Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1386: 1386

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There's no need to think about this. The long eyebrow ghost king wants to refuse. The number of long eyebrows of the long eyebrow ghost king is limited. Now there are only five left. In addition to his remaining 100 years of life, in theory, the long eyebrow ghost king has only 600 years of life. It seems a lot. It's too difficult to break through the realm of God. The long eyebrow ghost king with a life of 600 years is not sure of a breakthrough, Besides, give some more to others? Giving it to others is tantamount to looking for death. Of course, the long eyebrow ghost king will not do so.

It's just that the giant ghost king has a special identity. The other party directly refused to face as soon as he opened his mouth. The long eyebrow ghost King hesitated a little and didn't answer the other party's questions for the time being.

The giant ghost king did not wait for the long eyebrow ghost king to speak, but continued: "Elder brother Changmei, you can see that I have only 20 or 30 years left in my life. If I don't find a way to prolong my life, I will have to wait to die slowly in the future, so I will try even if it costs a lot. A long eyebrow can increase my life by 100 years. Although I will give some discount to others, there are still 60 or 70 years, plus my original life It has been nearly a hundred years, and my current cultivation is not far from Yuanying's perfection. If you think of a way, it is really possible to try the realm of transforming God, and then all problems will be solved. "

Seeing the giant ghost King's self-care speech, the long eyebrow ghost King couldn't help sneering at himself. All problems were solved easily? Speaking lightly, how could it be so easy? It's so easy to break through the realm of transforming God. You have a life of 600 years, but you don't dare to hope. You want to break through the realm of transforming God after a life of 100 years? Do you really think you were the amazing one horned ghost king in those years?

The long eyebrow ghost king is very clear about the situation of the giant ghost king. At his current cultivation speed, even if he gives another hundred years, it would be good for him to practice Tao Yuanying perfectly. It is impossible for him to have the opportunity to try to break through and transform God, so all this is an extravagant hope and can't be done at all. The long eyebrow ghost king can't give his hundred years of life to each other to waste.

Thinking of this, the long eyebrow ghost king said, "the giant ghost king, you know very well that the long eyebrow is my life. I'm afraid I can't agree to this request."

The giant ghost King seemed to have expected that the other party would say so, so he said, "don't be busy rejecting the long eyebrow ghost king. Why don't you listen to my conditions first?"

The long eyebrow ghost King shook his head and said, "giant ghost king, this is not a problem of conditions..."

The giant ghost king didn't wait for the long eyebrow ghost king to finish his words, but said to himself: "I know the importance of that long eyebrow to you and how rare it is in the immortal world, so my conditions will never be low. Over the years, I have accumulated at least six million dark stones. I can give you all of them without leaving them. How about?"

As a Yuan Ying ghost king who has lived for nearly a thousand years and the first lord of the ten kings Hall of the super power in the nether world for more than 100 years, it is not very difficult to accumulate millions of ghost stones.

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For the giant ghost king, these dark stones are external things. If you don't even have life, what's the use of more dark stones? It's better to live than to die. The longer a monk lives, the more afraid of death. It's worth using these dark stones for a life of 60 or 70 years.

It is said that many years ago, others used three jieying pills to exchange a long eyebrow from the long eyebrow ghost king. Although jieying pills are rare, they also have a price after all. The value of one is hundreds of thousands of dark stones. More than 6 million dark stones are ten times that of jieying pills. Are you sincere enough?

The giant ghost king said, looking forward to the long eyebrow ghost king, waiting for the other party to agree to his conditions. Unexpectedly, the long eyebrow ghost king said directly: "this matter is not possible to discuss."

The long eyebrow ghost King's attitude is very firm, which makes the giant ghost king a little desperate. He has paid all but still can't move the other party. If possible, he even wants to rob, but he also knows that it's impossible to do it. It can't be forced. If you want to use long eyebrow to increase life, you must be willing to do it, otherwise it won't have any effect, not to mention the cultivation of long eyebrow ghost king For 1300 years, his strength was not much lower than that of him. Even if he did it, he might not be able to grab it.

Thinking that his efforts would come to naught, even himself would disappear after 20 or 30 years. The giant ghost king suddenly became a lot older and almost said in a pleading tone: "long eyebrow ghost king, is there really no room for accommodation in this matter?"

Looking at the appearance of the giant ghost king, the Lord of the first Hall of the hall of ten kings asked for people in such a low voice. Many ghost kings present had a bad taste in their hearts. It was difficult to cultivate immortals. They had a deep experience, especially in the realm of transforming gods. For thousands of years, there were countless Yuan Ying friars in the ancient wind mainland, but how many people could achieve transforming gods?

The Yuanying friars present are not much smaller than the giant ghost king. Maybe they will face this scene two or three hundred years later, or even more than a hundred years later. They may also be like the giant ghost king, struggling to resist death and begging for more years. In the end, they will be ruthlessly rejected and can only grow old reluctantly.

Of course, not everyone can't see it. Some people have been indifferent to life and death. With their ability, they can't touch the edge of transforming God in their life. Then dying at the end of life is a fact that must be accepted. It's useless to refuse. Compared with those friars who can't break through Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir and Yuan Ying's death, they should be satisfied that they can live for thousands of years.

The ghost king in front had different thoughts, and Qingyang in the back had many thoughts. He came this time to let Baimei ghost King introduce Changmei ghost king and discuss what to use in exchange for a long eyebrow to prolong Yu Mengmiao's life. As a result, it was not easy to wait until the birthday banquet was over. Baimei ghost king was robbed by the giant ghost king who suddenly appeared before he found the opportunity to speak, In front of the Lord of the first Hall of the ten kings hall, Qingyang naturally had no room to speak, so he had to put away his mind first.

When the giant ghost king and the long eyebrow ghost King discussed exchanging for the long eyebrow, Qingyang's mind behind him was actually very contradictory. He not only hoped that the giant ghost king could successfully seek the long eyebrow of the long eyebrow ghost king, but also feared that the giant ghost king would really succeed. If the giant ghost king can get the long eyebrow from the long eyebrow ghost king, it means that the long eyebrow ghost king is not as difficult to move as the legend. If the conditions are appropriate, he will trade, and he will also have the possibility of success. However, Qingyang is also very clear that the number of long eyebrows of the long eyebrow ghost king is limited. Once the giant ghost King succeeds, the number of remaining long eyebrows will be less, Rare things are more expensive, and the price you have to pay must be greater.

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