Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1593: 1593

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Childe lingxu said: "I only told you this secret because Qingyang Taoist friend is honest and behaves well. If other people do, I would not do it. Moreover, my blood demon sect has a secret skill called soul locking, which can lock my soul. If someone forcibly uses soul searching, he will not get useful information, and may even be affected by God The last time it happened suddenly, I was totally unprepared. I had to tell you about the Gu mother. Naturally, I won't make that kind of low-level mistake again this time. "
The heaven and earth are vast, and there are also miracles in the fairy world. Since there is soul searching, there is also corresponding soul locking. Soul locking can lock the monk's soul, so that those who perform soul searching can't get useful information. If you forcibly search the soul, the soul searched person will be confused, and the soul searched person will also be eaten back. It can be said that killing one thousand enemies will lose eight hundred, unless there is a big gap in the strength of both sides.
Soul lock is just to prevent people from searching for souls, which is not good for monks themselves. Therefore, this kind of magic is relatively weak, and its popularity is not wide. Few monks know it. Ask a normal person, who will prevent others from using soul search every day? Spend energy to practice soul lock?
Over the past few months, young master lingxu has been thinking about how to fight against Qingyang's wisdom and courage and how to survive in the case of death. After thinking about it, he thought of this soul locking technique. Soul locking is not too difficult for friar Yuanying. Although young master lingxu is controlled by Qingyang's prohibition and can't move or run Zhenyuan, he has made a small success in a few months.
For Qingyang, young master lingxu hasn't had to kill him. The reason why he wanted to solve this guy was to eliminate future troubles, but if he could exchange his life for great benefits, he could still consider it. As young master lingxu said before, young master lingxu suffered losses every time they deal with each other. This time, he killed his blood demon sect and robbed the blood demon sect Teach three treasures. Young master lingxu has a grudge against Qingyang, but Qingyang and young master lingxu have no deep hatred.
Moreover, there is a more important point. Qingyang's strength has far exceeded that of young master lingxu. In the future, the distance between the two sides will only be farther and farther. Young master lingxu is unlikely to recover the field. Qingyang is not afraid of the other party's revenge, so it's not impossible to spare his life. As for the final decision, it depends on whether the exchange conditions proposed by young master lingxu are worth it.
Thinking of this, Qingyang said: "it seems that childe lingxu has long been prepared and has enough confidence in his secret. In that case, it doesn't hurt to make a deal with you. Of course, if you want me to spare your life, it depends on whether the secret you provide is worth your life."
Seeing Qingyang let go, young master lingxu's hanging heart relaxed a little, and then said confidently, "Qingyang Taoist friends, rest assured that this secret can definitely change my life. However, before telling this secret, some words must be said in front. Although I believe you will practice what you say, it is related to my life and security after all. It's best for both sides to make a soul oath."
This is the due meaning. Qingyang nodded and said, "let me make a soul oath, but you should also promise not to go back to Kyushu mainland in the future and not to find trouble in Qingfeng hall."
Qingyang is not afraid of the spirit virtual childe to seek revenge. He is afraid that this guy will retaliate against Wusi elders and others by relying on the cultivation of Yuanying. He simply uses the spirit oath to contain them. The spirit oath has a certain effect, but it is not absolute. Ordinary monks still have a sense of awe.

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The two sides soon reached an agreement and made a soul oath face to face. Qingyang promised to keep the cultivation of Childe lingxu if his secret was useful and let him leave. Childe lingxu also promised not to return to Kyushu mainland after being let go by Qingyang and not to seek revenge from the friars of Kyushu mainland.
After making the soul oath, young master lingxu didn't sell off, and directly said, "the ancient relic I mentioned is in a mountain range in Xiping mansion, Liangzhou. This relic was discovered by my blood demon sect more than 2000 years ago, but the blood demon sect can't spare energy to explore. In addition, the relic has many restrictions on monks, and this secret has been kept until now."
Due to the lack of resources in Kyushu mainland, the cultivation of monks is generally not high. The Yuanying period is the ceiling of monks. Even monks in places like the old-fashioned mainland dare not expect to advance to God, and monks here dare not think about it. Therefore, if Kyushu mainland occasionally breaks through the Yuanying period, they will give up cultivation and say that Zong is the ancestor to enjoy life. Anyway, they can't go further in this life.
The ancient relics found by the blood demon sect had many restrictions on the friars. Even if the friar Yuanying went in, it was difficult to retreat. The blood demon sect tried several times but failed. Later, it simply gave up. For them, there was a great life to live, so why take risks?
Although the blood devil sect gave up, this matter has been handed down among the leaders of the blood devil sect. Childe lingxu always claims to be extremely smart, and he may not be able to do what others can't do. Therefore, childe lingxu once planned to go and see what kind of ancient relics can defeat the ancestors of the blood devil sect, and maybe he will gain something.
Unfortunately, young master lingxu was unlucky. He was caught by Qingyang just after he broke through. Seeing that his life was not guaranteed, he had to tell Qingyang the news. On the one hand, he wanted to continue to live, on the other hand, he dug a hole for Qingyang. Where the ancestors of blood demon sect didn't understand, how could Qingyang be an exception? If he died in ancient ruins, wouldn't he Is it revenge? Anyway, I didn't do it myself, and I don't have to worry about the soul oath.
Qingyang doesn't know the careful thinking of young master lingxu, but he has practiced for more than 100 years. He can guess the hidden fishiness. However, he doesn't care. If he wants to get benefits, he has to pay a corresponding price. Adventure is certain. If this ancient relic can go in and out without adventure, it can't stay trapped. Just be careful when you go in.
Hearing that childe lingxu mentioned Xiping mansion in Liangzhou, Qingyang couldn't help but move. This is the place where he gave birth to himself. There is nothing more familiar with Qingyang than him. In those years, Qingyang lived with his master Songhe Laodao in a small Taoist temple called Xiping temple outside Xiping mansion.
Qingyang embarked on the road of cultivating immortals because that year, he and his master Songhe Laodao were forced to enter a secret place to explore and activate zuixianhu. Later, he was instructed by Xiying to go to Yuling city to attend the immortal tapping conference. Finally, by chance, he worshipped Qingfeng hall, one of the seven immortal gates.

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