so many gifts.
The second link after the ceremony is that the close characters of the long eyebrow ghost King come forward to celebrate his birthday in turn. The long eyebrow ghost king has lived for 1300 years, and his descendants have long wondered how many generations he has multiplied. Those who have no spiritual roots or low achievements will not say, and many who have achieved high achievements, some even have reached the infancy, and come forward to celebrate his birthday according to their closeness and strength.
In addition to the direct descendants of the long eyebrow ghost king, his disciples and grandchildren came forward to celebrate his birthday. They were also a huge group. After the disturbance, most of the time passed.
Ordinary birthdays have established procedures. The long eyebrow ghost king has not made any special arrangements here. It has been going on step by step, and there has been no accident during the period. When a series of ceremonies are completed, the birthday banquet will begin. For the majority of friars at the bottom, no matter how many gifts they give, they can't get back, It's impossible for big people like the long eyebrow ghost king to remember them. If you want to get back, it depends on how much you can eat back at the last birthday banquet.
The long eyebrow ghost king received so many gifts and was not too stingy. Finally, the birthday banquet was very rich. At the same time, he also prepared a rich return gift for everyone, which made everyone come in pain and return with satisfaction. At the end of the birthday banquet, other monks left the ghost King's house one after another, and several ghost kings in the ten King's Hall stayed at the same time. It seems that there are still things to talk about.
The long eyebrow ghost king also knows that things will not end so easily. Even after the previous birthday banquet, the ghost kings will hold an exchange link. We usually rarely meet. It's hard to get together. How can we have a good exchange meeting and exchange needed goods? Now we catch up with the replacement of the first hall leader. Some private communication is inevitable.

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All the other monks withdrew. Only the seven ghost kings and their attendants in the stands sat still. I don't know how long later, Fu Liu ghost king said: "It has been more than 170 years since the giant ghost king was promoted to the Lord of the first Hall of the ten kings hall. Now it's time to choose a new ghost king of the first hall. Long eyebrow ghost king, you are our big brother. Your opinions have always been more convincing. What suggestions do you have for this election?"
Rao Shi, the ghost king with long eyebrows, had a certain psychological preparation. Unexpectedly, the ghost king with Liu didn't have any bedding at all. He directly asked his own opinion. The ghost king with long eyebrows pondered a little and said: "The election of the Lord of the first Hall of the ten kings hall is held every 180 years. Now there are still several years to go before the official election. Now the giant ghost king is still serving as the Lord of the first hall. It seems inappropriate for us to discuss this matter here."
Seeing that the ghost king Changmei used the word dragging formula, the ghost King Liu was dissatisfied. How can he just accept gifts without doing anything? So he said: "A few years is just a flick of the finger for our monk Yuanying. We have established the candidate for the next ghost king of the first hall in advance, which is also conducive to the smooth transition of the ten king hall. Although the giant ghost king is still in office, everyone is well aware that there are not many longevity yuan of the giant ghost king, and it is impossible to advance into God. He has been discouraged and unwilling to do anything in recent years, We are also sharing his worries. The giant ghost king will only be grateful. "
The ghost king of Liu Fu said everything for his own sake. The ghost king of long eyebrow knows that he can't do without expressing his position. In fact, the ghost king of long eyebrow is also more optimistic about the ghost king of Liu Fu. Although the qualification of the ghost king of Liu Fu is slightly worse than that of the happy ghost king and the big belly ghost king, he has good qualification and rapid improvement of cultivation. He has gradually surpassed the other two in the past two years, and his ranking among the ghost kings has risen to the third.
Regardless of the words of the long eyebrow ghost king, among the remaining eight ghost kings, whether in terms of personal ability, future potential, and impact on the ten kings hall, the Liu ghost king is the best candidate for the next leader of the first hall. As long as the giant ghost King leaves office, it will be natural for the Liu ghost king to rise to the top. However, I didn't expect that the Liu ghost king can't wait to return to the giant ghost king Without leaving office, he was in a hurry to make himself clear. The long eyebrow ghost king was disgusted.
However, he has just accepted the heavy gift from others, and the ghost King Liu is indeed the best candidate. The ghost king Changmei is too lazy to change his mind because of those small problems. Since he wants to make himself express his position, he will express his position. Presumably, the giant ghost king, a Shouyuan, will not be dissatisfied with himself because of this small matter. Even if he is dissatisfied, he is not afraid of it.
Thinking of this, the long eyebrow ghost king has made up his mind, and the happy ghost king and the big belly ghost King know what the long eyebrow ghost King thinks at this time, but they don't know how to stop it. As for the remaining three ghost kings, they are completely in a state of watching the excitement, and it's none of their business.
Seeing that the long eyebrow ghost king was about to speak, suddenly a servant of the ghost King's house hurried to report to the long eyebrow ghost king that there were distinguished guests visiting outside. Everyone couldn't help wondering. The long eyebrow ghost King's birthday was over. What else can we do? Besides, the seven ghost kings in the ten kings hall are here. Who else can be called a distinguished guest in front of them?

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