Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1541: 1541

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This time, the spirit of the broken love fairy seemed to be much better. She took a thought-provoking smile on her face and said: "I didn't say it at the beginning because Yu Mengmiao might have been saved by you. Now I say it because more than 60 years have passed and Yu Mengmiao has long died. Now it's too late for you to find the swallow Yang pill. I've been suffering all my life and met desperate men. The first one let me live without knowing life and death, and the second one let me live worse than death, so I can't see others in my life Showing love in front of me is the most unbearable thing for others to be happy with each other. At the beginning, I opened you up because I was not optimistic about your future. The bigger reason is that I envy, envy and hate. "
In fact, Qingyang can also think of this. If a woman who has been hurt by love can't come out of it, she will certainly be psychologically distorted. If it's serious, she may be possessed by the devil. Just a faint way: "broken love fairy, I avenged you. Is that how you thank me?"
At this time, the broken love fairy suddenly had a ferocious look on her face and sneered: "It's true that you avenged me, but you killed my only son. It's also an unparalleled hatred. If I can't kill you for revenge, I can only let you taste the taste of regret, let you live in guilt for the rest of your life, and let a lover never become a family member. What's the matter? Do you have a feeling of tearing your heart and lungs now? Do you scratch your heart and liver with regret? Yes Don't you hate me to the bone? "
This broken love fairy deserves the name of broken love. She has to stimulate Qingyang before she dies. It's a pity that Yu Mengmiao didn't die and was saved by Qingyang at any cost. However, the crystal audience still holding the coffin ghost king is not awake.
Looking at the pride of the broken love fairy, Qingyang smiled and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. Yu Mengmiao is not dead. She's still alive."
Qingyang's words seemed to stimulate the love ending fairy. Her face changed sharply and exclaimed, "how is it possible? In this world, there is absolutely no way to save Yu Mengmiao except my Yang swallowing pill of yin and Yang sect. She should have died long ago. You must have lied to me."
Seeing that the other party didn't give up, Qingyang said: "After Yu Mengmiao's accident, he was immediately controlled by the elder ghost King's secret arts and hanged his life with the jade spirit marrow. Then I went to the ghost Valley to get a Yuanying. Later, the great friar showed her the formula against the yuan God, stabilized Miaomiao's breath and restored the yuan God's potential. Then I went to the ten King's Hall in the depths of the netherworld to find the longevity eyebrow of the Changmei ghost king, which activated Miaomiao's vitality and Shouyuan potential Yes, although she hasn't completely returned to normal, she's no longer in a big way. She was left in the ten kings hall for cultivation by me, but she lives much better than your master. "
With the insight of the broken love fairy, naturally she has not heard of any anti yuan shenjue and the long eyebrow ghost king, but from Qingyang's words, she can judge that these things should be true, rather than Qingyang's random fabrication to deceive her, that is to say, Yu Mengmiao is really saved?
For the sake of Qingyang, Yu Mengmiao can take the wedding clothes God pill regardless of his own life. For the sake of Yu Mengmiao, Qingyang can go through all kinds of hardships to find the anti yuan God formula and the longevity eyebrow of the long eyebrow ghost king. Why do they meet desperate people and never enjoy a little love between men and women?
Thinking of beating mandarin ducks many times and trying all means to break them up, the other party lived better and better. From then on, I'm afraid no one can separate them. Thinking of these, the broken love fairy became jealous and crazy. She suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood and said: "It's impossible. What you said is false and false. Even if there are these things, how can you get them with your original cultivation? All these things you said are fabricated and are intended to annoy me, aren't they?"

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Qingyang said, "you think too much. I'm not as boring as you. Believe it or not, Yu Mengmiao is fine now. I also want to thank you for letting me know the existence of the swallow Yang pill. I passed Jiuxian city this time just to go back to the mainland of Kyushu. If I find the swallow Yang pill, I'll pass half of my accomplishments back to Yu Mengmiao and let her recover completely."
Qingyang's words made the duanqing fairy spit out a mouthful of blood again, and she didn't catch her breath for a long time. She thought she could plant a thorn in the other party's heart before she died and retaliate for the murder of her only son. She didn't know that Yu Mengmiao had no accident at all. Her idea not only didn't work, but made the other party have another way to treat Yu Mengmiao.
Why? Why does god treat me like this? Why is it you who are unlucky every time? Your heart is higher than heaven and your life is thinner than paper. What you say is yourself? Thinking of this, the broken love fairy suddenly screamed, and then her pupils widened, and gradually lost her voice with reluctance on her face.
The potential of duanqing fairy was exhausted before she was locked in the dungeon by Shifu Zhenjun. When she tried hard, Zhenyuan and shennian were almost exhausted. Later, when she fought with the ninth floor friar of Jindan, her Jindan and life were seriously overdrawn. Even if she was not seriously injured, she didn't have much time to live. Her performance just now is a reflection. Now she is in green Stimulated by the News Yang said, the tone in his chest was removed and completely died on the spot.
Qingyang explored with his mind and saw that the broken love fairy was completely dead. He couldn't help talking. The woman's hatred for men and jealousy for Yu Mengmiao were far more than normal people. It's not too much to say that she was possessed by evil. She wanted to plant a thorn in her heart before she died. Now it's all over when she dies. No one can interfere with her relationship with Yu Mengmiao in the future.
Others looked at it from a distance, and no one intervened. This was just a small episode in the process of killing the lingfu sect. Now the broken love fairy was dead, and the lingfu sect was basically over. Invite Yue Zhenjun sent someone to search around again, and then took everyone away.
Out of the lingfu sect, the three teams of people went back to their homes. They still haven't had time to distribute the things they got. They still need to go back and make detailed statistics and distribute them according to their credit, strength and status. As for Qingyang and iron arm Linghou, they returned to Jiuxian city with invited moon Zhenjun and went to the mainland of Kyushu. Jiuxian city is the only way to go, not to mention he still has some things to do.
In order to avoid disturbing the lingfu sect, we were in a hurry. We didn't worry about it when we went back. The speed was much slower. We didn't return to Jiuxian city until more than two months later.
On the way, Qingyang inquired with Xuyue Zhenjun and wanted him to help him find a wise smelter to refine the thunder stone into the Yufeng gourd. Unexpectedly, Xuyue Zhenjun himself was a smelter, and his level of refining was also top in Jiuxian city. He was also willing to help Qingyang, so Qingyang entrusted the refining of Yufeng gourd to Xuyue Zhenjun.

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