Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1542: 1542

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After returning to Jiuxian City, invited moon Zhenjun took Qingyang's wind gourd and the Thunder Stone to the refining room. As for how to distribute the income of lingfu sect, the following people will do it.

Qingyang was not idle. He turned all the shops selling high-grade materials in Jiuxian city to see if he could buy some materials for refining Yangshen pill. As a result, he was greatly disappointed. He received only some unimportant auxiliary drugs and dispensing drugs, and did not buy any main materials. However, this is normal. The materials of Yangshen pill are extremely precious and it is particularly difficult to collect. And Friar Yuanying is the most lack of spirit stone. How can he let go when he meets good materials? So these materials have long been raided by those local snakes in Jiuxian city. How can it be Qingyang's turn?

In desperation, Qingyang can only target those Yuanying friars in Jiuxian city. Jiuxian city is so large that there are at least a dozen Yuanying friars. Everyone has more or less some materials for refining Yangshen pill. The price of Qingyang is slightly higher, but it can also receive some.

Taking into account those obtained in the lingfu sect before, Qingyang quickly gathered up nearly a thousand copies of the material of the nourishing pill. Then he found an alchemy room in the Lord's residence of Jiuxian city and tried to refine the nourishing pill.

Yangshen pill is a standard pill of Yuanying level. Only Dan emperor or quasi Dan emperor can refine it. However, if you want to become a Dan emperor, it is simply not what ordinary people can do. Not only do you have to achieve a certain degree of cultivation, but also have high requirements for Dan art. I'm afraid there are few in the whole ancient mainland.

As early as when he was a guest of the Liu family in the Zhongsha region, Qingyang's Alchemy had surpassed that of the ordinary Dan king. On the way to the ancient wind mainland, although Qingyang's bitter alchemy had not reached the level of Yuanying Dan emperor, it was not much worse. Because of this, he could easily refine the most difficult gold pill among the gold pill level pills after coming out of the Yinfeng extreme fire cave.

After breaking through the golden elixir realm, Qingyang's alchemy has increased steadily. Now it has broken through the Yuanying realm at one fell swoop, and its mind has been greatly enhanced. It has long reached the level of the Danhuang, but Qingyang has been exposed to too few Yuanying level pills before, and there is a slight lack of experience in this aspect. After being familiar with it for a period of time, Qingyang is a qualified Yuanying Danhuang.

The refining difficulty of Yangshen pill is not high. Based on Qingyang's current level of pill art, it is not difficult to refine. In addition, he has Ziyun Tongxiao tripod, an elixir artifact. Refining Yangshen pill is nothing. Because of this, he collected materials for refining Yangshen pill everywhere in Jiuxian city.

Qingyang has collected the danfang of Yangshen pill for a long time, and has conducted in-depth research on danfang. He is familiar with each step of refining Yangshen pill. Now he is ready. Qingyang takes out Ziyun Tongxiao tripod, copies several materials of Yangshen pill, and starts to try the simulated refining of Yangshen pill.

Although Qingyang is already very familiar with the refining steps of Yangshen pill, it is not enough to contact Yangshen pill for the first time, and the success rate is not very high. Fortunately, it is only simulated refining now, which will not waste materials. Qingyang continues to test and simulate refining. With the familiarity with various refining steps, the success rate of Qingyang Yangshen pill has increased steadily. After dozens of times, the success rate has reached 30%.

I felt that I was quite sure about the refining of Yangshen pill, so Qingyang took out the materials and officially refined them. At first, Qingyang only refined one material at a time. After mastering each refining step, Qingyang began to try batch refining again. With the passage of time, Qingyang's refining speed of Yangshen pill became faster and faster, and the success rate of pill became higher and higher, Dan Shu is also steadily improving.

In the twinkling of an eye, a month has passed, nearly a thousand materials have been consumed, and a total of nearly 400 nourishing pills have been refined, with an average success rate of more than 30%, which has long exceeded the quasi Dan emperor and the General Dan emperor. In other words, Qingyang's Dan skill level has reached the Dan emperor level, even faintly exceeded the ordinary Dan emperor, and is among the top in the whole ancient continent.

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Four hundred pills are not enough for friar Yuanying to improve one level of cultivation, but they are enough in a short time. His own pill technique is not a problem. Just collect materials slowly in the future.

After the materials were used, Qingyang ended its retreat, and invited Yue Zhenjun ended his retreat earlier. Seeing Qingyang coming out, invited Yue Zhenjun returned the successfully refined Yufeng gourd to Qingyang.

After refining by invited moon Zhenjun, the level of Yufeng gourd added with wind Thunder Stone has been greatly improved, which has long exceeded the scope of spirit tools, and even exceeded the magic weapon level of many Jindan friars. Qingyang tried to drive Yufeng gourd with his first floor of Yuanying. The speed can reach more than 1000 miles per hour, 15000 miles per day, and the speed is amazing.

Before, Qingyang was worried that the speed of Yufeng gourd was too slow. It would take 20 or 30 years to drive Yufeng gourd back to Kyushu mainland. Now Yufeng gourd is faster, and the time on the road can be saved by at least half. A round trip is a little more than ten years.

After getting the Yufeng gourd, Qingyang discussed with invited moon Zhenjun and organized an exchange meeting between Yuanying friars in Jiuxian city. At the meeting, Qingyang took out some of the successfully refined Yangshen pills to trade with you, mainly in exchange for the refining materials of Yangshen pills.

Before, Yuanying friars in Jiuxian city didn't know about Qingyang's Alchemy, so when Qingyang purchased the material of Yangshen pill, those Yuanying friars reserved it. Now they know Qingyang's Alchemy and see the finished Yangshen pill. They finally put down their burden and trade with Qingyang.

There are few elixirs in the old-fashioned mainland. Finding someone to refine them with their own materials not only has a low success rate, but also needs to pay extra fees. Since Qingyang has ready-made elixirs, why bother? Many Yuanying friars took out the nourishing pill materials at the bottom of their own box and exchanged it with Qingyang.

The exchange price is entirely Qingyang has the final say, five materials for a spirit of health Dan, according to the Qingyang Dan rate, a spirit can earn two half of the material, of course, Qingyang is not completely without cost, at least he needs to spend a lot of time to make Danwei.

There are more than a dozen Yuanying friars in Jiuxian city. Coupled with those who come from the surrounding areas, Qingyang has exchanged a total of 200 Yangshen pills and obtained 1000 materials. These materials Qingyang can refine at least 400 Yangshen pills. Regardless of the time cost, the profit has more than doubled.

After the exchange meeting, Qingyang didn't stay in Jiuxian city too much. After saying goodbye to invited moon Zhenjun, he left Jiuxian city with an iron arm monkey and returned to Kyushu mainland.

The level of Yufeng gourd has been improved and the speed has been greatly accelerated. Qingyang and the iron arm spirit monkey take turns to control Yufeng gourd. They can fly 15000 miles a day, which is five million miles a year, twice as fast as when they came to the ancient wind mainland.

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