Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1385: 1385

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Just as everyone was thinking about this problem, a group of people came in from the outside. First, an extraordinary old man was thin and thin, but his head was several times larger than others, with a diameter of more than one foot. From a distance, it was like a big pumpkin on a bamboo pole.

Who can enter the Changmei ghost King's residence without notice, not the giant ghost king? The giant ghost king is the leader of the super power ten kings hall. He is the first expert within a million miles around. Once the token is issued, he can command the whole ten kings hall. Such a top figure is the ultimate goal and idol of almost all monks. Fortunately, the monks who celebrated their birthday have left before, otherwise everyone will be boiling when they see it.

However, if you look carefully, you can also see that the giant ghost king has some decline. His beard is pale, his face is wrinkled, and his back is not as straight as young people. Although he has extraordinary momentum, he is old. There is indeed a sign that his longevity is not much. No wonder the Liu ghost king asked the long eyebrow ghost king to make a statement. I'm afraid he has also seen the situation of the giant ghost king.

Coming side by side with the giant ghost king is a middle-aged ghost Xiu, with big arms, round waist and fat body. A person can be two or three times as fat as the giant ghost King next to him. Of course, he can't be compared with the fat hair of the big belly ghost king, but he is also very fat among ordinary people.

The middle-aged ghost Xiu also carries a cloth bag, which seems to contain a lot of things. The cloth bag is made of unknown materials. It looks ordinary, but none of the people present dare to underestimate it, because the middle-aged ghost walking with the giant ghost king is the cloth bag ghost king in the ten kings Hall, and the cloth bag behind him, It is said that it is inherited by the great energy friar. It has almost reached the level of Lingbao. There is a lot of space in it. It can be used not only for ordinary items, but also for living creatures. When fighting with the bag ghost king, if you are not careful and are covered by the bag head, the friars below the spirit can hardly escape.

Of course, if you are careful enough, it is difficult for the cloth bag ghost king to use this cloth bag to hold the friars of the same level. However, when everyone is careless, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Therefore, even the ghost kings ranking before the cloth bag ghost King in the ten kings hall are somewhat afraid of him.

No wonder the servants of the ghost King's residence said that they were distinguished guests. It turned out that they were the giant ghost king and the bag ghost king. If they were, they could really be called distinguished guests.

On the birthday of the long eyebrow ghost king, only five ghost kings came. As a result, a Liu ghost king suddenly appeared on the way, which surprised many people. Although the remaining three didn't come, they all sent gifts. They thought it was over. Unexpectedly, now that the birthday banquet is over and everyone else has left, the giant ghost king and the bag ghost King come together, I don't know what they think.

Seeing these two people, the ghost king with long eyebrows breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, there was a step down. There was a giant ghost king. The ghost king with Liu could no longer urge him to make a statement, could he? If you do that, it will be a face-to-face slap. The giant ghost king will not let him go easily.

It's not only the long eyebrow ghost king, but also the joy ghost king and the big belly ghost king. Although they are not as competitive as the Liu ghost king, they still have a lot of hope. If they can get the support of powerful people, they will not become the first hall owner of the next ten kings hall.

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For this purpose, they spent a lot of effort. From the open and secret struggle between them at the beginning, it can be seen that the king of Liu ghost was stronger than them and spent more money. They watched the king of Liu ghost win more and more. Both of them were anxious, but they didn't know how to stop it. Unexpectedly, the giant ghost king and the bag ghost king came at this time, It immediately solved the urgent need. The first hall Lord is here. Should the Liu ghost King restrain himself in this matter? With a certain buffer time, the two can take a long-term view.

Linglong ghost king, Qianshou ghost king and Baimei ghost king had nothing to do with themselves. They didn't react much to the arrival of the giant ghost king. Only Fu Liu ghost king was very angry. The giant ghost king didn't come early or late. Seeing the long eyebrow ghost king, he had to express his support. It happened that he came at this time to waste his mind, and I didn't know whether the old guy was intentional or not.

No matter what you think, since the giant ghost king is coming, you can't neglect it. Even if the other party has less longevity yuan, it is also the first hall Lord of the ten kings hall. You still need to have the necessary respect. Moreover, the giant ghost King hasn't aged to the degree of obvious decline in strength. If someone really provokes him and starts a storm face to face, even the long eyebrow ghost king may not be able to stop him.

As the master, the long eyebrow ghost king was the first to greet the giant ghost king and saluted him: "I don't know if the giant ghost king is coming, it's far from welcome, and I hope to make atonement."

The giant ghost King smiled and said, "I also came on a temporary occasion. I didn't specially ask people to inform me when I came in. Don't be so polite. I should be abrupt."

At this time, several other ghost Kings also greeted and saluted the giant ghost king one after another. After some greetings, the long eyebrow ghost king let everyone back to the grandstand. When everyone was seated, the long eyebrow ghost king asked, "what's the matter with the giant ghost King coming at this time?"

The giant ghost King hesitated and said, "I'm here for two purposes. First, of course, to celebrate your 1300 birthday. I hope brother Changmei doesn't care if I'm late. Second, I want to ask brother Changmei to help me. I don't know what to say."

The long eyebrow ghost king is old and refined. How can he not hear the meaning of the giant ghost King's words? What's the excuse to celebrate your 1300 birthday? If the giant ghost king really wants to come with Baimei ghost king a few days in advance, he will never come until the birthday banquet is over and all the guests have gone. It is estimated that the main purpose is to find his own help for the second reason. The other party's words have been exported. The long eyebrow ghost king can only say: "It's hard to say now. Whether you can help depends on what it is. The giant ghost king can tell it."

Seeing that the words of the long eyebrow ghost King were watertight, the giant ghost king could not help but frown. It seems that things are more difficult than expected, but it can only be so at this point, so he said, "there are no outsiders here. I'll tell you straight. I want to change an eyebrow with the long eyebrow ghost king."

In fact, before the giant ghost King spoke, the long eyebrow ghost king had a hunch about it. Over the years, when he made such requests to him, he met many every year. Although they were all rejected by him, some people always felt that their conditions could move him, so they took the trouble to put forward such requests to him, and then he rejected them one by one.

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